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Dirty Flirting [Part One]_A Forbidden Romance_Gently Broken Series

Page 8

by Ava Alise

  I nod.

  "Ooo..." she says, wide-eyed and nearly falling out of the closet holding a dress. "I know just who to call."

  "Who?" I ask.

  "Mitchell." She grins devilishly.

  "Who?!" I ask again, brows creased.

  She places her dress on the bed and grabs her phone. "Mitch is this guy I work with. He's been chasing me for months now, and maybe I humor him sometimes." She pokes at her phone. "He's tall, sexy, and one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met.”

  She finishes typing out a text and hits send.

  “Nice guy?” I ask with a puckered brow. “You need a foul-mouthed dirty boy.” I grin and sit down on the bed.

  “No, you need the foul-mouth dirty boy.” She laughs. “Nice doesn’t equal boring sex.”

  “Well, true.”

  “And since you brought him up…How are things with Drex anyway?” she asks with a knowing grin.

  I almost choke. “I didn’t say anything about Drex,” I say, but my stupid blush gives me away. Betrayer.

  “Uh huh.”

  “He’s great,” I say as casually as possible.

  “You should invite him,” she suggests just as her phone chimes, alerting her to an incoming message. She smiles and taps out a response. “Mitch is a go. I told him we were going to Dailies for a drink; he said he'd meet us there.”

  “Great,” I say, watching her walk toward the hall. I stand to follow, deciding it’s probably a good time to start getting ready.

  I nearly bump into her when she stops short and turns to me.

  “Sooo...” She gestures with her hand in a circle.

  “Sooo…” I echo.

  “So, you should invite Drex.”

  I laugh. “No. That’s not what we’re doing,” I say, dismissively. “Work, play, fuck is our motto, and coming to hang out with me and my best friend at a bar doesn’t fit the mode.”

  "It could be fun to meet him, though." She smiles.

  "You'll meet him at Mila's wedding," I say, turning her back toward the door. "Now go get dressed."

  She nods, a tiny smile playing on her lips, and I watch as she disappears into the bathroom.

  I won't deny. The idea of seeing Drex tonight does sound fun, but we limit our interaction to stolen moments at the office and random hookups at his place. It would be crossing the thin line of boundaries we've created. I'm already breaking a personal rule with him, but we agreed if there's even an inkling of drama or our work starts to suffer, we’ll end it. Renee is always trying to get me to invite him over, but working together and fucking is as close to a relationship as I ever want to be. I can't invite him here. I mean, I can, but if we start sharing personal friends with each other, the lines could start to blur. The last thing I want to do is give him the idea that this could go anywhere deeper than it already has. No matter how much the idea of seeing him with another woman kills me.

  A sense of peace rolls through me the moment I enter my office, Monday morning. It's small, just enough space for a desk and a few chairs, but I love it because it's my desk and my chairs. The view from the window is decent enough, and the room is cozy. I slide out of my coat, hang it on the coat rack, and approach my desk, which is nearly toppled over with folders. I’m just getting settled when Shane, my co-worker and Amber's other assistant, pops his head in.

  "Good Morning, Kelsa," he greets me in a bubbly tone. He's wearing a gray blazer and slacks, but I'm immediately jealous because of the subtle hint of eyeliner he wears, perfected and straight as usual. I can never get mine so even.

  "Hey, Shane," I say. "How was your weekend?"

  "Busy," he says as he sits in the chair, crossing his legs. "I started packing for my move. Pain in the ass. You never know how much crap you’ve accumulated until it's time to box it all up."

  "Ugh. I hate moving," I say. "So, is this from the research department?" I gesture to the stack of files in front of me.

  "Yes, and all for Headly's, the home décor client. Amber has already started working on some write ups, but we'll be meeting with her a lot this week to thumb through pitches. They are trying to strike a deal with a company in Paris, so start brainstorming; Amber will be interested in what we come up with."

  "Sounds great." I smile as I begin separating through the files. I don't know why Amber gets such a bad rep, so far, she seems like she values her team, gives us a voice and tons of opportunities to stand out. I don't get it.

  Shane stands and begins to leave, but before he has a chance to say his goodbyes, I gesture for him to close the door.

  "Why does everyone seem to dislike Amber? Is there something I'm missing here?" I ask in a hushed voice. Shane returns to his seat and leans toward me.

  "Well, Amber is nice, but she's strict... by the book. She fired Lindsey, the girl you replaced, for buying a burger with the company card. Apparently, she had left her wallet in her desk, and Amber had her set up with a ton of meetings the moment she got back to the office, so she didn't have time to come back for it. Lindsey suffers with diabetes and needed to eat. Most managers in her position would have just had Lindsey pay it back, but not Amber. She argued that there were other ways the situation could have been handled and using company funds was not one of them. Lindsey's office was cleared by the end of the day."

  "Ouch. Brutal!" I say.

  "It was, and once you're fired from EDG, good luck finding another marketing job in this area, one that counts anyway," he says.

  "That really sucks." I grimace.

  "Yeah... But I can already tell that you're perfect for this position. Amber loves you already, and you're a hard worker."

  "I am." I nod and clear my throat, trying to choke down the thought of anyone finding out about Drex and me.

  "It's not all bad, though." He smiles. "You know Jackson Welsh was her assistant for four years, and look at where he is now. She gives her assistants plenty of opportunities to make a name for themselves. Just keep your nose clean, and you'll be fine."

  I nod again, suddenly feeling like a bobble head toy. "Got it. Thanks, Shane."

  We say our goodbyes, and he leaves my office, but it feels like he takes all the air with him.

  For the rest of the morning, I busy myself with paperwork. Every time I think of Drex, and Amber finding out about us, my stomach hallows. This should be a no brainier; it should end. I have never wanted anything more than I’ve want this job, but why is it every time I try to imagine ending things with Drex, it becomes hard to breathe.

  By noon, I'm more than halfway through the files and consider working through lunch, but I feel bad for ditching my friends. Plus, I really need a break. I've been working at a frantic pace, trying to drown out my guilt for possibly putting my job in jeopardy, my anger for even considering it, and my weakness for Drexel and what it all means.

  Two of my co-workers make it to the elevator at the same time I do. With a polite smile and small nod, we take the ride down from the twelfth floor to the lobby in silence. The moment I step off the elevator, my phone rings in my purse.

  "Hi, Bum," I say with a grin.

  Cameron chuckles on the other end of the line. "Hey, Beanie. Still at work?"

  "Just heading to lunch. What's up?" I say as I make my way through the lobby. I wave at the receptionist and tighten the belt of my coat before walking outside.

  "I'm headed your way, should be landing in NYC around 3:30 p.m. What time do you usually get home?"

  "Well, usually right around five p.m., but Renee should be home by then."

  "Instead of going home first, want to meet me at the studio? It's ready," he says, and I can tell he's smiling.

  I love my twin and how proud he is of his work. Cameron has been back and forth to NYC for the last three weeks, dropping off clothes and preparing his studio for the opening. Like a turd, he's refused to let me see the damn thing until he finished setting up. I even tried to find out the address with the hopes to one day 'happen' to be in the neighborhood, but he guards it like Fort K

  "Pfft, finally!" I say, stepping into the diner and noddingto my friends.

  "Yep," he says, "I'll text you the address."

  I can't help but smile. "You mean the coveted address? Are you sure I'm ready?"

  "Ha ha funny, Beanie. I'll see you later."

  I end the call with Cameron and join my friends at the table. Drex saved me a seat next to him, so I spend the entire lunch trying to avoid sitting too close or leaning against him, like I would if no one was around. Thirty minutes later, the five of us board the elevator in the lobby of EDG. I count the floors, waiting for our friends to reach theirs so I can finally talk to Drex alone. It feels like forever, but we finally reach it. As we wave goodbye I take a deep breath, readying myself for this conversation.

  I smile at Drex, happy to be alone, but before I can speak, he slides his hand up the back of my neck and pulls me in for the hottest elevator kiss imaginable. My words die on my tongue. How can I ever end things with him when he affects me this way? What in the hell is he doing to me?

  "Hey, baby," he says in a raspy tone, and my heart soars.


  "Hey." I shift my gaze from his sparkling greens to the floor. "I need to talk to you about something. You got a minute?"

  Concern laces his eyes, but he nods, and we bypass our floor. Upstairs, where we completed our training, there are multiple empty conference rooms; no one ever comes up here, so we choose one and shut the door behind us. In that empty room, I pour out all of my worries and fears about losing my job if we get caught, and how it could possibly be career suicide if we do. He stands expressionless and patiently waits for me to finish.

  "Well, let's quit hiding and tell everyone about us," he says, running a hand up my arm. "You know I'm crazy about you, Kels, and you might be afraid to admit it, but I know you're..."

  "No," I say, cutting him off. My heart drops into my stomach, and for some reason, what feels like fear trickles in its place. "I don't... I don't want to change anything. Things are perfect the way they are. What happens if the moment we try to define this thing between us it becomes ugly?"

  "Ugly?" he huffs and runs a hand over his head, stopping at the base of his neck. "What about us can ever be ugly?"

  I pull in my bottom lip as I stare into his eyes.

  Nothing... everything. That's why we shouldn't chance it.

  "I don't know," I say.

  "Well, do you want to end it? Just walk away?" he asks.

  My pulse increases, and a lingering ache begins in my stomach. He holds me under a steady gaze, his jaw tense and back straight.

  This is the moment I should say yes, cut the ties, go for my career and put everything back in order. There would be no reason to hide or worry; I can get my shit together and do what I set out to do. Climb the corporate ladder, become a kick ass Senior Advertising executive, and live in total uncomplicated bliss.

  But I don't tell him that...

  I'm unable to tell him anything, really. With a quick shake of the head, I look into his eyes and give him the answer my heart bleeds for. My stupid...stupid heart.


  "Well, until you're ready. We just continue to be careful then, okay?" he says.

  "Okay." I sigh.

  He leans forward, kisses my lips, and my arms wrap around him, pulling him closer. He groans as I slide my tongue into his mouth, but just as his hands begin to make their way up my back, his phone rings. I watch as he tells his boss he's on the way, silently mouths 'I'll call you later', and disappears through of the door.

  I step out of the Uber at the address Cam sent me. It's a massive high-rise, a stone's throw from the East River, surrounded by other buildings equal in size. I shiver as the icy breeze coming off the water steeps through the maze of buildings and chills me to the core. Not seeing Cam anywhere, I check his text again for the suite number and head inside. I can’t wait to see him. During his brief stays here over the last few weeks, we’d catch a dinner or go out for drinks. But the opening of his studio means he’s finally settled, and I’m happy for him because I know he’s exhausted.

  The few times I've visited photography studios, it was always well lit with a waiting area and sectioned off with dark curtains and light boxes. Photos of smiling kids and happy couples lined the walls in various frames and canvases, all to give clients the illusion of the photographer being some sort of miracle worker. Upon stepping into Cam's studio, I'm greeted with the complete opposite mood.

  The space is massive, with rich hardwood floors that seem to go on forever, but instead of comfy chairs, he has leather couches placed throughout the space. There doesn't seem to be a defined waiting room, and the pictures on the walls are far from those of happy couples and smiling kids. They are all women... well, mostly women. Lingerie-clad women, some are even topless and barely covered. One picture shows a woman lying on a white fur rug in a black teddy and stilettoes. Her head is thrown back, her back arched, and her hands are running down her body. The one next to it is of a couple; the guy has a legit 'I'm about to fuck you' look in his eye as he's nibbling on the calf of the woman lying in front of him. Next to it is a breathtaking black and white image of a woman lying on the floor in front of a window; I'm in a trance staring at it when I hear Cam approach.

  "You made it," he says, opening his arms for a hug. I lean in and hug him. Even though I just saw him a few weeks ago, it feels like forever, but it always does with us.

  "What do you think?" He gestures to the photos in front of me with a pronounced twinkle in his hazel eyes.

  I smile. "Umm." My smile tightens. "Cam... do you shoot porn in here?" My eyes fall back to the 'I'm about to fuck you' couple. "Because it looks like some seriously dirty shit went down on that couch."

  My brows are still creased when he starts laughing. Hard. So hard in fact that he sits on the dirty deeds couch to wipe his tears and catch his breath.

  "Seriously?" He laughs. "Porn, Kels? No."

  I look back at the photo, and with a puzzled look, I shrug and gesture to it again.

  "It's called boudoir. I shoot boudoir photos publicly and now commercially. I just got out of negotiations with two lingerie companies."

  Still having no idea what boudoir is, my expression doesn't change like he expects.

  "Boudoir is a type of intimate photography; think of it as a professional sexy selfie. Some people like to catch hot moments on film for personal reasons and, of course, lingerie companies use it to sell their products."

  "Oh, Okay."

  He sighs and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Porn. Haha. Bring your crazy ass over here and let me show you around," he says and begins leading me through the studio.

  I receive a crash course in everything boudoir as I admire his work. Canvases line the walls throughout the entire space. The lights are dim, and there's only one space set up for photo shoots. He really has set the mood; it’s crazy sexy in here, and I can't deny his work is amazing.

  "So, some of these are actual couples and the others are models?" I ask.

  "Yes," he says, sitting down in a chair. "The boudoir market is really picking up. I'm expecting to be pretty busy."

  "That's great. Congrats on landing the contract with lingerie companies by the way." I nudge him.


  We spend a few minutes catching up before we order a Uber and head home.

  “You have lived here less than twelve hours, and you’ve already talked her into making the chili,” I say to Cam as I grab a bowl out of the cabinet. He looks at me and smiles right before shoving a large bite into his mouth.

  “He didn’t talk me into anything,” Renee says, walking toward the large pot. “I was hungry, and it was a good idea.”

  “Uh huh,” I say.

  Cam winks at Renee, and she sticks her tongue out at him mockingly. We all sit at the counter to enjoy ‘Renee’s Famous Chili Crack’. Cam dubbed it ‘Chili Crack' the first time he tasted it on New Year's Eve about three years ago. I received a
call from my mother; she was worried sick about my younger brother, Chris, who was only nineteen at the time, and had just become a single parent. Not only had he and his girlfriend split up, but she refused to help out with their son. I get being young and stupid, but come on… having a kid is hard enough, but having to do it alone, and at such a young age, is brutal.

  Cameron was still living in Los Angeles at the time, but we grabbed the first flights we could get home, and Renee came along for support. I expected Chris to be freaking out when I got there, but he wasn’t. He had everything under control and almost seemed happy Shayla had left the two of them.

  “We’re better off,” he had said.

  When I first found out about the pregnancy, I was going to transfer to a school closer to home so I could help out. Chris had all but lost his shit and made me promise to stay in New York. He had said he’d make it work and that he could handle it, but it wasn’t until that New Year's Eve that I truly believed him.

  “So, when am I going to see this super-secret studio?” Renee asks Cam, but drops her gaze to hit ignore on an incoming call.

  “Why do you two keep calling it secret?” He chuckles.

  “Come on,” she says with a smile. “I still haven’t seen the thing, and you’ve been setting it up for weeks now. Have you even seen it, Kels?”

  “Just today,” I say through a mouthful of Chili. “Let me tell you, it’s not…”

  “Don’t…” Cam laughs, cutting me off. “Don’t tell her anything. She’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Curiosity hangs in Renee’s eyes as she looks back and forth between the two of us. I’m happy he stopped me; I’m almost positive Renee has no idea what boudoir photography is, and I can’t wait to see her reaction to his studio. We continue our dinner silently until Renee’s phone sounds off again; just like before, she ignores it. Her eyes fall to mine briefly, telling me all I need to know.

  Fucking Tom.

  “What’s the deal with the phone calls?” Cam finally asks. “You’ve been ignoring it all night.”


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