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The Breeder

Page 8

by L G Nauck

  Ann knew what had been occurring. Who couldn’t block out the screams on that first night or the sound of sobbing that seemed to echo throughout the halls? The woman in front of her had been taken against her will and put into a position with no possibility for escape. She couldn’t even imagine what that was like. Even though she was in servitude, she had options. Observing the queen, Ann could only feel pity.

  She forced a smile and controlled her voice to sound cheerful, “You have such beautiful hair, my queen. I wish I could get my hair to shine like yours.”

  Silence was her response, but she expected that. Even though she couldn’t help, Ann could at least try to maintain a positive atmosphere.

  She wondered if that would end up helping or hurting more?

  Once she had finished braiding the queen’s long hair, Ann reached out to massage her shoulders. When the queen flinched, Ann jumped back.

  “I am so sorry! I should have asked! I only meant to give you a massage to perhaps make you feel a little better.”

  For the first time, those violet eyes landed on Ann. The blankness in the queen’s gaze made Ann uncomfortable and she was unsure if the queen even registered her presence.

  Which made it even more surprising when she spoke.

  “Make me feel better? You think that’s what I need to make me feel better?”

  Ann winced, dropping her head in guilt.

  “I am sorry…. That was insensitive of me… I just don’t know what to do.”

  “Get me out of here.”

  Ann looked up in shock, feeling panic at the intensity in the queen’s gaze. If she were to acquiesce to her request, Ann knew she would absolutely be put to death. There was no way the king would forgive anyone that helped his new mate escape. For whatever reason, he had chosen a human mate. And there was talk about the woman having some sort of mystical power the king wanted. There was no way he would easily let her go. And even if she was able to help her escape, the king would find her in a matter of minutes. There were too many eyes, too much influence, and he cared too much about the violet-eyed beauty to let her go.

  Ann dropped her eyes in shame because she knew she could not help the other woman.

  And apparently the queen knew as well because she turned away from Ann and stared out an adjacent window.

  “If you cannot help me get away or get me a weapon, then I have no use for you. Please leave.”

  Ann hesitated, feeling stressed that she could not offer any comfort. If the queen had demanded items or care, then that would be a different story. She would have all the resources available to her. The only resource that wasn’t available to her was the only one she wanted. Ann felt like crying but knew it was not her place. The only thing she could do is try to help the queen as much as possible. If she could make her life less stressful then perhaps she could find some peace.

  With a last look at the motionless figure, Ann turned and left.


  It had been five days.

  Kaleck paced back and forth in his room at the Serenity House, his mind frazzled as he thought about Alena.

  What the hell had happened!?

  One minute she had been immersed in an explosive light, and the next, she had been grabbed by a hoard of soldiers and dragged off.

  What did they want with her?

  Did they suspect she was a type of spy? That she had cheated in the tournament?

  If so, did they have her locked in a prison somewhere, torturing her for information?

  The thought made Kaleck’s anxiety skyrocket as he began to chew on one of his nails. If they had Alena, then how in the world could he get her back?

  When he had gone to the guards after the tournament, they had only shrugged, said they did not know anything, and that he should go back home. The fact that they had provided little information and seemed unwilling to talk made Kaleck even more convinced that something was wrong. If Alena was in some kind of trouble, then he could probably be a witness to say she had not cheated. He was unsure where the mystical energy had come from, but he was positive that Alena had no part in it. She would never cheat. Never in the many years they had been together had she done anything dishonest. She had no way of creating an explosion. It had to have been the Metician. Or maybe it was an optical illusion.

  Kaleck removed his finger from his mouth to see that the nail was left a gnarled mess. He shoved his hands in his pockets to resist chewing on the rest of them as he considered his options. There was no way he could get into the castle without permission. There was so much security that not even a large army could break through the walls. Which only gave him the option of bribing his way in. Surely someone would take pity on him and assist him so he could find Alena. Or perhaps they could provide him information so that he could take the next steps in assisting her.

  Whatever he did, he knew he couldn’t just stand around and wait for news. He needed to find out what happened and get her released as soon as possible.

  Kaleck looked at a lone quiver that was in the corner, one that he had crafted by hand in time for Alena’s birthday. He had spent hours working at making the quiver perfect, from the weight, to the engraving of her name on the side. He had wanted to surprise her with the gift before she went to join the military. Something to show how much he supported her and that he wasn’t angry that she was leaving him. That they would remain friends even if they were separated by the social classes.

  He felt his heart sink as he examined the present that wasn’t with its’ rightful owner. Would she be able to see it?

  Of course she would.

  Kaleck mentally slapped himself for thinking so negatively. Feeling pessimistic wasn’t going to solve anything. He was determined to deliver the gift to her himself. Right after he found out how to get her back. Kaleck grabbed the only cloak he owned, draping himself in the black material so he would blend in with the city.

  Tonight, he would search for a connection.

  And then he would find her.


  “You found a Dayuki? I thought they were all extinct.”

  Grizma mumbled, taking a swig of his ale while the king sat across from him looking as if he had found the best treasure in the world. Which technically he had.

  Grizma was a powerful Metician with the spirit of the bull. Which meant he was stubborn, large, and quite skilled at knocking things over. His appearance was as intimidating at his character with piercing grey eyes, shaved head, and bulging muscles. He was also a close friend of the king of Barthamos. As a member of the high class, Grizma had spent much of his childhood and adolescent years sparring with the young king. Since it was tradition for Metician children to constantly fight each other, the bond naturally grew from there.

  And even though Tane had grown into a king, Grizma still viewed the wolf as his friend and confidant. One that he could still share some punches with.

  “They are extinct. All except one, and I’ve mated her.”

  Grizma raised an eyebrow at Tane’s declaration.

  “Congratulations. I had not heard the good news until now.”

  Tane shrugged, a cocky grin spreading across his face.

  “I have not announced it yet and am biding my time. I want to do it the right way and make sure I have everything in order before people start realizing the prophecy has come true. I am not quite ready to face challenges for her ownership. Not until I am satisfied.”

  Grizma chuckled, knowing exactly what “satisfied” meant. The king wanted to make sure his mate was bred before he announced her. Which was a common practice with royalty anyway. They wanted to make sure their mates were fertile before announcing their status. Even though mate-hood was hard to break, if a mate ended up being infertile, others could step in to fill the gap.

  “How is the new mate taking it?”

  By the look on Tane’s face, Grizma could tell it was not going well. But that was to be expected. It did not sound as if the arrangement was a mut
ual agreement. And Tane could be difficult and demanding.

  “She is resistant. Right now, all she does is cry and refuses to eat. It is quite pathetic and an annoyance. I hope she gets over it soon because she is causing the whole palace to feel depressed. Plus, the fact that she is refusing to eat needs to stop. I wish someone would have told me how annoyingly stubborn humans could be.”

  Grizma drummed his fingers on the table while studying the rim of his glass.

  “That’s a quality that has made them survive all these years even though they are physically weaker. Though, she is not all completely human, is she? I’m sure she will get over it soon. They all find their place eventually. What do you plan to do with her if she begins to feel better and further develops her powers?”

  Taine drew back his lips in a devilish smile, exposing his sharp fangs.

  “If anything, I’d love a challenge and to see the capability of a Dayuki. I have only heard stories, so it would be interesting to see the range of her powers. But I am also not concerned. She has no way of learning how to control her abilities, and even if she eventually grew in strength, I plan to tie her will to mine. I do not see her as a threat.”

  Grizma nodded, “That sounds wise. It will be interesting to see what happens if she does unlock some of her potential. I remember studying about the great beasts they could call to their aid in the matter of seconds. Can you imagine?”

  “I can and that is why I have gained such a treasure. My line will be secure and inherit powers that no one else can imitate.”

  Grizma lifted his glass to toast the king’s fortune before taking a hearty couple of gulps. The liquid went down his throat like water and left him feeling warm and friendly. He needed to make sure he did not drink too much though or he may end of saying something he shouldn’t. He shuddered when he remembered the last time him and Tane got drunk and ended up throwing a chair through the roof of an inn. That has caused quite a scene.

  “Have you heard anything about the west forest?”

  Tane shrugged, “The Boreans keep saying that they won’t let us go anywhere near it. However, it is only a matter of time before they open up their borders. They have valuable resources, but they do not have the mining access that we have. I know their king will eventually give in and let us start trading. Everyone can gain from it.”

  Grizma nodded his head even though he was secretly hoping the conflict of interest would lead to battle. Barthamos had not been at war for quite some time and he was beginning to miss the thrill. Sparring just wasn’t the same.

  “Just wait until they hear about your new attachment, I’m sure they would love to be able to get as close to you as possible.”

  The two men chuckled before Tane began asking some personal questions of his own.

  “So, are you planning on taking a mate?”

  Grizma shrugged, “Just as soon as I find a heifer that I think can handle me. Every time I go after a certain female, we usually end up getting into multiple arguments that ends with them leaving.”

  “That’s because you need another stubborn bull such as yourself.”

  Grizma laughed heartily, lifting his mug into the air, “You are right about that! But two people who are stubborn end up getting nothing done. Plus, I enjoy my freedom”

  “Those two things are not mutually exclusive.”

  The two men shared laughter before the subject was changed.

  “Is Serena still planning on visiting?”

  Serena was a tiger Metician who had also grown up with them and was known for her fiery temper. Unlike them, Serena had moved to the allied city of Taranos to start her own business in exotic weaponry. She often traveled around the world, studying the different types and uses of weapons before bringing certain subjects back to her store to be sold. She was actually quite famous and had the profit to prove it.

  Every so often, the tigress would return to Barthamos to catch up and to spend some time on the beaches that the nation was famous for.

  “She is planning on gracing us with her presence within a week or so. She said she has been busy with expanding her business and it has been harder for her to get away. Even if she gets here, I doubt she will spend much of her time with us.”

  Grizma found the female to be frustrating with her capricious ways but he also respected her for her spirit. She was one feline that no one messed with. Especially since many of her exotic weapons could do a range of unique torture. She had gained a world-wide reputation for her violent tendencies and entrepreneurship. It seemed that most people she tried to form alliances with readily volunteered.

  “Ever since she burned off my eyebrows while I was sleeping, I have stayed away from her bad side. That is one side that no man should ever know.”

  “Which explains why she hasn’t had any trouble with people trying to cheat her. Too many things that could possibly be lost.”

  Grizma nodded but his expression turned serious.

  “What do you think she wants?”

  Tane leaned back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head as he blew slowly out of his lips.

  “There is no way to tell. While I would say she is being sincere with wanting to reminisce, she has never been one to do anything without a selfish reason. There has to be something she is looking for. Or something she plans on doing while here.”

  Grizma agreed with a nod of his head, trying to think of all the different reasons Serena could find Barthamos desirable at this moment. She had already gained a large amount of business within this country. Perhaps she was looking for a particular item. Or perhaps was just trying to get away.

  Grizma glanced at the king, noticing his bored expression. He would need to move quickly before the hot-headed wolf became too irritable.

  “Want to go hunting?”

  He immediately knew he had chosen wisely when Tane turned his attention to Grizma and grinned with his canines shining in the afternoon sunlight.

  “With pleasure.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ann had left the queen alone for the remainder of the morning, hoping that the young human could acquire some solace. But now that she had overheard the conversation between the king and his general, she knew she needed to get back to her queen.

  Ann felt her head spin as she climbed the staircase.

  A Dayuki? She had only heard about the species from stories and could not ever fathom that they truly existed. The fact that the young human had been captured because of some prophecy was also hard to believe. If she was truly one of these legendary summoners, then she had more power than imaginable. Which also meant she had a destiny that needed to be fulfilled.

  Ann considered herself to be a spiritual person. She prayed to the Gods frequently and felt they had been kind to her many times in life. Although she was also loyal to her king, Ann knew even he needed to answer to someone. If the current queen was truly anointed by the Gods, then she would need to know. The Gods would then decide what would happen next.

  Ann knew she would have to keep the information secret for both her and the queen’s safety. If anyone ever found out she had listened to the king’s conversation and then talked openly to his mate, she would die in a very creative and painful manner. Those disloyal to the kingdom were often tortured for years before finally being killed. Ann shivered at the thought.

  She approached the queen’s door, nodding to the guards that were stationed outside. She knocked slowly, listening for any kind of sound. Since Ann was the designated maid for the king’s new mate, she was the only other one with free access to this room. When she heard no sound come from the other side, she slowly turned the door handle and was not surprised to find it unlocked. The queen had mostly stayed in one spot, staring blankly into the distance for the past week. When Ann entered the room, she quickly looked around, her eyes searching for the queen. Her gaze stopped when she spotted the queen standing in front of a large window, her hand splayed across the glass.

  Ann felt unsure of distur
bing the scene, but she also knew that the only way to truly help the human was to give her information.

  “My queen?”

  The hand did not move nor did the figure. She only stood there, seemingly lost in a daze.

  “Please my queen, I need you to listen to something very important.”

  Ann kept her voice low but urgent as she approached the human, making sure the guards would not be able to overhear. The queen did not move or show any indication that she had heard Ann, remaining motionless next to the window.

  Ann remained silent for a moment, observing the queen’s expression that was impossible to read. The queen’s expression had remained blank and emotionless since she had been placed under her care. She could only imagine the demons the human was facing right now.

  “I do not know if you are listening to me right now, but I overheard a conversation which is related to you.”

  Still no movement…

  “I overheard the king talking about how he claimed you because you are a Dayuki.”

  Ann froze when she saw the queen’s violet eyes turn to focus on her. This was what Ann wanted but she also felt unnerved with the queen’s intense gaze focused on her. After being ignored for so long, getting undivided attention was nerve-wrecking. Ann also couldn’t help but feel speechless by the intensity within those violet depths. They swirled with a mysterious energy that drew her in. Was this the power of the Dayuki? Or was it something else?

  “A Dayuki?”

  Ann cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure and remember why she was here.

  “You have not heard the stories?” Silence. “Well the Dayuki were a powerful species that could wield magic and summon creatures to aid them in battle. It was thought that they were all wiped out during a plague but apparently there is a prophecy that one survived. And that one is you.”


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