Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 14

by Aaron Henley

  By the time they got back to the Howling Moon, it was close to midnight. Brief introductions were made between everyone and it was decided it was time for all of them to get some much needed rest. Steve volunteered his room to Becca and Marisol while he’d take the couch. Kurt just gave him a no-crap-Sherlock glare and pulled out an air mattress from the closet. Soon, just about everyone was asleep and dreaming peacefully. All except two that is.

  Kurt and Ayla laid in bed, naked and curled up next to each other as they usually slept. Ayla looked up at her mate and asked, “Do you think he’ll leave us now that he doesn’t have a reason to stay?”

  Kurt rubbed her hand in his. “I don’t know lover. I think he’d still want to keep his word and help out but that was when he thought he was avenging her. Now---” he shrugged. “Truth be told, I couldn’t blame him if he did leave. It’s not everyday the love of your life comes back from the dead. I’m also surprised he hasn’t tried sneaking into her bedroom and screw her brains out or that she hasn’t joined him on the couch. If it was you and me in the same situation, you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.”

  “Oh really? And just how do you know that they aren’t Mr. Big Bad Wolf?” She ran her finger down his nose.

  He took her finger and kissed it gently. Then he pointed to his nose. “Trust me babe. I know exactly when someone is getting their rocks off.” A devilish grin split his lips. “Would you like to know just what you smell like when you do?”

  She ran her finger under his chin caressing the stubble. Intrigued she said, “Sure. What do I smell like?”


  She laughed at that. “Really? That’s not what I would have thought.”

  “To me babe, it’s always cinnamon. I can’t think of a better scent than that so you always smell like cinnamon to me afterwards.”

  Ayla purred in pleasure. “I like the thought of that. I want to explore more of this with you and what I think you smell like but there’s too many guests in the house right now though.” She lightly kissed him. “Don’t worry lover. The wait will be worth it. I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Kurt moved to his side and Ayla snuggled up against him. They both drifted off to sleep with Kurt’s arms wrapped around her. For some reason, the last thing Kurt smelled before drifting off was a faint hint of cinnamon.

  Chapter 20

  Becca sat at the island in the kitchen, nursing a cup of coffee. She had woken up before everyone else and carefully made her way to the kitchen. Steve snorted a little as she walked past but quickly went back to sleep. Guess I’m going to have get used to that. Even asleep, his wolf can still smell me. Quietly rummaging through the kitchen, she found what she needed and filled the pot. She still couldn’t believe it. Finding Steve out here in the middle of nowhere was one thing, finding out that he was living with characters that belonged to one of her dad’s fantasy novels was something else entirely. She took another sip when Ayla came into the kitchen.

  The elf was wearing a peach colored pajama set and headed for the coffee pot. Her long brown hair cascaded in loose waves down her back and bounced as she moved. Becca tried her best but she just couldn’t stop staring at Ayla’s long tapering ears. Noticing her gaze, Ayla went to the bar stool beside her and gestured if she could sit. Becca nodded, slightly embarrassed by being caught staring at the elf, and Ayla took her seat next to her.

  Ayla took a long slow sip of the coffee. “Mmm...that hits the spot. Thanks for putting the pot on.”

  Becca slowly smiled back, her cheeks still slightly blushed. “Thanks. It was the least I could do for you guys.”

  Ayla took another sip of her coffee and set the mug down. “You don’t have to worry if you think you’ve offended me. I’m guessing until last night, the that the most of the other races you’ve seen were werewolves. Suddenly walking into a fantasy novel always takes getting used to.” She smiled back at Becca. “You’re not the first to stare at these ears you know.”

  Becca cupped her mug with her hands and looked down at the steaming liquid. “It’s a lot to take in. I’ve known about Steve and werewolves since his wolf first manifested. It took some getting used to but it’s not a big deal anymore.”

  “You haven’t lived with one yet have you?”

  “Oh?” Becca asked genuinely curious.

  “Better make sure that Steve washes his feet after a full moon run. Nothing worse than getting the whole house clean only to have muddy pawprints everywhere. Then there’s the howling at all hours of the night.”

  Becca looked slightly shocked. Ayla grinned, “I’m just kidding. The only time Kurt howls is when I make him.”

  Becca laughed hard at that. She quickly covered her mouth to not wake the others.

  “I haven’t known Steve long but I could tell just how much he loves you. Did he mention what he’s doing all the way out here?”

  “Not really. We snuggled in the backseat and I fell asleep. Between the escape from wherever we were and the stress involved combined with the joy of finding my fiancé out here, I think my body shut down.”

  “I’m not surprised. In that case, we’ll take it one thing at a time. First, he came out here because we sorta kidnapped him.”

  Becca’s eyes went wide and she almost bolted to Steve. “Don’t worry we didn’t mean him any harm.” Ayla quickly assured her. Then she shrugged slightly, “Well, most of us anyway. He didn’t meet us under the best of circumstances and there was a bit of a misunderstanding. Once the air was clear, we offered him a place to stay while he was out hunting for a lead on you.”

  “I bet he was climbing the walls. Whoever had me wouldn’t let me contact the outside. He must have been going insane not having heard from me.”

  Alya gently turned Becca’s head so she could meet the other woman’s gaze. “I don’t think you understand Becca. He didn’t think you were missing. He thought you were dead. He was looking for your body to bring home so your parents would have something to bury Becca.”

  Becca’s mind whirled. She flashed back on what her mother had said. She had completely missed the tones in Kiera’s frantic voice. She thought that her parents just thought her missing and were relieved that she was found. Now realizing that they thought she had died, her hands trembled and her entire body shook.

  Ayla gently wrapped Becca’s trembling hands within her own. “That boy over there,” she glanced over to the couch. “was willing to move heaven and hell to find where they had taken your body. I’ve only known a very few willing to do that and most of those can be found here in the Dragon’s Bane. He won’t admit it but some of the nightmares he had must have been terrible. I didn’t need these ears of mine to hear his screams. One night, Bob came running out of his bedroom with his longsword looking for what had attacked Steve to make him scream so.”

  Becca looked over at Steve’s sleeping form and her heart ached for what her love must have gone through. She knew werewolves felt things a little differently than “normal” humans but she hadn’t realized to what extent he truly did. She fell in love with him all over again. She then remembered what Ayla had just said.

  “Wait. An actual sword? Not a gun?”

  The elf shrugged. “Sometimes, the simpler weapons work best. It’s easier to coat a blade with salt, poison, or silver dust than to do the same with bullets. Also, they don’t run out of ammo at inconvenient times.”

  Becca tried picturing the orc standing in the hallway, naked blade in hand, ready to slay some monster. She actually grinned at the image. “I bet he must have cut an impressive figure.”

  “Oh he did. Especially since he and Lexi were in the middle of having sex. He was totally naked and a might pissed at having been interrupted.”

  Becca’s mental image shifted and her cheeks turned scarlet at the thoughts she was having. When she started replacing Bob’s image with Steve’s, her blush deepened even further and her heart started racing.

  “Forgive me if I’m out of line,”
Ayla began softly. “But judging by your reaction, I take it that the two of you haven’t mated yet.”

  Becca shook her head. “No.” She sighed a little. “We wanted to wait until our wedding night. So now I have another reason to punch those bastards in the face.” Her tone rising as she got angrier. “They couldn’t have waited just twenty-four more hours until they decided to ruin our lives at least? At least then, I’d have known what he felt like and had that memory to get me through the rough patches.”

  Ayla quirked an eyebrow. “So you’re still a virgin then?”

  “Yeah. Steve too. We had this crazy idea of giving each other one last wedding present when we made love the first time. Give each other something that no one else would ever have.”

  “Not crazy at all. That’s actually pretty damn romantic if you ask me. Kinda makes me wish I had waited until I met Kurt actually. We each had lovers before we met but we’re mated now so no one else is getting a piece of this elf ever again. Now if only I could convince him about having a baby.”

  “I’m sure you’ll get him to come around one day.” Becca grinned then sighed again. “Now, it looks like it may be a long time before we actually end up in bed together. Some bastards have a debt to pay for ruining my wedding and I promised Marisol that I’d help find her sister. The goons who left her at the “hospital” we were at kept going.”

  “Steve was staying here for a similar reason. We were trying to stop a sex trafficking operation and he accidentally got in the way. We can’t move against it for awhile while they’re suspicious and on alert. Steve felt he owed a debt to the girls that we won’t be able to help right now so all of us are helping to train him and get him in shape for round two.”

  “Really,” the wonder in Becca’s voice was easily apparent. “My Steve is doing something like that? Something’s changed in him. The most dedicated he ever got was keeping track of his fantasy football league, not wanting to help a bunch of vigilantes bring people to justice.” Realizing what she just said Becca hurriedly added, “Not that’s there’s anything wrong with vigilantes that is. I mean just look at Batman.”

  Ayla laughed, the musical quality of her voice filled with such warmth that Becca instantly felt reassured and at ease. “Well, I think we prefer the term “outlaws” but to be placed in such high company is certainly welcome.” Then her face turned serious. “I think the two of you will need to have a talk though. Steve’s reason to stay just evaporated when you came back from the dead. We wouldn’t blame either of you if you decided to go home.”

  “Like hell I’m leaving.” Steve called from the couch. He got up and headed over to the girls. Becca tried not to stare at his bare chest as he approached them but it was extremely hard. “I gave my word to stay and help. I meant it.” He looked over at Becca. “But you don’t have to Red. You should head home, be with your folks. It may help your dad come out of the coma.”


  “I see the two of you have quite a bit to discuss. I’ll leave you two alone then.” She poured herself a refill and a second mug and headed back to her bedroom.

  The next hour or so was spent with the two filling each other in with what had happened since the night of the attack. There was laughter, tears, heartache, and joy at being reunited. When they finished, each looked at the other.

  “I have to stay Red. I made a mess and it’s my responsibility to help clean it up.”

  “I know. I’ll stay too. Marisol went through such hell for her sister that if I can help them find each other I will. I also want to pay back the bastards who kidnapped me and left my parents thinking I was dead.”

  “You sure Red? It could be a long time before we get back home.”

  “I’m sure Steve. Besides,” her trademark smirk back on her face, “these girls may need medical attention when you rescue them so if you know another EMT?”

  Steve laughed again. “I think there’s someone you should meet. It may just change your view on the medical sciences.”


  “Trust me on this one.” He leaned down to kiss her and she eagerly met his lips. They pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes. “Becca, I know this may be the last thing you want to hear. Hell, I can’t even believe I’m saying this considering it’s the dumbest thing I’m ever about to say; but, I still want to wait for the wedding night. I want to wait until your father gets better and walks you down the aisle.” He chuckled. “Right now my wolf is screaming at me for being a grade-A idiot for not grabbing you and taking you on this countertop right now. It’s just I want it to be done out of love and not out of a desperate need to not lose you again.” His shoulders slumped in exasperation. “Does that make sense at all?”

  “Well as incredibly hot as to what your wolf is thinking, which we will try one day I assure you but it will be in our own kitchen thank you very much, I know what you mean. If that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll do. I know it’ll be special when it does happen but you’re right that now’s not the time.” Then she gave him her most lustful stare. “Are you sure you’ll be happy on the couch?”

  “Yep totally happy. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a very cold shower. I also need to get ready for training. Maybe running myself ragged and lifting boulders will help keep my mind off---” he pointedly stared at her breasts hidden beneath her t-shirt “---other things.”

  Becca didn’t stop laughing until Steve ran into the bathroom and she heard the water run.

  After a few minutes, she went to Steve’s...her bedroom now and picked up Steve’s cell that he had left charging. She dialed her mother’s cell and waited.

  “Hello dear.”

  “It’s me Mom. Just borrowing Steve’s phone.”

  Becca could practically see the smile split her mother’s face as she said, “Good morning baby. I love you so much. How are you feeling? Are you alright? What happened baby?”

  Becca chuckled. “Easy Mom. One question at a time. Let me fill you in.” Becca spent the next few minutes explaining everything to Kiera. When she told her about what she planned to do, Kiera was silent for a moment.

  “Are you sure baby?”

  “Yes Mama. As sure as I’ve ever been in my life.”

  “Then your father and I wish you and Steve good luck. I’m so proud of you baby. If your father was awake, he’d be too.”

  “Mom, could you put the phone to Dad’s ear? There’s something I need to tell him.”

  “Of course dear. Just a moment.” After a few seconds, she heard her mother’s muffled voice, “Go ahead dear.”

  “Daddy? Daddy it’s me. It’s Becca. Come back to us Daddy please. Mom needs you. I need you.” She felt her throat tightening with every word but she had to do this. “It will be a little bit longer before I come home but I want you to know that I love you so much Daddy. Steve and I talked and we won’t be getting married until you’re awake and can take me down the aisle. You hear me Daddy? Fight and come back to us so you can be at your daughter’s wedding. It won’t happen until you’re there. I love you Daddy. Mom? Are you there?”

  Kiera’s voice increased in volume and clarity immediately. “Right here baby.”

  “I just want to hear your voice some more. Is there anything you want to talk about?”

  Kiera sighed. “About a million things baby; but, they need to be done in person. There’s---” she paused and Becca heard her mother choke up a bit. “---something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a very long time, your father as well.”

  Becca was almost afraid to ask, “Is it bad?”

  “No baby. At least, I hope not. Steve already knows but please don’t ask him. This is something you and your father need to hear straight from me. Okay?”

  “Okay Mom. I trust you. Forever. Never doubt that okay?”

  “Thank you baby,” her mother said softly.

  “I have to go now Mom. I smell breakfast cooking and I’m starving.”

  “Okay baby. Call me anytime. I can�
��t tell you what it means to me to hear your voice right now.”

  “I promise Mama. I love you.”

  “I love you too my beautiful daughter.”

  Becca disconnected the call and headed back to the kitchen for what smelled like a wonderful breakfast.

  Meanwhile, in a hospital room at St. Christopher’s, Alan Daniels right hand clenched into a fist and his pulse started climbing a little.

  Chapter 21

  Normally Becca would have thought the idea of watching someone move a large rock back and forth to be extremely boring. However, when the person in question was the man she loved and the white t-shirt he wore was so soaked in sweat to become translucent and sticking to every ridge of muscle, Becca suddenly found herself very interested in the idea. As she sat there on another boulder watching Steve go through his exercises, she started to think about all the ways she could help him after a workout, most of which required little to no clothing.

  Stop it! Sure a little fantasizing is fun but you agreed to wait. Just sit back and enjoy the show. He was always fit but a few more weeks of this and he’ll be ripped. Then I can have him all to myself. Lifting me and pressing me against the wall… ARRGGH! I need something to take my mind off this!

  Fortunately for Becca, Mark and Michelle came out of their underground apartment and walked over to her. They started talking and she found that Mark had an interest in medicine. When she started asking about where he went to school, she was pretty surprised by his answer.

  “Ah. I never went to a medical school. Michelle and I both went to the Seattle Wizard’s Guild for training.”

  “Wait. Wizards are a thing too?”

  Mark and Michelle both laughed in tandem. “One thing you should know Becca,” Michelle began. “most of what you see in books or movies is based on some fact.” A wicked little grin lit up her face. “Where do you think all those ideas came from in the first place?”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. Most fantasy writers either know someone or are a little...unusual, let’s say, themselves.”


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