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Fangs of Vengeance

Page 18

by Aaron Henley

  Birds, water, squirrels, deer...prey. Mmmm.


  Wolf can dream can’t he? Also, I think---Steve’s wolf chuckled.


  It’s very faint but I’m pretty sure Kurt and Ayla are at our 7’o clock about a few hundred yards away.

  How do you know that?

  Trust me on this all right? My ear isn’t wrong and you’re not ready for it.

  Okay. So we know where we started from. Is there anything standing out that wouldn’t be normally found here? A sound, a smell, anything at all?

  Let me see. Steve took a deep sniff turning his head side to side, his nostrils taking in dozens of scents. So far, everything seems normal. I don’t---, he sniffed again. Wait. Coming from our 4 o’clock. Steve turned in the direction indicated and took another deep sniff. Yeah. I know that scent. It’s cayenne and---garlic. It’s got to be Charlie’s cooking! There’s no one else around here for miles.

  Well, what we are waiting for partner. Let’s go check it out.

  The wolf sped off into the distance, chasing the scent as fast as he could.


  As Ayla laid curled up in her lover’s arms as they laid on the soft moss below the log, Kurt chuckled. “Well, looks like you beat me again. Cub’s moving in the right direction. Damn. I was looking forward to another round.”

  “ was I. Sometimes, it really sucks being right all the time doesn’t it?”

  “It’s a heavy burden you bear so well and humbly. Well, we better get dressed and get going. Wouldn’t do for the student to show up the teacher now would it?” As Kurt tried to stand, Ayla dragged him back down.

  “Oh no. I’m not quite finished with you yet. I think we’ve got time for one more round. He isn’t that good yet. Even if he is your great-nephew.”

  “Did I mention how much I love it when you talk me into things?”

  “All the time.” Ayla lifted herself up to a half standing/sitting position using the log to brace herself. “Now get to work babe. Time’s wasting,” she finished as Kurt moved over to her and she pressed his head down to her waist and lower.


  Steve had made some progress only to lose the scent from time to time and have to backtrack to where he last picked it up. After the fifth time, he got angry and took a swipe at a nearby birch tree. His claws left deep gouge marks in the bark. Realizing he could use this as a marker, he would score a tree every few yards to keep him on track. It slowed him down considerably but he hadn’t lost the scent yet. He had just crossed a small stream when something else entered his nose.

  I know that scent. It’s jasmine! It’s the shampoo Becca uses. We’ve got to be close now. Steve started picking up the pace. He kept up his marking but started to stretch it out a little bit more. The scent of jasmine kept getting stronger and stronger, overriding every other scent. Steve picked up the pace rushing towards it even faster. Before he knew it, he crashed into the clearing, barely missing a fireball as it passed over him. It was close enough that some of the fur on his tail tip got singed a little. He jumped behind a tree and looked out at everyone wide-eyed.

  “Oops.” Michelle laughed. “Sorry there Steve. Didn’t see you coming. I was just showing Becca what battle magic is all about. Good reflexes though.”

  Steve walked back into the clearing, his ears flat and tail straight back to show his displeasure. He figured he shouldn’t shift back until Kurt allowed it. He padded over to where Becca sat and rested on his haunches.

  “Hey baby. What’s with the fur coat? Usually, I don’t see you like this.” Steve nodded and whined a little. “Afraid to show a little skin with everyone here?” Steve shook his head vigorously.

  “If I may dear, before this becomes an episode of Lassie?” Kiera began. “My guess is that Kurt told him to stay as a wolf for a lesson and Steve’s probably not going to change back unless Kurt tells him it’s fine.” She looked over to Steve. “Is that correct dear?”

  Steve nodded. “Well, in that case, Michelle, Mark, would you please continue your demonstration for Becca? It was quite wonderful.”

  “Our pleasure milady,” Mark bowed to Kiera.

  “Please Mark, your respect is much appreciated but call me Kiera as we are friends. Even when I still used my title, I never stood on ceremony.”

  Michelle stopped her brother with a pointed look before he could argue with the dragon queen. “Thank you Kiera. Come on Mark. We’ve got a show to do!”

  The twins resumed their demonstration. Michelle began juggling fireballs while Mark concentrated on creating light spheres that swirled around the spectators like little fireflies. Becca was having a blast. Steve nestled up to her and before she knew it, she was scratching his ears like any dog. She quickly pulled it away after realizing it but Steve whined and pressed his head against her hand.

  “Hmm...I think I could grow to like you this way baby.” She quickly resumed the scratching and Steve began softly growling.

  Soon, the fireball and light spheres began swirling around each other forming complex patterns of light. Finally, they all shot straight up into the air to explode like fireworks. As Michelle and Mark took a bow, Kiera and Becca clapped and cheered. All Steve could do was wag his tail.

  His wolf was grumpy. This is embarrassing. I’m a wolf not a dog.

  Yeah but look at Becca. You got to admit she looks so happy. We both know we would want to see that smile everyday. Best part is we soon will.

  Think she’ll give us a belly rub? We are naked you know and it’s not that far from our ---

  WATCH IT! You know what we agreed to with her.

  You agreed to. Sometimes humans are too complicated. She’s our mate. Why shouldn’t we mate with her?

  This time, you need to trust me. Okay?

  Fine. Still think it’s stupid though.

  Just have to get the last word in don’t you?


  “That was amazing,” Becca said. “I guess there’s a lot we can do with magic isn’t there? Too bad we couldn’t have done this at the party. Emily would have loved it.”

  “Yeah but that would lead to some questions she and Marisol aren’t ready for,” Mark answered while Michelle nodded in agreement. “Bob’s glad he can walk around the house in his green hide again.”

  “You can say that again,” Kurt said as he walked into the clearing, Ayla right behind him. “He has gets grumpy if he can’t see that beautiful shade of moss green.” He looked down at Steve. “You passed Cub. Head into the house and change. We’ll talk more about how you did in my office after dinner.” Steve nodded and, just for the hell of it, jumped up on Becca and licked her face a few times before dashing off for the tavern.

  Everyone started howling with laughter as Becca stood there wide-eyed. Slowly her smirk crinkled her face as she ran a hand through her auburn hair. “I think I can get used to this.”


  I cannot believe we just did that?! What were you thinking?!

  How jealous I am that you’re the only one who gets to taste our mate.

  You get to “taste” her too. You’re me!

  Yeah but not like that. You know she would never kiss us as a wolf or do anything else. We’d be lucky if she wanted to try anything with our hybrid form. At least, then I’d have a shot---

  Steve paused. He was surprised at the vehemence in his wolf’s tone. Something was wrong and he had to find out what. A shot at what?

  A shot at being with her like you will! At maybe having a cub with her. There are you happy?!

  Wait---wait---you’re me and I’m you. If she has a child, it would be both of ours and hers. I don’t understand.

  No. You wouldn’t would you?! You may be learning but you’re still an idiot! Think! What happens when a wolf and human act as one? They become one! A fusion of man and beast. If we finish this, do you know what will happen to me? I’m gone! Sure, a part of me will still be there but stuff like this? These little arguments we have? Gone! We w
ill act with one body, one soul. I know it’s the way things are supposed to be but damn it I like existing like this! Steve’s wolf dropped his voice to a whisper. Is it really so bad to have me along for the ride, even if it makes us weaker than we could be?

  Steve was silent for a moment. I won’t lie and say I gave much thought to having an existential crisis with my own mind but you do have a point. We’ve gone through a lot of stuff together. Well, at least once I got my head out of my ass and started paying attention to you anyway. You helped save us at the attack and today we worked great as a team. To be honest, I don’t really think I’d want you to leave if we fused. Who knows what gets blended and what doesn’t? I hope the best parts of each of us but how would that change us? Would we still be the same man Becca fell in love with? Everyone we know met their mates after they had fused with their wolves. Their mates knew the people they were getting involved with. We lost Becca once, you know we couldn’t lose her again. But as for intimacy, a child? It would have to be me. We both know that. Maybe one day, she’d allow us to try in our hybrid form and, if so, you can be in the driver’s seat. Who knows? Maybe she has a hybrid form too like Kiera? This is all uncharted water. We’re breaking a lot of rules here.

  I seem to recall one of us willing to become a rogue for the woman we love. Seems like rule breaking is our stock in trade.

  Okay. Good point.

  Can we do one more thing? Can we stop thinking of me as “my wolf”? Can I have a name?

  Steve shrugged. Well, since we’re crazy enough to do this, why not go all the way? Sure. What would you like to be named?


  Okay. If you’re sure. Rex it is then. Nice to meet you Rex.

  Nice to meet you too Steve.

  So, before we go and tell the others that we’ve decided to completely break everything our culture has taught since the days of the first werewolves, anything else you’d like to talk about?

  Just two. First, if there is no other choice, if anyone we love is in danger because of this, we will fuse. I’d gladly sacrifice anything for them just as you would.

  I know. I didn’t want to ask you Rex but thanks. What’s the second?

  Becca tastes so good! Rex began panting and wagging his tail.

  Can’t argue with you there. Just wait, there’s a lot more to come later.

  Yep. Which is why we need to kick Amethyst’s ass and break up that trafficking ring. We got a mate waiting for us and she is hot for us if this nose is anything to go by.

  Noticed that too did you?

  Smarter than the average wolf Steve.

  Come on, let’s get dressed and go tell Ranger Kurt the bad news. Least we know that if we run we can find our way home after he cools down.

  If he cools down and that’s a big if.

  You really do enjoy getting the last word in don’t you Rex?


  Chapter 24

  Kurt took the news rather well. Steve’s nose was easily reset by Becca and Mark’s healing spell stopped the blood flow. The black eye would fade in a day or so though. It may have gone further but when a certain dragon queen started taking umbrage at her future son-in-law having his face rearranged and positively spoiling the wedding photos, Kurt stormed off to the tavern, grabbed a couple kegs and locked himself in his office. Steve and Rex thought it’d be nice to sleep outdoors in full wolf tonight.

  The rest of their friends didn’t really know what to make of the situation so they decided to talk about anything but what just happened. The rest of the day was spent with Becca practicing her magic, the little light sphere gradually growing in size to about the width of a dime, while Steve watched. After a dinner of more leftovers, Steve and Becca decided to take a walk through the woods.

  “So that’s about the short of it Red. I guess you could consider me a case of split personality disorder but Rex and I are happy.”

  “I still don’t quite understand it since having a voice in your head is usually a bad sign you know. That said, as long as you’re happy I’m happy. Just promise me one thing Rex. Make sure Steve remembers to not leave dirty underwear on the floor, okay?”

  Steve chuckled. “He said that he’d keep tabs on my dirty socks as well.”

  “I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship Rex. Steve, is he aware of everything you do?”

  “Yeah. I know it’s hard to explain but everything I am, he is and everything he is, I am. We just didn’t want to lose anything that made each of us special.” Becca quirked an eyebrow at him. “Not that kind of special and you know that’s an insult now Ms. EMT.” He sighed and started holding her hand tighter. “We worked well as a team. I guess the best way to describe it is that I have a buddy-cop movie in my head now instead of just a solo act. I know both of us are asking a lot from you but know that we both love you with all our heart.”

  “So, is the multiple pronoun thing going to be a regular thing from now on?”

  “No. Also, if you’re talking to me, you’re talking to Steve unless you directly address Rex. Things may change when we shift as we’re still working out the details but for now, it’s always Steve you’re with man or beast.” He smiled. “Unless you want Rex to come out and play. He really hopes for a belly rub from you one day.”

  Becca laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind. Somehow I don’t think we’ll need a family pet with him around.”

  Steve laughed with her and they continued walking. “How are you adjusting to being part dragon Becca? I’ve been worried about you. I’ve had my whole life since Rex entered the picture to adjust to being a werewolf and you’ve only had a few days.”

  Becca was silent for a few moments. “It’s been rough Steve. I knew who I was and what I was. Now---knowing that part of why I went into medicine was because of an instinct and not a choice. Then there’s the magic. Magic Steve! With a thought, I could be a walking natural disaster or the greatest healer the world’s supposedly seen in over two thousand years.” She sighed and squeezed his hand hard. “I just don’t know who I am anymore.”

  Steve was silent as they continued walking then stopped. He turned to face Becca and put one hand under her face to raise it to meet his eyes. “Becca, why did you decide to become a EMT?”

  “To help people.”

  “No. The real reason.”

  “Because I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to be able to look at a parent holding a child that I helped that wouldn’t have made it otherwise. To make someone’s life a little bit brighter.”

  “Do you think some genetic instinct made you feel that way?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Do you think your parents or I would let you go through what you’re facing alone?”


  “Do you love me?”


  “Then that’s all you need.” He leaned down and they kissed. As they broke apart, he smiled. “We better be getting back.” He started pulling her back the way they’d come.

  “Steve, wait.”

  “What is it Becca?”

  “There’s something else you need to know. It’s about what happened the other day on the motorcycle.”

  “What about it?”

  “Mom helped explain it to me. The way I acted, the way that I wasn’t myself was because---well---my mating instinct kicked in.” She blushed furiously. “Dragons apparently have one hell of a sex drive and mine’s starting to turn over. Mom’s helping me learn how to control it though so something like that shouldn’t happen again.” A sly grin crept up her face. “Unless we’re alone that is; then all bets are off.” She looked away and sighed. “Until the wedding, whenever that will be.”

  “I know what you mean Red. It drives me crazy too.” They walked a little further down the forest path. “To be honest Red. If we had been alone, I probably wouldn’t have stopped you. No. That’s not true. I’d have pulled off the road and made love to you right then and there. But that’s not what we want is it?” He turned
to Becca who slowly shook her head. “It drives me crazy sometimes knowing just what everyone else is having that we aren’t. Kurt and Ayla practically reeked of it this afternoon in the clearing.” Becca looked over to him and Steve pointed to his nose in answer. “Yet, I can live with it. Do you know why?”

  Becca shook her head.

  “Because you’re worth it. Because I want to make love to you in our bed with our rings on each other’s fingers. I want to make our children there one day. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Red and if you don’t think I’m going to do my damnedest to make up for lost time, you’re crazier than I am!”

  She grinned. “Okay baby. Okay. I’ll wait.” She leaned up for a quick peck on his cheek. “I promise you it’ll be worth it.”

  “I don’t doubt it. I saw that bag you kept sneaking around behind my back before dinner that night. I’m not about to let whatever is in there go to waste.”

  “I’m looking forward to showing you just how right you are and how great it’ll be baby. Now let’s head home. Kurt may be drunk enough by now to let you sleep indoors tonight.”

  Chapter 25

  The next morning, after their usual run together, Ayla took Steve over to the clearing. He expected to see Kurt there but was surprised to find the twins there. “Today, I’ll be handling your training Steve. Kurt---well, he’s being Kurt right now. What you and Rex are doing pissed him off pretty good but I think he’ll come around. So I thought instead of lifting rocks and getting you lost in the woods, we’d work on your agility and evasion a little. All the strength in the world won’t save you if someone blasts a few silver bullets into you. If you want, go behind a tree and undress, shift into your hybrid and come back.”

  Steve did so and waited for Ayla to continue. “Michelle is going to attack you Steve. You’re job - don’t get hit and try to tag her signifying a “kill”. She’ll take it easy on you to start but this is “live ammo” so to speak. You get hit, it will hurt. You’re free to come up with any strategy you want and use anything to your advantage. Mark’s on standby just in case. Any questions?”


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