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Fangs of Vengeance

Page 16

by Aaron Henley

  After adjusting one of Lexi’s helmets for Emily, everyone started hopping on to the motorcycles. Kurt and Ayla, Steve and Becca each took a two-seater without a sidecar while Lexi, Bob, and Emily rode on Bob’s bike, Marisol rode with Michelle, and Kiera rode with Mark. As they pulled out of the lot, Kurt in the lead, engines roaring, everyone was cheering and laughing and wishing the day would never end.

  They rode all over the county enjoying the forest-lined roads and the feel of the summer wind brush against them. Kiera was laughing so hard that it was infectious for the rest of the group.

  As they traveled down a backroad, the pavement flying by, Steve felt a warm weight press against his back. Becca wrapped her arms even tighter around his waist and Steve smiled wide. “We have got to get one of these when we get back home,” she said in his ear. “I’ll talk to Mom. Judging by the way she’s acting, I think it won’t be too hard to persuade her to get two.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh so hard Red.”

  “Me either. Course, I hadn’t counted on just how good an engine feels between your legs. It’s not the only thing getting revved right now.”

  “Uh...Becca? Sweetheart? I’m not sure now is---”

  “What’s the matter babe? Can’t do two things at once?” She slipped her hand lower down his waist. “Seems like you sure want to.”

  Steve groaned as her hand went to his crotch. He felt her fingers reach for his zipper. “Becca! Stop! We’ll crash if you keep this up. What’s gotten into you? You never act this way.”

  Becca brought her hand up and leaned back, shaking her head. “I don’t know babe. I just---, I just wanted you all of a sudden. I needed you. Then it passed just as quickly as it came on.”

  “Well normally I wouldn’t be complaining about this but this is so unlike you. I think we both know you know better than to try to give me a handjob on the middle of the road surrounded by friends and your mother! I’m only praying no one else can hear this right now. Something’s going on and it may be part of what your Mom needs to tell you. I think you should.”

  “Steve, do you have any idea how embarrassing that is going to be?”

  “Any more embarrassing than having her turn around and see her future son-in-law’s equipment being stroked by her daughter while there’s an eight year old behind them?”

  “Okay. You’re right. After dinner tonight, she and I are going to have a long talk. I’ve got to figure out what’s going on with me. I’m scared Steve.”

  “I know Red.” He said as comforting as he could. I’m always going to be here for you. We’ll figure this out together okay?”

  “Okay.” Becca took a deep sigh. “I love you.”

  “I love you too Red.” They drove for a few minutes, Becca resting her helmeted head on Steve’s. Steve mischievously spoke up, “Now if you do get scared, you just hold on as tight as you long as you keep your hands above the belt.”

  “Spoilsport.” Becca dramatically sighed.

  “No one regrets it more than me Red. Trust me on that.” He felt her lean in and tried not to think too hard about what was being pressed against his back and the two of them continued riding down the road following the rest of their friends over the tree-shaded road.

  The gang stopped at a local ice cream parlor in Chesterfield where Kiera managed to convince all the women to drag their respective lovers, friends, and siblings together for a group photo. The waitress at the parlor was kind enough to offer her help so Kiera could be in the picture as well. With a few snaps of her cell phone, it was over and everyone was beaming, whether they’d admit to it or not. Seeing the happiness that little eight-year old Emily displayed infected everyone. She delighted in pointing out every little thing to her big sister. With Kiera staying, there was going to have be some rearranging but everyone figured Charlie wouldn’t mind an extra houseguest. His home was one of the largest in town. No one quite knew his story exactly but everyone knew he had come from New York where he had been one of most sought after chefs in the country. Kurt wouldn’t budge when anyone asked as to how Charlie fell in with him years ago, but, when they got back and smelled the scents coming from the tavern’s kitchen, they were very glad the two had met. It was still a few hours yet till dinner so when Emily said she wished they could put up some balloons, everyone took the ball and ran with it.

  After another quick trip back to town for some party supplies, everyone decorated the tavern and made it a real party. Colorful streamers of a dozen colors ran across the ceiling, balloons of every shade imaginable floated from the wooden chairs and decorative posts. Someone pulled out an old radio and soon the hall was filled with jazz music. No one ever did figure out whose idea it originally was but someone had moved some tables to clear a little dance floor on the side of the wall. Soon, all the girls were dancing and laughing while the men studiously tried to avoid the attempts to join them. Well, at least until Emily and Marisol pouted and waved them over anyway. It was a little odd seeing Lexi and Bob dance which mainly resulted in either close dancing or him lifting her and swinging her wildly but no one doubted their enthusiasm. Even Charlie came out of the kitchen to dance a little. No one knew what amazed them more, that Charlie was an expert breakdancer or that Kiera matched him move for move. Becca’s jaw was wide enough someone could have driven a truck through it when her mother joined her at a table.

  “Just a little something I learned before I met your father Becca. Alan tried his best but he never could do it. He just didn’t have the flexibility I’m afraid.”

  “One day you have got to tell me that story.”

  “Oh, there’s a lot of things we can talk about.” Kiera sighed and laid her arm around her daughter. “Tonight, after the party, we need to talk.”

  “I know Mom,” Becca said softly. “I don’t know what’s happening to me and I’m scared.”

  Kiera hugged her daughter fiercely. “It’s my fault baby. I tried to protect you from something because I was afraid. Now it’s come back to bite me in the ass.” Becca’s eyes widened. Her mother didn’t curse. In fact, Becca thought her mother didn’t even know what a curse was! Kiera moved an errant strand of hair away from Becca’s eyes, smiling softly. “We’ll talk more tonight, but, I promise you, there’s nothing to be scared of. I swear that on my love for you baby.”

  “Mama…”the two women embraced and the music kept playing. As the song ended, the two broke apart and rejoined the party. The song changed to a slow dance and all the couples started coming together, even Kurt joined his lover and wrapped her in his arms, swaying with the beat. Steve walked over to Becca and Kiera’s table and bowed in a gallant pose, “May I ask for this dance my lady?”

  Becca all smiles, took his hand and joined him on the dance floor. Together, the two swayed, bodies close, eyes lost in the depths of the others. Becca leaned closer and rested her head on his chest.

  “I could stay like this forever Steve,” she whispered. “It’s almost like our wedding dance.”

  “Me too Red,” Steve whispered back. “As soon as we finish what we came to do and your dad gets better, I can promise you three things.”

  “What’s that?”

  “First, the first flight back home. Second, as soon as the plane lands we grab your dad and Pops and run to the Town Hall and grab the first magistrate we find to marry us. Third, I shift, you hop on and we run straight to our bedroom and don’t come out till sometime the next afternoon.”

  “Sounds good to me love. But, if you shift, you’ll lose your deposit for the tuxedo.”

  “I’ve got a little over nine thousand dollars cash that your mom gave me earlier. If it means getting to have you forever, I’ll pay any cost.”

  “I like the sound of that. Now hush baby. Let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  “As you wish my lady,” he whispered. The two continued dancing and the music, joy, and love filled the dining room for the rest of the evening.

  Chapter 23

dinner was truly a marvel. Plates of spicy grilled meats garnished with vegetables, bowls of soup and gumbo, the friends ate and ate until all were satisfied and there was still plenty for leftovers for the next few days. Charlie had even managed to whip up a three-layer cake for desert. Everyone helped clean up but Kiera knew it was time to tell her daughter the truth. She asked Steve if there was any large open space and he walked the two of them to the clearing. He then left them to return to helping clean up the party. Alone, mother and daughter stood there in the evening twilight only a few feet apart. Neither knowing what to say or do.

  Finally, Kiera took a deep breath and faced her daughter squarely. “What I am about to tell you will be difficult Becca. I should have told you and your father this a long time ago. Like I said earlier, I thought I was protecting you. Really, though, I was only protecting myself. Know that I never meant to hurt you or your father.”

  Becca hated what she was about to ask but she had to. Her voice was very quiet. “Did you cheat on Daddy?”

  Kiera raised her hand in shock to her mouth. “No! No, Becca I swear I have always been faithful to your father. No man have I ever taken to bed before him, nor will I after he’s gone.” Her voice softy finished. “Not for a very long time after if ever.”

  “Then what are you afraid of Mom? What can’t you tell me? What does this big secret of yours have to do with what’s happening to me?”

  Kiera sighed again. “I think it’s best that I show you baby. You should close your eyes until I ask you to open them.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m about to undress and I don’t think you’d want to see your mother naked.”

  “Say no more. I’m not sure that I want to know now but I trust you Mom.” Becca closed her eyes. She heard her mother walk away from her followed by the rustle of fabric moving for several moments. Everything was quiet then.

  Anxious Becca said, “Mom? Are you still there?”

  “I’m here baby.”

  “Mom? Your voice sounds a little different. Like it’s deeper or something.”

  “I know baby. You’ll understand why. Please don’t be afraid. I don’t know what I would do then.”

  “Mom you’re starting to scare me. What is it? What are you doing?”

  “Open your eyes please dear and see the truth I’ve kept from you and your father.”

  Becca slowly did and what she saw she will never forget. The creature standing away from her was almost two feet higher than her. It---she---Becca had to remind herself, was covered head to toe in crimson scales that reflected the dusk’s sunlight. A long tail lay coiled behind her, the tip flicking nervously. Long majestic horns stood up from the lizard-like head almost like a crown as a forked tongue gently flicked through the air. Massive bat-like wings spread out from the body, the tops brushing against some outlying branches. She looked terrifying, she looked beautiful. “Mama,” she whispered.

  “Yes my dearest daughter. It’s me. Well, my hybrid form really. We’d need a much larger space for my true form.”

  “True form?” Becca shook her head. “What are you talking about Mom? Just what are you?”

  “I am a Red Dragon, Queen and ruler of our clan, though I haven’t played that role in quite some time.”

  “You’re a fucking dragon?!”

  A small puff of smoke blew out of Kiera’s nostrils while she assumed a stance Becca knew all too well with her hands on her hips. “Language Becca. You are not so old that I can’t put you over my knee and give you a good spanking. I am still your mother after all.”

  “Sorry Mom,” Becca apologized meekly. “It’s just---I mean---Where do I even start?”

  Her mother’s voice was soft. “Do I frighten you Becca?”

  Becca paused a moment before answering. She looked at the thing that was her mother and saw that she was trembling, her head downcast, her wings drooped to the ground. This was no regal creature but a terrified one. Terrified as to what Becca would say or do. Becca walked across the clearing to her mother and took one clawed hand in hers. She looked up at the scaled face, the sea green eyes glowing faintly in the fading sun. “No Mama. I think you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” She then let go of her mother’s clawed hand and wrapped her arms as tight as she could around Kiera’s waist. Kiera gently held her daughter, running one hand lightly up and down her back. Slowly, her wings came around and wrapped them both up like a cloak.

  “I’m so sorry baby. I was so afraid. I was so scared that you would only see the monster. Dragons have never had the best representation in stories after all.”

  Becca chuckled, tears rolled down her cheeks to splash onto her mother’s scales. “It’ll make a hell of a story for Grandparents’ Day won’t it? Not every kid can say their grandmother is a queen, let alone a dragon queen whatever that means.” Both mother and daughter began laughing softly.

  “Well, I think you may want to tell Steve what your plans are first. He would be pretty instrumental in at least the conception part I would think. Judging from when I saw him last, I’ve never seen him so fit. I’m pretty sure he can plow you ragged in bed now.”


  “Just kidding baby.” She shrugged. “Only slightly though. He has gotten a lot better looking you have to admit.”

  “Yeah, I can’t argue with that.” Becca broke away from her mother as Kiera lifted her wings back up. “Mom, does this mean I’m---I guess---half-dragon?”

  Kiera nodded. “Yes dear. It does. Though I worked so hard to keep you human.”

  “What do you mean Mom?”

  “Dragons are able to mate with a variety of species. As such, our traits are dominant. We are powerful magic users but, after a very long story that I’ll tell you about later tonight, I didn’t have much left when you were conceived.”

  “I’m not sure I like hearing this part.”

  “Oh come now dear. We’re both adults and you’re a medical professional. It’s not like I’m telling exactly how it happened. That’s something just for me to remember.”

  “Wait, you known when it happened?”

  “To the second dear. It’s was an incredible feeling of joy and wonder. When you and Steve decide to have children, I’ll explain more. It may be slightly different with you though because of the human genes you received from your father. I really don’t know. You are my first and only child. It’ll be one of those “learn as we go” experiences. But we’re getting off topic. The magic I had left, I used entirely to suppress your dragon side. I couldn’t alter your genetics but I could place a barrier of sorts around them and your inherited magical source. I worked countless hours to perform the spell while you grew inside me. Even then, I still wasn’t sure it had worked. The whole time I was in labor I kept praying for you to emerge normal. Derrick’s Falls may be used to the slightly unusual but even they couldn’t keep quiet about a baby with wings, horns, and a tail. As you grew up, I kept watch to see if anything would change but it never did. Eventually, I assumed the spell had worked as intended and you would live the rest of your life as a normal human being. At least, until the night of the attack that is.”

  “What changed Mom?”

  “A lot of things dear, including me which we’ll get to later trust me. I think you’ll like to hear how that night ended despite the tragedy involved. For now, let’s just say we need to repair some very serious burn damage to the front yard.”

  “You’re right Mom. I can’t wait to hear that. But, still if your spell worked, how did I fling a dwarf like a ragdoll?”

  “I’m still not entirely sure but I think a part of it was me and a part of it was you dear. We each have our own innate magic and I think that on an unconscious level, we each transferred minute amounts to each other and to your father. Every being has some kind of magical affinity whether they realize it or not and the barrier spell could still let a small trickle through otherwise it would kill you being completely cut off. It wouldn’t amount to any kind o
f power usage let alone allowing your dragon traits to show through. So when we were attacked, I think we had just enough to help keep us alive until help arrived. I saw what happened to your father Becca. He should not be alive but he is. It’s also possible that the normal energy your body used to maintain the spell was transferred to helping keep you alive. Thus, without the necessary power, the barrier began to break down . I wish I had a better explanation dear but sometimes,” she shrugged. “miracles happen, even for us dragons. Now I’ve spoken with Mark and I believe that the barrier surrounding your magic is weakening and, since you’ve never used it, it’s been building up since you were born. The dam is finally breaking and if I don’t help you, your magic will go out of control and you’ll become a danger to yourself and others.”

  “Oh, that’s just great Mom! You’re telling me that I’m a ticking nuke?!”

  “If you were alone dear, yes. But between Mark, Michelle, and I, there won’t be a problem. As I recall, Steve will be undergoing training for his wolf for a few weeks more. I think baby that it’s time for you to go back to school as well.”

  Becca thought for a few minutes. “Will I still be able to use those healing spells I wanted Mark to teach me in the first place?”

  Kiera smiled. “Of course dear. In fact, they will probably be stronger than you suspect. But even the most powerful spell isn’t a catch-all wonder pill dear. You should still rely on your training.” A thick puff of dark smoke wafted from her snouth. “It always made me proud just how much you took after me dear.”

  “Huh? I’m not a chef Mom. You know that. How many times did I almost burn the kitchen down? Wait...Can I breathe fire?” She shook her head. “Never mind. That can wait.”

  Kiera softly chuckled once more. “Red dragons are protectors of life Becca. We have a natural affinity to heal and comfort. Even though you never realized it, I should have seen it when you went into the “family business” so to speak. We have a lot more to talk about baby but is there anything else you wish to ask?”


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