Book Read Free


Page 9

by Danielle Allen

  “Okay well it was nice seeing you again. Have a good day,” I concluded the conversation.

  I didn’t hear her follow me into the elevator until I heard her cough behind me.

  I hope this is a coincidence, I thought as the door slid closed.

  “So, I hate to overstep my bounds,” she began, her New York accent heavy.

  “Then don’t,” I interrupted brusquely, pressing the button for the ninth floor.

  “Hear me out. On the tenth floor, we have our deluxe apartments. Because this is a co-op and the current owner, Mr. Webster, is friends with Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Bianca and Amber were the first to know about the available space. I took them to see it when Mr. Webster informed us that he intended to sell. He’s willing to rent it to the right person, but eventually, he’d like to sell. Because Amber is moving in with her child’s father soon, I thought maybe you’d like to take a look at it. You know. Just in case.”

  Is she trying to make a sale or does she know something that I don’t?

  “Just in case what? Where is this coming from?”

  She smiled, nodding knowingly. “Amber is on maternity leave so we talk a lot and she mentioned that she didn’t want Bianca to be alone. Amber’s been secretly hoping that you would move to New York.”

  The doors opened to the ninth floor, but I didn’t move. I stared at her, clenching my jaw.

  Move here? To New York? Is this a sign? God knows I would want nothing more than to move here and be with Bianca. But that’s not what she wants. Is it?

  My thoughts were a scrambled mess and I swallowed hard.

  Leaning over, she pressed the button for the tenth floor. “Obviously, it’s none of my business. And truly, it’s none of Amber’s either. She said she hasn’t mentioned anything to Bianca because she doesn’t want to make her sad, but let me just show you around.”

  The doors opened and I followed the woman to apartment 10B.

  Fitting, I thought with a smile.

  “What’s your name again?”


  I let Keisha show me around the empty, loft style apartment. The open floorplan made the space look even bigger than what it was. The living room bled into the dining room which bled into the kitchen. That space alone was the size of Bianca’s apartment downstairs. But a rounded wall provided an interesting element as it created two hallways. The first one led to a spacious master bedroom and master bathroom. The other hallway was shorter and housed two rooms. The first was a bedroom that reminded me of Bianca’s bedroom in size. The second was a room that had a city view that made me stop in my tracks.

  “Wow,” I mumbled, looking out of the floor to ceiling window.

  “The apartments on this floor are the only ones with the window wall,” Keisha informed me as I basked in view. The colors, the architecture, the beauty of the city wasn’t lost on me.

  Especially not from this angle.

  “And it’s tinted so as crisp and clear as you can see out of it, it’s virtually impossible to see in.” She seemed to wait for my reaction, but I didn’t give her one so she added, “Gorgeous view for a couple of artists.”

  We left the apartment in silence as I wrestled with my thoughts. Hitting the elevator button, I looked straight ahead. As Keisha continued to talk, I pushed away thoughts of me and Bianca living and painting and fucking in that apartment. I shoved down thoughts of spending my days and my nights not just thinking about Bianca, but creating a life with her.

  I’m not getting my hopes up. B didn’t say she wanted this, I reminded myself, letting my hopefulness die down. Keisha talked to Amber. Amber didn’t say that B said she wanted me to move here. Amber said that she wants me to move here for B. There’s a difference.

  “So what do you think?” Keisha asked, interrupting my thoughts when the elevator car stopped on the ninth floor.

  “It’s a nice apartment.”

  She smiled knowingly. “Well, while you’re in town, if you decide that moving to New York is something you’re interested in, let me know so I can prepare the documents.”

  “Thank you.”

  “See you soon!”

  I stepped out of the elevator and went to Bianca’s door. With only four apartments on the floor, it was almost silent as my sneakers squeaked lightly against the marble flooring.

  Knocking against the black wooden door, I waited. I didn’t like using my key when I knew Bianca wasn’t home.

  “Roman!” Amber greeted me, throwing an arm around me as she held on to the baby. Looking at him, she cooed, “J.J. do you see who it is? Auntie Bianca is going to be so happy because Uncle Roman is here.”

  “Hi, Amber. It’s good to see you.” I entered the apartment, eyeing the boxes near the door. “Are you almost done packing?”

  “Yes, thank God. Just a few more things. I’m about to feed Jacob Junior and then finish up.”

  We talked for a few more minutes before I went to Bianca’s bedroom and dropped my duffle bag on the floor. I inhaled deeply. The sweet smell of Bianca’s vanilla scent made me smile.

  If I moved, I could be here with her every day. But would that stifle our creativity like B said?

  Grabbing a towel, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. When I stepped out of the hot water fifteen minutes later, I still couldn’t stop thinking about the apartment or the possibilities.

  Slipping on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I hung up the outfit I planned to wear to Bianca’s parent’s party. Dropping with a thud onto the bed, I cut on the T.V. I was starting to doze off when I heard Amber’s voice over the sound of ESPN.

  “Look J.J.! Auntie Bianca is home.”

  My eyes flew open and my heart flipped. Rolling out of her bed, the anticipation propelled me to the door and when I opened it, the air left my lungs.

  “Ro,” Bianca breathed, her voice trembling a bit.

  Without saying anything, I cupped her face in both of my hands and I just stared at her. I loved it when she wore her hair pulled up and away from her face. I felt like I could see all of her.

  My heart raced in her presence. It wasn’t just because I knew what was underneath the blazer and jeans she wore. My heart raced because whenever I looked into her eyes, I could see how deeply she cared for me.

  Leaning down, I moved my lips against hers, gently at first. The electricity crackled between us as she balled her fists into the front of my shirt. Sliding my hands from her face to the small of her back, I pulled her body closer, kissing her deeper.

  “Now that was a hello,” she giggled, staring up at me. Her smile made me smile.

  “How was your day?”

  “Well I knew I was going to see you so that made everything better.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned back to look at me. “I missed you. And those lips.”

  Capturing her plump bottom lip between mine, I tugged at it teasingly. She made a sexy little noise that made my dick twitch.

  “Mmm,” I moaned against her lips. “I’ve missed you too.”

  “Um, guys. I can literally hear your lips smacking together. And it’s echoing through the apartment. I’m grossed out and confused and intrigued all at once. You two saw each other five days ago, but you’re kissing like one of you just returned from war. Ugh! Individually, I love you both. As a couple, I haven’t decided if you are more disgusting or more cute,” Amber joked from somewhere in the apartment. She made a comical noise that teetered between exasperation and giggles.

  We laughed so hard, I had to hold Bianca upright.

  “Sorry!” Bianca called out, pushing me into the bedroom. After closing the door behind us, she wrapped her arms around me again. “You are so sweet. Thank you for my flower, Ro.”

  Looking at the dresser, I looked back at her. Amused, I asked, “How did you know I got you flowers?”

  “Because of the note.”

  I felt my smile waver slightly. “Note?”

  She pushed her lips up to meet mine and then she withdrew from my arms. Reachin
g into her back pocket, she pulled out a card. “This is only the beginning. It starts now,” she read aloud.

  My mouth went dry. I stared at the little card in her hand and even upside down, I knew it was the same font of the typed message I had received.

  It starts now, I repeated in my head.

  “Nina was in a mood today so you know how that goes. But when I got your note, it reminded me of when you told me that my time is coming. It made me feel supported.” She held the note to her chest. “So on a day where not even Nina’s attitude could dampen my spirits because I knew you would be here when I got home, I got this single black rose with your words. Talk about perfect timing—Oh my God, Ro! More flowers?” Bianca rushed to her dresser, picking up the mix of exotic flowers. “These are the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen.” Bianca’s face was buried in the flowers as she inhaled deeply and then sighed. “I’m going to put these in water.”

  I swallowed around the lump in my throat as she exited the room.

  This is only the beginning. It starts now.

  The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I repeated the lines from the card. My mind was racing, trying to wrap itself around what she had said.

  This has to be a coincidence. Most flower companies type messages so that doesn’t mean that the same person who sent me the message, sent Bianca the message. It doesn’t mean that the black rose petals in my box have anything to do with the black rose Bianca was sent.

  Even as I thought the words, I didn’t truly believe them. I didn’t know how to process it all, but I knew it was all connected. I let my body drop heavily onto the bed. Running my hands down my face several times, I shut my eyes tight.

  So it has to either be some man sending my girlfriend flowers or some asshole is fucking with me? Or both?

  I shook my head at the idea that the only explanations could be that another man was trying to get with Bianca and someone was sending cryptic messages to either of us. My gut twisted fiercely at the thought. Neither alternative set well with me.

  I need to talk to her about it. She needs to know that the rose isn’t from me. But I can’t do it right now. It’ll turn into a big thing and I don’t want to put one more thing on her shoulders right now. She’s going to be mad that I waited, but she needs to focus on getting through tonight. I’ll just wait until we get back from her parents’ party. Maybe by then—Ashton! It has to be Ashton fucking with us. He threatened me and he said he wanted Bianca back. So now—

  “What’s wrong?” Bianca asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  I dropped my hands from my face just in time to see her peel the fitted blazer from her body.

  I eyed the way the shirt she wore beneath the blazer clung to her body and the way her jeans molded to her hips. Tilting my head to the side, I continued to check her out as she closed in on me. When she stopped directly in front of me, I looked up at her and smiled. The moment our eyes met, I knew I didn’t want to do anything to dim that spark I saw in them.

  “Do you always go to work looking this sexy?”

  She laughed, pushing my shoulder playfully. “Oh my God. Shut up! I’m about to go take a shower so we can go.”

  “I’m serious.” I tugged at the hem of her shirt. “I’m sure you are the only reason to go to Pho Gallery. The art there doesn’t stand a chance against you.”

  “I think your lines are getting worse,” she groaned with the biggest smile on her face.

  “Seeing as how I can see every single one of your teeth right now, I’d say they are working.”


  Chapter Nine

  “Welcome to Brooklyn Heights,” Bianca muttered as we climbed out of the taxi.

  I stood on the sidewalk and swept my eyes over the rows of sandstone dwellings, the flat shades of each ranging from ruddy brown to pale tan. Staring at each of the well preserved brownstones, I saw the character and the undeniable beauty.

  “I need to work with rocks and sand,” I said more to myself than anything as I felt Bianca’s hand snake into mine, our fingers intertwining. “I think I found the inspiration for my next piece.”

  “Your mind is always on art...” We climbed the steps to the front door slowly. “But it should be on the Hell that we’ll be subjected to once we cross this threshold into The Brownstone.”

  Pressing the doorbell, I chuckled lightly.

  Bianca pointed her manicured finger at the door knocker that was adorned with her parents’ initials. “SLB,” she read, widening her eyes. She lowered her voice as she pointed to the first two letters. “Satan. Lucifer.”

  Still snickering when the door opened, I was the first to greet her parents. “Stanley, Lidia, nice to see you again.”

  “Bianca, Roman, you’re late,” Mrs. Baker welcomed us, her hand coming up over her chest daintily. Music poured from somewhere deep within the home.

  “Lidia,” Mr. Baker warned as he extended his hand for me to shake. “Roman, welcome to our home. It was a pleasant surprise when Bianca mentioned you would be her date this evening. And Bianca, you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Father. And hello to you too, Mother.”

  “Bianca, we’ll talk,” Mrs. Barker returned evenly.

  “Oh what is it now, Mother?”

  The way Bianca spat out the word ‘mother’ obviously hit a nerve with Mrs. Baker as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her daughter. I watched the tense exchange between the two ladies nervously. Bianca squeezed my hand.

  We just got here and this shit has already gone downhill.

  I glanced at Mr. Baker who seemed genuinely rattled by their obvious discontent with one another.

  “Lidia, Bianca. That is enough! This is not the way we handle our business. If we need to speak privately then we will. But you will not have it out in the doorway while we have guests in the living room. This is not the time or the place. Lidia, go check on our guests,” Mr. Baker commanded, his voice gravelly and his eyes narrowing. “Now you two, come in.”

  After allowing Bianca to walk in first, I stepped into the Baker home behind her. Exhaling, I mentally prepared myself for an uncomfortable evening, but I didn’t expect what I’d just witnessed.

  “Everyone is in the living room and I need to go get another bottle of wine from the basement,” Mr. Baker explained hesitantly. He eyed us as if he didn’t know if we could be trusted to not leave the party altogether.

  “We’ll be fine,” I replied.

  He nodded and walked away, leaving us standing in the foyer.

  “What was that thing with your mom about?” I whispered rubbing her cheek with the pad of my thumb.

  “We didn’t have a pleasant conversation when she invited me to this thing and we haven’t talked since.”

  “Do you feel like talking about it now?”

  Sighing, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “Later.” Planting a quick kiss against my lips, she gave me a pained smile. “I just want to get this over with so we can spend the rest of the weekend together.”

  “That sounds perfect.” With my hands resting on the small of her back, I pulled her into me. “And you look incredible.”

  When Bianca was in the shower, a pale pink dress I’d never seen her in caught my eye. I pulled it out and asked her to wear it. She paired the dress with black five-inch stilettos and a black sweater. The height of the heels made her legs look longer and made the dress appear shorter. The sweater kept the exposed back hidden since the temperature was dropping. But every chance I could, I reached underneath the sweater to touch the soft skin of her back. And every time I looked at her legs, I wanted them wrapped around me.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  I grinned. “Like what?”

  “Like that!”

  I licked my lips. “Because being with you is addictive and when you do anything, it turns me on. Just standing there, you make me want to fuck the shit out of you.”

  Bianca’s face flushed even as she rolled her
eyes. “You’re bad, Ro.”

  Inching my hands under her sweater to make contact with her bare skin, she let out a little gasp. Smirking, I dropped my head so that my lips just barely touched her ear. “I’m being good. But if you want me to be bad, I can,” I whispered, letting my hands slowly descend down her back and over her round ass.

  Trying to push out of my arms, she laughed with light flashing in her eyes. “I can’t stand you!”

  Slinging my arm over her shoulder, I smirked. “You love me.”

  She looked up at me and exhaled. “With everything in me.”

  All of the air left my lungs upon hearing her admission. My heart thrashed in my chest. No matter how many times I’d heard her express her feelings for me, it still affected me.

  “Are you two going to join the party?” Mr. Baker asked as he appeared through a doorway halfway between where we were and where the party was taking place.

  The moment was broken and we squeezed each other as we trudged begrudgingly down the hall toward Mr. Baker. He stared at us quizzically, mouth pulled into a frown as we approached.

  “Let me ask you a question,” he started, looking me in my eyes. “Is something going on here?” His gaze dropped down to my arm around Bianca’s shoulder before he met mine again. “Because the last time we spoke, you said that you and my daughter were just friends.” His big hands choked the neck of the wine bottle as he spoke.

  I swallowed hard. If I didn’t know that Bianca and her parents had a strained relationship, I would’ve been more offended that he didn’t know that we were together. But even the knowledge of their relationship didn’t stop the sting of his words. I glanced at Bianca who gave me a look I couldn’t decipher and I felt even more confused.

  “We were just friends when we had that conversation, sir. But since that time, our relationship has progressed and now… I’ve fallen in love with her.”


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