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Escaping Me

Page 2

by Cat Mason

  I slam my hands against his chest, “I don’t belong to anyone Grayson, but this tour shit isn’t going to work if you are trying to get into your brother’s fiancé’s panties the entire time. There are plenty of girls for you to fuck, go and find one. This,” I say gesturing between us. “…seems to only be your problem.” I spit angrily.

  He leans in so that our lips are almost touching. My chest is heaving against his. I have to lock my knees to keep from collapsing to the floor. “If I wanted to get into your panties Wildflower they would shoot off that sweet ass of yours and you would leap onto my dick.” His hand runs down my arm until he cups my ass and squeezes. “Oops forgive me… They would if you were wearing any, which you clearly aren’t.” His fingers tease the hem of my skirt, dancing along my inner-thigh. “You will fuck me Daisy; it’s just a matter of time. And when you do… it won’t just be the band that will hear you scream my name. It’ll be anyone in a ten mile radius.” He says releasing me. I watch Grayson as he walks out to the bar where three bottle blonde triple D’s are waiting to give him their undivided attention.

  I brace my hands on my knees and blow out a breath trying to regain my composure. How in the hell does he do that? He affects me so much that I forget everything and anyone around us? My fiancé is on the other side of the door for fuck’s sake! How is he so calm?

  Looking over at the bar I see him painfully adjusting his dick. I smile, knowing that he may be playing a game, but he’s just as affected as I am. I hope the rotten bastard dies from blue balls. Well, I do know one thing. We are not happening so he might as well fuck until his cock falls off. I will not be riding the Grayson Cole theme ride. No fucking way! He winks at me as I turn to go into the bathroom. I mouth ‘dream on’ as I flip him off and watch his eyes heat as I slam the bathroom door behind me.

  Chapter Two

  Fill ‘er up…shut ‘er down…

  The rest of the night Grayson keeps his distance. Though every time I turn, I catch him staring at me, watching me with Landon. I kept waiting for Landon to catch on but luckily he never did. The last thing I want is a confrontation. I don’t know what the hell Grayson’s problem is but I plan to keep as much distance between us as possible. After they play the last half of their set we quickly say our goodbyes then head home. Landon rechecks his bags for the tour. I assure him we have everything, and we both fall into his bed into an uninterrupted sleep.


  The next morning, I am standing wrapped in Landon’s arms as we watch the bus pull up in front of his house. The huge guy from last night who I now know as Henry steps off the bus and starts grabbing our bags from us. “Mornin’ you ready to be stuck on a bus with half a dozen disgusting men?”

  “I’ll manage.” I say with a smile as I walk up the steps behind him.

  Walking up onto the bus, I take in my ‘home’ for the next few months except for a few stops where we actually get to have motel rooms. The kitchen and living area are bigger than I expected but it is still going to be cramped. There is a big fluffy brown couch on the wall, then a big ugly ass green chair next to it. A huge flat screen T.V. is mounted on the wall in clear view for both the living area and kitchenette table.

  I follow Henry back down the makeshift hallway where there are two bunks on each side. “Bathroom here…” He says smacking a door as we pass. Then he kicks open a door to what I gather is a bedroom that has a nearly full sized bed and sitting on it strumming an acoustic guitar is Grayson.

  Looking up at us he smiles. “Hey guys. Usually I take this room solo unless one of the guys has a friend.” He says with a smirk. “I thought instead that you can crash on the bed. That way you two can snuggle properly.” Gray’s smart ass tone dripping from every word.

  “Hey Landon.” We turn to see Tad and his sourpuss expression standing in the doorway. “I need to go over a few things before we pull out. Do ya mind?”

  Landon nods, following him out with Henry bringing up the rear. With Grayson alone with me, I drop my bag on the bed and walk over to the shelves on the wall stowing my laptop, phone and e-reader. “So Wildflower, are you ready for the rough and rowdy of a Shaft tour?” He asks, I turn to find him standing right behind me. The close proximity is something I was trying to avoid. He is already at it again. He is pushing me, I know it. His scent is intoxicating, like heat and something I can’t quite describe. Not like the clean, fresh smell that Landon has. I don’t know what it is drawing me to Grayson, but I know that I can’t give into it. I am not ruining everything Landon and I are working on for one quick ride. I have to put Grayson in his place once and for all. Maybe if he knows that I am not interested he will back off. That I’m not playing hard to get that I really mean that I don’t want him. Well I don’t want to want him, but I can’t have him and I won’t because I love Landon. You don’t screw up this kind of happiness. I’m not one to fuck around.

  Shaking my head, I glare at him. “Grayson, listen. I’m here for Landon. Not to be your groupie, your fuck buddy or the pass around pussy for the band when there isn’t any standing in line ready to fall over with their legs open for you. I can and will handle anything you try to throw at me so trust me when I say this; you aren’t getting into my panties. End of fucking story. I’m marrying your brother. I love him. I won’t do that to him so you might as well drop the act now and save yourself the trouble.” I say as his eyes watch my mouth.

  Slowly, his eyes drift up to mine and then he shocks the hell out of me. He laughs. Grayson doubles over, placing his hand on the wall. Laughing so hard he is heaving for breath. I seriously think that he has lost it. After a minute his laughing slows, he stands back up meeting my shocked gaze. “I like you Daisy. You don’t fuck around, you shoot straight.” He says as he strokes my cheek, making me tense. “Don’t worry Wildflower I’m not going to trample your petals. I wouldn’t dream of it. You deserve more than that.” He says sweetly, the sincerity in his voice floors me. Quickly he turns from me so I can barely hear his final words but I know I hear them loud and clear. “You deserve better than me.” Walking out the door, Grayson leaves me alone to unpack along with a million thoughts whirling in my mind.

  Landon doesn’t come back in the room after the bus pulls out, so I settle our bags on the shelves and go see what the guys are up to. With Henry behind the wheel, Tad and Landon seem deep in a hushed conversation staring at the laptop on the table when I walk into the living area. Gray is watching as Aiden and Hunter are busy working out a beat on the couch. Aiden beats his sticks against his jean clad thighs as Hunter works the frets on his bass. “Nah, it needs to go like this.” Hunter says as he changes the rhythm, his hand glides along the neck as Aiden switches up his beat. I stand there watching him beat his sticks against his spread thighs. “You gotta make those bitches want to grind on ya. Change the words around here, a chord or two there. Maybe scream a few ladies’ names during Gray’s solo. I’m gonna make it rain pussy at our next show.” He says stand up grinding the guitar against him. Moaning while he plays the chords again changing the words.

  Grayson throws a half empty water bottle at him, hitting him square in the face. “What the fuck man?” Hunter yells, glaring over at him.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are Hunter, Rax Wrathbone? Maybe if you were in Killer Buzz Float then and only then would you have women dropping on your dick from the sky. Until then grow the fuck up and play the shit like we wrote it asshole." Grayson spits angrily making all eyes fall on him. “This band isn’t about getting’ you some pussy and you fuckin’ know it man.” Standing he shoves past me. I slam into the wall just as Henry takes a hard left, sending me tumbling into Hunter knocking us both onto the couch.

  “Ooomph.” Hunter groans as I try to scramble off of him. “Leave it to Gray to throw unavailable pussy in my lap.”

  My stomach drops as I climb off of Hunter turning to meet Landon’s shocked face rushing toward me. “Are you alright?” He asks looking me over.

  “I’m fine.” I say shooi
ng him off of me.

  “I am going to beat his ass for shoving you.” He whispers kissing my lips softly.

  “Fuckin’ hell! Landon give us a show, shove your tongue down her throat or grab a tit at least.” Aiden groans rubbing his eyes with his palms. “I bet you two fuck with the lights off and thank each other after an orgasm.” He says turning to Hunter. “Thank you Mr. Cole may I have another? No bitch you may not!” He laughs then pumps his hips making Hunter laugh. “You ought to just fuck her face and say goodnight. Fill ‘er up and shut ‘er down.”

  Hunter arches a brow at Landon and me, “You two aren’t fit for the tour bus lifestyle. Fuck being prim and proper. I say whether it’s fuckin’ or just a good suckin’ it’s all about me gettin’ mine.”

  Flipping them off over Landon’s shoulder, I stroke his cheek with my other hand. “No. There’s no reason to screw up the tour on the first day. Finish what you were doing with Tad and I’ll go talk to Grayson.” The last words flow from my mouth like word vomit. Why should I go talk to Grayson? I don’t know him. He will probably slam the door in my face and laugh. Landon nods, kissing me sweetly.

  I turn making my way down the aisle and crack the door. “Hey, you mind?” I ask slipping into the small bedroom, closing the door behind me.

  Grayson is sprawled across the bed, his boots hanging off the side. He tosses his arms up in the air vaguely. “Your room… sorry it’s a habit to just camp out in here when Hunter turns into Cunter.” He drawls as I sit on the edge of the bed making me laugh.


  He turns giving me a huge smile propping his head up on his fist. “You’re beautiful when you laugh.” He says then shakes his head. “Um, I mean yeah. Cunter. That is Hunter’s asshole alter-ego. When he thinks that he’s bigger than the music.” He says and I nod.

  “I think it fits.” I say remembering what happened when Grayson shoved me into him.

  “Did I hurt you?” He asks leaning up and touching my hand. The look in his eyes is sincere. He looks almost pained. “I didn’t mean to shove you. I’m sorry Wildflower, if Hunter…” He starts and I see his jaw tick angrily.

  “No, it’s fine…I’m fine.” I say as he smiles nervously.

  Grayson laces his fingers with mine. I don’t know why but I let him. It doesn’t feel wrong like it should, it feels comforting. The fact that there are five other guys just feet away from us. That I am marrying one of them fades away making me feel like someone completely different. Grayson’s eyes are watching our joined hands just as I am. His eyes trail up my arm, slowly they meet my mine.

  Snapping out of my trance, I jerk my hand away. The disappointment flashes on his face for a minute before he masks it. “It might be a good idea if we work on being friends Daisy.” He says, taking me by surprise. “You are going to be my sister-in-law; we are stuck on this bus together…so I think we should at least be friends. Who knows you might even end up liking me a little bit.”

  I can’t believe what he is saying. He has been tormenting me ever since he met me not to mention the fact that he wants to tear into me. I take a breath then nod. “I think so too. As long as you can keep your dick in your pants Grayson then I am fine with being your friend.”

  “We can be naked friends.” He says with a wicked smile. “Or maybe just you can. I don’t mind.” He shrugs. I kick his boot with my foot. “Okay, okay… I’ll be good. I promise Wildflower.”

  Sitting up he grabs his acoustic guitar and starts strumming it. “We have a gig tonight. I get to do a cover or two.” He says as he starts humming along.

  “Really?” I ask shocked. “So Hunter isn’t the only vocal?”

  He looks at me with a weak smile. “Nope. I can carry a tune if I have a bucket to put it in.” He says sarcastically making me wince.

  “Sorry, not what I meant….it’s just that…” I start but he interrupts me.

  “It’s just what Daisy? You think that all I can do is strum a few chords. Everyone thinks that Shaft is all about Cunter. Especially him. I write all the music and lyrics. I lay the tracks. Fuck, up until we picked up Tad Aiden and I booked every fuckin’ thing we did. Tad even used our old books as starting blocks for this tour.” He snaps. “Damn. Just like the rest of ‘em.”

  Grayson’s accusations piss me off. I am boiling and I don’t know why. All I do know is; I want to know what the hell his problem is. He doesn’t fucking know me but he thinks he knows me well enough to classify me as some groupie whore who doesn’t care which band member she talking to. Grabbing his guitar from his hands, I toss it to the bed then slap him hard across the face. Grayson’s eyes go wide in shock. “Listen to me you son of a bitch. Last night I didn’t watch a damn thing Hunter did or Aiden. I could have easily forgotten that Landon was standing with me. Those riffs you played were hypnotic. Everyone in that bar felt that shit! It felt like the guitar was singing the fuckin’ song not Hunter. So shut the fuck up before you accuse me of being a Shaft groupie bitch again. Believe it or not I’m not Shaft’s biggest fan here to fall at your feet.” I spit then before I can breathe he is up shoving me into the back wall of the bus.

  Grayson’s hands pinning mine above my head, his body pressed tightly up against mine. My entire body is humming at the closeness, electricity crackling all around us. The feel of his warm body against mine, his erection straining against his jeans, pressing against my stomach it is all too much making my eyes flutter closed involuntarily. This is it, he is going to kiss me right here. Landon could walk in but I can’t stop it even if I wanted to. “You better watch what you say Wildflower. I can be friends with you but I can only take so much.” He whispers as he leans in, nuzzling my ear. “I am so close to breaking my no naked friends rule with you right now. Landon be damned, brother or not, I want you,” He says grinding against me making me moan. I feel his smile against my neck. “…and I sure as hell know you want me baby. You can’t deny this shit pulling us together anymore than I can. I’ll tell you this much, If he for one second doesn’t make you so fuckin’ happy that you aren’t fixed on him…” He trails his tongue along the shell of my ear, nipping lightly with his teeth. “I’ll take what I want.”

  He releases me, adjusting his bulge as he scoops up his guitar. Grayson leaves me in the room alone to wonder what in the hell just happened. How do I plan to make sure it doesn’t happen again? I don’t want it to happen again right? That would be stupid.

  Flopping onto the bed covering my face with my arms, I let out a huge sigh. The bed dips down making me jump up and scream. “Shh.” Landon says sweetly as he kisses my lips. “Whatever you said to Gray worked. He’s out there right now practicing with the guys for tonight. Thank you.”

  I take his lips rolling so that I am on top of him. As I move my mouth against his, I straddle his lap and grind against him. “Take me right now Landon.” I growl against his mouth. “Please.”

  Chuckling, he rolls us to our sides. “I won’t take you on a bus with everyone around Daisy. I can’t do that.”

  The rejection stings like a bitch. “What? How is this different from the back room last night Landon? We aren’t going to be in hotels very much, we have to be resourceful.” I say sounding more like a spoiled brat I know but I am worked up damn it. Regardless of the fact that I’m worked up by the wrong brother, I’m in need of a release.

  “Last night shouldn’t have happened like that. You don’t do that to the woman you are going to marry. That’s groupie sex and we don’t do that Daisy, Aiden is right.” The joke from Aiden hits me square in the gut and I stand to my feet, grabbing my laptop off the shelf.

  “Fine.” I say flinging the door open.

  “Wait Daisy, don’t get upset.”

  I turn, picking up my laptop from the shelf to meet his beautiful blue eyes. “Landon, I’m fine with whatever you want. I’m not the one that will have to hide that.” I say gesturing to his straining zipper. Yeah, Landon’s brain may not want to do this on the bus, but Landon’s second head sees my r
easoning. I smile knowing I will win this fight if I hold out. “I’ll just take care of it myself. No biggie.” I shrug then walk out of the room closing the door behind me.

  I pass Tad in the aisle on my way into the living area. He rolls his eyes then walks back toward the bunks. I secretly wonder what his problem is, although maybe he heard us. Or maybe he is just a determined manager wanting to work. My bet though is that he is probably just an asshole. Grayson’s eyes meet mine as he drops a shot glass to the counter. “You want one?” He asks me when I sit my laptop down on the table.

  “Hell yeah! It’s a tradition she has to do a shot or three.” Hunter says fist pumping the air.

  “Yep.” I say as Hunter hands me the salt shaker. “Line ‘em up.” Licking my salt covered hand, I look at Aiden. “What was that you said before? Fill ‘er up and shut ‘er down?” I ask and he nods as I down my shot. The burn slides down my throat as it warms my belly. Quickly I suck on a lemon wedge and gasp for a breath. “Yep that’s the new motto.” I say bumping his outstretched fist. Hunter pours another round in the glasses while I officially start my last hoorah.

  Chapter Three

  Shaft Approved

  I lose count after the sixth shot but I do know that the bottle is empty. Sagging to the couch next to Aiden and Gray, I decide that once you down a bottle of tequila with a guy you can call him by his nickname. I know I am drunk when I accidentally ask ‘Cunter’ to pass the lemons. He spits tequila all over the bar making me fall to the floor, erupting in a fit of giggles. The guys all look at me in shock but laugh along with me anyway.

  I watch Aiden flip through the channels on the flat screen arguing with Gray over what to watch. It’s safe to assume Landon is still sulking in the bedroom but I really could care less at this point. I want fun and this is what this is right? I’m touring with the next big thing. I am on a tour bus with Shaft and even though my fiancé is being a total dick…. Ha! Shaft, dick…see what I did there? I bury my face in my hands and laugh making Gray turn his eyes to me.


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