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Swordfish Page 37

by Andrea Bramhall

  She felt more than a little clumsy as she explored Bailey’s most intimate self, but every approving noise and twitch gave her confidence. Cassie found the tiny bundle of nerves swollen, hard, and begging for her touch, and she pressed rhythmically against it, over and over.

  “You are so beautiful, Cass.” Her hips thrust against Cassie’s hand, and she tried to control the release she knew was only a hair’s breadth away. “Thank you.”

  She leaned closer until their foreheads almost touched and she breathed the words into Bailey. “Don’t thank me. I love you.” She never let her gaze drift, and Bailey didn’t close her eyes, not even for a moment as she gave up her fight and let the orgasm take her. Cassie kissed her forehead gently while her breathing slowed to its normal rate, her own sex aching for attention.

  Bailey eased her hand out of her shorts and sucked each digit clean while she unbuttoned Cassie’s shorts and ran her hands over her thighs. Cassie’s pussy clenched at the sight of her finger between Bailey’s lips and the feel of her tongue sucking her own juices from Cassie’s skin. It felt like an eternity before she pulled her hand away from her mouth and planted a gentle kiss on the tip of her index finger. “Touch yourself, baby. Put that kiss where we both know I want to put it.”

  “Oh, God.” She leaned in to kiss her, but Bailey leaned away with a wicked grin.

  “Not until I see you put that kiss where it belongs.”

  “Bossy.” Cassie smirked.

  “Waiting.” Bailey ran her hand along her thigh, just under the edge of her shorts and then down to the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

  Cassie sucked in a breath and pushed her hand into her panties. She couldn’t remember being this wet before, and her clit felt huge between her fingers.

  “Keep touching yourself, baby. Don’t stop until I can hear you come.” Bailey wrapped one arm around her back and touched her face with the other. “Can I touch you while you touch yourself?”

  “Yes.” Cassie didn’t want anything else. She wanted to feel Bailey all over her. She wanted to feel her skin, and the thought exhilarated her and she knew she was so close already. She was grateful beyond words that Bailey was creative and horny enough to come up with a slow way to begin.

  Bailey’s exploratory touch was slow and featherlight as she trailed her hand down Cassie’s cheek, over her shoulder, and down her chest. She traced the contours of her body as she slid her hand between Cassie’s breasts, and Cassie wanted to twist her body until she was stroking her nipple. She hadn’t even noticed that her hips were pumping, bucking into her hand until Bailey tightened her arm to keep her from sliding off her lap.

  Bailey gripped the hem of her shirt and held it in her hands. Her eyes begged the question. Cassie nodded, her hand moving faster between her legs when Bailey’s fingers slid beneath the shirt and caressed her stomach, the ticklish skin over her ribs, and brushed the underside of her breasts through the satin of her bra.

  “Yes, do it,” Cassie said, her voice hoarse and husky with need. She was close. Every muscle in her body was coiled tight, ready to explode. Bailey moved quickly, grasped the upper edge of her bra, and tugged it down. She filled her hand with Cassie’s breast, and they both groaned. Her fingers pinched the hard nipple and tugged gently. It was more than enough to send Cassie over the edge and tumbling down into the abyss of ecstasy. Free. She was free.

  She wasn’t sure how long it was before she was aware of Bailey stroking her back and humming.

  “Welcome back.” She kissed her head gently and helped ease Cassie’s hand out of her pants. “I just have one thing to say. Well, two.” She licked Cassie’s finger. “Make that three.”

  Cassie whimpered at the sight. “What?”

  “One, that was about the hottest thing I’ve ever been a part of.”

  Cassie blushed but she didn’t disagree.

  “Two, you taste wonderful, and I can’t wait to taste you the traditional way.”

  Cassie closed her eyes and felt a new rush of desire flood her swollen sex.

  “Three, I didn’t think it was possible to love you more than I did.” She tipped Cassie’s chin up. “I was wrong. Seeing you open up to me, to trust me.” Bailey’s voice cracked. “You’re so brave. You take my breath away.”

  She knew Bailey meant every word she said, and she wanted to revel in her breakthrough. “How about you try taking my breath away,” she whispered, “the traditional way?”


  About the Author

  A Stockport (near Manchester, UK) native, Andrea took her life in her hands a few years ago and crossed the great North/South divide and now lives in Norfolk with her partner, their two border collies, and two cats. In the summer, Andrea spends her time running their campsite and hostel to pay the bills, and scribbling down stories during the winter months.

  Andrea is an avid reader and a keen musician, playing the saxophone and the guitar (just to annoy her other half—apparently!). She is also a recreational diver and takes any opportunity to head to warmer climes and discover the mysteries of life beneath the waves!

  Her first novel, Ladyfish, was the recipient of an Alice B. Lavender certificate, whilst her second novel, Clean Slate, won the 2013 Lambda Literary Award for Romance.

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