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The Baby Snatchers

Page 16

by Chris Taylor

  Now, she wished she’d pushed her mom for the answer. That way, she wouldn’t be feeling so antsy, as if something were wrong. Her mom’s comments about their patients wouldn’t have hit such a nerve if she wasn’t already on edge about Cameron’s information.

  She contemplated calling him. After all, they had been going to meet after work. At the very least, she could talk to him about her mom and get some objective feedback. She reached for her phone where it sat on the coffee table in front of her. As she dialed his number, her heartbeat picked up speed.


  The deep timbre of his voice washed over her, sending a rush of nerves to her throat. She licked her dry lips and answered. “Hi, Cameron. It’s Georgie.”

  “Hey. I was just thinking about you.”

  The way he drawled the words in that sexy voice sent a shiver of desire coursing through her. Her nipples tightened in response. “Really?” she managed.

  “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. I got called out on a job and didn’t return to the office until late. I was filthy after coming into contact with a few of the less desirable inhabitants of our fine city and I came straight home to shower. Now I’m standing out on my balcony all alone, contemplating life. Cynthia’s gone to bed. I’ve been looking at the empty deck chair for the past thirty minutes and I can’t help remembering when you were here.”

  His voice dropped to a husky murmur and as the memory of that evening crashed over her, heat suffused her body. Their kiss had been amazing and she’d been left yearning for more. She couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if and when they finally found themselves alone in his condo.

  When he’d pulled away, she understood it was probably for Cynthia’s sake. Cam was responsible enough to want to set a good example for his young sister and sleeping with a woman he barely knew didn’t quite cut it. Georgie ought to be grateful for his restraint—and she was—but her body still ached for his touch.

  “Would you like to come over?” The words were out before she could stop them and she blushed at her forwardness, but refused to take them back. Cameron’s hesitation lasted less than a second.



  Cameron knocked on the door to Georgie’s condo and waited for it to open. Wiping his sweaty hands on his Levis, he drew in a deep breath and eased it out. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. He felt like a teenager around the girl he’d had a crush on all summer—a girl who’d finally noticed him. And not just noticed him, but who had invited him around…

  The door opened and she stood before him, beautiful in a plain pink T-shirt and jeans that clung to her curves. Her soft smile lit up her eyes and his heart somersaulted.

  “Hi,” she said.


  They stood staring at one another for a long moment and then Georgie blinked and said, “Come in.”

  Cam nodded and smiled inwardly at the becoming blush that stained her cheeks. At least he wasn’t the only one feeling nervous. She stood back to allow him to enter and he followed her down a short corridor that opened up onto an older-style, open concept kitchen and dining area. The room was tastefully decorated with simple but expensive pieces of furniture. High ceilings and decorative architraves added to the room’s old-world charm. A large bay window looked out on the city, framing the view perfectly.

  “You have a nice place,” he said.

  “Thank you. The building’s a little dated for some, but I like it.”

  “How long have you lived here?”

  She frowned in thought. “It must be nearly seven years. I moved here not long after I finished college.”

  Surprise shot through him. Not many college students could afford the mortgage on a place like this.

  “I dipped into my trust fund,” she said, as if reading his mind.

  She’d surprised him again, although he should have cottoned onto it earlier. The cultured accent and air of refinement should have clued him in from the start: Her family had money. Their backgrounds were poles apart. His family had been barely able to get by, scratching to exist, from week to week—and Georgie had a trust fund.

  Some men might take issue with the fact the girl they were dating had grown up wanting for nothing, but Cam wasn’t one of them. His self-esteem was healthy enough that he didn’t think less of himself for having grown up without. As far as he was concerned, it was what you did after you left home that mattered.

  Kids were powerless, with no choice but to suffer whatever situation they were born into, but as adults, their options were only limited by how hard they were willing to work. Anyone could get a college degree if they were smart and prepared to study hard. With a good-paying job, it was possible to rise above lowly beginnings and make a mark on the world. Conversely, just because a person had money, didn’t mean they were clever—or hard working. There were plenty of young people born rich who squandered it all before they turned thirty.

  After being kicked out of home, Cameron had been determined never to be poor again. Poverty made things more difficult than they had to be. It was as simple as that. He studied hard for his final exams and was accepted into the police force. From there, he’d worked himself up the ladder. There was an undeniable sense of pride and accomplishment in knowing he’d done it all on his own.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  Georgie’s question broke into his thoughts and he blinked away the ghosts of his past. “Thanks, a drink would be great.”

  She moved over to a small bar that stood in the corner of the room. “I have Budweiser and Coors in the fridge and bottles of scotch, rum and vodka on the shelf. Or you can have a glass of wine.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “Red or white?”


  “So many options,” he teased and was rewarded with an embarrassed smile.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I was raised to be a good hostess, always able to anticipate the needs of my guests. After having it drilled into me for so many years by my mother, it’s a hard habit to break.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining. I love having so many choices.”

  “So, what will it be?”

  “I’ll have a Bud, thanks.”

  She bent down and pulled a beer from the bar fridge and handed it to him. He twisted off the cap and took a mouthful. The beer was icy cold and slid down his throat. “Mm, that’s good.”

  On the bar was a glass filled with ice and clear liquid. A wedge of fresh lime was stuck to the side of the glass. Georgie picked it up and brought it to her lips.

  Vodka…or maybe gin. “What’s your poison?” he asked, curious.

  “Vodka and lime. It’s my weakness,” she grinned.

  She took another sip from her drink and he watched the movement of her throat as she swallowed. A smattering of freckles he hadn’t noticed before dotted the smooth skin of her neck. Everything about her fascinated him. His head might be urging him to stay away, but the rest of him wanted none of that.

  From the moment she’d issued her invitation, he’d had a hard-on. On the way over to her apartment, he’d fantasized how she’d taste and smell and feel and it had been all he could do to keep his attention on the road. Now here he was, in her apartment, with no chance of being discovered or interrupted by his little sister. He wanted so much to take the woman before him in his arms and kiss her senseless and the effort of holding himself back was agony.

  “Have you eaten?” she asked, moving over toward the three-seater leather couch opposite the bay window.

  “Yes,” he murmured, tracking her every move. “Have you?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’m not hungry.” She threw the words over her shoulder and then curled up on the sofa and tucked her feet underneath her. For the first time, he noticed they were bare. The intimacy of it struck him full force and once again, he was filled with the need to touch her. He walked toward her, his gaze fixed on hers.

  Sitting down close beside her, he reached
across and gently tugged the drink out of her hand. Her eyes widened in surprise. A small table stood next to the couch and he placed both drinks on it before turning to her once again. Slowly, he reached out and took her chin between his fingers.

  He heard her small intake of breath a moment before his lips found hers. Forcing himself to take it slowly, he barely grazed the surface. She sighed softly and leaned into him. Fire scorched a path through his veins and centered in his groin. He groaned.

  With a sigh of acquiescence, her arms came up around his neck. He crushed her to him, delighting in the feel of her full, soft breasts pressed against his chest. Her lips opened under his and his tongue stole into her mouth.

  Her mouth was cool and delicious. She tasted of the tartness of her drink. He kissed her with mindless need. His hand cupped her breast and he found her taut nipple and caressed it with the pad of his thumb.

  She moaned against his mouth and moved closer. He angled her head to deepen the kiss and tasted her over and over again. The blood pulsed through his ears and through his cock until he was desperate to bury himself inside her, but still he held back, wanting to be sure they were heading in the same direction.

  “I want you,” he murmured, his voice husky and thick with need.

  She opened her eyes and stared up at him with an expression of desire. A pulse beat madly in the side of her neck. Her lips parted and she offered him an unsteady smile. “I want you, too.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Passion ignited inside him and he drew her back in his arms. Half-lifting her, he settled her in his lap. The exquisite feel of her jean-clad ass on his erection was blissful torture and when she wriggled to get herself more comfortable, he couldn’t contain another groan. With her arms still clasped around his neck, she leaned over and whispered in his ear.

  “How about we move to the bedroom?”

  “Sounds good to me,” he growled. Coming upright, with her in his arms, he cradled her against his chest and headed in the direction she indicated.

  The polished wooden floorboards creaked every now and then beneath his boots. Vaguely, he noticed the walls were lined with art works, mostly modern pieces he didn’t recognize, but they added a splash of color and style to the hallway.

  “Second on the right,” she murmured and flicked his ear with her tongue.

  His heart pounded and once again, the blood rushed through him. He burned to feel her beneath him, naked and wild and yearning, welcoming him into her heat. The door to her bedroom stood open and he strode in and deposited her gently on the bed. The king-sized, white wooden headboard was decorated with a mountain of soft pink and white pillows. Pushing them aside, he followed her down and covered her body with his.

  “Your boots,” she squeaked.

  He looked down and noticed the lacy white bedspread. It was embroidered in tiny pink flowers and looked like it cost a fortune. Reluctantly, he rolled away from her and tugged off his boots. They landed with a thump on the bare floor.

  Not wasting another second, he reached for her.

  * * *

  Georgie burned with need from the inside out. She’d never felt like this before and it filled her with both excitement and disbelief. She’d read her fair share of steamy romance novels and had giggled at the sex scenes where the heroine was almost breathless with desire and the man was built like a God. Cameron still had all his clothes on, but from the feel of his taut chest muscles and thick erection pressed against her, she was sure he wouldn’t disappoint.

  From the moment he’d arrived at her doorstep, she’d been humming inside with anticipation. It had taken him an hour to get there and the wait had been almost unbearable. She’d had plenty of time to reconsider and it was sweet that he still insisted on making sure she was agreeable about having sex. He was a gentleman through and through and she still couldn’t quite believe he was here, in her bed, kissing her like he couldn’t get enough.

  She tugged at his T-shirt, pulling it free from his jeans, and pushed it up over his chest, impatient to touch his skin. He assisted her by lifting it over his head and tossing it to the floor. His pectorals bulged, covered with dark hair. She ran her fingers across his chest and flicked her nails over the small nubs of his nipples. His breath caught and she smiled, enjoying the heady feeling of being able to turn him on. He murmured something against her mouth and then his hands were at her hips.

  “Your turn,” he mumbled and pushed her shirt up and over her head. His hands went straight to the clasp of her bra and a moment later, her breasts sprang free. She slipped her arms out of the underwire bra and dropped it over the side of the bed and then turned to him and threaded her fingers around his neck.

  Drawing his head down to hers, she kissed him thoroughly, taking her time to tease and taste. She nibbled at the corners of his mouth and then swiped her tongue across his lips. He submitted to her attentions for a moment and then rolled over so that she lay flat on her back.

  He smiled down at her. “That’s better.”

  With most of his weight on his elbows, he lay on top of her. With their chests bare, he teased her nipples with his chest hair. Through the thickness of his jeans, his erection pressed into her and she yearned to be skin to skin. Moving restlessly beneath him, she voiced her desires.

  “Take off your jeans.”

  His eyes flared brighter and he quickly acceded to her request. Sitting back on his haunches, he unbuttoned his Levis and slid down the zip. Shucking the jeans down his hips with his underwear in tow, within moments he was naked. Georgie took her time and looked her fill.

  Cameron’s cock stood out from a dark nest of hair. Thick and hard, there was no doubt it more than lived up to its earlier promise. Heat rushed through her and centered in her core. She squirmed beneath him. Without conscious thought, she licked her lips.

  As if the motion propelled him into action, he bent forward and reached for the button on her jeans. With his gaze fixed on hers, he undid the zipper and slowly eased her Levis down over her hips. She lifted her bottom to assist him. He returned to lie on top of her and her senses kicked into gear, registering several things at once: His firm skin was warm and supple. The hair on his legs tickled. She breathed in the spicy, exotic scent of his cologne. She flicked her tongue across his lips and tasted mint.

  His cock lay hard against her belly. She yearned to feel it inside her. Reaching up, she pulled his head down for a kiss so thorough, it made no secret of her longing. When at last they pulled apart, gasping for breath, Cameron stared down at her, his eyes shadowed with desire.

  Bending his head, he nuzzled her breasts and then took one of her nipples in his mouth. She gasped at the feel of him suckling her and a surge of need echoed deep within her core. When he moved over to her other breast, her heart pounded in anticipation.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured and then reached down and fondled the soft curls between her legs. A moment later, his fingers slid through her slick folds and stroked. Mindless pleasure coursed through her. She gripped his shoulders.

  “Do you like that?” he whispered.

  She was almost beyond coherent speech. “Mm, very much.”

  His fingers continued their magic until she couldn’t stand another moment of the sweet torture.

  “Please,” she gasped. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  Cam growled low in his throat and reached over the side of the bed for his jeans. Finding his wallet, he pulled out a condom and quickly sheathed his cock. A moment later, he positioned himself between her legs. His cock probed at her entrance.

  Her legs fell open in encouragement and she stared at him, hoping he recognized her need. Slowly, he eased into her and she gasped again at the feel of him stretching her deep within. He stroked in and out and she clung to him, her nails digging into his back.

  Over and over, he thrust into her, picking up force and speed. Desire reached fever pitch inside her and she clung to him. When she reached her peak,
she cried out in ecstasy and relief. Her inner muscles clenched around him, leaving her weak, but fulfilled. Gradually, her breathing slowed and she offered him a smile.

  “Good?” he asked.

  “More than good.”

  His expression filled with satisfaction and then a baser emotion took control. His strokes became longer and faster and soon he tensed and then groaned in heartfelt relief. For a long moment, he lay still on top of her, his breath coming fast and harsh in her ear. Finally, she squirmed underneath him and he immediately lifted his weight.

  “I’m sorry. I’m way too heavy for you.” He rolled to his side, taking her with him.

  She reached up and pressed a finger to his lips, shushing him. “Don’t apologize. I love the way you feel.”

  He smiled down at her tenderly and then pressed a soft kiss against her mouth. “You feel pretty darn good, too.”

  It was a long while later that they began to talk, sharing stories about their childhood. He told her about his dysfunctional family and his revelations didn’t come as a surprise. Cynthia had already told her the reasons she’d run away from home at fourteen. The thought of what her mother had done… It still filled Georgie with anger and despair.

  Knowing Cameron had relied on no one but himself to get to where he was only increased her respect and admiration for him. He hadn’t been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, like she had, and yet he’d risen above his disadvantaged background and had achieved much to be proud of in his life.

  “Have you ever been back home?” she asked, tracing idly through his chest hair with her finger.

  He tensed and then blew out his breath on a heavy sigh. “No. My parents lost any right to have me call them that the day they asked me to leave. They’ll never be parents to me again.”

  “Have you ever talked to your dad about it?” she ventured, hating the thought of their estrangement. Even though she’d been hurt over her mother’s recent revelations, her parents were still an important part of her life. She couldn’t imagine not having them around.


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