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The Breeder

Page 6

by L G Nauck

  She gasped and cried out when her wrists were captured and painfully forced onto the bed above her head. She felt tears well up in her eyes and spill out as pain pulsed in her wrists and her chest contracted with fear.

  She halted her movement, praying that he would let go of her wrists. Her eyes squeezed shut as she gritted her teeth, trying to ignore the pain. The pressure he was putting on them made her sure that her bones would snap at any moment.

  She felt his other hand move, his claw dragging down her body. She heard the fabric tear with the movement and her heart sank.

  Was she really about to be raped by the king of Barthamos?

  But none of this made sense. Why would he choose her out of everyone? She was only another human in the mass of other contestants. Was he really so cruel as to force himself on someone? She had heard Meticians were merciless creatures, but this?

  She choked on a sob when she felt his clawed hand encase her breast and squeeze it.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  Her mind cried out in denial, not able to comprehend what was happening.

  “Why?” she asked quietly.

  The king sighed in exasperation, “Who cares why? You should be thankful for this opportunity. You are to be the mate of the king of Barthamos. You will be the most prestigious woman in the kingdom. Well in some ways…your human status will make you hated by a lot of people. But only because they think you are not worthy of the position. But fear not my pet, I would not allow any harm to come to you.” He slid a claw down her cheek, following the path of her tears as his demented silver eyes stared into her own.

  “You are to be my own little breeder, I cannot have any harm come to you.”

  Her eyes widened as her breath caught in her throat.


  Her fists clenched as she yanked as hard she could to pull herself free. At the same time, she threw her head upwards to bang against the king's but he pulled back at the last second. His movement gave her an advantage though as his hand briefly loosened on her wrists. This gave her the opportunity to pull one hand free and she swiped her nails across his face with all her strength.

  She heard the Metician hiss and pull back. She took the opportunity to move out from under him and hurriedly tried to move away. As she went to push her body off the bed, she felt her ankle grabbed and roughly pulled backwards. The breath hissed violently through her teeth as her body was slid along the bed and she felt hands grab her hips and pull her up so she was on her knees.

  Alena’s eyes widened as she felt her pants and underwear roughly pulled down. She scrambled desperately to pull her body away as her heart pounded in absolute fear. The dark chuckle she heard from behind her had her heart sinking in despair.

  No matter how hard she pulled with her arms, she could not free her hips from his grip. She felt one of his hands wrap around her stomach so he could get a better grip on her hips before he moved his other hand to between her legs.

  Her mind cried out in violation as his fingers began exploring her most intimate area. In her current position, she could do nothing to block him out. She hated the way she felt vulnerable. She hated the fact he was violating her right now. And she hated how she felt powerless to stop him.

  “Stop! Please!”

  She cried out, desperate for this to come to an end.

  “I won’t tell anyone about any of this! Just please, let me go!”

  The chuckle she heard made her cry harder as she continued to try to pull herself away. Her body unwillingly began to grow wet from his attention, making this even worse. She did not want to feel anything with him. She wanted to be far away from him.

  “Don’t worry. With time you will grow to realize how lucky you are. And then you will beg me to take you.”

  She felt his fingers leave her and heard some shuffling before she felt prodding once again at her vagina. This time though, she knew it was not a finger.

  Her eyes widened and she made one last effort to get away before her hips were grabbed and yanked back as his hips thrust forward. Alena screamed as it felt like her insides were being torn apart. He was huge. And he was splitting her apart.

  “Stop! Please!” She cried out desperately, tears flowing down her face as her nails dug at the comforter, trying with all of her might to pull away from the torment that was being forced upon her body.

  She heard a growl, “You are mine. Forever.” And as if to emphasize the statement, the king roughly pulled her back and thrust back in, causing her to arch her back in pain.

  As he began to pick up the pace within her, she felt her mind slowly recede from reality, her body remaining still as the Metician continued his assault on her body.

  Her eyes stared off to the side blankly, her eyes staring at a chair in the distance that had burgundy material and a dark wood frame. Her mind focused on the image as it tried to draw attention away from the trauma that was currently happening to her body. She felt numb as she stared at the chair. Tracing the patterns and markings with her eyes until it was branded into her brain.

  Tane looked down at his prize, noticing how the fight escaped her small body.

  It was about time.

  She had proved to be quite challenging. And he couldn’t have been more pleased. His little human mate had a strong fighting spirit which would be beneficial to their offspring and their union. The predator in him enjoyed the dominance he could exert in mating. He would enjoy besting her over and over again.

  He growled in pleasure as his cock was submerged within her tight body. It felt amazing. Not only was he having the best fuck of his life, but it got even better because he knew the power he would be gaining.

  He was victorious.

  He sped up his thrusts as he felt his climax approaching. Soon he would be filling her with his seed and impregnating her, affirming his position as the supreme ruler. With another growl, he thrust as deep as he could go and released his seed. He swore he saw white as his body pulsed with pleasure, depositing his cum within her depths. There was only one more thing to do.

  Tane quickly bent over her back and locked his teeth within her neck, marking her as his mate.

  Alena gasped, her consciousness crashing into her as she screamed in pain. The king had his teeth buried within her neck and she could feel him ejaculating within her. She felt pain everywhere and it felt like it was burning throughout her body, consuming her insides. She begged for it to stop.

  Finally, after what seemed like hours, his teeth slowly retracted from her neck, his tongue licking the wound as his body also slowly pulled out of her. Tane grabbed his new mate and pulled them both underneath the covers, fitting her small body into his. He licked her cheek before rubbing his face against her neck in satisfaction.

  “This is only the beginning, my little mate.”

  Alena stared into the distance, tears streaming down her face as the sun began to set and darkness crept into the room.

  Chapter Six

  Alena sat staring outside of a window blankly.

  On the outside, she appeared to be an empty shell.

  Inside, her emotions felt chaotic.

  How had life turned into this?

  One day she was laughing with Kaleck, excited to prove her strength at the competition. Excited to become a warrior. To serve in the military. To better her life.

  And now?

  Now, she was shackled to a monster who enjoyed violating her. Her life had been taken from her.

  Why her?

  What was it about her that made him not want to leave her alone?

  He kept saying how she was his breeder. Why!? Was this some sort of royal custom? To take a human and breed with them? Was it some sort of research project? Or perhaps a cruel joke for his entertainment?

  Alena felt her eyes tear up again and she did nothing to stop them from overflowing and running down her face.

  In twenty-four hours, her life had been brutally torn apart.

  She had been taken away from frien
ds and family, locked in a room, and raped repeatedly while listening to the king list off how her life belonged to him now.

  She didn’t want her life to be this.

  She did not want to be forced to do that every night and have unwanted children.

  Alena started to sob, her chest heaving with the amount of sorrow she held in her heart. Her eyes were already puffy from crying most of the day, and now they only brightened in red coloring as she started to sob again.

  Alena felt anguish in a way she had never felt before.

  Her body ached, and her mind screamed at the unfairness of it all.

  What did she ever do in her life to deserve this!?

  She sobbed into her hands, her heart clenching painfully.

  She could not have that beast rape her again.

  She could not.

  She could not.

  She gasped for breath, anxiety filling her as flashbacks of last night entered her mind.

  The smirk on his face, the sharp pain as he entered her, the look of complete satisfaction he had as he hurt her repeatedly. The moment when she had woken up to find herself trapped within his embrace and was forced to come to the reality that everything that had happened the previous night hadn’t been a dream. That she was trapped in the castle, mated to a monster.

  Alena dropped out of the chair, still gasping for air as she dragged herself across the floor until she could huddle in a corner. Her body shook as memories accosted her and disbelief assaulted her senses. How could she be in this situation!? What would have happened if she never went to that damn competition? This is what she got for trying to aspire to anything more in life…

  She chuckled bitterly as she thought of the irony in this situation. She got her wish to attain more, just in a way she would never want.

  Was this her punishment?

  Was she supposed to remain modest and accept what was given to her? Has she been punished for wishing for more? Was she considered greedy by the Gods?

  She glared, her heart filling with hate as she thought how abandoned she was by the Gods.

  If only they would be merciful and give her death.

  That her heart would just slowly stop beating and she could evaporate.

  She would be away from here.

  She clenched her eyes shut, trying to force the memories from her brain and think of something calming.

  The ocean.

  She tried to picture the water lapping on the shore, the sound of the wind and birds mingling with the sound of the waves. She took in a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

  Trying to block him from her mind.

  He could have her body, but he could never have her mind.

  She would not allow him to take that from her.

  “My queen?”

  She wanted to ignore the gentle calling. She wanted the person to go away and leave her alone. But she opened her eyes instead and looked at the servant who was eyeing her worriedly.

  “I have been told to take you to the dining room so that you may get something to eat.”

  She stared stoically at the servant, knowing in her mind that he was not the enemy, but could not help feeling that anyone associated with the king was guilty.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  The servant appeared nervous as he took a step towards her which made her push herself farther back against the wall in response. Once he noticed, he stopped his approach.

  “Please, my queen, you need to eat. I have been told by his majesty to make sure you eat and are well taken care of. Your health is of upmost importance.”

  So, he could keep her as a slave. So, he could breed her. Rape her.

  “Go away.”


  “Go away!” Alena shouted, her eyes glaring viciously at the servant who, in surprise, jumped and quickly hurried away. She didn’t care if she frightened him. She only cared that she was left alone again. She would not be told when to eat. She still had some power. And all she wanted to do was find a place to hide where the king would never be able to find her again….

  Alena buried her head in her knees and began to sob.


  Tane smirked as he moved gracefully through the training ground, swerving as arrows were launched towards him, easily avoiding them as he stealthily moved through the course. He moved his sword as if it was an extension of his own arm, moving at speeds that were too fast for many to comprehend as he cut through the obstacles placed throughout the area. Tane stopped suddenly as the ground opened up in front of him, easily jumping over the crevice to land on another dummy, crushing it at the same time he struck out to easily pierce another.

  As another dummy appeared to his right, he struck out with his claws, piercing through the wood and retracting in the span of a second. He jumped off the crushed dummy as fire was blasted where he had been standing. He landed gracefully a few yards away and sidestepped spikes that shot through the ground. His ears picked up the sound of something moving quickly towards him and he jumped to the side to avoid a large pointed log that crashed into the wall in the far distance.

  Tane turned, his senses on high alert for the next attack, but once he surveyed the area, he realized he had already destroyed and avoided the obstacles that had been set up for him. He relaxed, rolling his shoulders to stretch well-used muscles as he purred in pleasure from the physical exertion.

  He loved to practice his skills and demanded his training ground to have different obstacles every day, so he could adapt to new situations and keep his skills fresh. Some days he would practice here, and on others, he would train with other powerful generals. It was always a test of strength.

  There was nothing better than outsmarting your enemy and being able to bring them to their knees.

  “Your majesty.”

  Taine turned, his intense silver gaze coming to rest on a servant who was bowing before him in a show of absolute subservience.

  “Yes? You may speak.”

  The servant nodded, keeping his eyes on the ground as he spoke clearly. There was no room for hesitation or stuttering when it came to speaking to the king. Tane was not known for his patience or leniency.

  “Your mate has refused to eat. We have tried multiple times to convince her to eat something, but she remains in the same corner as before.”

  Tane sighed, sheathing his sword as he considered the predicament. It seemed as if his mate was going to be more of a hassle than he had hoped. Although he had enjoyed a bit of a challenge in the bedroom, he did not want to fight her on everything. He wanted her to remain submissive to his wishes like a good mate and servant to the kingdom. And the fact that she refused to eat was a problem indeed. She needed to keep up her strength to bare children.

  He swiped his hand in front of him impatiently, motioning for the servant to stand up.

  “You will take me to her.”

  The servant quickly stood up to obey his command, turning and hurriedly moving towards the exit door. He knew that Tane was much faster and would not tolerate any slow action when it came to his new prized possession.

  Tane followed as his mind drifted to memories from last night. He could feel himself hardening as he pictured how he had taken his little breeder multiple times. She had been quite an enjoyment and her scent had been to die for. Perhaps that was part of her lineage as well? If that was so, he was excited to see all the other benefits she came with.

  He would need to get used to the idea of being mated though. It was still hard to believe he had claimed the little Dayuki in such little time. He had hardly believed that the prophecy had been true before he had her in his arms and bound to him. Surely this was a good sign for his future.

  He grinned as he imaged bedding her each night and watching her abdomen grow with their children. He was not sure when Dayuki had their heat or how long their gestation was but that would be something he would learn through experience. God, would she smell even more delicious during her heat? He was unsure
if he would be able to control himself.

  He could not foresee any major changes occurring within his lifestyle. He would now have a mate to share his bed and to perhaps contribute to his household…but he may still need to seek pleasure elsewhere. For the time being, he would enjoy what his mate had to offer but once she was pregnant he would venture to other sources to seek fulfillment. And as for everyday decisions? She did little change anything. He did not predict any changes to his everyday pattern. He would keep guards close to her to make sure she did not try to run away and ensure no one tried to kidnap his prize. Luckily, not many people knew about the prophecy or why there was, what appeared to be a human, in the palace. Hell, not many people knew he even had a mate. And he was fine keeping it that way. What difference would it make? He could just imagine the looks of disappointment he would get when those who had wanted a political alliance through marriage found out he was already mated.

  That did not mean he could not also partake in their daughters. But he could only do so in a nonbinding sense. A Metician could only have one bond-mate to share their power and longevity with. They could not claim others for that role, but they certainly could spread the wealth. And to be chosen for the king’s harem was an esteemed position indeed. They were well taken care of, given every luxury wealth could provide.

  Taine followed the servant into one of the east-wing rooms. His eyes scanned the room, noticing a long table in the middle that was surrounded by chairs and had a few plants scattered around for atmosphere. The wallpaper was also yellow. His nose scrunched up in disgust at the god-awful color. Who the hell decided on that color?


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