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Room Service

Page 62

by Chance Carter

  He quickly shook off his uncertainty, his physical need demanding something urgent in that moment.

  He unzipped his pants and slipped them down, freeing his dick. She reached down and stroked him enthusiastically, using his pre-cum to lube his pulsating cock, and making him even harder.

  Although he could have easily cum just from her touch, he wanted to fuck her. He reached into his side table for a condom but before he could slip it on, Lindsay stopped him.

  “I want to taste you,” she purred.

  She eased his pants all the way off and took him into her wet mouth, taking him into the back of her throat. She fucked him with her mouth, her moans offering him sweet vibrations that he could feel deep in his scrotum.

  He knit his fingers in her hair and let her mouth fuck him for a few minutes, waiting for that sweet spot just before the point of no return. That exact moment when a man was caught between heaven and sweet, sweet hell, and cumming was the only relief.

  He looked down at her, her head moving expertly up and down his shaft as her tongue coaxed him to orgasm. He tried to resist, he tried to make the moment last as long as possible, but it was impossible. As her tongue moved in circles around his head, he reached down and grabbed her, pulling her mouth further onto his shaft. Like a stallion bucking, he felt his orgasm rush up through his cock and pour into her delicious, delectable mouth. He came over and over, pouring himself onto her tongue, and the sensation of her swallowing his hot jizz nearly made him faint from pleasure.

  When his orgasm finished he tried to pull his shaft out of her mouth. She looked up at him and shook her head.

  “I’m not done with you yet.”


  She smiled and then took his softening cock back into her mouth. Using her tongue, she teased it playfully. She pressed her tongue against it, and slid her lips all over the head as if it were the most delicious, most enticing thing she’d ever had near her mouth. As her mouth worked it’s magic, he grew stiff again, quickly getting back to the point of full erection.

  “Now,” he gasped, when he felt he was approaching the point of orgasm for a second time.

  He pulled his cock out of her mouth and she rose to her feet. He slipped on a condom and then, grabbing her by the butt, he pulled her up off her feet. She flung her legs around his waist and he pulled her close against his chest, his cock easily finding the opening of her pussy and sliding deep inside her.

  She cried out and gasped as she felt the huge girth of his manhood filling her. Their eyes locked and for just a brief moment, less than a second, they were motionless. There was nothing else in the universe except the two of them.

  And then it happened. He came inside her so forcefully that the sensation of his cum pouring into the condom brought her to climax too. He felt her legs grip his waist like a clamp and she cried into his neck as he pulled her toward him for a passionate embrace.

  His cock poured, over and over, and when he was finally done, he collapsed back onto the bed, letting her fall on top of him.

  “Oh my God,” she cried, panting.

  She was exhausted. Utterly spent. And now it was his turn to surprise her.

  “On your hands and knees,” he said.


  “Do it.”

  She crawled off him and got onto her hands and knees, presenting her pussy to him, swollen and dripping with desire and pleasure. He pulled off his spent condom and grabbed another.

  “What are you doing?”

  He leaned down behind her and traced his tongue over her dripping pussy.

  “Don’t,” she protested, but he wasn’t listening to her.

  He slid his tongue into her pussy and then traced the line through her ass cheeks to her anus. When his tongue ran over her ass, she cried out in protest again.

  He ran his tongue in circles over the rosebud of her anus until his cock got hard again. Then he pulled on the fresh condom and, gripping her hair with one fist, and grabbing her breast with another, thrust himself deep into her with all his might.

  This time they both screamed.

  His release was intense and gratifying, like nothing either of them had ever experienced before.

  When they collapsed, they lay side by side for a few minutes catching their breath. Finally she kissed him warmly and gently peeled the condom off his recovering cock.

  “Allow me to take care of this,” she said, easing herself off the bed.

  She pulled her dress down with her free hand and walked into his bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  William stood up and slipped his slacks back on before sitting down on the edge of his bed.

  As he waited, his mind drifted back to Alice White. He now knew what he had to do. He needed to get close enough to her to understand where her weaknesses were and the only way to do that would be to work on her ranch. She had already lost most of her crew, a bunch of disloyal assholes who jumped at the measly payout James dangled in front of them. As far as William was concerned, she was better off without them. There was nothing William despised more than disloyalty.

  When Alice declined one offer after the other, James became impatient. It wasn’t easy finding qualified ranchers, so if he could weaken Alice’s work force and burden her with one challenge after the other, then perhaps selling would seem like the best option.

  James was counting on Alice to be naive and weak, but she was proving that she was neither. In fact, James’ tactics only seemed to fuel the fire inside of her.

  William was a bright guy and he tried to tell James that his approach was shady and transparent, but James wouldn’t listen. He lost money every day that the project was on hold, and James hated losing money. William didn’t like it either.

  A woman like Alice wasn’t likely to let anyone fuck her over. Bullying and intimidation might work on lots of people, but not that cowgirl.

  In order to break a wild filly, you need to create trust, build a relationship, let her know she can count on you. You get her to focus on something else, so the training isn’t obvious. If you get too controlling or act like a predator, she gets skittish and even rebellious, so every action must be deliberate and restrained. If done right, you could get whatever you needed and have her eating straight out of the palm of your hand.

  That’s how Alice’s needed to be dealt with.

  Lindsay opened the bathroom door, bringing William back to the present. He shook off his thoughts and smiled at her as she sashayed over to the bed. She landed in front of him and he reached up and placed his hands on her hips, resting his head onto the soft flesh of her belly.

  It was an intimate and uncharacteristic gesture, and she quickly pulled herself back. He wasn’t sure why he even did it.

  He chalked it up to feeling lonely. Thinking about his dysfunctional family earlier made him feel especially vulnerable.

  Embarrassed, he stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a playful smack on her ass, immediately redeeming himself.

  “Can I make you a coffee or a tea? Maybe a drink?” he asked casually.

  Lindsay smiled kindly at him but said nothing. Instead she located her shoes and picked them up. She gestured for the door with a nod, encouraging him to follow her. She led him out of the bedroom and casually made her way to the front door. This was her way of saying no, he supposed.

  “I have an early morning,” she said flatly, but not unkindly.

  William nodded, tucking his hands into his pockets.

  “Rain check on the coffee?” she asked, convincing no one that it would ever happen.

  “Sure,” he said with a smile, letting her off the hook.

  He didn’t want her to linger anyway, if he were being honest.

  “See you soon?”

  She leaned against the wall and carefully slipped into her heels.

  “Text me,” he answered without committing himself.

  She leaned in and kissed him quickly on the mouth, then turned and opened the door.

sp; “Take care.”

  She didn’t look back.

  William shut the door behind her.

  * * *

  “If we are going to have any chance at all of securing Alice’s ranch, we’ll have to find a crack in the foundation and exploit it. We have to get close to her and the ranch,” William explained calmly.

  James sat back in his chair and looked at William over his desk, his fingers tented under his chin.

  William continued.

  “I understand why you approached things the way you did, James, but obviously there is more to Alice White than either of us understand. I didn’t anticipate that she would fight back so hard, and neither did you. There is way more to this story, and to her, than meets the eye,” he said.

  James nodded in agreement, still resting his sharp chin on his fingertips, processing Williams words. James never rushed conversations and hated when people didn’t give him time to formulate his thoughts. This was probably why he was better with money than with people, William thought.

  “What do you propose, Will?” James asked, cocking his head to the side.

  William smiled wryly.

  “I propose that we find a way to infiltrate her farm for a few months, learn the ins and outs and get to know Alice better, build trust. We need to find out if there is anything she is unhappy about, anything causing her stress or grief. There has to be something we can exploit. Keep your friends close, James, but keep your enemies closer. Isn’t that how the saying goes?” he said, grinning puckishly at his business partner.

  James pursed his lips, inhaling slowly through his nose. William waited patiently.

  “I can see one small flaw in your plan, William,” James offered coolly. “She has seen everyone on our team. She walked in on our staff meeting, remember? Anyone who shows up at her door is going to set off alarm bells. She has proven herself to be pretty sharp.”

  William nodded in agreement.

  “Yes, I thought about that too. There is only one person that we can trust enough to get the job done, someone she has not met before,” he offered casually.

  James looked perplexed.

  “Who would that be?” James asked.

  William sat back in his chair and grinned widely.


  “You? We can’t do without you for that long, William. And what do you know about ranches? Or horses?” James said, his voice raising several octaves.

  William raised a hand to calm him.

  “I know jack squat about ranching and even less about horses, but I have a good work ethic, tons of aptitude, and a strong back. That is ninety percent of what I’ll need, the rest I can Google,” he chuckled.

  William was never short on confidence, and his cockiness had always served him well.

  “As for the time away, I’m not concerned. We have everything running smoothly at the moment, and if anything pressing needs my attention, I can do it remotely. This is the twenty-first century, James. People don’t communicate using smoke signals and snail mail anymore. I can do my job just as effectively from this swanky office as I can from a dusty old barn, as long as I have WiFi,” he said, offering a reassuring smile.

  James shrugged and shook his head, always the pessimist.

  “I don’t know,” he said, squirming in his seat. “Seems like a lot of effort.”

  “With great effort comes great prosperity,” William offered with a smirk, making a mental note that he had maxed his quota on cheesy quotes for the day.

  James didn’t seem to mind and in fact, he seemed to perk up hearing the word prosperity. Typical money man.

  “So, let me get this straight,” James surmised. “You are planning to show up at her ranch, looking for a job, and hope that she hires you. You are going to work your ass off as a ranch hand, something you know absolutely nothing about, all the while trying to cozy up to the boss in hopes that she will divulge all of her secrets and woes to you? And then you are going to take all the information you learn and somehow use it against her so that you can manipulate her into unloading her beloved ranch to Hunter-Johnson. And you plan to do this all within a few months?”

  William nodded, his eyes bright with enthusiasm. James sat back.

  “Well, if anyone can do it, Will, you can. When do you plan to make this happen?”

  “As soon as possible. I’ll do a little research and visit her by the end of the week. It is early-June now. I figure by mid-August I can cause just enough havoc to put an end to this once and for all. Alice will sell us the ranch, I promise you. I always get what I want.”

  William flashed James a cocky smile.

  “Well, first she has to hire you,” James said with much less confidence.

  “Come on, how could she resist this?” William quipped, gesturing his hands up and down his torso.

  James smirked.

  “Pffft. She’s probably not into pretty boys. You are going to have to toughen up a little. Lose your razor for a few days. Trade in the Armani suit for some dungarees.”

  William laughed heartily.

  “No one says dungarees, James. Jesus. How old are you?” he said, tossing a pen at his partner in mock disgust.

  James picked up the pen and put it in the pocket of his suit.

  “Old enough to know that this cockamamy plan has very little chance of succeeding,” James clucked.

  “Nothing ventured nothing gained,” Will said.

  Chapter 3


  Alice woke up early every day, but it wasn’t often she got a chance to ride first thing. She was too busy.

  She took a leisurely stroll over to the stables, taking the time to appreciate the golden light of the sunrise dancing over the fields and the dew sparkling on the grass. It was moments like this when she could feel her parents around her. She missed them, yet her heart was filled with gratitude. She took in the moment, inhaling deeply the earthy scent of the ranch perfuming the air around her. She deeply enjoyed the solitude of mornings.

  Alice stepped into the stable and walked over to Sadie’s stall. She loved this creature. She had been her best friend and confidant for over ten years. Her father had given Sadie to her on her eighteenth birthday, and she loved her as though she were her child. Sadie had seen her through all the tears, the laughter, all her heartache and joys. She trusted this animal with her life and if Sadie could talk she would agree wholeheartedly.

  “Hi, Sadie. Hey, pretty lady. What’s happening? You want to go for a ride?”

  Sadie’s head reached over the gate and she nudged her muzzle into Alice’s hand. Alice gave her a gentle scratch behind her ears and then pushed her forelock to the side, giving her a kiss. Sadie was a mustang, a red dun mare, and the most beautiful horse Alice had ever seen in her life. Her hide was buckskin with a red dorsal stripe adorning her back. Sadie’s mane and tail were a gleaming auburn, which was fitting given the mare’s feisty temperament. She was a regal animal, but she was also playful and had a silly sense of humor.

  Alice offered Sadie an apple to chew on while she tacked her up. Once everything was secure, Alice led her out of the stable and mounted her.

  “Come on, Lady. Let’s go see the ocean,” she clicked.

  Sadie walked her carefully out of the yard and then broke into a trot when the trail opened. She knew exactly where Alice wanted to go. The morning air was cool but the sunshine on Alice’s back kept her toasty warm. She giggled, enjoying the wind in her hair. It was liberating. It didn’t take long to reach the coast. Sadie slowed down as they reached the embankment. She didn’t like walking down the slope, as the shale was often slippery. Alice slid off Sadie’s back and flipped the reins over her head to lead her down the path.

  “Come, Sadie, I got you,” she urged, reassuringly.

  Sadie followed her, carefully picking her way along. Once they reached the bottom, the beach appeared and they had room to explore. Alice saddled up and they proceeded in a gentle canter.

  The tide was low and would be for
at least another hour or two. This part of the coastline was relatively flat and free of large rocks and boulders. The sand was a silky gray black color, unique. She knew why developers wanted her ranch so desperately. Most of the properties in the area that butted up to the ocean were quite rugged with steep cliffs and dangerous drop offs. Her land was the only property to have access to the beach and ocean. She was certain that was why her grandparents fell in love with the property. It was almost always isolated because no one had access to it.

  Vacation properties and seaside homes were in demand and half the coastline north of San Francisco was already being re-developed. People were paying big bucks for views like hers, and access to an undisturbed and pristine beach was irresistible. They offered her twice what the property was worth, but she couldn’t let it go. It was mornings like this, riding Sadie, the waves lapping against the shoreline with majestic eagles perching high up in the cliffs, that she knew she could never leave.

  Everything about this land fed her soul. She was certain if she left she would slowly starve to death.

  * * *

  Alice took off Sadie’s tack before letting her loose in the corral and made her way into the barn.

  When she arrived she was met by Joe, her lead hand. He wasn’t happy and Alice approached him cautiously.

  “What is it now?” she asked nervously, placing the saddle down.

  “It’s that young hand again. Matt. He was scheduled to do the early morning feeding and mucking, but I guess he tied one on again last night. I could’ve sworn he was still drunk when I hauled him out of bed this morning. Anyway, he wasn’t fit to do the work, so, I did it for him.”

  Joe shook his head, taking his gloves off and shoving them into his back pocket. Alice sighed, her frustration obvious.

  “I don’t know what to say, Joe. I’m sorry. I know that it’s always you who steps up when others fuck up. You know I appreciate it. You’re the best.”

  “This is the third fucking time in a month,” Joe offered flatly. “I think it’s time to let him go.”


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