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The Breeder

Page 10

by L G Nauck

  “Oh god, you smell so fucking good. Who would have guessed that a human would smell this good? You are like a ripe fruit that I am about to devour.”

  “Let me go.” She forced out as he began to pull her backwards.

  He chuckled in her ear, nipping it gently, “Never.”

  She was turned quickly and found herself bent over the table she had been reading at previously.

  Her mind felt hazy as it prepared itself for what would come next.

  She heard the fabric of her dress rip as the waist was tore open so her lower region was exposed. She forced the tears to stay within her, locking onto her emotions as she felt the first prodding of his member. She would not give up. She would find a way to fight and get out of this if it was the last thing she did.

  They both groaned at the same time as he entered her. Him from pleasure and her from discomfort. Her body had luckily produced enough lubricant that he wasn’t ripping her apart, but he was still large enough that the stretching was uncomfortable. Once he was fully seated within her he began thrusting inside of her. Each thrust was combined with a “mine” “so fucking good” “so fucking sweet.”

  His dirty talk made her sick.

  He pulled her roughly backwards so that she was standing as he plowed into her. One of his hands went back to roughly massaging her breast as the other massaged her clitoris again.

  “I swear you are going to cum for me. No pills. Just me.”

  She wished she was facing him so she could spit in his face. Her body may feel a slight bit of pleasure as a survival mechanism, but she would not give him the gratification.

  Suddenly he stopped thrusting, pulling back out and slowly re-entering as his finger also began to move slow circles around her clitoris.

  She was confused by this but was ashamed when her body began to feel more sparks of pleasure.

  No. She could not let this happen. She could not enjoy this. He had to have slipped her a pill.

  His lips closed around her neck as he began to suck on it as he continued his torturously slow pace. She just wanted it to be over with.

  She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making her surrender. She also didn’t want to feel any pleasure with her rapist. But at the same time, she wondered if it would make her life any easier. What if she didn’t have to feel pain each time? What if she could close off her emotions and be able to take whatever enjoyment she could out it? Would it make things easier as she tried to figure out a way to escape this jail? Would she even be able to?

  She closed her eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to escape as she forced her mind far away from this place. She shouldn’t even have to consider these horrible options.

  Rape was rape, no matter what her body did physically.

  “Cum for me.” He whispered and she felt her hate well up within her. She didn’t want this. But she also wanted to escape. She was so tired of feeling the pain. She was tired of being scared. She just wanted to be left alone.

  His finger increased the pressure on her clitoris as he continued those agonizingly slow thrusts. At least it was not painful any more. But the heat building up in her body made her hate herself. What if she could just forget?

  Alena allowed her head to fall backwards as she gave in to the feelings. Just one time.

  “Cum for me.” She gritted her teeth as she obeyed, and she came around him. The feeling was so strong that she was afraid she would fall over which wasn’t a problem since the king was already holding her up. She would feel guilty later.

  “That’s it, my bitch. That’s it. Take it!”

  She heard him growling behind her, but her consciousness was too far gone to care. She had her soul locked firmly away so it could not feel shame or fear.

  As her orgasm subsided, his thrusts increased, his speed faster than she could comprehend. His growls also increased, making her aware of the fact that he could rip her into shreds any time he wanted. And the fear returned.

  She kept her eyes closed, maintaining a hold on her sanity as he thrust hard into her, his canines piercing her skin as he filled her with his semen. She kept still, knowing if she moved, his teeth would cause her skin to rip further. She could only stand there as he continuously poured his seed into her. Which made her closer to being impregnated.

  The thought made her cold.

  His orgasm seemed to last forever but eventually his teeth and cock were pulled out of her and she was allowed to lay limply against the table.

  Her mind remained firmly under control and refused to allow her emotions to surface. She could not deal with them right now.

  “Oh god, you have no idea how good of a fuck you are. It feels like my balls are on fire each time I am inside of you.”

  She didn’t respond, only stared at a darker spot on the table blankly.

  “I’m glad you gave into me. See how much fun we can have together if you just accept your position?”

  I will kill you.

  She thought to herself as one tear rolled down her face. She gave him no answer as he sighed in annoyance and she heard him pull up his pants.

  “If I had known claiming a human would cause this much trouble then I would have rethought this plan.”

  But he needed her. For his plan. He was using her, taking everything from her so that he could gain some kind of indirect power.

  Her fist clenched.

  “I hope you get pregnant soon, I would love to see you swollen with my offspring as I plow between your thighs.”

  She gritted her teeth, forcing herself to contain her emotions as she silently wished death on him.


  “Hopefully they get my spirit though, if not, then they may need to be reconditioned. I can’t have too many weak beings around me or else I may go crazy.”

  Tick. Tick. Boom.

  Alena pushed herself off the table, swinging around to face him, her face burning with pure rage.

  “We couldn’t have that could we!? Can’t disturb your vulnerable bubble and perfect world! It doesn’t matter that you are destroying someone else’s life as long as your fucking life is perfect. If you don’t want me, then let me go!”

  His amused expression just set her off more as she began grabbing books and throwing them at him, not caring if they hit or not.

  If she could just hit him in his face, then she could feel a small measure of reprieve.

  If she could wipe that grin off of his face.

  She kept throwing, moving around the table to collect more books as he easily avoided each launched missile. His laughter infuriated her. His presence was poison.

  Just as she grabbed the last book, she found her wrist captured in his and his body dangerously close. She felt some of her fear reemerge as her body became aware of his presence and the strong grip he had on her wrist.

  She looked up, seeing him bend down so he could look her in the eye. She felt her anger begin to evaporate as her violet eyes met his silver ones.

  “That is the fire that I enjoy. If you continue to show me this side of you then maybe I could be more entertained.”

  She felt her anger well up within her again as she shook with barely contained emotions.

  “I am not your pet.”

  He moved close enough to where she could feel his breath against her face.

  “But my dear, that is exactly what you are.”

  And then he was gone. Walking away from her with all the confidence of a man who had everything where he wanted it.

  And with a shudder she realized that he did. And it was her.

  She sunk to the floor and allowed herself to cry until her soul ached.

  Chapter Nine

  What had she done?

  That was the constant thought repeating itself as she regretfully replayed the library scene within her mind. Yes, she had been able to forget for a moment. But at what cost?

  The amount of shame and regret she felt was beyond the benefits she had received.

he thought he had won.

  And that was the worst reality of all.

  He thought she was giving into him.

  Alena could not accept the fact that the king had felt so satisfied afterwards, believing he had made her accept her fate as his prized pet. To be used as he wished. To obey.

  She paced around her room, chewing anxiously on her thumbnail as her thoughts raced.

  Perhaps he had won, but he had no idea what was going through her head. Or the fact that she knew about the prophecy. These were two very good advantages she had.

  Even if he felt victorious now, it would not be forever.

  She would still win in the end.

  But even with her small victories and plans, Alena still had to confront the impending wedding that she had recently been informed about.

  Apparently, it was not enough to claim her as his mate, but he also wanted to publicly stake his claim through a royal wedding. It was custom. It was also a sham.

  The thought of being dressed up and paraded in front of the masses, all smiling and happy for their king, made her sick. Did anyone know the king’s true nature? And if they did, did they respect it or fear it?

  Throughout the week, Alena had been brought various options for the wedding, but she had chosen to repeat the same response, “The only thing I want for the wedding is to not have it.”

  Eventually no one bothered to come to her anymore.

  Which was better for her because she did not have to be constantly reminded of the fact she was getting married to someone she detested. Or the decreasing time she had to escape.

  Once she was announced as the new queen, Alena knew the possibility of escaping without anyone noticing was slim. It was enough to have the whole castle know her face, but with the whole kingdom knowing her identity, the odds of her slipping away unnoticed was small. She would either be targeted or simply brought right back to the castle. Two options she was not at all happy with.

  Alena sank down to the floor, considering her current options.

  She had not been able to explore to find more answers. Not only because she was unsure where she could look, but also because the thought of the library event repeating itself made her quake with anxiety. She had not been able to leave her room for the past two days because of it. Instead, she had sat huddled in a corner, jumping at the slightest sound. Memories of being cornered and taken advantage of constantly assaulted her mind.

  She had become a prisoner. A pet. Confined to one room, living in fear that the king would return for her. And return he would.

  Could she escape?

  She had not perused the castle to find any potential weak spots because she had been paralyzed by fear. But if she could possibly make her legs move and convince her mind to leave this room, she could possibly explore the castle. She was unsure when the next time the king would come for her, but she knew she was basically easy prey inside her room. He knew exactly where she was and how to corner her.

  But didn’t he always?

  Alena considered the information that she knew about Meticians and knew an increased sense of smell was one of their gifts. However, mating practices were unknown to her. This left her unaware, and therefore, vulnerable.

  In conclusion, Alena needed more information.

  Alena closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. If she was going to be able to walk around the palace, she would need to be confident and aware. That would require making her heart stop beating a million miles an hour.

  After a couple deep breaths, she was able to calm her heart down to a more normal pace. Her next step was to bury her thoughts and emotions deep within her subconscious. Even though she had always been good with blocking out certain thoughts, she had found the ability lacking when it came to repeated trauma. However, she was beginning to expand her ability. All the thoughts, anxiety, and memories she buried deep within her mind. Far enough so that she could open her eyes and stand up without her legs falling out from beneath her.

  Alena walked to the door and opened it, finding herself confronted with the usual two guards. As before, she did not look away, choosing to square her shoulders and meet their gazes.

  “I want to go for a walk.”

  “We will accompany you.”

  She observed the two large wolf Meticians and knew there was no way they were going to let her go anywhere alone. She would spend time exploring the area and silently contemplate her escape.

  With a nod she walked out of the room and began down the hallway. She knew the left led to more rooms, including the library where she had gone the other day. She cringed at the brief flashback that accosted her before she could suppress it. Because she had not seen any stairs that led to the lower floor, she decided they would have to be the other way.

  Unfortunately, when she had first arrived at the palace, she had not paid much attention to her surroundings. Her reality had mostly been drifting from one room to another, occasionally being led places but never really focusing on anything.

  Even though she was able to keep a steady grip on her emotions, she still found it difficult to concentrate. It took all her energy just to block out the fear she felt at being outside her room. Although her room was not safe either, it provided a sort of comfort that helped keep her relatively calm. She could be alone. She could hide. She could block out thoughts. But stepping outside of it meant she was constantly made aware of her reality and the fact she could bump into the king at any time.

  Alena was relieved when she came across the stairs that led to the lower levels. She was not sure if her guards could provide any information on the palace, but she didn’t feel like talking to them. They were the silent enforcers of her enslavement. And therefore, they were just as guilty.

  She walked down the stairs and found herself in a large room that was elaborately decorated with gold and velvet. She had to be somewhere in the middle of the palace since there were no windows. Alena looked around and saw there were two doors on each wall, six total from what she could see.

  She decided to try one of the right doors which she found led to a type of study. She did not spend much time exploring the room but noted that it appeared mostly unused since the desk was empty and the books seemed to be untouched. Alena moved on to the next room which was a large dining hall with a table that had to be at least twenty feet long. She couldn’t imagine that many people all being seated there at once. But then again, she had never tried to imagine what happened in the typical royal’s life.

  Alena moved to the door that was across from her and was pleased to see she was in a large indoor patio. The room was filled with plants hanging from the ceiling as well as on the ground. The room had two walls but the other two were made completely of glass, letting observers look out to see a large field that led to a lake in the distance. Alena could not help but step closer, amazed by the view. She had not known there was a lake on the palace’s property.

  Would she be allowed to go out there?

  She mentally slapped herself, knowing she didn’t plan on staying at the palace long enough to try to enjoy the amenities. And she did not want to find anything beautiful about this place.

  This would be a room that she would enjoy coming to more often though. It felt cool with the layers of mist descending to keep the plants hydrated. It would be a perfect place to take a nap or read a book.

  Or escape.

  Alena took note of all the windows and wondered if some of them opened. Or could be easily broken. This information would be helpful later.

  Alena kept moving, viewing two more dining areas, another study, a kitchen, ballroom, lounge room, and finally the grand entrance. She knew it would be next to impossible to just walk through the front doors, especially with the high number of guards standing along the walls. She noticed them tense when she entered and wondered if they thought she would make a break for it.

  Alena turned to walk back through the doors she had come from. She had already viewed most of the castle and taken note of
every window and guard position. She knew it would not be easy to leave, especially since there seemed to be more guards than furniture on the bottom floor. She could only recollect the two guards she usually had on the second floor. She wondered if it would be possible to escape through an upstairs window. If she was able to drop down at an opportune moment and sneak around the side, she may be able to get into the city and disappear before anyone notices. If she could make it to the South side, she knew she would be safe. It would be next to impossible to find her. And then she could find Kaleck and they could leave and explore the world like they always wanted.

  One of the guards stepped in front of her, causing her to come to a sudden stop and her heart stuttered.

  “We should get you back to your room now.”

  “Uh, okay.”

  She would agree with anything if it meant getting back to her safety zone and away from the intimidating presence of so many Meticians. She had enough of pretending she was confident and alright when all she wanted to do was scream and hide.

  She was surrounded once more by both guards, ushering her quickly towards the door. She was confused about their exigency but didn’t say anything as she was hurried along.

  They came to a sudden stop when a woman with long blood-red hair appeared in front of them. Her cat-like green eyes focused on her immediately as her lips pulled back in a sly smile.

  “Hey there, is this the young human everyone is talking about?”

  Alena tried to control her breathing as her heart sped up. Who was this and what did she want?

  “There’s no need to fear, my little dove, I have no ill wishes towards you. I just simply wanted to see you and maybe have a chat.”

  She noticed that the guards didn’t move or make any effort to introduce her to the mysterious cat-like woman so she remained silent as well. Was this an enemy?

  “Oh my, where are my manners? You all are looking at me like a shark in the water. I may be a predator, but I am not inclined to eat you. My name is Serena. I come from Teranos and am only visiting to participate in such a merry occasion. Congratulations on your mate-hood and upcoming wedding!”


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