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Crown of Destiny

Page 13

by Bertrice Small

  “I am indeed,” he agreed, a big hand slipping beneath her to feel up her bottom.

  Divsha squealed again. “Ohhh!” she exclaimed.

  His other hand began exploring her large round breasts. The skin was both soft and firm to his touch. He squeezed a breast, and her fair skin immediately bore the mark of his fingers. She was finely made. Bending, he kissed her nipple, licking it, then taking it into his mouth to first suck upon it, then to bite down on the tender flesh.

  “Ohh, that hurt!” Divsha complained.

  Raising her head, he kissed her, and her tongue immediately snaked its way into his mouth. She fell back into the curve of his arm, and almost at once he began to explore her nether regions. She was already wet with her lust, and so he pushed two fingers into her, moving them swiftly back and forth until she released her juices to him. She was not a virgin, but Kolgrim wasn’t disappointed. He meant to have pleasures of the girl before he sent her back to her grandmother. Divsha’s eyes were closed.

  Kolgrim smiled. “Seat yourself upon me now, Divsha,” he said. He had magicked his own robe away, and his manhood was already standing tall. He lifted the girl and sheathed himself within her.

  Divsha’s eyes opened and widened with his entry. “You are too big,” she whimpered.

  “Ride me!” he commanded her sharply. “You certainly have been taught how to please your lover, wench. Do so now!”

  Divsha obeyed him, clamping him between her thighs as her body rose and fell with the rhythm of their shared lust. He grasped her big round breasts, squeezing them until she was gasping for mercy. He gave her none, only easing his hold on her as his juices filled her, and Divsha fell forward, clinging to him “Ohh, my lord,” she murmured as she licked his ear. “You are so masterful. Never have I known such.”

  Kolgrim lifted her off him, restoring their garments with a snap of his fingers.

  It had been a pleasant interlude, and she was a beautiful girl. But she had certainly not been a virgin, and the Book of Rule had said his bride would be a virgin. His fingers might have been mistaken, but his manhood had probed her deeply. Her maidenhood was long gone from her. “I have enjoyed your company, my lady Divsha,” he told her, kissing her hand as he led her to the door, unlocked it and gently sent her on her way. “Go to your grandmother now. Have Yamka sent to me so I may conduct my interview with her next. I am sure we will meet again before I depart Hetar.”

  “Have I pleased you,” she simpered coyly, certain she had.

  “You have,” he agreed, and closed the door on her.

  When Divsha reached her grandmother’s day room Yamka departed immediately. The blonde girl was disappointed she had no time to share her experience with her cousins, and gloat over how she had pleased him. Yamka almost ran from the chamber in her eagerness, Divsha noted.

  “Enter!” Kolgrim called at the slight knock upon the door. Yamka stepped into the room, and Kolgrim again locked the door.

  Yamka smiled slyly at him. “Did you fuck Divsha?” she asked, amused. “I am told she is rather dull when taking pleasures. We have shared several lovers.”

  “What a bad girl you are, Yamka, to speak so disparagingly of your cousin,” the Twilight Lord chided her.

  “Ohh, I am very bad, my lord,” Yamka agreed. “Do you mean to spank me for it?” Her amber eyes glittered gold and danced with anticipation.

  He snapped a finger at her and her gown dissolved away.

  “Ohhh!” Yamka exclaimed, surprised, and in a half crouch tried to shield her breasts and mons from him with her hands.

  “Aye, I can see you are a bad girl to deny me the sight of your luscious body,” Kolgrim said. And Yamka was indeed luscious. Like Divsha her breasts were round, though not as large. Her hips were rounded as well, and he suspected her bottom would be plump and round, too. “Come here!” he commanded her in a hard tone, and when she quickly obeyed him he said, “Over my lap, wench. If you accept your punishment with good grace then I shall have a fine reward for you.” His big hand descended upon her fat buttocks with a satisfying smack.

  “Ohhh!” Yamka cried out. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” and she wiggled atop his knees.

  Kolgrim continued spanking her bottom until it had turned a beautiful and burnished red sheen. Then standing, he yanked her to the rolled arm of the couch, put her over it and, grasping her hips in a firm grip, thrust his lustful rod as deep as he might go. She was not a virgin. But he was not disappointed. She was a most glorious fuck, and released her juices twice for him. Drawing his cock from her female sheath, he found her rear passage, and began to push himself in there.

  “Ohhhh!” Yamka groaned. “I have only had one man there!”

  “You have one now,” Kolgrim said pushing himself as far as he could as his sac slapped against her bottom. But he knew she lied, for her rear passage had been easily penetrated. He moved within her once or twice, and released himself.

  Several minutes later he restored her garment, and sent her back to her grandparents. He had not even kissed her lips. Now he waited for the third girl. What was her name? Nyura, yes, Nyura. He knew Hetarian girls were permitted to start taking lovers at the age of fourteen. Both Divsha and Yamka had obviously not wasted any time in availing themselves of this privilege. How could this third girl still be a virgin? Yet he had never heard of the Book of Rule being wrong. His lust had been well fed with the first two of Grugyn Ahasferus’s granddaughters. He must treat the third as if she were an untried virgin until she proved that she was not. “Enter!” he said at the knock upon the door.

  Nyura stepped into the chamber. She did not appear particularly nervous even when he locked the door. Nor did she cry out when he magicked her robe away. Instead she stood quietly so he might view her charms, turning slowly for him. Kolgrim felt the lust he had thought satisfied suddenly beginning to burgeon once again. “Do I please you, my lord,” Nyura asked him softly. “My breasts are not as large as Divsha, nor my bottom as plump as Yamka’s, I fear.”

  Slender and shapely, she had the most perfectly proportioned body he had ever seen in all of his life. His eyes devoured her. Her breasts would just fill his palm.

  He suspected his two hands would span her narrow waist. The twin halves of her bottom were like ripe firm peaches. Her limbs were slim and shapely.

  “Come and sit by my side,” he invited her, and Nyura came without hesitation, turning her face to him, smiling. He took the heart-shaped face between his two palms and kissed her mouth. Her lips were like rose petals, soft and delicate. Her breath was sweet, and he realized with shock that no man’s lips had ever touched hers before his. His kiss deepened. He could not help himself, but Nyura slipped her arms about him without hesitation. He ran his tongue along her sensual full lips, and they parted for him. Kolgrim’s heart was beating wildly. No female had ever given him this kind of a reaction.

  Enboldened he pushed his tongue into her mouth. Shyly Nyura touched his tongue with hers then sighed. Kolgrim began to stroke the beautiful body in his embrace. She did not flinch as his hand caressed her breasts, fondling them gently, tweaking the perky little nipples that froze beneath his fingers. He moved swiftly, eagerly down her torso, her belly, arriving at her smooth mons. A single finger slid easily along the shadowed slit, and she trembled. He heard himself reassure her, kissing her mouth again. The finger insinuated itself though the fleshy folds, and Nyura stiffened.

  “My lord?” she murmured nervously.

  “I will not hurt you, Nyura,” he promised her, even as he found her tiny jewel. “No, my pet, I will instead give you a taste of pleasures.” The tip of his finger flicked back and forth, back and forth over the little nub.

  Nyura moaned softly as her flesh began to tingle, the sensation building until she thought she could bear no more and whimpered for his mercy. She knew what he was doing, for while she had withheld herself from men she was a Hetarian girl. None of the women in her family withheld information of this nature, and both Divsha and Yamka were always comparing
the attributes of their lovers.

  Then Nyura gasped at the tingling burst, and she was weak with a pleasure she had never before experienced. His finger moved down slightly to insert itself into her sheath. She stiffened again with her anticipation.

  “I must ascertain something, my pet,” he whispered to her as she lay in his lap, her eyes closed tightly. The finger moved deeper, and suddenly Nyura winced. He immediately stopped. “You are a virgin,” he said.

  Nyura’s eyes flew open. “Of course I am. You are meant to take a virgin for a wife, my lord. Why do you think I never took a lover? I but waited for your coming.”

  “What!” He was astounded. What did she know?

  “I knew I was meant to be your bride,” Nyura said. “You need the power of Ulla that I possess to add to your own powers. My ancestress came to me when I was a child to tell me this. We will wed, and I will give you Ulla’s powers for your own, my lord.”

  Kolgrim laughed aloud. “Why did you not tell me this sooner, Nyura?” he asked.

  “What? And spoil my cousins’ dreams immediately? Nay, my lord. I have waited my whole life to see the look on their faces when they must face the fact that I have gained the prize, and not them. Did you enjoy taking pleasures with them?”

  “I found them quite ordinary,” he told her, for he knew it would please her. This exquisite quiet girl had a delicious dark streak running through her. “Yamka swore when I had her ass that she had only entertained one man before me there, but I knew she lied.”

  “Indeed she did,” Nyura said. “Being ass-fucked is quite her favorite perversion, my lord. I shall be fascinated to see what it is all about.”

  Her words drove him into a wild excitement. “I must have you, Nyura!” he cried.

  “Nay, my lord, you cannot. You must wait until our wedding night, for a pure virgin is very much prized here in Hetar and incredibly rare. The taking of my virtue will bring great and special prestige to my family. It will be publicly announced that I am a virgin. You must take my maidenhead before witnesses so all know it is no lie. You will not mind that, will you?” she teased him wickedly.

  Kolgrim’s cock was so hard he thought it would break off. To fuck her first and do so before an audience, would be a magnificent start to their marriage. But he would not remain in Hetar once they were wed. The mating frenzy that would come upon him shortly must be carried out in his own land. He wouldn’t take her ass until then, for he wanted his lesser rod to be the first penetration of it. He closed his eyes in an attempt to cool his lust. “The wedding must be soon, Nyura,” he told her. “I want your family to have all the prestige due them, but I want you in my bed sooner rather than later.”

  “You will tell my grandfather then that I am your chosen one, my lord, and that the wedding is to be set seven days from this day,” Nyura told him.

  “The Dark Lands are very different from Hetar,” he said, not knowing why he bothered to say it. She was his. It was foretold.

  “I know,” she said. “You have lots of wonderful storms. I will be happy there with you, my lord.”

  “Let us join your grandparents now, and I will tell your grandfather of my decision,” Kolgrim said. He restored her robe, unlocked the door to the chamber and hand in hand they went to find Grugyn Ahasferus.

  Nyura led the Twilight Lord to her grandfather’s sitting room, where he waited with his wife, Lady Camilla, Divsha and Yamka. The young woman entered, bowing first to her grandfather and then curtsying to her grandmother, who held out her hand to the girl. But Nyura did not take it.

  “I have made my decision as to which of your granddaughters I shall take as my bride and my queen,” Kolgrim said to Grugyn Ahasferus.

  “So quickly?” the magnate replied.

  “Your granddaughter Nyura meets my criteria and that of the Book of Rule,” Kolgrim said. “She is a virgin, and she descends from Ulla.”

  “You mean she has Ulla’s gifts,” Grugyn Ahasferus remarked astutely. “Both those virtues will cost you dearly, my lord Kolgrim.”

  “Name your terms, but the marriage must be celebrated in seven days’ time,” Kolgrim responded.

  “I thought you liked me best,” Divsha said, tears springing to her eyes.

  “You are a most charming companion, my lady Divsha,” Kolgrim said.

  “Did I not please you well?” Yamka demanded to know.

  “You pleased me very well even if you lied to me.” Kolgrim chuckled. “Your ass was far too easy to breach, my pretty.”

  Yamka flushed and stamped her foot angrily, but said nothing more.

  “Did I not tell you to use the tightening lotion?” her grandmother hissed at her.

  “I will want the mineral rights to your mountains,” Grugyn said.

  “Forty percent of the ore you mine will come to me,” the Twilight Lord said. “And I will take all of the jewels you find while seeking the metals.”

  “I want the transmutes,” Grugyn answered him.

  “We will split them fifty-fifty,” was the quick reply. “But the rest of the jewels are mine.”

  “My granddaughter is a prize worth having, my Lord Kolgrim, is she not?”

  Grugyn said slyly.

  “That you give me a pure virgin will shower honor and prestige upon your house,” Kolgrim replied, also slyly. “When I have her maidenhead her screams will echo throughout your hall so your guests may know the truth. You will choose the witnesses to her defloration yourself, my lord. And have a bloody sheet to fly from your housetop shortly thereafter. I am taking your granddaughter and making her a queen. Do you think any of her gifts are greater than mine? I am Kolgrim, sired by Kol on Lara, a faerie woman. My powers are enormous and they are strong. If I wanted, I could take the girl and give you nothing. But I am of a generous nature, and so I have come as any suitor would to sue for the hand of Nyura.”

  Sixty percent of the mineral ore, half of any transmutes he found. He would shortly be the richest man in Hetar, Grugyn Ahasferus thought excitedly. Taking Kolgrim by the arm he said in a low voice, “Palben will expect a share of what I have. Let me tell him of our agreement, my lord.”

  “So you may lie to him and keep a greater share for yourself, of course.” Kolgrim chuckled. “Why not? Nyura is worth it. Reverse the percentages for him, and tell him you are getting forty percent, then give him twenty. What you do about the transmutes is your business.” He chortled again. If Grugyn Ahasferus was an example of Hetar’s ethic, this world would fall into his hands like a ripe peach when he was ready. But not until after Nyura had birthed his son. He clapped Grugyn upon his back. “We are agreed then?”

  “We are agreed,” came his reply.

  “I believe this calls for a toast,” Lady Camilla said. She looked to Divsha and Yamka. “You may go home,” she said, dismissing them. Then she put an arm about Nyura’s shoulders. “Come, child, let us celebrate this magnificent betrothal you have made. We are very proud of you. Our quiet little granddaughter catching the heart of a powerful man,” she gushed.

  “The Twilight Lord has no heart, Grandmother,” Nyura said bluntly.

  “Nyura!” Lady Camilla reproved the girl. “Apologize to Lord Kolgrim.”

  But Kolgrim laughed, and catching up Nyura’s hand kissed both the back of it and the palm, then the soft inside of her wrist. “She already knows me well, my beautiful bride-to-be,” he said. “There will be no illusions between us.”

  Lady Camilla shrugged. “You are both too clever,” she noted.

  “Nothing is settled until the Lord High Ruler approves this match,” Grugyn Ahasferus reminded them. “Tomorrow Lord Kolgrim and I will deal with Palben. Then we may prepare for the wedding feast.”

  “The bribe must be large,” Lady Camilla said, “and Palben should not know that Nyura is the inheritor of Ulla’s powers. Any thought that there might be another more powerful than he will cause him to block this alliance.”

  “If he knows of Ulla’s powers he will not believe in them. Palben does not
believe in magic,” Grugyn reminded his spouse.

  “Then he is a fool,” Lady Camilla responded tartly.

  Kolgrim chuckled to himself. He actually liked these mortals who would be his relatives. They were greedy and thought only of themselves.

  THE LORD HIGH RULER was pleased to receive the Twilight Lord and Grugyn Ahasferus in his privy chamber the next afternoon. He smiled toothily at them. “I take it you bring me happy news, Grugyn, my old friend,” he said.

  “I have come to seek your permission for my granddaughter Nyura, only daughter of my younger son, Zenas, and his wife, Sabine, to wed with Lord Kolgrim,” Grugyn said.

  “And what will be paid you for the girl?” Palben asked.

  “I may mine minerals and ore in the mountains of the Twilight. Sixty percent of what I mine will go to Lord Kolgrim. The remaining forty will be mine. I will give you fifteen percent of the profits from the minerals and ores. I may also keep all the transmutes I find. I will give you thirty percent of those, my lord.” Grugyn looked expectantly to the ruler.

  Palben was silent for what seemed a long time, and then he said, “I will accept your offer on one condition, my old friend. I want your granddaughter, Divsha, as my second wife. I have consulted on this matter with the First Lady Laureen, and she is agreeable. I will expect Divsha to give me children so that our offspring, and those of my lord Kolgrim will be blood kin through their mothers.” He smiled broadly again. “Is that not an excellent idea, my old friend?”

  Grugyn Ahasferus was briefly rendered speechless. Then he managed to say, “This is a great honor you do my family, my lord Palben.”

  Kolgrim was surprised. He had underestimated Palben. The man was clever. With the proper amount of fear instilled in him and training in how to serve, he would prove an excellent minion, the Twilight Lord decided to himself. “The nuptials could be celebrated together,” he suggested. “I am certain such loving cousins would want to be at the weddings. Once I return with my bride to the Dark Lands she must concentrate her entire being on giving me my heir. We will not come to Hetar for some time. If you would not mind sharing the day, my lord Palben,” Kolgrim said, “we might take our brides in seven days.” Seeing Palben hesitate, the Twilight Lord continued, “I can but imagine the joy you will have with a beautiful young bride to share pleasures with, my lord. I know I can hardly contain my anticipation.”


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