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Double Trouble: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 8)

Page 9

by Dixon, Ruby

  “Here,” Muscle says after a long minute. “Let her catch her breath.” He’s grinning and looks happy, too. So carefree. So pleased with himself that my heart swells with affection for him. I glance over at Beast, still smiling, and notice that there’s a heated look in his eyes that I’ve come to recognize quite well.

  And all of a sudden, my ticklishness turns into something else. I’m unable to look away as Beast frees my arms, only to take one hand in his. He lifts it to his mouth and kisses my palm.

  I suck in a breath.

  Then, he takes my hand and moves it to his cock, hard and raging beneath his jeans.

  I want this, I realize. I want all of this. I want both of these men, and I want to love them the way they deserve to be loved. And I want them to love me the way I deserve to be loved, too. So I run my hand up and down the length of Beast’s erection even as I lean in so he can kiss me.

  “Come a long damn way for a virgin,” Muscle mutters as he drags me back against him. Then, he’s seating me in his lap and pushing my thighs apart so I’m riding his cock with my spine pressed to his stomach. Beast moves forward and we continue to kiss, his mouth nibbling on mine sweetly even as Muscle reaches between us and cups my breasts. “You ready for everything we can give you, Shy-girl?”

  I nod and run my hands through Beast’s longer hair. Muscle keeps his fairly short, but oh, Beast has gorgeous, shoulder-length black hair that feels like silk against my skin. “I want it all,” I tell them both. “Want everything you can give me.”

  “Then we should move upstairs,” Muscle says even as Beast and I continue to kiss. His hands tweak my nipples. “Because that’s where the lube is, and we’re going to need it.”

  It kills me to have to detangle from them, to leave Beast’s caressing lips and the feel of Muscle wrapped around me. But I’ll get them again soon enough, and I tell my greedy mind to be patient. We go up the stairs, Muscle leading the way, Beast trailing behind, and me walking between them, a hand clasped in each man’s. We’re like a chain. A silly, incredibly aroused chain. I stifle a giggle at that mental image because I’m not sure they would understand what I’m laughing at.

  Then, we’re in Beast’s room, and the big bed is looming before us. I’m breathless with excitement. All week, I’ve been traded more or less back and forth. Other than that first occasion when Muscle licked me out and Beast stroked himself as he watched, we haven’t really done things together. I’m excited that we’re all going to partake this time, even though I’m a little concerned how it’s all going to work out. After all, both of my men are supremely well equipped and I’m tiny. But I’m sure it can be done. It’s just my still-used-to-being-virginal mind thinking that things won’t fit.

  Then there’s no more time for thinking. Muscle gives me a gentle push toward the bed and I sit on the edge, then reach for his belt. “I want you both naked for me,” I whisper, feeling awkward. It’s not like me to demand. But tonight feels important.

  Muscle just grins. “How about you undress us then, Shy-girl?”

  I nod and get to work. I unbuckle Muscle’s belt, then shove his pants down. His boxers are already taut with his erection, and I blush as I ease them down his thighs, his cock grazing my cheek as I do so.

  “Hmm,” he says thoughtfully, then looks at Beast. “Have we introduced her to the wonders of sucking cock yet? I don’t think we have.”

  “Tonight seems like a good time to learn,” Beast agrees. “You up for it, Cheyenne?”

  My eyes widen. He’s called me by my full name. It feels...strange to hear. But I nod. I love the thought of pleasing both of these men with my mouth. I stand up and help Muscle drag his shirt off, and then he’s naked, his body tight and compact with muscle. I love looking at him, the masculine beauty of his form. He could be sculpted out of bronze, like in one of those old statues, he’s so perfect. Only his club tats mar his perfection.

  He steps out of his clothes and then pulls me in for a hard, firm kiss, then releases me with a smack to the ass. “Go undress my boy, Beast,” he tells me and heads to the bathroom, presumably to get condoms.

  I turn to Beast, who’s eating me up with his dark eyes. His face is so serious, unlike Muscle’s laughing and teasing, but he still leaves me breathless when he looks at me. I start with Beast’s shirt, because I want to run my hands over his enormous barrel chest. There’s something erotic about his sheer size, and I enjoy touching him over and over again, dragging my fingers over every inch of inked bronze flesh.

  Of course, my hands naturally slide down to his belt, and then lower, to the length pushing against denim. My hands fumble a little as I undo his belt, because I want him naked right now. And when he springs free from the fabric of his briefs, I give a happy little sigh at the sight of him, all veined and dusky with arousal. He’s so big and...juicy. There’s really no other word for it. My mouth waters and I want to take him into my mouth, to have him and Muscle teach me how to please them. How to make them feel good, the way they make me feel good when they lick me until I’m creaming.

  I reach for him, and he stops me, which makes me whimper with frustration.

  “No,” he says softly, “We want you naked.”

  “Wearing nothing but our property patch,” Muscle amends, returning to the room. He’s got a big, familiar bottle with him and a pack of condoms. “You’d look mighty sweet like that.”

  I love the idea. I quickly undress while both men watch me, and when I’m naked, I take the vest and put it on, feeling sexier than I’ve ever least until I realize that the vest is about three times as big as it should be. It hangs down crazily. “It doesn’t fit.”

  “Nonsense. It’s perfect,” Muscle tells me. “Now, bend over and take Beast’s cock in your mouth, and I’ll tell you all about how to suck him, Shy-girl.”

  I feel a blush heating my cheeks, but Muscle’s crass words excite me. I get even more excited when I bend over and he puts a hand between my legs, stroking the lips of my pussy.

  “She’s already wet, just thinking about sucking you, Cal,” Muscle says, pleasure in his tone. His fingers glide through my juices and begin to rub me in my most sensitive areas, then push deep into my cunt. “Wet and tight and so damn good already. Doesn’t take much to excite you, does it, Shy-girl? You just get all hot and bothered thinking about Beast and his great big cock, don’t you?”

  I do, I really do.

  I lean forward a bit more, and as I do, Beast steps toward me. His cock brushes up against my mouth, an invitation if there ever was one. His hand grips his length at the root, and I feel like he’s arrowing directly for my mouth. So I take him between my lips and run my tongue along the crown, feeling the heat of his skin and the scent of him envelop me.

  As I do, I hear a condom rip open. Muscle shifts behind me, and then a moment later, he thrusts a finger deep. “You wet enough for me, Shy?”

  I wrap my fingers around Beast’s cock and lick the head again, fascinated with touching him. He’s so hard here, and his scent is stronger, his skin soft, like silk over steel. I always thought that was the corniest line in a romance novel until I touch him. Then I realize it’s truth.

  When I don’t answer Muscle, he tugs at my hips, aligning me, and then pushes deep inside me. I make a whimpering sound of pleasure as he pumps into me, then begins to move in rhythmic motions, thrusting into me.

  “You sucking on him?” Muscle asks between thrusts.

  I’m trying, but it’s hard to concentrate when someone’s fucking me from behind. I keep getting distracted between my desires.

  “Guide her,” Beast tells him. “Tell her what to do.”

  “Lick him,” Muscle declares a moment later. “Run your lips all over him. Then lick every inch.”

  I do, grasping Beast’s thick length in my hand, just under the head. And I suck and nibble every inch of skin, running my lips along the ridge of a thick vein trailing down his length. The head of his cock is leaking pre-cum the more I lick him, so I taste th
at, too. It’s salty and musky and more drops keep coming, and I lap them up over and over again, until his taste is filling all of my senses. And when Muscle thrusts deep, I moan around Beast’s cock.

  Beast hisses as I do. “Take me into your mouth, Cheyenne. Suck me deep.”

  I fill my mouth with him, trying to pull him in as far as I can. Which is, unfortunately, not that far. But Beast—Cal—gives such a groan that I feel liquid heat rush through my body, and my pussy clenches in response.

  “She likes that,” Muscle grits out, and starts to fuck me harder. His balls slap against my sex every time he thrusts deep, and it shoves Cal’s cock deeper into my mouth. “Damn, I can feel her tightening around me. She feels fucking amazing. You need to be in this.”

  “Then get out the lube,” Cal says. “She can suck my dick some other time.”

  “Now you’re talking,” Muscle says. He gives my ass another slap and then pulls out.

  I whimper a protest when Beast pulls me away from his cock. I’ve gone in an instant from double pleasure to nothing, and that doesn’t seem fair. I want more. I need more. What kind of cruel and sadistic torture is this to give a girl two cocks and then take them away?

  But then Beast grabs me by the arm and leg and hauls me over his shoulders, like he’s some sort of caveman. I squeal with laughter as he twirls me around and then dumps me on the bed, and I’m still giggling when he falls in next to me. His hand smoothes the cut down my front, and I can tell by the warm look in his eyes that he approves of it on my skin.

  “Slide over,” Muscle says, and we do. Then, it’s all three of us on the bed in a tangle of limbs. Beast is on his back, holding me against his side, and Muscle’s rolled against my other side, his cock pressing insistently at my behind.

  There’s no better feeling in the world than being sandwiched between the guys. It’s an addictive, heady feeling I could get used to all too easily. We’re nothing but warm skin and sensation like this, and I close my eyes to appreciate as Muscle cups my breasts and presses his mouth against the back of my neck even as Beast kisses me hungrily.

  “Climb onto his cock, Shy-girl,” Muscle tells me. “Ride him real good.”

  I moan softly at his dirty command, but I do as he tells me. I slide a leg over Beast and then wait as he sheathes his cock in a rubber. When he’s done, I brace my hands on his rock-hard stomach and lift my hips. He helps me, pushing me down onto his length. He feels so good inside me, so big, and I immediately start to rock on top of him. We’ve had sex with me on top once before, and I felt awkward trying to find a rhythm. Tonight, though, there’s no awkwardness—only a need to come. It’s overriding my natural shyness and making me arch my hips, thrusting out my ass, making me bounce a little more than I have to so my tits jiggle for the men to appreciate.

  “That’s right,” Muscle says, even as Beast reaches up to tease my breasts. “Lean forward a bit more for us.”

  I do, leaning forward until my torso is pressed against Cal’s and my breasts are flat against his chest. I love stretching over him, reveling in how small my body is compared to him. His sheer size arouses me as much as Muscle’s sculpted beauty does. And as Cal runs his hands up and down my sides, I know he’s feeling the same appreciation I do.

  I’m lost in the sensation of our skin, so much that when Muscle grabs my ass, I moan in surprise. He pulls my ass cheeks apart, flexing them and spreading my legs wider. “Gonna seat myself in you back here, Shy-girl. You okay with that?”

  I’m more than okay with that. I want to be possessed by both of these men at once. I nod and reach for Muscle, caressing his jaw in a silent affirmation of exactly what I want.

  “I’m gonna lube you up, then,” Muscle says. “Hold her ass for me, Cal.”

  Beast’s big hands grip my butt and pull my cheeks apart, until I’m spread wide open over him. His cock feels as if it’s impaling me, he’s so big, and then Muscle runs a finger over the pucker of my ass and I gasp at how many nerve endings seem to light up. That’ And it’s...exciting. I rock my hips, wanting him to do that again.

  “I do believe our Shy-girl is gonna like it in the butt,” Muscle says with a chuckle. He runs a finger over my ass again and then circles the pucker, then prods it with his finger. When it dips in slightly, I realize he’s lubed it up already.

  “That true, Cheyenne?” Beast asks, his fingers squeezing my butt as Muscle continues to tease his finger in and out of that naughty place. “You enjoying yourself?”

  I bite my lip and nod, because I’m past words at this point. I’m just a big, quivering mass of anticipation.

  My nipples harden as I hear Muscle uncap the lube again and he squirts a large amount onto his hand. My skin prickles with goosebumps as he rubs his hands together, warming the lube. Then, his fingers go to my backside again and I jump, the breath escaping my lungs in a noisy gasp.

  “Tell me if it’s too much, Cheyenne,” Muscle says. He leans in and nips at my shoulder even as he pushes a finger into me.

  And I cry out again, because his finger there seems to make everything else intensify.

  “Sweet girl,” Muscle says, kissing my shoulder. Beast’s big hands palm my tits and begin to roll my nipples, and I’m so close to coming that I start to move on top of Beast all over again. “That’s right,” Muscle tells me in a low, husky voice. “Ride both of us.”

  And I do, even though I’m riding Muscle’s prodding finger and not his cock. It feels tight and weird and unnerving and exciting and erotic all at once. Combine that with the hands on my breasts and the cock pushing deep inside me, and I’m shuddering and on the verge of an orgasm. When Muscle adds a second finger to the first, everything feels that much tighter, and I have to lean forward onto Beast to steady myself.

  “I’m pushing a third one in,” Muscle tells me. “Tell me if it hurts.”

  Then he prods me with a hand that feels enormous, and I shudder because I’m so freaking full I can hardly stand it. It’s sending twinges through my body, but they’re not horrible. It just feels like things are stretching wide open, readying me for invasion. And the thought of that arouses me like wild.

  “I want you, Muscle,” I breathe. “Please.”

  “Jason,” he murmurs, voice thick, and bites at my shoulder again. “I’m Jason in bed, Shy-baby.”

  “Jason,” I moan, and another shuddering pulse of pleasure rips through my body. They’re not Muscle and Beast in here, but Jason and Cal. I love that. I love that we’re real here together. “Call me Cheyenne,” I tell him.

  “Cheyenne,” he says, and licks my shoulder.

  “Cheyenne,” Cal rumbles, and I feel my pussy quiver around him, so ready to come. I’m so damn ready.

  But I want us all to come together. “Inside me,” I pant. “I want you inside me, Jason. You and Cal both.”

  “Getting there,” Jason says, and then he holds me hard and pushes me forward, and then I feel him prodding on my backside.

  This time, it’s not his hand. It’s tighter and bigger than before, and my eyes widen, my burgeoning orgasm ebbing a bit. But Cal’s hands are stroking my skin, petting and soothing wordlessly, keeping me relaxed.

  “Don’t tense,” Jason tells me, and all the tension seems to be in his body, not mine. It strikes me as funny, and I giggle.

  Then he pushes forward, and he’s in. And I’m so tight for a moment that I feel as if I’m going to split, and a stifled whimper escapes me, because I’m trying to bite it back but I can’t help it.

  “Want to stop?” Cal asks, but I shake my head no. I want to keep going.

  “I’m going to start moving,” Jason says. I feel his chest against my back, and I feel so thinly stretched between them. It’s odd but it’s also kind That we’re all so tightly bound together, like one unending person instead of three separate entities.

  Jason pushes forward, and the movement of his cock rocks me forward onto Cal and then I’m so full I’m trembling.

  “Oh, Jesus,” I brea
the. “That’s so good.”

  “Keep moving, Jason,” Cal groans, and he does, and we all surge forward again.

  It takes a few strokes before we pick up the right rhythm, but then we’re all moving together in harmony, and each stroke of delicious double-cock in me seems to be better than the last. I’m being pounded from both sides, and it feels like too much and not enough all at the same time.

  “Not gonna last,” Jason groans from behind me. “Too fucking tight and fantastic.”

  “We need to get her off first,” Cal says.

  From behind, Jason grabs my breast and gives my nipple a teasing tweak. “Get her clit,” he tells Cal.

  Then, a hand brushes against my pussy and fingers brush over the sensitive nub. Every nerve in my body lights up. “God!”

  “Jason,” the voice behind me reminds me, amused. “Jason and Cal.”

  “Jason,” I choke out, even as I begin to come, my entire body tightening to an almost painful degree. “Cal. Oh God, Cal.”

  “Now she thinks you’re God,” Jason teases, but his voice is full of tension. “Fuck, she’s tight.”

  “I can feel her coming,” Cal says, and his eyes are closed in ecstasy. “Her cunt’s gripping me so fucking tight.”

  I can’t chime in—I’m past breathing, past everything but just feeling.

  Cal snarls something and shoves deep into me, and I can feel him coming—it’s like he’s swelling inside me and I’m already so tightly stretched between the men that I feel every tremor of his orgasm acutely.

  “My turn,” Jason says, and he pushes a hand on my back, maneuvering me forward so he can pump easier. I’m still breathing hard as he starts to grind into my ass, and I mewl a few times as his movements set off sparks of lingering desire inside me. He thrusts a few more times, and then I feel him shudder. “God,” he grits out as I feel him pulse with his own release.

  “Cheyenne,” I murmur sleepily.

  I feel the laughter of both men rolling through me, their cocks sunk deep.

  Minutes later, we’ve cleaned up, condoms have been disposed, and I’m laying bonelessly in the bed, still sandwiched between my men. Jason’s got a possessive hand over my pussy, as if claiming it while he spoons me. But I’ve got my head pillowed on Cal’s firm chest and he’s dragging a hand through my baby-fine hair as we relax. I’m still wearing my new leather cut with the property patches, but it’s getting sweaty from our exertions. I worry it’s going to have a unique smell if we keep having sex with it on, and tell the men that.


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