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Touch Me

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  Those were strong words, especially after only a few weeks’ time, but she couldn’t deny that they were the truth.

  “Tell me you feel that, too.”

  She nodded, not hesitating. “I feel it, too. I felt it as soon as I saw you at the store, Elijah, and it’s only grown since then.”

  He smiled and was silent for a couple of seconds. She could see him thinking because of his expression. “Come with me to a business fundraiser next weekend, and then after that come with me to my cabin for the weekend.”

  She was stunned to be asked to go to a business event, let alone spend the weekend with him at a cabin.

  “If you have the time off, that is.”

  She had next weekend off, but spending the entire weekend with him would be hard, not because she’d be with him, but because she knew she wouldn’t be able to control herself around him. She already wanted to have sex, to just get naked, and let him touch every part of her. Even now just thinking about it made her delirious with lust, but she schooled herself and focused on what he was asking her.

  But even if she’d known Elijah for a long time, it seemed like she was rushing it after only a few weeks. But still, they were adults, and wasn’t sex the next logical step to take when she cared about someone? It certainly seemed like it made sense.

  Placing a hand on his chest, she leaned in and kissed him. “I think I’d love to go with you to the gala and the cabin,” she whispered against his lips.

  He cupped the back of her head, held her mouth to his, and for a second they breathed the same air.

  Sex was definitely on her mind, and of course she was old enough and they’d known each other long enough that it shouldn’t feel like it was rushing it, but still, she’d wait, see how everything went, and then go from there. To Freya, Elijah might be the one, might be the man that she spent the rest of her life with. She certainly could see that, hoped for it even, but only time would tell how everything went.

  She didn’t care about what others thought, because this was about them, and not anyone else. It had taken her all these years to realize that she wasn’t alone, even if she felt like that. It took her four long years of being on her own to realize that she deserved to be happy, that she deserved to stop putting herself down. And she was going to start letting herself live with Elijah.


  “You really don’t have to do this, Elijah,” Freya said for what felt like the hundredth time. She was currently at some expensive dress shop in the city, Elijah insisting she let him buy her a gown for the fundraiser that was tonight. Of course she had dresses, could even buy her own, but there was a part of her, a very feminine part, that was excited Elijah wanted to buy her things. She never thought she’d want a man to take care of her, but she didn’t care and wasn’t ashamed to admit that right now she loved it.

  “Freya, sweetheart, for the tenth time,” he chuckled softly, “I want to do this for you. I want to be able to spoil you.”

  That was definitely a sigh moment right there, and she smiled.

  Freya looked at herself in the mirror of the department store, and that smile changed to a cringe. She couldn’t deny that it was weird being in this expensive part of the city, allowing Elijah to buy her a dress that cost as much as some people’s mortgage. She lifted the price tag on the side of the dress, and her throat clenched. Yeah, definitely mortgage sized prices.

  The dress she had on was the third one she’d tried on, and the first she actually liked on her. She wasn’t overly large, but had gained weight and curves over the last four years. Looking at herself in these harsh florescent lights made her feel unattractive. Still, this dress was by far the best. It was an emerald color, had crystal and lace detailing under the bust and around the hem of the dress, and she had to admit her breasts looked incredible in it.

  The knock on the dressing room door had her heart racing. She cleared her throat. “Yes?” She was nervous, and right now she felt especially unattractive, especially since she knew Elijah would want to see her in this dress.

  “Are you going to let me see?” he said with a teasing note in his voice. Freya found herself closing her eyes and saying a little prayer that he’d like it, because of course that feminine part wanted to please him.

  She looked at her reflection once more, raked her gaze over her body, and told herself she looked good, that her self-esteem didn’t have to be brutal. Taking a deep breath she turned around and opened the door. Elijah stood on the other side, his hands in the front pocket of his slacks, and his gaze raking up and down her body.

  “What do you think?” she asked, her voice shaking a little. She’d never dressed like this in general, and certainly not for a man. She’d never wanted to impress someone, but with Elijah she found herself wanting his approval, his desire for her and what she wore. Maybe it was not something a strong, independent woman should want, but fuck it, because Freya wanted that right now.

  He didn’t answer for several moments, and then cleared his throat and looked at her in the eyes. “How do you like it?”

  She looked down at her body, saw the rise and fall of her breasts, at the impressive cleavage she sported, and felt herself shrug. “I feel a bit exposed.” Although the dress was floor-length, it was form fitting, showing off her tucked in waist and a little too-wide hips. He didn’t respond, and when she lifted her head, raking her gaze over his pants, she could see the front of his slacks was tented. Swallowing her arousal, she continued moving her gaze up his massively defined chest, and looked into his eyes.

  “Aside from the exposed part,” he looked down at her breasts, cleared his throat, and lifted his gaze back to hers, “how do you like it?”

  “I like it, but is it too much for where we’re going today?”

  He looked at her body again. “No, it’s definitely not too much.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at the fact it was clear he most definitely liked the dress. “It doesn’t show off too much, doesn’t show a little too much of the unattractive parts?”

  “Unattractive parts?” he said with a bit of astonishment in his voice, shaking his head as if stunned by her comment. He turned and looked behind him, and then looked back at Freya. He moved closer, so close that she was forced to take a step back, her back hitting the mirror. Elijah closed the dressing room door, sealing them in. The scent of him was intoxicating, and she took a stuttering breath in.

  “Elijah,” she whispered. “What are you doing?” She was heating up in all the right places.

  “For the record,” he said in a soft voice as well. “I happen to think there are no unattractive parts on you.” He placed his hands on the mirror beside her head and leaned forward so his face in close to hers. Elijah spoke in a deep, but whispered voice again. “In fact, I’d like to take this dress off of you, press your naked, very attractive body to mine, and make you come.”

  She had never heard Elijah speak so erotically, but she liked it. Dammit, she liked it. Freya was having a hard time breathing, especially with the scent of everything that made up Elijah filling her head. He glanced down at her lips, and licked his own.

  “I want you so much right now, Freya.”

  Her heartbeat filled her head, and she grew dizzy from his words, the scent of him, and her own arousal.

  “I want to slip my hand under this dress and touch you.” He leaned in closer. “I bet you’re wet.” He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. “God, just thinking about how wet you could be between your thighs has me so hard.”

  Her mouth went dry, and she parted her lips, trying to breathe, or maybe trying to respond.

  “Stop thinking you’re so unattractive, because you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me.”

  She swore her heart stopped beating.

  He grabbed her wrist in a firm, but gentle hold and put her open palm right over his big, hard erection. He leaned toward her face again, pushed her hair aside, placed his mouth right by her ear and said, “If I didn�
��t find you so damn attractive, I wouldn’t get this hard just looking at you.”

  She turned her head slightly to look at him.

  “I don’t mean to be so crude around you, or in what I say, but I can’t help myself with you, Freya.”

  “I kind of like the crudeness, Elijah,” she whispered.

  “God, sweetheart,” he said and closed his eyes, breathing harshly. He took a step back. “I feel like tearing away your clothes and just devouring you.” His voice was a harsh growl, like an animal barely able to control himself.

  She placed her hands on the cool mirror behind her, bracing herself, stabilizing herself because if not she would have fallen to her knees.

  This man was going to be the death of her, but what a way to go.

  Chapter Ten

  The next weekend

  Elijah stared at Freya and knew that he needed to get his libido under control, but seeing her in that emerald green gown, with the plunging neckline, and the way she was so fucking gorgeous, had all control slipping away. His pulse beat in his dick as he watched the way her breasts rose and fell from her breathing. She was looking out the window in the back of the limo. He could have driven them to the gala, but the fact was he wanted to have an unobstructed view of her in the dress. That, and the fact everyone attending the gala would be chauffeured to the event.

  He felt perspiration start to line his temple and the length of his spine. God, she was so damn curvy, so sexy and gorgeous in a way she didn’t even realize, in a way she’d never understand.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, not able to stop himself. She turned to face him, her cheeks turning red as she blushed.

  “Thank you, and you look incredible in that tux.”

  He smiled at her sweetness.

  It wasn’t just about wanting to have her in his bed, and wanting her in every possible way. It was about just having her by his side. Whatever it was about Freya set his blood on fire and made him want a relationship, a marriage … a family.

  Reaching out Elijah took her hand in his. He wanted to show her how much he desired her, how much he cared about her. Elijah brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers while gazing into her eyes.

  “I care about you, Freya.”

  She smiled and looked down, as if embarrassed. “I care about you, too.”

  He pulled her forward until she sat on the seat beside him, facing him fully. Oh, he wasn’t lost to the way her body responded to him, at how her chest rose and fell, at the way her pupils dilated, and the fact her lips were redder from the blood flow under the surface of her skin. She was aroused, that was clear, but then again so was he.

  Her lips were parted, and her breath came out in fast little pants. He imagined taking hold of the little zipper on the side of her dress and slowly bringing it down, exposing her creamy flesh. He could have her naked faster than either of them could even realize, but he’d never force anything on her, never force her to go faster than she was ready to.

  Elijah wanted to savor every inch of her, wanted to memorize every part of her gorgeous body. He wanted her like a man that was possessed and needed to claim what was his. And she was his, every part of her. She’d soon realize that.

  Elijah couldn’t help the erotic, lewd thoughts bombarding his mind, flooding his body. He envisioned himself taking her hardened nipples between his lips and sucking on the peaks until she writhed beneath him. God, he was burning alive for her, needing her like he needed to breathe. Without realizing what he was doing, he found himself lowering his head, his gaze riveted to her mouth, his lips parted, ready to claim her.

  She smelled sweet, like vanilla and lemons, a soft aroma that had his dick harder than fucking steel. He knew she wouldn’t resist him, could tell by the way she looked at him right now. When his face was close to hers he smelled the sweet scent of her minty breath, and he had to clench his hands into fists so he didn’t yank her on top of him.

  “Freya,” he said her name softly, harshly. Her eyes fluttered closed. She leaned forward that last bit of space that separated them and sealed her mouth with his. At the first touch, he groaned and cupped the back of her head, holding her to him.

  Oh, fuck. She taste so damn good, feels so fucking good.

  Working his mouth on hers, the male in him demanded he take her against the seat and show her how much he wanted her, how much he craved her. But they were close to the event, and getting them both worked up probably wasn’t the best idea. But he didn’t fucking care.

  Elijah found himself gripping her waist, and clenching his fingers around her tucked in waist because he couldn’t control himself. And then he dragged her across his lap. She felt so damn good on top of him, her thighs on either side of him, and her dress now hiked up her thighs. And when he saw the lacy top of her pantyhose, the garters she wore, his dick jerked behind his tux pants. There was no doubt in his mind she could feel his erection pressing between her thighs, feel how hard he was for her.

  She didn’t stop kissing him, and in fact opened her mouth wider to take more of his tongue inside. He groaned, loving that she was so willing for him that he could feel the heat from between her legs scorch him. This was not something he’d ever done, ever even thought about being so bold with a woman. He’d fucked them, yes, but he’d never felt this need to be with them in some way so badly that he had to take them in a limo.

  “I want you so much, Freya.”

  Her answer was a groan, a response that was just this breathy little sound because she was just as lost in this as he was.

  “We should stop, but I can’t. I don’t want to.” Elijah cupped either side of her face, needing her with a desperation that bordered on insanity.

  “I want this. I want you.”

  He kissed her harder. “I want you to feel like you can tell me anything, just be yourself always.”

  “I don’t want to lose this feeling.”

  “Neither do I, baby.”

  The kiss was deep and long, and he broke away after a few seconds, dragging his lips down to her throat, and sucking at her pulse point for a moment. “I’ll do whatever you want, make you feel so good inside and out.”

  She breathed out roughly and clenched her hands on his biceps, digging her nails into him.

  He kissed and licked her neck, sucked at her pulse point. The feel of her on top of him, her pussy heat nearly burning straight through his slacks and right to his dick, had him reining in his desire by the skin of his teeth.

  Gripping her hips tighter, he forced her pussy down on him at the same time he lifted his hips slightly. He didn’t want to take her in the back of the limo, not for their first time at least, but the way things were going, he didn’t know if he’d be able to control himself.

  Dragging his mouth up her neck and latching it back onto hers, he deepened the kiss until he was fucking her mouth, sliding his tongue in and out of her, just like he wanted to do with his dick to her pussy.

  Moving his hand lower, he gripped her ass, curled his fingers around the fleshy mounds, and groaned. He squeezed the flesh again, bringing her as close to his body as he could. A growl of approval left him when she rubbed herself on him, moving her hips back and forth. Damn, he wanted to grab his dick, pull her panties aside, and run his erection along her cleft. He moved his tongue out and teased her bottom lip, and a little cry left her.

  “This is so intense,” she breathed against him, her voice a soft whisper. “I never felt this kind of arousal before.”

  “Neither have I, Freya baby,” he said as soon as she finished speaking. He kissed her again, then pulled back slightly to stare into her eyes. “I don’t want to stop, but we can if you want to.” God, he didn’t want to. When she didn’t tell him she wanted to stop, he lifted his hips up again, grinding himself on her pussy. She moved her hands to the back of his head to grip his hair, pulling at the strands.

  And then she started moving against him, back and forth, rocking herself on his lap, on his cock, and causing this
tortuous pleasure to fill him. He used his hold on her to help her movements, pushing her back and then bringing her forward, over and over again. He heard the change in her breathing, and knew she could get off from this alone. God, that made him so fucking hard, harder than he was to begin with, and that was saying something. Her mouth opened, a gasp left her, and he swallowed the sound, wanting her to come undone for him alone.

  Her movements slowed, and he wanted to growl in disapproval. Elijah wanted her to come on him, from this act alone. He slid one of his hands to the nape of her neck.

  “Look at me, Freya.” He gentled his voice, but made sure it still held a commanding note. He wanted her to have no doubts on what he wanted … her in all ways. “I want you to just let go, to get off, baby. Let me make you feel good.” He leaned in and resumed kissing her, showing her with the sweep of his tongue and the nip of his teeth that he wanted that from her desperately.

  The feel of her breasts pressed against his chest was a temptation. Elijah moved his other hand to the side of her gown, pulled the zipper down, and slipped his palm in between the material and her flesh. He moved it forward until he cupped one of her breasts.

  Her skin was warm and smooth, and the fact she wore no bra was almost his undoing. Cupping the heavy mound, he swept his thumb over her puckered nipple, loving that she gasped in pleasure. The tips were hard, and he gave a groan of pleasure at the feel. She started rocking against him once again, a little faster this time, a little harder. And just like that she exploded on him. A cry of pleasure left her, and he swallowed the sound, swallowed her pleasure.

  After several seconds, and when he was sure she’d gotten off fully, he broke away from her mouth. He lowered his head, leaned down, and started sucking at the dip in her throat, that small little hollow that drove him fucking made with lust. He moved his hand back to her ass, curled his fingers into the flesh barely covered by her gown, and helped her with the rocking motion once more. He wanted her to come for him again, like he was a greedy bastard for her pleasure.


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