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Ella and the Alien Gamer (Intergalactic Brides 10)

Page 7

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  When Valero grabbed a bottle of wine and stuck it in the cart, her eyebrows went up. They might not have lived together very long, but she’d noticed there wasn’t alcohol in the house. Had she driven the man to drink? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d had that effect on someone. Her parents came to mind. Ella finished the shopping and stood back as Valero paid for everything. She tried to help load things into the van, but he shooed her away.

  Ella chewed on her lip as they drove back home. Valero seemed pensive and stared out the side window. For someone who was always in a good mood and had a ready smile, he seemed rather sullen at the moment. Had she done that to him? Had her inability to commit upset him? It wasn’t that she wasn’t attracted to him, and it wasn’t that she felt like he wouldn’t be a good father for Connor. She’d thought it was because she couldn’t contribute to the relationship, but Valero had made good points.

  So why wasn’t she jumping at the chance to marry him?

  At the house, they unloaded and put the groceries away, then Valero closed himself in his office with the bottle of wine and didn’t even emerge when it was time for dinner that night. Ella knew she’d fucked up, but she wasn’t sure how to fix it. Unless…

  After Connor was tucked into bed and soundly sleeping, Ella pinned up her hair and took a quick shower, then she dressed in the skimpiest pajama set she owned. With a determination she’d never felt before, she entered Valero’s office and waited to get his attention. The wine bottle lay on its side, empty. She didn’t see a glass and wondered if he’d drunk it straight from the bottle.

  She edged around the desk and realized he was dozing in his chair, his hair rumpled and his shirt wrinkled. Ella eased onto his lap and ran a hand across his chest. He might be something of a geek, but he still had the body of a warrior. She could look at his naked body all day and never tire of the sight. Ella tugged his shirt free from his pants and traced the ridges of his abdomen.

  Valero stirred and slowly opened his eyes. His hand reached up and cupped her cheek.

  “My sweet Ella,” he murmured.

  “You should go to bed.”

  His hand hooked the back of her neck and brought her closer until his lips crashed against hers. The taste of wine hit her tongue and she briefly wondered just how drunk he was. Would she be taking advantage of him to let things play out? She felt the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her and already her panties were growing damp. Just one touch and he lit her on fire. Things were definitely passionate between them.

  Valero pulled away and lifted her onto the edge of the desk. Stark hunger was blazing in his eyes as he quickly removed her clothes, leaving her bare and aching for him. The papers on his desk crinkled under her, but Valero didn’t seem to care. All of his attention was focused on her. His hands slid up and down her thighs, pushing her legs apart. Valero leaned forward, his breath a hot puff against her tender skin. His mouth feasted on her, sucking at her tender folds. Ella leaned back on her hands and tried to stifle her moans of pleasure. He sucked, licked, and teased her clit, making every nerve in her body come alive.

  Ella tried not to cry out as he brought her to orgasm. Her hands clutched at his desk, crinkling papers some more. As aftershocks left her trembling, he kissed his way up her body, stopping to suck and tweak her nipples. Ella tunneled her fingers through his hair and held him close. No one had ever made her feel as cherished as Valero did. As he rose from the chair, kicking it back, her heart beat a little faster. Was he going to…

  Valero unfastened his pants and shoved them down his hips, his cock popping free of his confining boxer briefs. Her eyes widened as she realized he wasn’t stopping this time. He gripped her hips and jerked her ass to the edge of the desk, then plunged inside her in one, deep stroke. She bit her lip and whimpered as he filled her. Valero was huge and made her ache, but in the best of ways.

  He pulled back then thrust forward again. Her body sang with every stroke, her pussy clinging to him.

  “So tight.” He looked almost in pain. “Am I hurting you?”

  “Keep going.”

  His hands shifted and he took her harder, faster. Ella felt her body tightening again as she strained for another release. She came screaming his name as he found his own release, warmth filling her. A little late, she realized they hadn’t used a condom. She only hoped it didn’t come back to bite her in the ass later.

  Valero pulled free with a groan and stumbled back a step. He stripped out of his clothes and then lifted her into his arms and carried her down the hall to his bedroom, easing her down onto the cool sheets. When he slid in beside her, she curled into his side. Valero pulled the covers over them and held her close, letting loose a contented sigh. Ella wondered how much he would remember in the morning, and she hoped he wouldn’t be angry with her. Just because they’d had sex didn’t mean she was marrying him. Yet.

  * * *

  Valero woke the next day with the worst hangover. For some reason, he’d been naked in bed and his clothes were in his office. It wasn’t like him to go streaking through the house, but then he wasn’t a drinker either. He only hoped he hadn’t done anything embarrassing. Everything was a bit of a blur after he’d closed himself in his office. Although, he thought he remembered Ella coming to him at some point. Or had kissing her been part of his dreams?

  The coffee wasn’t brewing fast enough. On the upside, Connor had already left for school. As much as he loved spending time with the boy, he didn’t think his head could handle all the noise this morning. He grabbed the largest mug out of the cabinet and filled it to the brim. Not bothering with creamer, he took a big gulp and winced as it burned on its way down. He finished off the mug and poured himself another, but his stomach was starting to gurgle a bit. Valero wasn’t certain if it was an “I’m hungry” kind of a gurgle or a “please God don’t give me anything else” kind of rumble.

  The front door opened and shut and he heard Ella quietly walking toward him. He leaned against the counter and crossed his ankles as he waited for her, the mug clutched in his hand. She turned the corner and froze when she saw him, the expression in her eyes leery, as if she didn’t know what to expect from him. He supposed that was fair. He’d been a bit of an ass last night, and all because he hadn’t gotten his way. Valero had never acted like a spoiled child in his life, but yesterday had come close.

  “How do you feel this morning?” she asked softly.

  “I have what I believe is known as a hangover. Perhaps drinking the entire bottle of wine wasn’t my best idea, especially for someone who never drinks.”

  She nodded. “I can fix you some eggs and toast. That might help settle your stomach.”

  “You don’t have to wait on me like a servant.”

  Ella moved a little closer and reached out a hand, placing her fingers on his forearm. “I’m not waiting on you like a servant. You don’t feel well and I want to take care of you, but only if you want me to. I won’t force myself on you.”

  Her cheeks flushed and he wondered if she’d caught the double meaning behind her words. Not that she would ever have to force herself on him. It wasn’t a secret that he wanted her. He frowned as images flashed in his mind of the two of them together, or more accurately of him pounding into her. It was just a dream, right? He didn’t think he’d completely lost control last night. But if he had… His gaze followed her as she worked around the kitchen. Would she say anything if they’d done more than fool around?

  The smell of eggs cooking had him taking a seat at the table. When she served his plate, he slathered butter on his toast before taking a bite. The eggs were better than any

  he’d ever cooked. Ella took a seat next to him after fixing herself a cup of coffee. The scent of her vanilla creamer was almost enough to turn his stomach. Too sweet.

  “If I said or did anything last night…” He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry for drinking the way I did. I generally don’t keep alcohol around, and very seldom drink. It won’t happen again.”

>   “You’re allowed to have feelings,” Ella said. “I’m sorry for making you feel like you needed that bottle of wine. I know I haven’t been very open about a relationship between us. And I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault, Ella. I’m a grown male and I’m responsible for my actions. You have every right to feel the way you do.”

  “That’s just it, Valero. I’m not sure what I’m feeling. Being with you is incredible, and I love how patient you are with Connor. I guess with us moving in, it just feels like things are moving so fast.” She took a breath. “But maybe fast isn’t such a bad thing. I don’t think I’m ready to get married, but I promise to be more open-minded.”

  He nodded. “So… want to play some video games? I think my brain is too sloshed to work today.”

  She smiled a little. “You mean that Nintendo thing you have? Because the Xbox controller is still beyond my capabilities.”

  “I’ll get it set up. Any particular game you like?”

  “I liked the one with the raccoon outfit.”

  He tried not to laugh. “That would be Super Mario 3 and it’s called a tanooki suit.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “What’s a tanooki?”

  “I believe it’s taken from the Japanese raccoon dog called a tanuki.” He spelled the difference between them. “But I’m just guessing.”

  “Whatever it is, it’s cute. Besides, I get to fly in that game.”

  “Bring your coffee and I’ll get the game set up. I’ll even let you be Mario.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. She might not be a hardcore gamer like Rory, but at least she’d try something new and seemed to like it. Or rather, something old. He’d be willing to bet they would eventually get her to play either the Xbox or Playstation. And if she never did, he’d just have to make sure he kept a working Nintendo on hand at all times. He even had an Atari he could hook up if she really wanted to go old school. When he’d first discovered video games, he’d bought every system he could get his hands on, and played tons of games.

  It wasn’t long after that he’d decided to make some of his own. While humans took years to make them, he’d found that he could make one a lot faster, depending on the type. He’d outsourced some of it, but liked to stay as hands on as possible. His company was still in the fledgling stages, but he had hopes it would be big one day. And if it never was, that would be okay too. It wasn’t like he didn’t have enough money to live off of. Earth didn’t cost nearly as much as his world, probably because they had so many more resources. It was an intriguing planet.

  The game was just loading as Ella came in, a fresh cup of coffee in her hand. She yawned as she settled on the sofa and reached for the controller. Valero sat next to her and waited on her to select two-player and start the game. Ella selected the first part of World One and he settled back to watch her in action. She snagged the mushroom at the beginning to grow big, then knocked the Koopa Troopa against the box, making a leaf pop up. It was fun watching her play and smile as she enjoyed herself. She cleared the level without any trouble and did a little victory dance.

  Valero tried not to laugh as he started level two. Even though he had the entire game memorized, he tried to take his time. There were cheats hidden throughout the game and he knew them all, but he was waiting to see if Ella discovered them on her own. They played for several hours, not stopping until their stomachs were growling and it was definitely time for lunch.

  “I can cook something,” Ella offered.

  “Why don’t we go out for lunch, just the two of us?” he asked. “It isn’t often we get to enjoy a meal without Connor. And don’t think I mean that in a bad way. He’s a great kid, but I want some one-on-one time with you too.”

  She twirled her hair. “What about one-on-one time with Connor?”

  “I’m all for that.”

  “Maybe today after school?” she asked.

  “If you want some alone time, all you have to do is ask. I have no problem picking up Connor from school and spending time with him.”

  “Rory called on my way to take Connor to school. She wants to do some girl stuff this afternoon, but she had a doctor’s appointment this morning and said she wouldn’t be free until after lunch.”

  Valero smiled. “I would be honored to get Connor and spend some quality time with him while you have a nice time with Rory. And if you decide you want to have dinner with her, Connor and I will be just fine here. We can either order in or I can take him out somewhere.”

  “You really don’t mind?” she asked.

  “Not at all. Now, go put on whatever you’re going to wear when you see Rory and we can take two cars, that way you can go meet her straight from the restaurant.”

  “Could I just ride with you and she can pick me up there? Makes more sense than us having to deal with two cars. She offered to pick me up and drop me off today.”

  Valero nodded. “Go get ready and I’ll turn off the game.”

  It didn’t take Valero long to turn off the game and get things put away. It took Ella quite a bit longer, however, to get ready. When she came back to the living room, her hair was curled, her lips were shiny, and she looked absolutely breathtaking. The long-sleeve shirt she had on hugged her curves, as did the jeans molded to her hips. He motioned for her to come a little closer and when she was near enough, he hooked a hand around her waist and pulled up tight against him.

  “You’re going to mess up my lip gloss, aren’t you?” she asked, humor in her eyes.


  She smiled a little and then looped her arm around his neck, pulling him down. Her lips pressed against his and he couldn’t help but deepen the kiss. Her gloss tasted like candy. When he pulled away, she had a dazed look, but he prided himself on the fact he hadn’t mussed her hair. He wiped the gloss from his lips and led her out to his truck. While she looked fantastic, he was still wearing a wrinkled tee and one of his well-worn pairs of jeans. Not that anyone would refuse him service.

  He pulled into a space near the door at Ponderosa. Even though they’d just come here the other day, he was in the mood for Mexican again. With his hand at her waist, he ushered Ella inside. The hostess sat them at a table near the window and left them with menus. They’d barely looked at the menu before a waiter arrived with chips and salsa.

  “What can I get for you today?” he asked.

  “I’ll have sweet tea,” Ella said. “And I think I want the lunch special number three.”

  “I’ll have the same, but add two extra tacos please,” Valero said.

  They handed the man their menus and waited for their order to arrive.

  “So, what do Rory and you have planned for this afternoon?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. She mentioned something about an appointment at a salon and then said we had a massage scheduled at the local spa. I’ve not been to a salon in a really long time, and I’ve never had a massage before. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Valero frowned. “I’m not sure I like the idea of some guy running his hands all over you.”

  Ella laughed. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

  He grumbled under his breath and took a huge swallow of the sweet tea the waiter set in front of him. It wasn’t like she was his wife and he had any say over what she did. Then again, even if she was his wife, he still wouldn’t try to dictate her every move. If she wanted to go off and have fun with her friends, he wasn’t going to stop her. But it wouldn’t hurt to have a word with Rory about only scheduling female masseurs in the future. With some luck, she’d scheduled one for today.

  Their food arrived and they dug in. Lunch was passing all too fast and he wanted more time with Ella. It was selfish of him, but he hadn’t had much alone time with her. They talked a little more, but he could tell that she was counting down the minutes until she could meet with Rory. When she pulled out her phone to text her, Valero knew their time was at an end for now. He paid the check and escorted Ella outside, where they sat on a b
ench to wait for Rory.

  “I hope you have a nice time,” Valero said. “Any particular rules for Connor and me?”

  “Don’t take him out of town. If I’m late coming home, don’t let him stay up past his bedtime. And make sure he takes a bath before he puts on his pajamas. Oh! And make sure he brushes his teeth. You’ll need the sign clipped to the visor of my car that will allow you to pick him up from school.”

  Valero nodded, as these were all things he already knew.

  “You’re sure this is okay?” she asked.

  “I’m positive.”

  Rory pulled up and Ella gave him a quick hug before running off to get into Rory’s car. They waved as they pulled out of the parking lot. Valero got up and went to his truck. A glance at the clock in the dash showed that it was about time to get in the parent pick-up line at Connor’s school. He drove there with thoughts of Ella weighing heavy on his mind. He only hoped that Rory would only have good things to say about him, and maybe Ella would like him even more by the time she came home.

  It was stupid, but he would hold onto anything at this point that would mean Ella would be his.

  Valero drove to the school and waited patiently for the bell to ring. As Connor climbed into the truck, all smiles, he couldn’t help but think he wanted every day to be like this.

  “Hey, Connor. It’s just you and me today, all right? Your mom went off with a friend for the afternoon.”

  Connor gave a whoop as Valero buckled him into his booster seat.

  “I take it that means you’re okay with that?” Valero asked.

  “Can we play Xbox?”

  “Sure. Do you have homework?”

  Connor shook his head. “It’s fall break next week so we haven’t done much this week at school. Mostly watched movies and played games.” He bounced a little. “And it’s my birthday tomorrow!”

  His birthday? Already? He didn’t get a chance to discuss it with Ella and now he wondered if she had anything special planned. One thing was for certain, Valero needed to do some shopping so Connor would have a present from him.


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