Fangs of Vengeance

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Fangs of Vengeance Page 15

by Aaron Henley

  “Don’t like the stereotypes though,” Mark added. “Not all dwarves drink every beer in sight with beards reaching to their knees. Just once I wish I could walk into a bar and not immediately be served a beer. I’m a whiskey man myself.”

  Becca laughed with them. “So what kind of magic do you two use? You do use magic right?”

  “Aye,” Mark nodded. “I’m what you’d consider a White Mage. I focus on healing spells and treatments for poisons and various ailments.”

  Michelle pointed to her chest, “I’m what they call a Black Mage. Now don’t let the name fool you. I’m no practicer of the dark arts. I guess the correct term should be Battle Mage but once that blasted video game series came out…” she shook her head roughly. “I mainly use the elements to help supplement the guys in battle like casting fireballs, throw lightning bolts, ice spears that sort of thing. I can also cause some rather nasty effects on people. Nothing stops a fight quicker than a man who suddenly has explosive diarrhea.”

  “Yeah but I’m the one stuck cleaning it up,” Mark groused.

  Becca paused for a moment. “I’m curious Mark. If healing magic exists, why wouldn’t white mages work in hospitals? Or black mages for the military?”

  “Actually most white mages do work in the medical field in some capacity or another. However, most don’t use their powers unless absolutely necessary and even then it’s a rare case. Our magic isn’t a wondrous cure-all if that’s what you’re thinking. We simply don’t have the strength. Many diseases like cancer or the HIV virus are simply beyond our abilities. Most spells help with trauma and body repair. Modern medicine has actually caught up to what we can do now so that’s why white mages use spells rarely now.”

  “As for us,” Michelle began, “we’re even more strictly controlled by the Guild. We can use our powers for training and competitions but as for actual combat.” She shook her head. “Can you imagine what mankind would do when instead of bombs and guns, they could flood entire cities or cause them to crash into the earth on a mere whim? “

  Becca nodded her head as she followed Michelle’s logic. “But if that’s the case, why did you study it?”

  “Each spellcaster has a natural aptitude for a particular spellcraft. Just like some people are born artists or musicians, some are born to be white mages like Mark and others black mages like me. My particular strength comes in crafting fire or lightning bolts. Still, I have to report to the Guild everytime I use my powers in a hostile manner. Best way I can describe it would be like a policeman undergoing an investigation after a shooting.”

  “Wow. I didn’t know things were that regulated. Then again,” she shrugged. “Until five minutes ago I didn’t know wizards were real too.”

  “Just the consequences of living in today’s world. Too much could go wrong if the wrong person suddenly turned into a torch on the six o’clock news. The Guild assigns highly skilled spellcasters to protect VIPs like world leaders and such to prevent anyone from getting any ideas. Most don’t even realize it though.”

  “That’s incredible. My mind is boggling at the sheer complexity of it all. But I have a question Mark.”

  “What is it Becca?”

  “Could I learn a little bit of your healing spells while I’m here? If they could help assist me in stabilizing a patient to get them to the hospital, it could be a tremendous help.”

  Mark narrowed his eyes in thought as he ran his hand through his blonde hair. “I guess I could teach you some minor spells to help stop bleeding and repair damaged tissues. Just remember what I said about it not being a cure-all. You’ll still need your equipment. This would only be a supplement not a replacement.”

  She nodded in agreement. “I understand. What would I have to do?”

  “Well first, I need to check to see if you have any magical potential at all otherwise nothing. Just stay there and close your eyes. You won’t feel a thing.”


  Becca did as instructed and heard Mark mumbling something. About a minute later, his mumbling cut off into a large shout as a massive shockwave threw him across the training yard. Becca immediately ran over to him as well as Michelle, Steve, and Bob. “Mark! Are you alright?” She helped the dazed dwarf to his feet. “What the hell was that?”

  “I don’t know Becca. Nothing like that should have happened. You’ve got magical potential though. So much that I couldn’t even measure it. I was still trying when something kicked me out and kicked me out hard. It was like a barrier or something but I’ll tell you this for sure. Whatever it was blocking, it’s starting to leak through.” Mark dusted the dirt off him and headed for the tavern. “Now I need a drink, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Becca looked positively frightened. “What’s happening to me?”

  Steve wrapped her in his arms. “I think I know. We have to call your mother. She needs to get here now.”

  “What? What about Daddy?”

  “Red if it is what I think it is, you need her; now more than ever. Michelle could you take her inside. Maybe get her something to help calm her down? I have a phone call to make.”


  “What?! Are you sure dear?”

  “If seeing a dwarf fly about twenty feet counts as sure, then yes.”

  “Goddess. It can’t be. It shouldn’t be possible. Not after this long.”

  “Well you know your daughter Kiera. She tends to make the impossible possible.”

  “I suppose she does at that.”

  “I know it’s a lot to ask you to leave Alan right now but she needs you. She needs to know just what she is. She’s scared Kiera. I’ve never seen her like this.”

  “You’re right. Alan is showing some improvement and there are plenty of friends and doctors to watch him. I’ll pack some things and be on the next flight tomorrow. I’ll call you with the details.”

  “That’s fine and I’m glad to hear that about Alan. I’ll tell Becca. Maybe that’ll help until you get here. I’ll see you tomorrow at the airport then.”

  “I’ll see you then dear.”


  “I thought you would want to know this immediately my lady. It appears that Kiera Daniels is making a rather unexpected trip to Seattle. Our people at the hospital confirm that she is leaving her husband for an unspecified time. We then were able to track her airline ticket purchase. She arrives tomorrow. Do you wish her to be placed under surveillance?”

  “Excellent work Edward. Yes I do. No more than a two-man team. Keep it discreet, use your best agents. I want to know what is so important that would drag her away from her dear husband and where she is going. If my guess is correct, I may be able to have my revenge and my trophy returned as well.”

  Chapter 22

  The clouds were breathtaking. The rising sun turned the large puffs into brilliant flames of pink and orange. The light reflected off the waves cresting far below her setting the ocean ablaze. Large flocks of gulls joined her in flight, a few becoming an early morning snack. Ahead, she could see the island. She knew who awaited her there. Her heart very nearly burst at the thought of him holding her in his arms once more; to feel the warmth of him against her. She flapped her wings as hard as she could, striving with every muscle to reach him.

  Soon the island loomed large before her and she could see her love running towards the shore. He was magnificent in the dawning light. His brown fur gleaming, amber eyes glowing in the reflected light. He ran on all fours, a wondrous predator. She pushed herself even harder to reach him, her wings a blur of scarlet.

  He made it to the beach first and sat there, patiently waiting for her. His tail wagging furiously like a cub. She landed in the surf, sending up plumes of sand and spray everywhere. She tucked her wings in and they started running towards each other. As they crossed the beach, she felt herself changing. She felt herself getting smaller; her wings began to shrink and curl into her back; scales began to fall off by the hundreds. She should be terrified and in agonizing pain but all she felt was
joy. Soon, her forearms could no longer support her weight so she tried standing to find that she was much better balanced. So she continued on into a half-loping gait towards him. Her back legs elongated and slimmed able to carry her shrinking weight. More and more of her crimson scales fell to reveal glistening alabaster skin beneath. The scales on her head thinned considerable into long strands and change color into a beautiful auburn mane. She didn’t know what was happening to her but it felt so right. Her mate was also undergoing similar changes.

  He too was now upright on his hind legs. His brown fur having changed to tanned skin. He was taller than her now and far more muscular. The sun shone on every plane of hard muscle and she longed to feel his body pressed against her. She ran her eyes over every inch of his body, eager to embrace him.

  Finally, he stopped and she lunged into his arms. She expected them to come crashing down to the sand but he just held her. She stared into those glowing amber eyes full of love and warmth and knew hers were a match. He pulled her head down roughly to kiss her. She didn’t mind. Oh how she had ached for this. She ran her hands over his back, feeling every ridge and crevasse. His lips left hers almost regretfully only to move down her cheek to her throat where he softly nibbled her. She was on fire, hotter than any flame she could create. He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her higher, his lips and tongue caressing the space between her breasts. A fire began building at her core. She needed more, so much more. He moved to her breasts and she cried out in ecstacy. Then he pulled back and looked up at her, the boyish grin that melted her every time she saw it fixed in place. He spread his legs a little to widen his stance and started to lower her. She felt his sex brush against her thighs and it was glorious. She had waited so long for the right mate, so long for him. She opened her hips a little more to let him enter her, her body dripping with desire and lust. She felt his sex begin to brush against her opening and then---

  The alarm went off and Becca shot bolt upright in bed. She slammed a hand down on it hoping to break the damn thing. Her hair was plastered down from sweat and she was shaking hard. That had been a hell of a dream and much better than the nightmares that had plagued her recently. Damn, she was a mess. Marisol rolled back on the mattress and went back to sleep as Becca tried to put herself back into some kind of order. She needed a shower, an ice cold one. As she stood up, she felt a wetness in her panties. The fabric sticking to certain tender places. Yeah, an ice cold shower. Definitely.

  A few hours later, she and Steve were waiting at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for Kiera. They had driven Steve’s truck and it felt so good just spending a few hours alone together talking and enjoying each other’s company. Steve still remained tight-lipped about what was going on and wouldn’t budge no matter how hard she tried. When she pulled her shirt up to try to persuade him, he just about wrecked. He fumed a little saying how stupid and dangerous that was. Blah blah, I’m the big werewolf. You’re the medical professional who should know better than to distract the driver. She’d have been mad at the sudden masochist streak but then she saw the boyish grin that had remain fixed ever since.

  As she stood there, nestled in the crook of Steve’s arm - which felt amazing by the way, and watched the people move through the terminal, she wondered about their future. She started picturing some of the families that walked by as her and Steve. There he was pushing a stroller, over there she was cradling a two-year old, further down Steve was giving their daughter a piggy-back ride as she laughed. She smiled and sighed happily.

  Steve looked down at her. “Thinking good thoughts Red?”

  “Always babe. Always.”

  “Me too.” He lifted his arm off her shoulder and pointed, “Look over there Red. I think someone’s waiting for you.”

  Her gaze followed the direction he pointed and there she saw her mother. Kiera immediately dropped her purse, as it fell from limp fingers. Both ran to the other and embraced, tears streaming down their faces. Steve watched the two and smiled. A brief cloud of anger flashed through his thoughts. I promise that those girls Amethyst took will have this. I won’t rest until that happens no matter what. Agreed buddy?

  His wolf nodded, licking his chops in expectation of the hunt. Just let me at them. I’ve always wondered what human flesh tastes like.

  Should I be worried about this? We are still part human you know.

  Nah. I hear it tastes just like chicken and we both know how much we love chicken.

  We’ve been hanging around Bob too long.

  Is that a bad thing?

  In this case? Nope.

  See? We’re learning.

  Steve chuckled softly.

  Now get over there and give our mate’s mother a hug you dolt!

  Becca’s not our mate just yet.

  Says you. Want me to replay that little conversation with you and Pops where you flat out told him she was or how about just what you thought about after that little incident in the truck this morning?

  Okay. You win. that last one for later would you?

  Done. Oh you’re going to have a great dream tonight buddy.

  You can do that?

  Oh...I’m discovering all sorts of things that I can do. Now quit talking to yourself and get over there you ass and hug that dragon lady!

  Still chuckling, Steve walked over to the two women and embraced them both in a large hug. More important conversations could wait. Right now the joy of a family that was seemingly destroyed forever but miraculously reunited filled all three. Tears streamed from mother and daughter as both laughed and cried. A young man picked up Kiera’s dropped purse and handed it to Steve as he continued through the terminal. Steve nodded his thanks and the passerby nodded back. After a few minutes, the trio broke apart and started heading for the parking lot, Becca’s left hand never leaving her mother’s. It was a truly joyous occasion.

  So caught up were the three that they completely missed the two average looking, dark haired men wearing clothing that would fit in just about anywhere follow them from a fair distance away.


  As they drove down the highway, it was a little cramped in the front cab of the truck but no one minded. Kiera still held Becca’s hand tight, as if afraid that as soon as she let go, Becca would disappear and the dream would be over. They talked about where they were going, the Dragon’s Bane, what had happened to each of them, Alan’s status. The drive home seemed shorter than the trip to the airport somehow to Becca and Steve. It felt like they had just left the airport when they arrived at the Howling Moon at lunchtime.

  It looked like the girls had gone grocery shopping and had taken Marisol with them. They were pulling in when Steve saw Charlie standing on the porch. He waved to the cook.

  “What are you doing here Charlie? I thought the place was only open for dinner.”

  “Aye it is. But after what I was told regarding that beautiful woman clinging to her just as attractive mother and that young woman helping carry those groceries over, I felt like you all deserved a Charlie special to celebrate! That’s what the girls went out for as I had run out of a few things but give Ol’ Charlie a couple hours to work his magic and you won’t regret it!”

  Steve grinned and slapped the man on the back. “Sounds great Charlie. I’m going to head over to the girls and help them bring the groceries in.” As he turned around, a little bundle of dark hair came squeezing between them.

  “Is that the Becca lady you told me about Steve? She’s very pretty.”

  “Just what have you been telling this little girl about me Steve? You haven’t corrupted this poor innocent girl have you?”

  “Nope. That’s all Charlie here. In fact---”

  Steve was interrupted by a shrill scream from down near his waist. He looked down to see Emily trying frantically to get between the two men. He stumbled out of her way as fast as he could as she bolted to Marisol. The teenager had dropped her bag, boxes and cans spilling all over the ground. Emily ran into her arms screaming “Hermana
! Mi Hermana!” Marisol picked up Emily as if she weighed nothing and the two reunited sisters spun around laughing and crying.

  Kurt had come running out of his office to see what was wrong and then slowed as he took in the sight. Everyone present just grinned and wiped their eyes at the wondrous sight. Bob had his hand on Lexi’s shoulder and handed her a cloth as she blew her nose loudly. Even Kurt had a wide grin on his face as he leaned against the open door frame. He nodded to himself and called out loudly to everyone.

  “I think this calls for a special celebration everyone. Due to extenuating circumstances, the Howling Moon is closed tonight for a private party. I’ll go put out the sign for it while the rest of you get the groceries in the kitchen.” He pointed to Charlie. “Work your magic. Forget lunch, make us a dinner buffet Charlie. On the house. Go nuts and have fun.” Charlie rubbed his hands as his brain whirled with the dishes he could prepare. “Once everything’s put away, let’s get the bikes out and go riding. Ayla, Lexi, Bob, strap on the side cars and make sure everyone’s got a helmet.” The three nodded wide grins on their faces. “Cub, you know how to ride?”

  Steve nodded. “Pops taught me when I was in high school but it’s been awhile.”

  Kurt nodded. “In that case, Ayla, get him checked out. If he passes muster, give him one of the spares. Make it a two-seater.” He grinned slyly at Becca who blushed a little. “Someone go bang on the twins’ door and get them out here! We’ll grab a quick bite in town and show our guests the sights Bane-style so don’t forget the colors! Now let’s get moving people. Daylight’s burning!”

  With that, everyone let out a cheer and hurried to get ready for the ride. It was a little touch and go with Steve at first. With Ayla’s guidance and the thought of having Becca pressed up against him a damn good motivator, he soon got the rust off and was riding around the parking lot without any trouble. Mark and Michelle had come out after a large green fist just about beat their door down and they started helping with attaching the sidecars to the bikes.


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