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The Sheikh's Matchmaker Bride (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 9)

Page 9

by Cara Albany

  Of course, the invitation had been more than about lunch. Asking her in had contained more than a hint of something more, something intense. Perhaps something she really wanted?

  So, why had she pushed him away, again? Why had she rejected the temptation?

  Sure, she believed what he'd told her on the steps in front of the palace. She'd seen the sincerity in his eyes; heard the truth in his words, his tone of voice. He hadn't turned back to his former life; he hadn't reentered the world she had been sure he'd rejected. Aliyah believed him when he told her that his brother had visited him. There was something about the way Shahid spoke to her that convinced her he was being sincere. And that was important to her.

  Aliyah pushed down on the accelerator and asked herself why that was so important to her. It was because she had been waiting. A long time.

  Aliyah had been waiting for someone to come along, someone she could have faith in, someone she could trust wholeheartedly. She'd seen the good and the bad when it came to the men of Qazhar. As far as she was concerned, her brothers personified the good, all that was best in Qazhar men.

  They embodied honor, dignity, and integrity. They respected tradition and wanted to preserve everything good about the kingdom. They dedicated themselves to things that were about much more than themselves. Their attitudes to family just about summed up everything Aliyah valued in life. And that was what she had been waiting for. Someone to come along in whom she could place some trust, some faith in a future, the way her brothers clearly did.

  So, was Shahid that man? Was he the man she had been waiting for? Was he the reason she had been holding back from committing herself to any real, meaningful relationships?

  With a sigh, she had to admit to herself that was the reason why she had thrown herself into helping others. It was why she had the reputation as the good, upstanding woman who could be relied upon to help out.

  But, what about her own needs? As she asked herself that question, she knew the answer was very simple. She had sacrificed so much of her own needs in order to present herself to the world as someone who was willing to deny herself the very same happiness she saw everyone around her busily claiming for themselves.

  Aliyah tightened her grip on the steering wheel as she realized that terrible truth about herself. Of course, she'd always suspected it to be the case. All through the years of self-sacrifice, there had been plenty of quiet moments when she'd asked herself about her own needs, her own desires for marriage and family and children.

  And now, Shahid had burst into her life. It wasn't really that surprising when she thought about it more closely. He'd always been there, in the background. It was just that she hadn't expected it all to happen quite like this.

  So she had a decision to make. She knew that, now that she'd tested his sincerity, confirmed for herself that he was someone she could allow into her life.

  Who was she kidding! Shahid was almost on the verge of taking over her life. She couldn't stop thinking about him. The last few weeks had been exquisite torture. And, back there, on the steps of the palace she'd almost given in; almost allowed temptation to strip her of every last piece of resistance.

  But she'd held back. For now, at least. It was only five days to the wedding. Surely she could get through those days without embarrassment. All she had to do was maintain the pretense that she and Shahid were only friends, even if not everyone believed them. It didn't matter what others thought. Aliyah just wanted to make sure that the next few days passed without awkward public displays of the barely hidden affection she and Shahid had for each other.

  After the wedding they would both see where all of this would lead. Could she wait that long? Probably, she told herself, even though she felt the doubt gnawing at her. What about Shahid? She'd seen just how much he felt for her. Could he contain his desire for her? She'd find out over the next few days.

  What was going to happen? One thing was for sure. After the last few encounters with Shahid, things would never be the same between them.


  Somehow Aliyah and Shahid managed to live separate lives over the next few days. Aliyah wasn't sure just how it had happened, but every time she visited Azim and Lucy, Shahid wasn't there. At first, Aliyah had to admit to feeling disappointment that Shahid wasn't around. But, after a day or two, she began to feel palpable relief. Perhaps Nadyah had sensed the anxiety from Aliyah and had done everything she could to coordinate Aliyah and Shahid's visits. More than once, her friend had made cryptic comments about Shahid. It seemed that Shahid had been busy arranging transportation for guests, and organizing accommodation for some guests who were coming from neighboring kingdoms.

  Like all weddings Aliyah had been involved in recently, this one was seen as important enough to attract attendees from the upper echelons of the various kingdoms in the region.

  The fact that Shahid hadn't called her bothered Aliyah. She'd fully expected him to find some way to bring them both back together again. Why hadn't he even just called to see how she was? Had it hurt her feelings that he hadn't called? In the quiet moments when she was alone, Aliyah had to admit that the absence of any contact with Shahid had hurt her feelings, in spite of what she kept on telling herself about the true nature of their relationship.

  The wedding was to take place on the Saturday, and by Friday morning, Aliyah had begun to think she and Shahid had juts about managed to avoid a potentially difficult situation. Nadyah had asked Aliyah to come to Azim's palace, asking her if she could arrive no later than lunchtime.

  When Aliyah arrived, she was shocked to see Shahid's car parked in the driveway in front of the entrance to Azim's palace. This was the first she had seen of him since their kiss on the steps of his palace. As she made her way into the palace, she wondered what awaited her inside, whether she would be able to maintain the facade of friendship with Shahid right up to the last moment.

  Aliyah was told by one of the servants that she'd find Nadyah in the huge reception hall which was being prepared for tomorrow's wedding. Aliyah made her way there and paused at the wide open doors to the cavernous reception room which had been laid out to accommodate well over a hundred guests. Rows of chairs had been set out, and a red carpet stretched from the doors to a low podium at the far end. Behind the podium, doors opened out onto a wide terrace, and beyond that she saw the bright colors of the garden. Fresh air swept in through the open doors.

  Tomorrow, on that podium, Azim and Lucy would stand and exchange vows that would change their lives forever. Aliyah took a moment to imagine what it would be like tomorrow. She'd probably recognize most of the guests. Of course, her own family members would be there. Her brothers and their wives and the children. She sighed as she reflected on just how much had changed these last two years or so. The only thing that hadn't really changed was the fact that Aliyah would once again be attending the wedding she'd helped arrange unaccompanied by a male companion. She normally attended as a part of her family's party of guests. That had helped her remain anonymous for the most part. That had been the way she'd preferred it.

  But now? Weren't things different? Shouldn't she be hoping that Shahid would ask her to accompany him? Given that she hadn't seen him since her visit to his palace, and their agreement to maintain a distance, she didn't hold out much hope for that request to be forthcoming before tomorrow. Again, she felt a sinking disappointment in her middle that she wouldn't be on Shahid's arm at the wedding.

  "Aliyah. You made it," she heard Nadyah exclaim from behind her.

  Aliyah turned quickly and saw Nadyah coming toward her. Nadyah was dressed in an elegant white gown that seemed surprisingly formal for everyday wear.

  Before Aliyah had a chance to ask why Nadyah was so dressed up Nadyah exchanged an air kiss with Aliyah. "I'm so glad you could come," Nadyah said.

  "Why?" Aliyah asked wide-eyed with curiosity.

  Nadyah strode past Aliyah and waved a hand at the scene before her. "Isn't it beautiful?" she asked gazing across the exp
anse of the reception room.

  "It's lovely," Aliyah agreed following Nadyah into the room.

  Nadyah hooked an arm inside Aliyah's and started to lead her along the red carpet. "You wouldn't believe how much it has taken to get all of this arranged at such short notice. Two months is nothing to arrange a wedding."

  "It has been done before, Nadyah. Plenty of times. My brothers, for example."

  "I know. But, there're so many guests for this wedding. And it is that time of the year. People just seem to be so busy, what with one thing and another."

  "I'm sure everyone is very glad they're coming. It'll be fine on the day, don't you think?" Aliyah asked.

  Nadyah sighed. "I hope so. We've just got some last minute things to go over." Nadyah pulled Aliyah closer. "And that, my dear, is why I asked you to come over today."

  "Really?" Aliyah asked.

  Nadyah gave Aliyah one of those looks that immediately sent butterflies fluttering in Aliyah's middle. What was her friend up to? Aliyah thought about Shahid and his car parked out front. Where had Shahid gotten to? Why was he here?

  Nadyah continued to lead Aliyah along the red carpet toward the podium. "There's something that needs to be done. And we would normally do it in the usual way. But then we thought about you."

  Aliyah frowned at Nadyah, sensing that something was about to be said that she wouldn't necessarily approve of.

  Nadyah took a few more steps and then halted in front of the podium. Aliyah gazed into Nadyah's eyes and saw a mischievous look in them.

  "We have a little problem, and I was hoping you could help out," Nadyah said smiling at Aliyah.

  There was a pause, and Aliyah filled in the gap in the conversation. "How can I help?" she asked, as she had done so many times these past few years. Too many times, perhaps, she told herself.

  Nadyah's expression brightened even more. "I knew you'd say that," she said, sounding relieved. Nadyah hesitated a moment. "Well, you see, that's the thing. It isn't just you we need to ask for help."

  "Really? Who else do you need?" Aliyah asked even though she already knew what the answer would be.

  Nadyah smiled at Aliyah. "Shahid," she said evenly.

  Aliyah tried not to react, forcing herself to stare blankly at Nadyah. She managed to prevent herself from blurting out Shahid's name. With every ounce of strength she had, Aliyah pasted a smile on her face and forced herself to reply. "Shahid?" she said trying to sound as casual as possible.

  Nadyah's scrutiny was intense. She nodded, and there was a broad grin on her face. "It won't take too long, and I think you two would be just ideal for the task."

  "What task?" Aliyah asked.

  "I need you two to pretend to be bride and groom," Nadyah announced.

  Chapter Twelve

  "This is ludicrous, Azim," Shahid said as he tugged on the waistcoat of his formal suit. He examined himself in the mirror, seeing a sight he'd never thought he'd see.

  Himself dressed up and ready to get married.

  "Don't blame me, Shahid," Azim said, lounging casually on the sofa. "It wasn't my idea. It was our beloved sister. You know what Nadyah's like. She's a stickler for detail. Everything has to be done according to rules."

  "I know that, but is this really necessary?" Shahid demanded.

  "What Nadyah wants, Nadyah gets. You know that," Azim said, a broad grin on his face.

  They were in Azim's suite. The doors to the terrace were wide open and the warm air of the late morning swept into the room. Shahid was standing in front of a mirror examining himself. He was wearing an elegant suit he hadn't worn for a while, the same one he'd worn at Zarif's wedding months before.

  When he'd been asked to bring it over this morning, he'd assumed it was only a formality, perhaps just to make sure that he'd have it for tomorrow's wedding. But, it seemed that his sister had had other ideas. Shahid sighed. Was there ever a time when Nadyah didn't have other ideas, he thought acidly.

  Azim stood and walked over to Shahid. "It's only a rehearsal, Shahid. You don't need to look so worried. It's not the real thing. That privilege will be mine tomorrow," Azim explained.

  "I know, Azim," Shahid said. "But, why me? And Aliyah?"

  "Nadyah told me it just makes sense."

  "I'm sure she did," Shahid admitted sardonically. What was his sister up to? Didn't she realize she was undermining a determined effort on the part of Shahid and Aliyah to avoid one another? And now this. The whole idea smacked of manipulation, a desperate effort to force Shahid and Aliyah to be together. Was that what Nadyah really intended? Had she noticed that Shahid and Aliyah hadn't been in each other's company during the entire week leading up to the wedding?

  "So, let me get this straight," Shahid said. "Nadyah wants myself and Aliyah to be your stand-ins for the wedding. At least for the rehearsal. She wants Aliyah and me to stand on that podium downstairs and run through the ceremony with the officiating staff. Is that it?" he asked giving Azim a disbelieving glance.

  "You know there's usually a rehearsal. And all Lucy and I can do is observe, not participate. That's tradition."

  Shahid sighed. "Tradition. Again."

  "You can't get away from it, Shahid. You know how important traditional values are to our parents."

  "You're saying our mother and father want this?" Shahid asked.

  "Nadyah is pretty persuasive," Azim replied with a grin. "They think it's a great idea."

  "And, there's no-one else who can do this?" Shahid asked, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice in spite of his best efforts.

  Azim shook his head. "No-one we'd like more than you two," he said bluntly.

  Even though this was going to be difficult, he knew, deep down that he would do anything to help his brother. They'd always been close, and now all their lives were changing beyond recognition, he knew the last thing he wanted to do was let Azim and Lucy down. If this was important, Shahid was willing to go through with it, even it meant putting himself in an awkward situation with Aliyah. Would he be able to stand by Aliyah's side and go through a mock wedding ceremony without feeling something, without succumbing to all the emotions he'd been trying so hard to contain these past few days? What would gazing at Aliyah as his pretend bride do to his hard-won resolve?

  Azim laid a reassuring hand on Shahid's shoulder. "You'll be fine, Shahid. Lucy and I will be at the back of the room observing. That's what the official wants us to do."

  "Does Aliyah know about this?" Shahid asked.

  "Nadyah told me she was going to have a word with Aliyah when she arrived?" Azim replied.

  Shahid gazed at himself in the mirror and wondered what Aliyah's reaction would be to being told she was going to spend some time pretending to marry Shahid?


  Aliyah stared incredulously at Nadyah. "You want me to do what?" she demanded.

  Nadyah smiled at Aliyah. "It'll only be a few minutes long." She gestured to the podium. "You'll just stand here, and the official will run through the ceremony. You know how brief it usually is," Nadyah said.

  Aliyah gasped and shook her head. She started to pace nervously in front of the podium. "You want me to go through a pretend wedding ceremony with Shahid?"

  Nadyah nodded casually as if it was the most natural thing to ask someone to do. Of course, she couldn't do it, Aliyah. She couldn't stand on that podium, gaze at Shahid and pretend to say wedding vows she knew in a thousand years they couldn't speak to each other in earnest. It just wasn't possible for her to do such a thing.

  Aliyah felt panic grip her. "I'm sorry, Nadyah. I can't do it."

  Nadyah frowned. "Not even for Azim and Lucy?" she asked.

  Aliyah groaned. "How can you even ask me to do such a thing?"

  "It's no big deal, Aliyah," Nadyah said.

  "No big deal? Really? That's how you see it?" Aliyah said sharply, already starting to regret the fact that her composure was starting to crumble.

  Nadyah sighed and gently took Aliyah's arm. "I understand what
you're saying. Maybe I made a mistake thinking this was a good idea."

  Aliyah looked at Nadyah. "Isn't there anyone else who can do it?"

  Nadyah shook her head.

  Aliyah squinted at Nadyah. "Are you being straight with me? There really is no-one else who can do it?"

  Nadyah shook her head. Why was there a mischievous glint in Nadyah's eyes? Of course, there were others who could do this. Nadyah was only trying to help Aliyah and Shahid along. She was merely doing what any good friend would have done to help bring two people together.

  Wasn't this exactly what Aliyah herself would do? Wasn't this exactly the kind of thing Aliyah would have delighted in doing if it had meant ultimately making people happy? Hadn't that what her own life had been about these past years?

  So, what was so different about Nadyah doing the same for Aliyah? Would it be so hard, after all, to hear Shahid say marriage vows, even if they weren't real?

  A sudden thought came to Aliyah. "What do I wear?" she barked.

  Nadyah gazed down the length of Aliyah's body. Aliyah was wearing a loose fitting cotton dress and flat shoes. "I don't think you need anything special."

  "If you'd told me, I would have brought something nicer to wear," Aliyah said, concern filling her voice.

  Nadyah quirked a brow at Aliyah. "If I'd told you about this you probably wouldn't have come," she stated.

  Aliyah shrugged. "You might be right," she admitted. She smiled and then sighed. "Okay. I'll do it. I'm happy to do this for Azim and Lucy."

  "Great," Nadyah said and smiled.

  Aliyah gazed toward the open doors. "I saw Shahid's car outside. So, he's here?"

  Nadyah nodded. "He's upstairs with Azim. Getting ready I hope," she said.

  "What if he says he doesn't want to do it?" Aliyah asked.


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