Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 13

by Aaron Henley

“Before you go dear, why don’t you tell me a little about these people you’ve fallen in with. I’m curious as to just what you’ve stumbled into and if they need any help with their plan.”

  He settled onto the bed. “Well first there’s Lexi---”


  Steve spent the rest of the afternoon telling Kiera all about the gang and how they were helping him get stronger. Kiera even laughed at a few points which just about melted Steve’s heart. It had been so long since he heard her sound more like her old self. When they finally said their goodbyes, it was just about dinner time.

  I think that call was just what she needed. If it means getting her to laugh and take her mind off things, we’ll move every boulder we find and run until we drop.

  Better not tell that to anyone else though. His wolf warned. They may just think they’ve been too easy on us.

  Good point.

  After dinner, Steve helped with the dishes. While he was working, he looked out the window and saw the moon coming over the horizon. It was completely full and looked like a shining pearl in the blackness. As he put the last plate away, Kurt came up behind him. “Come with me Cub. It’s time you found out just what that moon means to us.”

  Steve followed him back to the clearing. Kurt started undressing and Steve took the unspoken cue to follow. He expected to see Kurt shift into his hybrid but instead he took a sitting position with his legs crossed under him. Steve once again followed his example.

  “Forget what you’ve seen in movies or read in books Cub. Richard probably told you that the full moon is just when we’re strongest. While that’s true, there’s a lot more to it. He never really believed in some of the more...mystical...sides of the story. To be honest, neither did I. Then when I left the pack and saw just how big the world truly was, I started to think my assumptions were a little short-sighted. Ayla helped me out a bit with this too. One of the many reasons I love her and thank God every day she’s my mate. Now settle in Cub, this is going to take a while.”

  Steve waited. After seeing things that had only existed in storybooks, he was willing to give the older wolf the benefit of the doubt.

  “When the first wolves appeared, they were feral. The monsters the humans made us out to be. Any human turned lost all sense, all reason. We couldn’t shift back to man. All we were was the beast. For generations, packs roamed the land hunting, killing, and turning. They relied on sheer instinct and rage to survive. Then, one night on the full moon, something changed us forever.

  “A Goddess appeared and took mercy on us. She was resplendent in glimmering white robes, her hair the color of starlight itself. Her beauty so unparalleled it burned the eyes to stare too long at her face. She had gathered all of us to a great plain and spoke to us. Her voice sounded as if it came from every direction, a choir so beautiful it even made the beasts we’d become cry and howl in anguish to what we had lost forever when we turned

  “She said, ‘My children. For far too long, I have neglected you, left all of you unfinished. I was kept from that task by forces you wouldn’t be able to understand now. I am so sorry my children. You were never meant for this pain. You are a noble race and now it is time to become what you were meant to be.’” Steve was transfixed on every word Kurt spoke. It was as if he had always known this story deep inside his heart locked, hidden away until Kurt’s words provided the key to release it.

  “The Goddess opened her arms and spoke once more. ‘It is time to bring you into the balance you’ve been denied. To become more than beast once again. Take my blessing and become the men you once were.’ With that, every wolf returned to their human selves. There was wonder and shock at what had happened. All eyes then returned to the Goddess and saw her smile. ‘Now you can work in harmony with the wolf inside. Guide them, teach them to be more than mindless beasts. Remember my words and pass it on to your cubs. I will return again one day my children. I look forward to seeing you then.’ With that Cub, the Goddess faded away into the light of the full moon. Now, as thanks for what she’s done and given us, we run during that moon. Trying to show her just what we’ve become, hoping to please her and have her return to us. Now Cub,” Kurt stood up in a single graceful move. “will you join me in my run tonight?”

  Steve stood and nodded. Kurt shifted to his full wolf, the black and grey fur shining in the moonlight. Steve shifted as well, his brown fur just as glistening. Together the two ran through the woods, covering miles with a breakneck pace.

  Kurt led them to the top of a large cliff with a breathtaking view of the forest below. The full moon shone brightly in a cloudless sky adorned with countless stars. Together, the two wolves howled as loudly and long as they could. Man and beast both singing their thanks and gratitude for the gift they’d been bestowed.

  Chapter 18

  Becca was ticked. She had been locked away in her room for the past three days with no way to contact the outside world. She hadn’t even been allowed to call St.Christopher’s for an update on her parents. Her entire source of outside information was Dr. Morrow and she trusted the weasel-looking man about as far as she could throw him. There were plenty of people back home who would have either called or made the attempt to visit her in Chicago. It wasn’t that far of a drive. Add that to the fake newspaper article and she knew she had to get out of Dodge fast. Then that morning, she overheard something that froze her blood cold. She had overheard Dr. Morrow talking to her nurse. Well whispering was more accurate but she heard everything as clear as if he was standing next to her shouting each word. The man had ordered her to begin preparations for transport. The mistress wanted to see her new trophy in person now that she was out of the woods. Becca didn’t like the sound of that at all. She had to get the hell out of here. The only question though was how?

  She hadn’t been allowed to walk the halls at all so she had no idea of the floorplan or how many people were on staff. She knew it would be a huge risk running blind as she was but she didn’t have a choice. It was lunchtime and she had finished her meal. Now she waited for the nurse to come and take her tray away. The young woman entered, all smiles, and moved to take it away. As she picked up the tray, Becca said, “Sorry but I dropped my fork under the bed. I couldn’t reach it. Could you please pick it up for me?”

  “Sure.” The nurse looked slightly put out but she knelt down to look under the bed. As she did so, Kiera grabbed the bedpan she had hidden under the sheets and bashed the nurse over the head with it. She crumpled like a broken doll. Kiera gave her one more whack just to be safe and darted to the doorway. The hallway was completely empty. In fact, it looked more like an office hallway than one you’d find in a hospital. Just where the hell am I? She looked around and without any kind of signage or markings to direct her, went to her right and started running as fast as she could.

  She passed a few more rooms but they all were dark and empty apart from the equipment stored there. The hallway ended at a bend and Becca slowed long enough to peer around the corner. She saw a glowing red EXIT sign with an arrow pointing to another hallway further down. The coast was clear so Becca ran as fast as she could to the indicated hallway. As she ran, she passed another room, only this one was lit and occupied. She couldn’t take the chance to be spotted so she kept running. She was about to turn down the bend when she heard a woman’s voice call out with a Spanish accent. “Please! Help me!”

  Every instinct in Becca’s body screamed at her to ignore it. She couldn’t waste time. She had to get out. “Please don’t let them take me! Please!” Damn it! Becca ran back to the room and saw a woman strapped to the bed. Tears ran down her dusky brown skin. “Please,” she whimpered. “Help me.”

  Becca ran to the bed and started unbuckling the straps. “First, keep it down. I don’t know how many goons are here. Last thing we need is them to come checking on you.”

  The woman’ the teenager’s voice Becca realized dropped to a soft whisper. “I don’t think they’ll come. I’ve been shouting for help for a day and no
one’s come except you and a woman nurse and male doctor.”

  “Well if it’s the same nurse I had, she’s out cold.” Becca undid the last strap. “Can you stand?”

  “Yes. They only kept me here for observation after they treated the heat exhaustion. The straps were to keep me from escaping. I won’t go back. I’d rather die first.”

  “Okay. We’ll table that for another time. Come on. I found the way out of here.” Together the two young women sprinted for the exit and ran out the door. They exited the building into a side alley. They started running, not really caring what direction they were going as long as they were moving away from their prison.

  Roughly twenty minutes later, the two women were curled up under an overpass. The street was completely deserted. Gasping, they just held each other. Thankful to be out of the clutches of whoever it was that held them. Finally they separated and looked at each other. “My name’s Becca. What’s yours?”

  “Marisol. Marisol Hernandez.”

  “What were you doing there Marisol?”

  “I come from Mexico. My little sister and I were kidnapped by some drug runners. They threw us into a large truck and smuggled us across the border. I don’t know where they were taking us.” She shuddered for a moment. “To protect my sister, I allowed those pendejos to rape me. They do you say it...bru-tale?”

  “Brutal,” Becca whispered. Tears started swelling in both girls eyes.

  “Yes. Brutal. I was a virgin. I asked for mercy but they took a disgusting pleasure at that. Over and over they raped me and hit me. The container we were in had no...holes or aire acondicionado. I was so weak from the beatings that the heat overcame me. They dropped me off at the hospital and kept going.” She began weeping. “I can’t even imagine what they’ve done to my sister. I was all she had left and I failed her. I pray to God that she died before those monsters did the same to her.” Tears fell down her cheeks in an uncontrolled stream of pain. “How horrible is that? To wish your own sister dead because you failed to protect her!”

  Becca didn’t know how to answer. She just held the young girl and let the tears flow. After some time had passed, she looked down at Marisol. She wiped away the tears from the young girl’s face and then her own. “Come on. We have to keep moving. First thing we have to do is find some clothes. These hospital gowns are too conspicuous.” She helped Marisol to her feet and both started jogging down the street.

  They were eventually able to find some things in a clothing donation bin. Each found a shirt roughly their size. Becca found a pair of jeans while Marisol found some sweat pants that she was able to tighten with the tie string. They were each able to find some old ratty looking sandals that would do until they could get something more substantial. Once dressed, they started running again. Becca didn’t know where they were but she sure knew it wasn’t Chicago. When they finally reached an open area, she looked around and saw exactly where they were. There, gleaming in the summer sunlight, was the famous Space Needle. “Okay. We’re in Seattle. Now we have to figure out how to contact my family. I don’t think pay phones are a thing anymore so we’ll have to borrow someone’s cell. Once I do that, I know they can send us some money. We’ll be able to get back home soon after that.”

  Marisol’s eyes widened. “You would want me to come with you?”

  Becca grinned. “Of course. I took a vow to serve and heal the public. That includes you.” She paused and a placed a hand on the teenager’s shoulder. You can leave if you want though. I wouldn’t try to stop you.”

  Marisol thought for a moment. Her green eyes narrowed as she considered the possibilities. Finally she shook her head. “No. I’ll stay with you Becca. Thank you for your help. I hope I can pay you back one day.”

  “Don’t worry about it Marisol. Also, if I can help you find your sister I will. What’s her name?”


  “That’s a beautiful name.”

  “Thank you. She was named after my abuela on Mama’s side and I was named after our abuela on Papa’s.”

  Becca nodded and the two women started running once more.

  Chapter 19

  Lily was just finishing her meal. Wiping her mouth with a purple cloth napkin, she turned her head to face Edward once again. “Please inform Dr. Morrow of my displeasure at his incompetence. He was an arrogant fool to have taken security so lightly, especially with one of my trophies.” Lily sighed. “He’s too valuable to be tossed away needlessly. Yet a lesson must be learned. Take only his pinkie fingers. He was never that good a surgeon anyway. Then move him over to the labs and have him assist there. Continue the search. See to it personally Edward. Ms. Daniels and Hernandez couldn’t have gotten far.”

  “Of course my lady.”

  “Also, kindly make sure that Ms. Samuels’ family receives full benefits. She was more delicious than I expected.”


  Kiera closed the book and set it on the tray. It was Alan’s favorite, Treasure Island. She had lost count the number of times she saw him curled up in his favorite chair reading it over and over. She was able to track down a first edition for an anniversary present one year and she always treasured the look on his face when he realized just what she had given him. She smiled at the memory and also at just how vigorous he had been later that night in his efforts to thank her. She still laughed as she recalled how he had to call the chiropractor the following morning. The poor dear tended to forget he wasn’t a young man anymore and had never been in the best shape to begin with. She didn’t mind though. Every kiss and caress sent shivers down her spine. She knew that eventually she would lose him and dreaded that day. It was the price she would have to pay for her long lifespan. Yet, she would always treasure the days spent with him and the beautiful daughter they had made. If only we had the chance to make more of those memories with her my love. Lilith will pay for what she’s taken from us. This blood-feud ends now, one way of the other.

  She kissed his still lips, slightly hoping for a reaction but he remained stock still, the monitoring equipment beeping in their slow monotone.

  She laid her head back in the chair and closed her eyes. She was just about to nod off when her cell phone rang. Glancing sourly at it, she didn’t recognize the number and almost ignored the call. She finally accepted it and pressed the phone to her ear. “Yes,” she barely mumbled.


  Kiera suddenly shot straight up out of the chair, almost dropping the phone in her haste. “Becca? Baby?” Her tone a soft whisper, afraid to break whatever dream she was in and awake to the cold reality.

  “Yes Mama. It’s me. I’m okay.”

  Kiera was hysterical with joy. “Baby! My baby! You’re alive! You’re alive!” Kiera felt the tears stream down her cheeks. She took a deep calming breath. “We thought you were dead sweetheart! Where are you? I’ll come get you right now!”

  “That may be hard Mom. I’m in Seattle. I can’t talk too long. I’m on a borrowed phone and am probably being chased right now. It’s a long story but I’ll come home as soon as I can.”

  “Baby. Wait. Steve’s in Washington. He can meet you there. I’ll call him and tell him the news. Where can he find you?”

  “Not really familiar with the area Mom. about the Space Needle?”

  “He’ll be there in a couple hours. I can guarantee that.”

  “Right. We’ll be waiting for him. I love you Mom.”

  “I love you too baby.”

  The call disconnected and for the first time since she could remember, Kiera’s heart was soaring. She leaned down next to her husband’s ear. “Did you hear that my love? Our baby’s alive! She’s alive!” She stood back up and proceeded to dial Steve’s number. Her back was turned away from the machines so she completely missed the stuttering beep on the monitor; the twitch of Alan’s right hand; or the almost insignificant smile that suddenly appeared on his lips.


  Steve will never remember the drive to Seattle no
matter how hard he tried. He was in Mark’s Mustang letting the dwarf drive. He couldn’t trust himself to remember how to right then. The only thing in his mind was Becca’s voice saying I’m alive over and over. He was too afraid that every sense he had was lying to him, that he was trapped in some dream.

  It was dusk by the time they reached the Space Needle. A soft breeze was blowing as they got out of the car. One whiff confirmed all of Steve’s hopes. It was her scent. He inhaled it, letting it flood his nostrils. He drank it in as greedily as a man dying of thirst in a desert suddenly comes across an oasis. He turned to follow the scent and then he saw her. He didn’t recognize the woman next to her but he didn’t care. One minute he was next to the car, the next she was in his arms. He held her as tightly as he could. He buried his head in her auburn hair, inhaling the scent of her even more. His world had crashed down around him but it was restored. He could face the world again. He raised his head and lifted Becca’s with one hand. All he wanted right then was to drive his mouth to hers; to relish in the taste of her. Something held him back though. He slowly lowered his head, his lips a bare fraction from hers. He felt her hands move up his back to behind his head and slowly pulled him down to finish the kiss. They didn’t know how long it lasted. It didn’t matter. It finally sealed the truth that this was the reality for them. When they finally broke away, they looked into each other’s eyes and held one another tight once more.

  A soft cough broke the spell. “I know you two missed each other and probably can’t wait to get into a bed but we have to get going. Also, who’s the young’un?” Mark pointed to Marisol.

  After introductions were made and Mark was told in no uncertain terms by Becca that Marisol was coming, the four got into the Mustang. Mark drove with Marisol in the front seat. The two lovers sat in the back holding each other, heads nestled against one another and thought the nightmare was finally over.


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