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Room Service

Page 66

by Chance Carter

  “I best get out there myself,” Billy said, slowly standing up.

  Alice stood up with him.

  “Thanks for sharing your story with me, Alice. I’m sorry about your parents. That is very sad,” he offered sincerely.

  Alice nodded.

  “Yes, it took a long time to heal from that. My parents loved this ranch, especially my daddy. I guess that’s why I put so much of my heart and soul into this place. I want my dad to be proud of me,” she confessed.

  Billy inhaled slowly, processing her words. Sentimentality and nostalgia. Two of the toughest emotions to crack. He had his work cut out for him.

  “I’ll come down to the barn in a bit. Will I see you there?” she asked hopefully.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it,” he said.

  Anything to get more time with her.

  * * *

  Misty’s colt was born just before ten that evening. Billy watched in awe as Alice talked the mare through her delivery, calming and nurturing. He was surprised at how connected the animal was to Alice, hanging on her every word.

  Joe was right, it was a standard delivery, no drama or problems. The little fella came into the world and within the hour, he was vocalizing, standing and suckling, his mama interacting with loving nickers. Billy found the whole experience humbling.

  Alice waited patiently for the mare to deliver the placenta and she inspected it thoroughly to make sure it was intact. She explained to Billy that any abnormalities would have required a visit from the vet, but that everything was perfect.

  Billy thought he would have been queasy at the whole experience, but instead he was energized by it,

  mainly because Alice was so calm, explaining the entire process as it unfolded.

  “It’s not uncommon for Mare’s to get a little grumpy after they have foaled, so let Joe take care of Misty and the babe for a few days. He has more experience,” Alice explained.

  She turned toward Joe, who nodded in return.

  “She seems to be bonding well with the colt, but I’ll keep an eye on them for the next few hours,” Joe offered. “You guys can head out if you want.”

  Billy had to tear himself away from the barn. He couldn’t explain why, but he didn’t want to leave the new colt. Alice chuckled at him and said she knew that feeling all too well. It was common to bond with the little ones.

  Finally, he followed her out of the stables.

  “That was amazing.”

  He was invigorated and wired and nowhere near ready for sleep. Alice looked like she felt the same way. She chatted for several minutes, her voice animated and excited.

  Billy decided to capitalize on the moment.

  “I’m not tired at all. Do you want to hang out and chat for a bit?” he asked her optimistically.

  Alice chewed on her bottom lip, contemplating his request. She finally agreed.

  “It’s the adrenalin. Takes a while to settle down after something like this. We can hang out for a bit I guess.”

  “How about a game of pool? You can show me how good you are,” he teased.

  Alice chuckled at him. She looked down at her shirt, covered in the miracle of birth.

  “I need to clean up,” she said, waffling with indecision.

  Billy grabbed her elbow and urged her to follow him.

  “Come on, there is water at the lodge. You can clean up quick. Or are you worried that I will hand your ass to you?” he challenged her with a cheeky wink.

  Alice raised her eyebrows, clearly a woman who didn’t shy away from a challenge. Billy threw her another charming smile.

  “Come on,” he urged.

  Alice nodded and followed him to the lodge.

  Chapter 7


  Alice scrubbed her face and hands, and looked down at her t-shirt. It was darn right unpleasant, but there was not much she could do about it. She heard a light tap on the bathroom door.

  “Alice, I have one of my shirts out here if you want it?” Billy offered.

  Grateful, Alice opened the door and held out her hand. He handed it to her with a smile.

  “Thanks, I appreciate that.”

  She closed the door behind her and quickly slipped her own shirt over her head, replacing it with Billy’s plaid shirt. It was far too big for her but she buttoned it up, rolled up the sleeves, and tied it up at the bottom. She left a decent amount of cleavage. Just for the hell of it.

  Billy was in the kitchen filling two glasses with ice and cold water. He turned around when she walked in, eyeing her up and down.

  “Do you want something to eat?” he asked her, handing her a glass.

  She accepted it gratefully.

  “No, I’m good.”

  She took a long swig of the water, emptying the glass. Billy laughed and took it from her, refilling it.

  “Thank you,” she said, reaching for it a second time.

  “Can we make a toast?” Billy suggested playfully.

  Alice smiled.

  “With water?” she giggled. “Sure. What do you want to drink to?”

  Billy looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, considering his words.

  “How about we drink to new experiences?” he suggested flirtatiously.

  Alice raised her brows, wondering what new experiences he was referring to exactly. He smiled slyly.

  “Like watching a mare give birth?” he teased.

  Alice smiled back, and shook her head.


  She giggled, certain he meant something else.

  He clinked her glass and took a drink, his eyes looking playfully into hers. Normally Alice would have looked away or changed the subject to shut down the flirtation, but Billy intrigued her. She was turned on by his confidence.

  “Play?” he asked her, his words drawing her out of her daze.

  She took a deep breath and stood up straight.

  “Play?” she asked, her cheeks suddenly warm.

  He grinned at her and pointed to the pool table. She chuckled quietly and nodded.

  “Yes. Let’s do it,” she answered confidently.

  This time it was Billy’s turn to pause and wonder. He cleared his throat and gestured for her to lead the way, placing his hand gently on her lower back.

  Billy picked up a cue and chalked the end, blowing the blue dust from the tip. He caught Alice’s eye and grinned mischievously at her. She shook her head and raised her brows.

  “Too much?” he asked playfully.

  Alice shook her head and chuckled.

  “A little bit,” she teased.

  Billy laughed and handed her the cue.

  “Sorry, I got carried away,” he said, grinning. “Now, show me what you’ve got. You break.”

  Alice leaned over the table, certain that Billy was enjoying the view of her curvy ass and she didn’t mind a bit. She played her shot, and sunk the fourteen ball in the process.

  “I guess I’m stripes,” she said, eyeing up another shot.

  “Hm, lucky break.”

  Alice caught his eye and smiled. Her next shot sunk the number nine. He shook his head in mock disbelief.

  “Not bad. Not bad, but I’m not scared,” he baited, crossing his arms.

  “Care to make a wager, Mr. Turner?” she asked as she walked around the table.

  She strategically lined up her next shot, catching his eye across the table. He shrugged casually.

  “I think I’ll wait to see what you’ve got, Miss White. If you don’t mind,” he answered back.

  “Oh, I see your mother didn’t raise a fool,” Alice quipped.

  She looked up and saw the humor drain from Billy’s face. It was only for a moment, but she caught it.

  Alice took her shot, and missed. She stood up and looked at Billy curiously. He smiled, but she could sense that he was guarded.

  “Did I say something wrong, Billy?” she asked gently.

  He shook his head and looked at the table, breaking eye contact with her.

“My shot. Now you are in trouble,” he said, changing the subject.

  He took a shot and missed. And he missed most of his shots as Alice proceeded to clear the table. She wasn’t sure if he was letting her win, or if he was just that bad at pool. Either way, it didn’t take long for his teasing and humor to return, and he had her giggling through the rest of the match.

  Alice sunk the eight ball. She looked up at him and smirked. Billy hung his head, mocking his own shame.

  “Now, that was impressive,” he said, walking around the table to meet her.

  She held the cue in front of her and leaned back into the table.

  “Thanks. It has been a few years since I have played. That was fun.”

  “Play again?” he asked hopefully. “Give me a chance to redeem myself?”

  Alice shook her head.

  “I would love to, but it’s getting late and I need to hit the hay. Rain check?”

  He cocked his head at her and grinned, his eyes reading hers with an intensity that did not go unnoticed. He took her pool cue, gently prying it from her fingers. Alice was spellbound for a moment, curious about his intentions and weak from her need. She stood perfectly still. He leaned in so close she could feel the heat from his body against her side. His free hand landed on the edge of the pool table, inches from her ass, and he whispered in her ear.

  “Next time, I’ll impress you with my skills, I promise.”

  He pulled back, his grin teasing her.

  Alice cleared her throat and stood up straight. She shook her head in mock disbelief.

  “You better practice up then.”

  “Oh, I intend to.”

  Alice knew she needed to make her way home quickly. She wasn’t the kind of woman to jump into bed with someone she hardly knew, but there was something delicious about the way Billy flirted with her, and if there was any doubt that they had some wicked chemistry, her wet panties were proof.

  “I’ll say goodnight then,” she squeaked, her voice betraying her.

  Billy chuckled as if he knew full well the effect he had on her. Alice walked slowly to the door with Billy following close behind.

  “Can I walk you home?” he asked kindly.

  Alice opened the door and looked at him sweetly, appreciating the gesture.

  “I’m fine. Go on and get to bed. Joe will be needing you bright and early,” she said.

  He then looked at her in a way that no man had looked at her before. It was more than just the lust she knew they both felt.

  “Goodnight,” he said quietly.

  Alice nodded and stepped through the door before she could change her mind. She was just a few steps off the porch before he called her name.


  She turned back to look at him. He leaned against the door frame, a half smile on his lips. She raised her brows at him, but said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

  Finally, he spoke.

  “I sure do like you.”

  Alice bit her lip and smiled. She turned and walked away, knowing a reply would ruin the moment.

  It was later than Alice was used to going to bed. She followed the rhythms of the ranch and typically made her way to bed well before ten. It was close to one in the morning, and although she was tired, she had a lot on her mind. Actually, only one thing. Billy.

  She lay in her bed thinking about that hot moment when Billy had whispered in her ear. She could still feel his warm breath on her earlobe and the heat of his body where he sidled up next to her. She was tense with arousal and she tossed and turned, trying to find comfort.

  She yearned for him, and fantasized that he was near her, his hands mapping the curves of her body, his mouth on her mouth, his tongue tasting her. Her hands slipped over her breasts, pinching her firm nipples, and then slowly made their way down to her pussy. She gently grazed her clit, imagining it was Billy’s fingers that were exploring her. She spread her legs a little and brought her hand to her mouth, wetting her fingers.

  Then she reached down and began stoking her clit with her wet fingers. The lubrication from the saliva made her fingers feel like a tongue. Like Billy’s tongue.

  She imagined his mouth on her clit, his tongue sliding between the folds of skin, tasting her wetness. She was getting wetter by the second.

  What would he think of her taste?

  What would he think about sliding his tongue inside the opening of her pussy?

  She imagined his face pressed up against her, his tongue exploring every secret inch of her most intimate places.

  She pulled off her panties entirely, imagining it was his hands peeling them way.

  Would he tease her clit with his thumb, the way she was now, using her wetness as lubrication?

  Alice’s fingers became his fingers, thrusting urgently in and out of herself. She could hear his voice, deep with passion, urging her to cum for him, and she was desperate to obey. She wanted nothing more than to hear his powerful voice telling her she was his. Telling her to do as he said. Telling her to cum.

  What would it be like to feel the full girth of his shaft sliding into her?

  When she imagined it, she imagined him without a condom. She wanted to feel his bare skin against hers, his naked cock deep inside her. And when she imagined him cumming, he was pouring his cum deep inside her, so deep that it would never be coming back out.

  Her orgasm released with an intensity that surprised her, taking the edge off her need, offering her temporary relief. She was certain it wouldn’t last.

  She woke the next morning with mixed feelings. Her dad had always told her not to get too attached to the work hands that came through the ranch, especially the seasonal boys. They went as fast as they came, so to speak.

  She rarely second guessed her daddy’s wisdom, even when she was a willful teenager. As she got older, she recognized that he was probably trying his best to protect her from the players who would take advantage of her inexperience and youthful enthusiasm.

  Billy was a seasonal. He told her himself he would be leaving near the end of the summer, and even though Alice knew this, she was no longer a young girl vulnerable to the affections of a drifting playboy. She had proven that she was a strong woman and life had taught her the lessons she needed to make good choices.

  Over time she had developed a strong intuition about people.

  The problem was, Billy had her turned upside down, and it confused her. Part of her wanted to say to heck with it and just throw herself at him, enjoying every second of the experience until the time came for him to leave. But then her studious side talked her down, and reminded her that she had responsibilities, and a few hot weeks of passion weren’t enough to make her forget about them.

  She would keep Billy at arm’s length and enjoy his friendship until it was time for him to move on, but that wouldn’t stop the fantasies about him warming her up at night.

  Chapter 8


  Billy had already been on the ranch for a few weeks and still had been unable to completely break through with Alice. He knew she liked him. They had dinner together most nights and shared lots of laughs and playful conversations together, but after the night she had shared her story, the night Misty had foaled and they played pool together late into the evening, she seemed to be holding back.

  He flirted and teased and she seemed to enjoy his affections, but she always kept her composure and

  her distance. He never even had the opportunity to kiss her yet.

  She was kind and warm to him, but he was looking for the heat and he was worried that they were dangerously heading into the friend zone. He would have to change his strategy. He was used to seducing women and usually found it quite easy, but he had never been very good at the intimacy required to build real friendships.

  He was getting used to his duties and had grown quite comfortable in the daily routine. He knew that over the past few weeks he had made mistakes, and once or twice he had been the punchline to some good-natured teasing bet
ween Alice and Joe, but he didn’t care. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of belonging, like he was family.

  He liked being on the ranch. It was hard work, but he had never been more relaxed. He went to bed exhausted every night with naughty thoughts about Alice lulling him to sleep. And sleep came easy, another thing that he was not accustomed to.

  James had been on his ass pretty much every day, grilling him for the information he simply didn’t have yet. It was becoming annoying. William tried to reassure and placate him, returning his calls every evening before meeting Alice for supper. He had nothing to offer him and a few days back he told James that he was going off grid and he would reach out when he had news to share.

  James wasn’t happy with him, but he trusted William, and deep down he knew he needed to back off, and give him some space to do his work.

  Billy was relieved. Yes, he needed to refocus his efforts and readjust his strategy, but he also didn’t want to think about Sacramento or Hunter-Johnson. If he was going to be away for a few months, then he might as well enjoy his time, and the reprieve it offered.

  It was Billy’s scheduled afternoon off. He had just finished saddling up Donald when Alice walked into the barn. She smiled and sauntered over to him, her hips swaying with each step. He smiled back at her warmly, happy to see her.

  “Joe told me you were going for a ride. Do you mind if I saddle up Sadie and join you? I want to give her some exercise.”

  Billy nodded, pleased to have her company.

  “Absolutely, let me help you with that,” he said, walking over to the saddle stand.

  He easily lifted the saddle and carried it to Sadie’s stall, as Alice lead the mare out.

  Together they tacked her up and then lead both animals out of the barn.

  “Where were you riding?” Alice asked him curiously.

  Billy shook his head.

  “I don’t know, I was just going to let old Donald decide. I’m trying to get more relaxed in the saddle, to be honest, so I thought I would just get some practice.”

  “Do you mind if I show you something?” Alice asked, holding on to Donald while Billy mounted.


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