Answered Prayers

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Answered Prayers Page 7

by Max Hudson

  He pulled the dolly through to the kitchen and unloaded the boxes he had tied to it. He had gone online and chosen crockery and glassware for the apartment, and Andy had agreed they were perfect for them, so he used his gift card to purchase them, and added two coffee mugs, individualized with their initials, and a large skillet. Andy had a few things to add of his own, and they would figure out the rest as they went along.

  Whistling warned him that Andy had arrived, and he quelled the immediate kick to his groin. They hadn’t touched each other even casually since those fiery kisses in Mase’s house a week earlier. Although Jude wanted to feel Andy’s arms around him again, and to taste him on his tongue, he didn’t want to appear too eager. Since Andy, as the experienced one, hadn’t made a move, Jude would do his best to keep his cool as well. He of all people knew how to do that.

  “Honey, I’m ho-o-o-me!”

  Andy’s amused voice called out the greeting, making Jude grin. He loved that Andy was such a lighthearted man, despite all the reasons he had to be down in the dumps. He needed positive people like Andy around him right now. He’d been so grateful that Andy had asked to be his roommate, and he had a feeling they would work out well together.

  “In here,” he called out, and Andy appeared a moment later hefting large boxes.

  “What you got there, big guy?” Jude asked, going around to peer into the boxes.

  “Just the best of my kitchen and dining room stuff from my old apartment that I had in storage. Mase wants to know when you want him to bring the U-Haul.”

  “Oh, I’ll text him now.”

  “Sorry I can’t help with the move. Tom could only give me a few hours off, and I’m already cutting it close. I’ll be back later to help unpack and move things around though. Just direct Mase to my room when it’s time to offload my stuff.”

  “Thanks for everything you've done. All the small things are here, so it’s just the big furniture that’s left to move in. I owe you guys so much.”

  “You owe us nothing…except maybe dinner one evening. Mase usually works late on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Pick a day and invite him over. We’ll have a housewarming/thank you dinner party.”

  Jude laughed. Things were going so well, and he felt at peace for the first time in a very long while. He didn’t want anything to disturb the light that was buoying up his spirits. “Go on. Get outta here. I don't want you to be later for work than you have permission to be.”

  Andy saluted smartly. “Sir, yes, sir!” he said, making Jude laugh again.

  And then he did something Jude wasn’t expecting. He leaned in and kissed Jude. It was an innocent meeting of lips, but Jude had to restrain himself from pulling the other man in and making it more. He couldn’t believe he was blessed enough to find someone with whom his spirit bonded so completely so soon after his departure from the fold.

  “Later, Jude!” Andy said, and walked away, leaving Jude standing in the middle of the kitchen shaking, his lips tingling.

  Rousing himself, he set about unpacking the boxes marked ‘Kitchen’. Mase arrived just as he finished and was breaking them down for recycling. They left for the manse together, and a couple of hours later he was all moved in to his new place. Mase and Jude had already packed all Jude’s things into the truck, and by the end of the afternoon, everything was in the apartment.

  “Stay for dinner, Mase,” Jude insisted. “I’m sure Andy has some spare clothes you can wear. Take a shower while I whip up something really quick.”

  He made mac and cheese, cooked some hamburger patties in gravy, and opened a can with a tangy bean salad. He served Mase, who had said he couldn’t stay longer because he had a movie date with his wife, and thanked him again for all his help.

  “We’ll have a real housewarming dinner next week. I’ll let you know when,” Jude told him, shaking his hand as he turned to go.

  Mase left and Jude put the rest of the food to keep warm in the oven. One thing he loved about this apartment was that it had two ovens, one wall-mounted. He took a quick shower, changed, and waited for Andy to come home. Telltale whistling ten minutes later, as he was watching the news on the big screen television that Andy had brought with him, told him his roommate was home.

  “Welcome home,” he said as Andy poked his head in the doorway. “Dinner’s ready.”

  “Wow! First class service!” Andy grinned at him. “Just let me change into something more comfortable and I’ll be right with you.”

  They sat at the dining table that Mase had given Andy when he was living on his own. It was a big old mahogany thing, solidly built, with sturdy matching chairs. For the first time in months, Jude ate everything on his plate. He hadn’t felt his usual disinterest in food, and the tension that he always carried around in his back and shoulders was missing as well. Having made the move he had dreaded the most and left the priesthood, he felt freer than he had in years, and ready to begin his new life’s journey.

  “Thanks for cooking dinner,” Andy said, interrupting his thoughts. “I’ll do my fair share, I promise.”

  “I’m sure you will.” And Jude was sure. Andy wasn't a lazy man, and Jude knew he carried his own weight. He had already put his portion of the rent in the bank for the next three months, because, he had told Jude, “Sometimes I get a little carried away and spend money on things that make me happy that I don’t need to have.” When Jude asked him what those things were, he said, “Carving tools, mostly. And paints. I like to splash color on canvas and paper and see what happens.” It was always a thrill to learn something new about Andy, and Jude wasn’t at all surprised at Andy’s artistic interests.

  “I’m on cleanup,” Andy said now, “and if you need me to do anything, just let me know, otherwise I’m going to head in to set up my bedroom. I have to take someone’s early shift tomorrow…death in the family. So, I’ll need to get some sleep.”

  Jude nodded. “I’d rather leave the shared spaces until we can both deal with them, and my bedroom needs setting up as well.”

  He went into his bedroom, leaving Andy to the cleanup detail, and didn’t see when he went into his bedroom, but he heard his cheerful whistling as he worked, and the feeling of elation returned. Only this time, it was because he had someone there with him, someone he cared about. Someone he wanted to get to know in very intimate ways. He had already made his bed, and the drawers of his dresser had been filled with his clothing. He hung up the three suits and six dress shirts that he owned, as well as his jeans and coats and jackets.

  What did Andy have in his closet, he wondered? Mase had borrowed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He’d forgotten to tell Andy that his brother had stayed and borrowed his clothes. He’d tell him now, before they went to sleep, in case Andy went looking for them and couldn’t find them. He ignored the little voice in his head telling him that he was just looking for an excuse to invade Andy’s private space. He didn’t want to admit, even to himself, that he was the needy one in the relationship. What relationship? A few kisses do not a relationship make.

  He chided himself as he went to find his roommate, knocking before he lost his nerve, and Andy’s quiet “Yeah?” had Jude pausing to calm his breathing. When had he become this uncertain, nervous excuse for a man? He pushed the door open, clearing his throat before speaking.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I forgot to tell you that Mase borrowed a pair of your sweats and a t-shirt after he showered.”

  “Not a problem,” Andy said, folding the last of the t-shirts and tanks he had placed in neat piles on his bed. “I figured he’d been here because he left my shower gel bottle open.”

  “You one of those bathroom neat freaks?” Jude smiled at the idea.

  “I’m one of those everywhere neat freaks,” Andy admitted. “I think it’s called OCD. I don’t have it enough to make me certifiable, but yeah…little things drive me insane.”

  “Good thing we aren’t sharing private spaces then, huh? You’d move out if you saw my bathroom.” Jude knew he could be a maj
or disaster area all on his own, and was glad he could hide that part of himself from this man who seemed to be perfect in every way.

  Andy looked at him disbelievingly. “I find that hard to believe.”

  Jude laughed. “Any time you want proof, just come have a look.” As if you didn’t know enough about my weaknesses. Jude shook his head at himself.

  “But you were a priest…” Andy’s tone was confused.

  Jude laughed. “So what…that makes me perfect? Think again, buddy! Priests are some of the most imperfect people on the planet.” And that is nothing more than the truth.

  Andy stared at him for a heartbeat longer and then he began to put away the piles of clothing he had stacked on his bed. Jude watched him, noticing the organized way he stored his clothes. Underwear in one drawer, socks in a second. Tees and tanks in the next two, and shorts in the last one. He looked over to the closet, which was smaller than his own, to find it was already filled with clothing. He supposed his had also been more filled with clothing when he was a priest. His vestments had taken up a lot of room. Now he was without a uniform. He’d have to go clothes shopping, but he’d leave that until he knew what kind of job he would be doing.

  “Earth to Jude! Come in, Jude!”

  “What? Sorry! Just got a little lost in thought for a few.”

  Andy sat on the edge of his unmade bed and studied Jude’s face. He seemed to be trying to decide how to say whatever was on his mind. Jude took in his high cheekbones the thick brows and neat scruff that was his beard. He was such a handsome man, so big and strong, and so incredibly alluring.

  “Hey Jude! Lost you again?”

  Jude’s face heated with embarrassment. Time to go. He had no reason to be in Andy’s space any longer…he had done what he came to do.

  “I guess I’d better leave you to get your bed ready for sleeping. Mine is already made. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He turned away, but before he reached the door, Andy’s voice stopped him.

  “Why are you running away?”

  He swung around, a denial ready on his lips, but one look into Andy’s eyes and the lie dried up. His breath hitched, but he answered plainly, not trying to deny knowing what Andy meant.

  “Like you said, there’s no rush.”

  “What do you want, Jude? Be honest. It’s just you and me here.” Andy crossed his arms over his chest and waited, one leg tucked up under him on the bed.

  Instead of answering, Jude walked back to where Andy was sitting and leaned down, planting a soft kiss on his lips. His heart hammered in his chest, like wild horses running in the wind.

  “Is that all? Nothing more?” Andy was not letting him get away with avoidance.

  Again, because he couldn't seem to find the words he needed to say, Jude showed Andy what he wanted. Another kiss, this time sucking Andy’s bottom lip into his mouth, and then licking it on the way to the top lip. He wanted to taste the man who sat perfectly still beneath his mouth. When Andy parted his lips, he sent up a silent prayer of thanks and sent his tongue inside, searching out Andy’s so he could suckle him.

  Finally, Andy moved, dragging Jude down onto his bed, rolling him beneath him and taking over the kiss. Jude was instantly hard, his cock straining against Andy’s. He wrapped his arms around Andy’s neck and pulled him closer, opening his mouth wider, as though he would take all of Andy into himself.

  “Hungry, baby?” Andy asked, and the endearment sent Jude’s blood pressure soaring. “Want more?”

  Jude nodded and spread his legs, letting Andy’s cock settle hard against his own. Instinctively, his breathing erratic, he thrust his hips upward to catch the ridge of Andy’s cock as it slid back and forth over his own. And all the while Andy kissed him, closing Jude’s eyes with his lips, licking his earlobes, sucking on his neck, licking his throat, trailing his lips across Jude’s cheek to his mouth where he plunged in again and took possession. The press of Andy’s cock against his own, and the back and forth stroking cock to cock was ratcheting up Jude’s need, so that when he broke away from Andy’s mouth for air, Jude was shaking with the need to cum.

  He’d had a few self-administered orgasms in his life, because while he hadn't had any relationships, he was a healthy male whose libido demanded attention from time to time. But he knew, as he thrust up against Andy’s rigid erection, that he was a hairsbreadth away from exploding in his sweats like he had never done before.

  “Andy, I need to cum,” he whispered urgently, his face flushed with lust and embarrassment.

  “Yeah? Want me to help you, baby?”

  Jude swallowed and nodded, too overcome to say more. He groaned when Andy palmed his cock through his sweats, and when he felt those strong fingers slide beneath the waistband of his pants and briefs, he groaned louder and raised his hips to welcome more of the touches he needed.

  Andy pushed his sweats and briefs down his legs, but Jude was too far gone to notice the lust-filled stare of the man whose hands he craved.

  “Please, touch me!” Jude was beyond caring how it sounded for him to beg. He just needed to cum so badly, he would do anything.

  “Like this?” Andy wrapped his fist around Jude’s cock but didn’t move.

  “No, stroke me. Rub me, please. Don't tease me, Andy!”

  “Like this, then?”

  Andy slid his fist up and down over Jude’s rigid dick, drizzling spittle from his open mouth over the rod so he could ease his way. Jude fucked into Andy’s fist, hard thrusts up, mewling like a cat. When Andy stopped to spit into his hands again, Jude’s eyes snapped open, desperation clear in their blue depths.

  He sighed when Andy took him in hand again, stroking him and fondling his balls. Jude was full of profound relief. But Andy was winding him up even more, and he felt like he would go mad if he didn’t cum. He grunted as he fucked Andy’s fist, reaching blindly for his lover’s mouth to kiss him. Andy obliged, but when Jude felt a finger breach his ass, he broke, cumming in hard jets all over his chest and Andy’s hands. Andy kept pumping him, working his cock and balls until Jude was spent. He fell back onto the bed, arms flung wide, his breathing erratic and harsh. Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes, and he was just too weak to do anything but let them slide slowly down the sides of his face to his neck.

  “You all right?” Andy’s voice was full of affection and concern.

  “Yes.” Jude swallowed. “Thank you.”

  “Any time, baby, any time. All you have to do is ask.”

  Chapter Eight

  When Jude sat up in Andy’s bed, he looked completely debauched. His blond hair was sticking up every which way, his lips were red and swollen from Andy’s kisses, cum was sliding down his belly, and his shirt rode up his chest, leaving him bare from the pecs down. Andy hid his grin. His lover was in for some major treats if he fell apart like that from just a hand job. Andy couldn't imagine what it would be like to blow Jude. The thought hardened his already painfully stiff cock. Jude seemed too out of it to know he should reciprocate, but Andy wouldn’t embarrass him any more than he probably already was. That lesson would have to wait for another day. He could rub one off in the shower before he hit the hay.

  He remembered how Mase had ribbed him about Jude after the dinner party…

  By the time the guys left, Andy had been sure that Mase knew what had happened between him and Jude earlier. His brother had kept giving him knowing looks, or smirking at him when no one else was looking. And he kept looking at Jude, who was studiously avoiding looking directly at anyone. He had finished packing the dishwasher and was wiping down the counters when Mase walked into the kitchen. He had a beer in his hand and he was smiling.

  “Your man has a hot ass,” he’d teased. “And those lips…killer, man, killer!”

  “Don't fucking remind me, bro!” Andy knew what Mase was doing, but he felt so raw from all that had gone down earlier that he barely managed to hold it together and not slam his fist into Mase’s smirking face.

Shut it!” he’d snapped, dumping the paper towel he had been using in the trash.

  “What’s got you all fired up now?” Mase was still grinning at him like a loon, but Andy could see the underlying concern in his eyes.

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” he said, wishing he believed what he was saying.

  “Uh huh! So, that’s why you and your boy spent the whole evening avoiding looking at each other? That’s you handling it? Bro, you could barely even speak to each other without giving yourselves away!”

  Andy looked up at that, staring down his brother. “What the fuck do you think you saw?”

  “Enough to know that something heavy went down before dinner.” He sipped the beer, his eyes narrowed in concentration. “Hey, wait a sec! You two didn’t do the nasty on my couch, did you?”

  Inevitably, despite Andy’s growling denial, his body had stirred at the thought of making love with Jude. He remembered the feeling of Jude’s hard body pressed up against his, of their cocks riding each other through their clothing, of their tongues twisting and circling and testing the flavor and heat of the other’s mouth. He recalled the rising passion that had had his limbs shaking with need before Cindy had announced dinner. What would have happened had the others been longer away? Would Jude have let Andy do what he wanted to do with him? He would never know now, because there had been no more opportunity for them to be alone together after.

  “Don’t be a dick!” he’d snarled. “I’m a lot of things, but I’m not crass like that. Besides, there wasn’t enough time.”

  Mase laughed. “True, though knowing you, you’d have taken him to the bathroom and locked the door.”

  Andy had flicked the bottle cap at his brother, who ducked it good-naturedly.


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