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Crossroads (Crossroads Academy #1)

Page 17

by J. J. Bonds

  “Of course, Mother. How rude of me. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner!” Nik grins. Hell’s bells! I know that look. He’s going to enjoy this. “Katia, would you permit me the honor of a dance?” he asks formally, panning to our audience.

  “What a grand idea!” booms Aldo. He and Lissette are both smiling broadly.

  “Certainly.” I can’t very well say no, and Nik knows it. No matter how rude I am to him in the confines of the gym, he knows I’ll never embarrass Aldo that way in front of so many important people. He comes around the table and extends his arm to me. I slide my hand through, hooking our elbows together, and follow his lead. “You are so dead,” I whisper when we are out of earshot of the table.

  “Well, then I’d best make the most of this evening, hadn’t I?” he asks, turning to face me as a new song starts. It’s a melody. “A slow dance. It must be my lucky day!” He winks at me, and I stomp on his foot with my heel.

  Nik grimaces in pain. “Sorry,” I say sweetly. “Two left feet.”

  Not one to give up easily, he pulls me in closer so that I’m flat against the hard muscles of his chest. “You’ll have to do better than that to get rid of me.” We both know I can’t get away with much more than a good toe stomping this evening, so I relent to the feel of his strong arms around me. It’s only one dance after all.

  As we spin around the dance floor under the twinkling white lights, more couples join us, including Aldo and Lissette. It appears Lissette is tickled pink at the sight of Nik and me dancing. Not everyone is so happy though. I see Jade standing across the room, and, while she might otherwise look positively radiant, her face is a mask of hatred. I hope I haven’t kicked the hornet’s nest again. I have to stay out of trouble tonight.

  When the song ends I pry myself from Nik’s arms, refusing to give any thought to the lustful look in his eyes or the comfort of his warm embrace.

  “One more dance?” he asks rubbing my arm gently. Electricity shoots up my arm, and I yank it away from his touch.

  “Don’t push your luck.”

  “Later then,” he cedes. I roll my eyes and head off in search of Shaye.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “She’s got to be here somewhere,” I grumble to myself. This place is jam packed tonight, and, now that everyone is up and moving around, it’s even more difficult to find one person in the crush of bodies.

  I’m doubly disadvantaged because I’m stopped every few feet by people who want to meet me. Everyone knows my face after this evenings’ grand introduction. I’m engaged by politicians, casino owners, and business professionals. I’ll never remember all of their faces, let alone their names. I’m simply not that interested. I do my best to make polite conversation for a few minutes and excuse myself. I repeat this process no less than a dozen times before I spot Keegan by the buffet.

  He’s working desserts tonight. It’s a ridiculously large spread for a group of beings who predominantly stick to liquid sustenance. The table is twenty-five feet long and three tiers high. The assortment is extravagant, and, if the taste is half as good as the presentation, the desserts have got to be out of this world. I spot elaborate cakes, cocktail glasses overflowing with mousse, fruit tarts, and fancy desserts the likes of which I’ve never seen before. The buffet is dotted with ornate ice sculptures which pour blood and seem to attract more attention than the desserts themselves. My favorite is a large flower with blood trickling over its petals like fresh morning dew. I approach Keegan’s station hoping he can tell me where to find Shaye.

  “Miss Katia.” Keegan greets me formally playing to the audience. I doubt anyone is paying attention to us, but I go with it. “What can I get ye this evening?”

  “Actually, I was looking for Shaye. Have you seen her?” I ask pointing to a chocolate truffle which he promptly serves to me on a delicate china saucer.

  “I haven’t seen Miss Shaye this evening, but I’ll let her know you’re looking for her if she happens by.” I pop the truffle in my mouth and let the chocolate melt on my tongue. It’s heavenly.

  “Thank you,” I reply formally. This type of charade makes me uncomfortable. I hate having to treat Keegan differently just because there are other people around. “The truffles are wonderful.” I help myself to another one as I turn away.

  Before I can devour the second truffle, I’m accosted again. This time it’s an accident. The stranger bumps into me hard as he’s shoved from behind.

  “Pardon me,” he says turning to look me in the face. “Oh, dear!” Recognition lights his eyes. He’s worried about my reaction. Damn that introduction.

  “Not to worry,” I assure him. “My truffle is intact. Katia Lescinka.” I extend my free hand to him to show there are no hard feelings.

  “Dr. Andrew Philips,” he says, shaking my hand firmly. He’s the most average looking guy in the world. Average height, average build, nondescript features. And yet he’s the face of our future.

  “The Dr. Philips? You head the research team at the Dwyer Group, right?” I can’t believe it. My night is finally turning around.

  “Correction. I lead one of the research teams at the Dwyer Group. I see my reputation precedes me, as does yours.” He smiles looking pleased. He probably spends a lot of time in the lab and doesn’t achieve celebrity status often. I’m impressed by his humbleness.

  “I don’t mean to put you on the spot, but could I please have a few moments of your time? I know you aren’t here to talk business, but I have a friend who would like very much to meet you. It would mean the world to me if you could spend a few minutes with her.” I probably look desperate, but I would never forgive myself if Shaye didn’t get to meet Philips tonight. I know she’s been looking forward to it since the guest list was published.

  “It would be my pleasure,” he returns easily.

  “Thank you,” I reply gratefully. “Just have a seat at that table over there, and I’ll go get her. Would you like a truffle?” I ask as an afterthought, offering him my last remaining treat.

  He wrinkles his nose in distaste. “I’m a purist, Miss Lescinka. I only put into the body what it needs to survive: blood.”

  “Fair enough. I’ll be right back.”

  To each his own I think, inserting the remaining truffle in my mouth as I head off in search of Shaye. It takes me a few minutes to find her, but I’m not worried. I’m pretty sure Philips will be waiting right where I left him no matter how long it takes me to return. Being Aldo’s great niece does have its advantages sometimes.

  I see Shaye sitting with what I assume is her family. I don’t want to approach the table and get caught up in introductions, so I wave to her from a few tables away. Shaye excuses herself and comes to me.

  “OMG! You look freaking awesome!” she gushes, bouncing up and down with excitement. Before I can get a word in, she goes on. “Like my dress? I designed it myself!” Thankful I don’t have time for pleasantries (she’d totally know I was lying about her hella ugly Rainbow Brite-like ensemble), I get right to the point. “I found Philips. He’s waiting for you over by the dessert table. Are you ready to meet him?”

  Her face lights up involuntarily, and I know the answer. She hugs me tightly to show her gratitude, and I lead her to the table where Philips is waiting.

  “Dr. Philips, this is my friend Shaye Walker. Shaye, Dr. Philips of the Dwyer Group.”

  They exchange greetings briefly.

  “Thank you again for your time, Dr. Philips. It was good meeting you.” To Shaye I simply say, “Find me later?”

  I head back to the table in search of Aldo but strike out. The only people there are Nik’s parents. I have no interest in being grilled by those social leeches again. Their approval means nothing. They were only pushing Nik and me together because of Aldo. They’re probably beside themselves at the prospect of us as a couple. Too bad it will never happen. I keep moving.

  It seems like I move all night long without pause. I do my best to be charming when engaged in conversatio
n and accept all invitations to dance, although I’d much rather be sitting by the dessert table talking to Keegan or getting the lowdown on Dr. Philips from Shaye.

  I’m on the dance floor when the servers come around with flutes of blood for the midnight toast. I graciously accept a fresh glass and turn my attention to the front of the room. Aldo has taken center stage. The music dies down, as does the hum of the crowd. No one wants to miss a word of his speech, myself included.

  I edge my way closer so that I can get a better view. I find myself shoulder to shoulder with Blaine. We ignore one another.

  “Welcome friends!” Aldo’s voice carries easily over the crowd. “I hope that each of you is having a wonderful time this evening. We are fortunate to be in such good company and in good spirits. This year has been a challenging one for us in many ways, but we have labored through it together and have come out stronger in the end. I look forward to continued prosperity not only for my coven, but for all of the covens under the rule of the Consiliul de Batrani. I wish each of you happiness and contentment in the year ahead. Now please raise your glass with me as we toast to new beginnings!”

  “Ten, nine, eight…” We count down the remaining seconds of the outgoing year in unison. It’s been a long year for me personally, but Aldo is right. The New Year offers a fresh start for all of us. Maybe even me. “Three, two, one!”

  The room explodes in noise. Those around me exclaim cries of “Happy New Year!” and the band breaks into an instrumental version of Auld Lang Syne. Everyone begins to hug and the traditional New Year’s kisses are exchanged. Over my dead body will I lock lips with Blaine. I turn away from him abruptly and find myself sliding into Nik’s arms.

  Before I can stop him, Nik leans in for a kiss. His hand slips past my chin and into my hair, gently massaging the back of my neck as his soft lips descend upon mine. I feel the pressure of his other hand as it lands on the small of my back, pulling me closer until our bodies meet. The heat of his kiss spreads over me and I’m tingling right down to the tips of my toes. I refuse to let myself surrender to his passion and although the exchange is way beyond friendly, I can’t seem to pull myself away. Before I can stop it, one of my traitorous hands finds its way into his hair. It’s even softer than I’d imagined. I hate to admit that I enjoy the feel of his lips moving ravenously over mine. It just feels so good.

  It’s over in the blink of an eye and then, without a word, Nik is gone. Probably afraid I’ll squash more than his toes this time. My fingers flutter to my swollen lips looking for confirmation of the tryst. I stand there dumbfounded wondering if I didn’t imagine the whole thing, as Blaine shoves past me angrily.


  “Can’t a vamp get a little sleep around here?” I mumble, pulling the blankets over my head. The ball didn’t fizzle out until dawn, and I am sure that a look at the clock will confirm that I’ve only been asleep for a couple of hours. I feel like crap. If I could just sleep a little later, I’m sure I’d feel better. But the incessant pounding at my door doesn’t end.

  “Alright. I’m coming!” I shout throwing back the blanket. “Patience is a virtue, you know!” I have no idea who would come knocking so early, but, since they’re interrupting my sleep, I’m not worried about being polite.

  Yikes! The mirror is not particularly forgiving this morning. I do my best to smooth my hair down and throw a robe on over my thin cotton nightgown, figuring false modesty is better than no modesty.

  When I open the door I’m surprised to find Aldo standing there. “Is everything okay?” I have no idea what could have brought him to my door at this hour.

  “Everything is fine, Katia. I’m glad to see you’re up and about,” he says, eyeing my unsightly bedhead. He’s humoring me. We both know I’m not a morning person.

  “Me?” I ask unabashed as I wave him into the room and close the door. “I’ve been up for hours.”

  “As have I, I’m afraid.” The jovial front is gone. This can’t be good. “Unfortunately, Lissette and I are going to have to cut our visit short. There are pressing matters back home which require my immediate attention.”

  I don’t bother asking what the pressing matters are. Much of Aldo’s work with the Council requires secrecy, so it’s pointless to ask. “I’m sorry to see you leaving so soon. I wish we’d had more time together.” He’ll appreciate my honesty.

  “I know, My Dear, but such is life.” He shakes his head in regret.

  “I understand,” I tell him, taking his solid hand in mine. “Besides, summer break will be here before you know it, and I’ll be home at the manor with you and Lissette.”

  “We are looking forward to it,” he tells me, sitting down at the desk and making himself comfortable. “Before I go, there are some things we should talk about.”

  I wonder if I’m in trouble. Lissette promised not to tell him about my work detail. I’m sure she’s kept her word. Did he talk to Professor Lynch last night? I can’t bear the thought of disappointing Aldo. What could he want to talk about that can’t wait?

  “Have you been dreaming recently?”

  Oh. I should have known. For crying out loud, why is everyone so interested in my dreams? I quickly contemplate my options and decide that Aldo deserves the truth. “Yes. The dreams are changing,” I admit, rubbing my wrist awkwardly. “They’re getting more vivid, more intense.”

  “And more frequent?”

  “Yes.” When I’d left the manor the dreams had all but diminished. I had hoped I’d be free of them at Crossroads. I’m sure Aldo had shared my sentiments.

  “Hmm.” He taps his fingers on the desk thoughtfully, as though trying to make sense of this news. “And you’re talking to Anya about them?”

  “Anya is aware of the dreams.” It’s not a direct answer, and it doesn’t escape his notice.

  “You can trust Anya.” He knows I’ve been holding back. “She may be able to put your mind at ease, if you would just open up to her.”

  “What do I need Anya for when I’ve got you?” I smile halfheartedly.

  “You know I can’t always be there for you Katia. I just want to make sure that you are safe and well protected at all times.”

  His meaning evades me. I wonder if we’re still talking about my dreams or if it’s something more. We both know there’s a lot at stake.

  He picks up the bloodstone necklace from the desk where I left it and rubs the stone idly between his fingers. “It pleases me to see you wear this.” He smiles sadly, no doubt thinking of his sister. “You remind me of her, you know.”

  “I’m honored,” I tell him sincerely. This is my opportunity to ask him about the things Keegan told me, about the psychic connection between sire and protégé. I’m deeply curious, but I hold back my questions. I’m having second thoughts about asking Aldo directly. I’m still not fully convinced that the connection exists, but I don’t like the idea of him holding out on me either, and I get the feeling this was not an omission by oversight. What I can’t figure out is why Aldo didn’t tell me himself? What is he afraid of?

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Glad to be finished with work detail?” Keegan asks, as I hand him my filthy gloves. “Have you been scared straight never to cross Headmaster Pratt again?”

  “No offense, but I am most definitely glad it’s over,” I laugh, wrinkling my nose. “I am dying to get my off campus privileges back.” It could’ve been worse, but I’m starting to feel claustrophobic and stir crazy. I need the freedom to come and go as I please. Well, as much as I please within the rules of the school.

  “Too bad you couldn’t go on the ski trip today. Killington is reporting fresh powder on the slopes.” He looks depressed. He probably wishes he were on the trip.

  “Truth be told, I’m not that interested in Killington. Plus I have some studying to do. I plan to make the most of the quiet library this afternoon.” Most of the students have gone on the trip and aren’t expected back until late this evening. I’m not really planning to study
, but it’s close to the truth. I plan to use the time to do a little research. I will scour every corner of the library if I have to in order to find out more about the transfiguration of a human and the ensuing bond with the sire.

  “Well, off with you then.” Anxious to get to the library, I bolt when he releases me. Halfway to the door it occurs to me that I haven’t thanked Keegan properly.

  “Keegan, I want you to know that I couldn’t have asked for a better work detail. It’s been nice getting to know you,” I tell him awkwardly. I’m not good at stuff like this and can tell by the look on his face that he feels as uncomfortable as I do. “I don’t have a lot of friends here, but I count you among them. So thanks.”

  “Aye. I’d be proud to call you my friend.” He smiles cheerfully. “Besides, you’re not the biggest pain in the arse they’ve ever given me for work detail.”

  I swing by my room and grab my laptop and some notebooks before heading to the library. It’s housed in the same wing as our classrooms which are freakishly quiet in the absence of students. My footfalls echo on the wooden floors exaggerating my isolation. The library is unattended. Probably an oversight, but I take it as a sign of good fortune.

  I set myself up at a rectangular table in the back of the library. Since I’m alone today, there’s no need to sit at one of the cramped study carrels for privacy. I boot up my laptop and toss the notebooks on the table. Now what? I have no clue where to start. Guess that’s the down side of no librarian.

  I haven’t really been in the library much since coming to Crossroads, but I know there’s an electronic card catalogue near the front desk. It’s as good a place as any to start. I step up to the dummy terminal and begin making impulsive selections when the search engine pops up.

  In an effort to be discreet I uncheck the option for ‘Search other libraries’. I don’t want to have books shipped in from other locations any more than I want to wait for answers. I’ll have to make do with whatever I can find in the Crossroads library today. I try searching for ‘mixed-blood’ first and get five pages of results. I rack my brain for more specific key words and find that I have better luck with ‘transfiguration’ and ‘sire’. This cuts my results down to a page and a half of promising leads. I hit Ctrl-P and wait as the laser printer spits out my list of titles and the books’ locations within the library.


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