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Fangs of Vengeance

Page 12

by Aaron Henley

  Hell no.


  By the time most people would be heading off to work, Steve’s chest was on fire. He lost count of how many miles they covered after five. He just did his best to keep pace with Ayla leading him. The elf wasn’t even breathing hard. She would glance back every once in a while to see if he was lagging behind but that was about it. The only good thing was that Steve could admire her shapely butt in her sweatpants. Though that quickly ended after Ayla called out, never turning her head. “Quit staring at my ass. You’ve got a lot of better things to think about. Breathing for one. Now pick up the pace!” Ayla just kept running, her stride smooth and steady.

  They traveled down a few backroads, through the town, and back to the Howling Moon. Once the tavern was in sight, Steve almost relaxed thinking the run was over. As they passed the parking lot, Ayla never slowed down.

  By the time they had reached the tavern a third time, Steve finally collapsed. His chest felt like an inferno, his legs were jelly. Each breath was a constant struggle just to get some air in. His shirt was translucent from the sweat. He tried to stand back up but he collapsed to the pavement again. Ayla finally jogged over to him. The only signs of exertion was a small glistening of sweat on her face. “All right. Now I know what I have to work with. The good news is that you went further than I expected. I figured you’d have dropped halfway through the second lap. Want to hear the bad news?”

  Gasping, Steve managed. “No. I’ll keep going. Just need a little rest is all. I’ll be good in a few minutes.”

  “Brave but dumb. Don’t worry. I will be pushing you to way past what you expect you’re limits to be.” She rested her hand on his shoulder, looking down at him. “You’ve got to learn how to crawl before you can walk. I’ll get you some water and then Kurt will take over for a bit.” As she walked away, she called out again. “If I were you, I’d keep the part of you staring at my ass a secret.” Steve winced as she burst out laughing the whole way inside.


  Steve gulped down the better part of a half gallon of water by the time Kurt showed up. He was dressed in his usual clothes and told Steve to follow him. He led him back to the clearing where they had their fight. Steve went instantly on alert.

  “Not today Cub. You’ve got a long way to go before we get to any kind of wrestling. Sit down.” Steve instantly obeyed, sitting cross-legged in the grass. Kurt took a matching position across from him. Kurt’s eyes were once again the flint-like brown that sent Steve trembling a bit. “I don’t know where you learned your wolfcraft from Cub but it sure sucks.”

  Steve instantly growled. He couldn’t help himself. “Pops did a fine job.”

  “That’s what I figured. Richard was always too soft for his own good. He let the pack get lazy.”

  Steve’s eyes flashed with rage. “You don’t know that. You don’t know him. He’s led us through a lot of rough times.”

  “Oh I do know him. That message I gave you wasn’t just for show. I also know he’d rather spend his days running that little hardware store of his than hunting. He allowed the entire pack to become nothing but dogs. All they’re good for is a belly rub and a scratch behind the ears.”

  Steve growled even louder. “He and I took down sixteen armed thugs the night of the attack. That doesn’t sound like a little dog to me.”

  “Even a chihuahua has teeth Cub. Sixteen huh? That’s impressive.” Kurt’s gaze never wavered. “So the two of you took on sixteen men armed with silver bullets expecting werewolves at a dinner party where the hostess was a dragon. That about right Cub?”

  Steve let the retort die on his lips. “No,” he whispered. The words being dragged out of his clenched teeth. “They didn't know there were wolves present. When Kiera transformed, it surprised all of us.”

  Kurt’s face remained impassive. “My mistake. So two werewolves managed to kill less than sixteen regular humans armed with nothing that could possibly leave lasting damage to them and still had to have a dragon finish the job. That sound about right?”

  The word was acid on Steve’s tongue. “Yes.”

  “But that’s not the whole story is it Cub?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You didn’t fight them. Your wolf did. Am I right?”


  “I bet that’s the first time you have ever allowed your wolf anywhere near control of your body right?”


  “That’s why you’re a cub. A true werewolf works in tandem with their wolf. We allow the wolf to guide us with instinct and ferocity. Our human side tempers that with logic and reason. When the two sides work in balance, we are a killing machine very few are equipped to deal with. The stories of us becoming raging bloodthirsty monsters are true but not in the way humans think. We can be pushed over the edge but it takes a very important reason to do so.” Kurt’s voice turned soft. “Like watching the woman you love get shot before your eyes and you couldn’t do anything to stop it.”

  Steve could only nod in reply.

  “If you or Richard had truly been in sync with your wolves, either of you could have cleared that room without any trouble. The two of you would have turned it into a bloodbath long before Kiera’s surprise debut. Hell, you probably would have smelled them coming before they had even fired a shot. Gun oil does have a rather distinct smell you know.”

  Steve just sat there, his mind whirling through the possibilities. “I could have stopped it,” he whispered so softly he almost didn’t think he said the words out loud. “I could have saved Alan, Carl, Becca?”

  Kurt nodded in reply. “Yes. Did you even stop and wonder just why I brought you to my home and not skin you alive for what you did to Bob and Lexi? Sure, she told me what you said but I didn't care. Just the assault on Bob was enough for me to give Ayla a new fur coat, never mind what you cost us.”

  Steve slowly shook his head.

  “That’s part of the problem Cub. You just accepted your circumstances. You never questioned them. A wolf has to always be on guard in unfamiliar territory. He has to assume everyone and everything is an enemy until proven otherwise. That is how we survive. It’s cruel and unfair but we live in a world just as merciless. No matter how civilized the times we live in are. Do you honestly think that you could go down Main Street in Derrick’s Falls in your hybrid form and not have regular humans run screaming for the torches and pitchforks?”

  Again, Steve shook his head.

  “That’s what Richard’s forgotten. Humanity is comfortable thinking they’re the dominant species on the planet. The moment that scale’s tipped, it’ll be an all-out war for survival.” He sighed and his tone softened slightly. “Do I want everyone to live in peace, holding hands and singing “We are the World”? Yes. Do I want a world that would allow Bob and Lexi, Ayla and I to live without having to hide what we really are? Yes. Sadly, the world won’t allow that so we always have to be on guard. That’s what I am going to teach you. How to be the werewolf you should have been taught to be.”

  Steve sat there for a few minutes letting Kurt’s words roll around in his head. He was right. Humanity as a whole would never accept other species in their little world. A lot would be tolerant sure but there would still be the fear lurking beneath the surface even under the most benevolent of hearts. Mankind never liked what it didn’t understand and it positively hated what it feared. Considering that practically from birth, monsters were a thing to be feared and not embraced, the odds of peaceful coexistence were slim at best. He couldn’t fault Kurt’s line of reasoning. He just hated how it made Pops sound. There was just one last thing he had to know though. “So why did you bring me here?”

  “I’ll tell you as a graduation present. It’ll give you something to look forward to.”

  “That’s cheap.”

  “My house, my rules. You had your chance to turn back. You’re mine now Cub.” Kurt chuckled. “Now, let’s start showing you the basics of what being a werewolf means.”

  The rest of the day was spent with Kurt teaching Steve some of the basics of hunting and tracking. Steve tried to explain to Kurt that he already knew this. Kurt’s answer had been surprisingly mild. He simply told Steve to stay put and walked out of the clearing. About twenty minutes later, Steve stood up to stretch his legs. He was then rewarded with a sharp slash to the back by Kurt and Steve fell to the ground howling in pain. Kurt never said a word. He just resumed his original seating position. He never said a word. Once the bleeding stopped and the pain faded to a dull ache, Steve returned to his original position as well. He became a very attentive student from then on.

  By dusk, the two men returned to the Howling Moon for dinner. The tavern was closed for the evening so they went upstairs where it had been Bob and Lexi’s turn to cook. According to Lexi, the only thing Bob couldn’t burn was pasta so they had spaghetti with meatballs. It reminded Steve so much of home that he had trouble finishing his plate. He didn’t want to seem rude to either Lexi or Bob though so he forced himself through it. After a shower and a shave, he headed for bed. He was turning down the sheets when there was a knock on the doorframe. Steve turned around and saw Lexi. “Everything okay? You hardly ate anything.”

  “Yeah no problem. It was great. I finished my plate so that doesn’t exactly qualify as “hardly eating”.”

  Lexi’s large violet eyes narrowed. “Don’t play games with me Fido. I know for a fact a werewolf eats at least three helpings of my spaghetti on average. I watched you struggle with just one. What is it?”

  Steve pointed to the stool by the bed. Lexi sat down while he sat on the edge of the bed. “A little homesick I guess. Last time I had the same meal, it didn’t end well. Hell,” he chuckled softly, “we never even got to the spaghetti before---”

  “Before the attack,” she finished.

  Steve silently nodded.

  Lexi whacked her forehead with the palm of her left hand. “I’m such a ditz. I’m sorry Steve. We didn’t know. If you were offended---”

  “No! No!” Steve quickly interrupted waving his hands wildly. “It just brought back some memories that’s all. Both good and bad. We actually had spaghetti the day I decided that I wanted to ask Becca to marry me. Took me a good month to gather up the nerve though.” He smiled.

  Lexi smiled back. “That’s nothing. It took the big oaf three. I knew about it though when I was cleaning out the closet one day and saw where he stashed the ring. Bob left the receipt with it so I knew exactly when he bought the thing. I put it back and played dumb. I still had to wait about a month later. You didn’t hear that from me of course.”

  Steve smirked. “Hear what?”

  Lexi waved a hand through her pink hair. “I’m really glad you decided to stay. I know it’s only temporary but it’s nice having someone new around. Helps liven things up a bit you know? Oh before I forget, I wanted to mention that I put a little present in the bedside table for you. Take a look.”

  Steve opened the drawer and found a brand new set of earplugs. He laughed for a bit and turned to Lexi. “Planning a little fun tonight with the hubby?”

  Lexi’s violet eyes sparkled. “Always. He may not look it but that orc is one tender lover. That said, we do tend to be a little loud so----” she pointed at the earplugs, “---to protect virgin ears and all that.”

  “I appreciate that. The pillow only muffled so much that first night you know.”

  Lexi blushed. “Oh. Right. Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be. It was very informative. Just how did he do that last thing by the way. The sheer strength needed seemed improbable.”

  Lexi turned scarlet. “Oh wouldn’t you like to know. Maybe when you’re older I’ll tell you.” She smiled. “Better get to bed Fido. You’ve got a long day tomorrow.” As she left the room she called out, “Don’t forget the earplugs. We’re both feeling frisky tonight so if you thought that night was hot, you haven’t heard anything yet.”

  Chapter 17

  After spending another hour running with Ayla, thankfully it was only two laps this time, Steve was guzzling a half gallon jug of water when Bob walked over. Steve tried very hard not to grin like a schoolboy as the orc approached. True to Lexi’s words, even with the earplugs and a pillow over his head, the sounds coming from their room sent him into a dreamworld with him and Becca doing things he had only read about in books. It had gotten so bad...or good depending on the perspective...that he had awoken in the middle of the night to change his boxers. He’d make sure that he would do his next load of laundry. He lowered the jug and waved to the orc.

  “Today we’re going to work on strength training,” Bob said. “You’re too soft. No werewolf should have needed a wrench to take me down. Follow me.” The orc led him to a space behind the garage where there were rocks and boulders of various sizes and shapes strewn about. Bob picked up a medium sized boulder and ordered Steve to hold it.

  “This thing must weigh about fifty pounds. What am I supposed to do with it?”

  “Put it down. Pick it up. Carry it over there.” Bob pointed to a spot about thirty feet away. “Put it down. Pick it up. Carry it back here. Repeat until I tell you to stop. That too complicated for you? Also, if you drop it, you won’t like what happens next.”

  Steve gently put the rock down, his arms shaking a little from the weight. He started to take his shirt off but Bob stopped him. “No shifting. You strengthen your human muscles, your wolf muscles strengthen proportionally as well. Doesn’t work the other way around.”

  “That was a big word. Hurt yourself big guy?” The orc simply glared. Steve shuffled his feet nervously. “Kurt told you that did he?”

  “Of course.” Bob replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Now that’s enough gabbing. Get to work.”

  Steve followed the instructions to the letter. After two circuits, his arms were trembling. By the fourth, they were shaking and his back and legs were burning from the squats he did to lift and lower the boulder. By the seventh, he managed to bring the rock back to the starting point and lower it to the ground but he collapsed beside it. As he lay flat on his back, Bob looked down at him. He grunted. “Worse than I thought. We’ve got a long way to go. That was the warm-up boulder.”

  Gasping, Steve asked, “Wait? What do you mean warm-up?”

  Bob pointed over to a boulder nearly twice it’s size. “That’s the training boulder. Kurt usually does about thirty circuits with that a day.”

  “What? That’s impossible unless he shifted.”

  Bob grunted softly. “You’re thinking like a human. You aren’t one. Even as a human, you’re naturally better than any Olympic class athlete. How am I the one telling you this? Kurt warned me there were gaps in your education. I just never imagined they were the size of the Grand Canyon.” He handed Steve his water jug, mercifully completely refilled. “Take a fifteen minute break. Then it’s back to work. We’re going to make a wolf out of you yet.”

  Steve spent the rest of the morning with Bob. He had managed to improve to eight circuits before collapsing. Every muscle in his body burned with the strain. As compensation, he was allowed the rest of the day to do only light work to let his body recover. So he grabbed the broom and helped Michelle clean the tavern. He asked if Mark was around so he could get a little healing but was firmly told no. That would wreck the progress Steve had made as Mark’s healing helped the body recover to its previous uninjured state which wasn’t the point of the exercise he had done. At least he would recover faster than a human would at any rate. After a high protein lunch of enough turkey sandwiches that probably equaled an entire bird, Steve started to feel more like his old self. He was relaxing on the bed when he pulled out his cell and called Kiera. She had to know about this little detour he was taking from his original quest.

  “Hello dear,” Steve could still hear the tiredness in her voice and it tore his heart out every time. “Any news?”

  “I’m sorry but no. I think I’ve
got a new lead but it’s going to take a while. There’s something I need to tell you too. While I was at the truck depot, I interrupted some good people trying to help stop a human sex trafficking operation. It looks like Lilith is getting some outside funds beyond her shareholders. I met one of the girls they rescued Kiera. She’s eight.”

  He heard Kiera gasp on the line. “Now because of me some girls aren’t going to be rescued because Amethyst is aware of these guys. They have to wait awhile before trying again and God only knows how many girls are going to suffer because of what I did. I owe it to them and to Emily to help fix my mistake. I think Becca would understand but I need to know Kiera. Are you alright with this? It means delaying bringing Becca home.”

  There was a brief moment of silence then Kiera replied. “Of course dear. Any mother would want to see innocents protected, but as a Red, that need is even stronger.” He heard her take a deep breath. “Goddess it hurts so much to say this but the dead aren’t going anywhere. Becca would tell you the same thing I think. Save them Steve, she can wait.”

  Steve waited a moment and even then the lump in his throat could still be heard. “Thank you Kiera. There is one bit of good news though. To do it, we plan on stealing...uh...borrowing a copy of the entire Amethyst database. I’m positive that somewhere in there is where they’re keeping Becca or at least a trace of her.” He paused a moment. “Could you please tell Alan that I’m sorry for not protecting his baby girl but I will bring her home no matter what? It may help him.”

  He heard Kiera sniffle over the line, “Of course dear. I’ll also tell him that our son is a hero and helping save a lot of girls like Becca as well.”

  The tears were flowing down Steve’s cheeks now. “You still think of me as that? Even though Becca and I didn’t---”

  “Of course dear. You’ve proved it to me and when Alan wakes up, I’m sure him as well. No matter what anyone says. You’re family, now and forever.”

  “Thank you,” Steve said softly.


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