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Fangs of Vengeance

Page 21

by Aaron Henley

  It took her over a week to gather the courage to try to talk to the orc. Once she did, she found that she did most---okay, all of the talking---but what surprised her was that he didn’t ignore her. He listened intently to everything she said, nodding or shaking his head in reply. She would spend every evening just talking to the orc, who also started to open up eventually. To this day, Lexi thought she had heard him speak more to her than anyone else in his life and she treasured that. It wasn’t long before they fell in love.

  That hadn’t gone over particularly well with her folks to put it mildly. When she confessed her feelings for him to them, the looks of horror and outrage weren’t what she was expecting. She assumed it would be bad, she just greatly underestimated how bad. She had a choice, either deny what she felt or she was no longer welcome. It was the hardest decision of the young gnome’s life, but, she chose Bob. The two left the following morning and never looked back.

  They bummed around for awhile, working odd jobs here and there to make ends meet and to afford to keep their glamours working. Then she took a job for some old werewolf to build some bikes and the rest was history.

  Well, she had enjoyed the show but it was time to get back to work. That worm should be finished compiling by now so she had to make sure that it could do the job when they got back into Amethyst’s mainframe. A lot of lives depended on that collection of 1s and 0s and she wouldn’t let them down.

  She hopped down off her rock, ran over to slap Bob on that tight green butt of his, and headed back to her workstation in the garage.

  Chapter 28

  Becca was a complete and total wreck. She had thought that going through puberty was bad, she was wrong. She threw another empty bottle of calamine lotion in the trash and grabbed another bottle. It was bad enough that she now had more scales than flesh but now she couldn’t even lay on her back as her wings and tail were starting to sprout. The little nubs of bone and tissue were too sensitive to have any pressure on them. As a result, she hadn’t laid back in a chair for a couple days. She just wished this damn transformation would hurry and get itself over with.

  There was a knock at her door and it opened slightly, “Can I come in Red?”

  “Hey, yeah. Good timing actually.”

  Steve came in and closed the door behind him. He sat on the stool next to the bed. “Getting worse?”

  “Yeah. It’s starting to drive me crazy Steve. I feel like a thousand ants are crawling all over me, including places they have no right being at by the way; I can’t lie or sit down without thinking, my teeth and jaws hurt as they’re stretching; to put it simply: this really sucks.”

  “I’m sorry babe. I’d do anything to help but I haven’t got a clue.”

  “Tell you what, grab that bottle of lotion and rub my wings. Maybe it’ll help as they’re the most tender right now. “ Steve went over to the make up table while Becca pulled her sweatshirt off and laid face down on the bed. He tried to ignore the very nice glimpse of his fiancé’s breasts he got from the mirror as now wasn’t the time.

  He walked back to the stool and put some lotion in his hands to warm it with his body heat. “Where should I start?”

  “At the base where it meets the shoulder then out should work. Just be careful of the membrane okay? The thing’s as thin as my patience right now.”

  “Sure Red.” He laid his hands around the growth on the right side of her back and started working his way slowly around the base.

  Becca sighed in pleasure. “That feels so much better. Thanks baby.”

  Steve smiled, “Anytime Red. Just ask.”

  Becca chuckled. “I’ll hold you to that.” Steve started working his way up the rib of the wing, pausing only to add more lotion to his hands.

  As he worked, he asked, “How are you handling all this Red? The past couple months have been crazy and we really haven’t had time to stop and process it all.”

  “Not going to lie, this is not what I was expecting at all. I was looking forward to finishing my training with Carl, passing the exam, the wedding, that honeymoon we had planned in Hawaii, sex and lots of it.” She chuckled. “Finding out your own mother is a mythical creature and royalty on top that; getting shot, almost dying, and then kidnapped by another dragon who’s got a full mad-on revenge scheme with her; finding out your father’s in a coma; then, to top it all off, going through this,” she raised her arm to point with her thumb at her wings. “I just to want to scream sometimes.”

  Steve finished the right wing and moved to her left. “Why don’t you?”

  “Don’t what?”

  “Scream? Let it out. Could do a world of good.”

  “Not a bad idea. Hand me that pillow first though. I don’t want anyone barging in here thinking you’re killing me.”

  Steve leaned over and handed her the pillow. She laid it down in front of her, buried her face in it, and screamed as hard as she could. All the while, Steve kept massaging the lotion into her wings.

  I could do this forever Rex.

  Best part is we can buddy.

  Becca screamed for a few more minutes, letting all of her frustration, anger, and worry out. Steve just sat there quietly and kept working. Finally, Becca stopped and relaxed her head on to side on the pillow. “Thanks baby. I needed that.”

  “Anytime Red. Anytime.” On an impulse, he leaned down and kissed her back between the wings. Becca purred.

  “I’ll have to remember that for later,” Steve chuckled.

  Becca laughed as well. “Damn right.” She sighed in contentment. “Hey babe?”


  “Could you work some of that into my back too?”

  “Of course.” He started kneading the lotion into her scales just below the wings. “Have to admit Red that these scales of yours aren’t what I was expecting. I thought they were supposed to be super hard or something?”

  “Try stabbing them with a pair of scissors then see,” she murmured.

  “What was that Red?”

  “Nothing. God, that feels good babe. I didn’t know how much I needed this.”

  “Happy to be of service.” Steve continued working moving to her lower back now.

  “So when’s the big day?”

  “Next week. Saturday night. Place should be mostly empty. Bob’s been running recon on it all week. Doesn’t look like it will be as bad as we thought but we still should be ready just in case. Any news about your dad?”

  “He’s still not awake but he’s responding to outside stimuli now so that’s good.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I bet your mom is already planning the buffet for him.”

  “I don’t think there’ll be a box of spaghetti left in Derrick’s Falls when she’s done.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I love you Becca.”

  “I know baby.”

  “Quoting movie lines is my job, remember?”

  “Yeah but you can’t beat the classics.”

  “Very true.” He leaned back. “All done. Anything else I can do?”

  Becca bit the inside of her cheek, unsure but then figured What the hell? She looked up at him “Steve could you also massage my tail too?”

  He blushed a little. “Are you sure?”

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He looked down at her rear. Kiera had cut some jeans right down the middle so Becca could slide her tail into a cushioned pouch right between the seat. She had attached some buttons to help hold them together. Steve swallowed. “Okay,” he said nervously. “If it’ll help, then s-sure.”

  Becca nodded, trying so very hard not to grin at his nervousness.

  Steve went and started to undo the buttons, his hands sliding off them a few times due to the lotion residue on his hands.

  Sure... “lotion”. You’re not nervous at all.

  Not now Rex.

  I’ll behave. Promise.

  He undid the second button and pulled the flaps open. He tr
ied not to stare but he was mesmerized by the sight. About an inch above that very firm butt was a new knob of flesh ending in a point about ten inches from her body. If Kiera’s was any indication, it would eventually grow to a length of a yard or so. Due to the growing tail though, Becca wasn’t wearing any underwear and Steve tried very hard not to dwell on that point.

  “Steve? Everything okay,” she whispered.

  “Y-yeah. Fine. Everything’s fine.” He took a few deep breaths to steady himself and began massaging the base.

  Becca sighed and rested her head. She loved the feeling of his hands on her. She could feel his strength as he massaged her, the gentleness of his touch. She longed to have him run those hands over every inch of her, to have him go even lower. She sighed. She could wait. Now that she knew what to look forward to, she knew it would definitely be worth it.

  Steve slowly worked up the little stub of tail. He loved seeing Becca’s scales. They were more a scarlet color than Kiera’s bright crimson and he was fascinated by them. Each ridge, every indentation as he ran his fingers across them. He looked forward to spending the rest of his life getting to know each of them intimately.

  Calm down Steve. This is only her hybrid form. Rex reminded him. Most of the time she’ll be human just like you.

  Doesn’t mean a guy can’t dream though.

  Wonder if she’ll feel the same way we do with our hybrid?

  I think so but we’ll have to take it slow there.

  One step at a time. Sounds good.

  Steve was about an inch from the tip and ran his hand along it. He wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

  Becca gasped sharply, eyes shooting open, and her whole body shuddered.

  Steve instantly let go, “Becca? What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry!”

  She quickly placated him. “No babe. Whatever you did, it felt good. Great really.”

  Steve was still confused. “All I did was start rubbing lotion on the tip of your tail. Same thing I’ve done this whole time.”

  “Maybe it’s just sensitive since it’s growing? Just go ahead and finish.” She looked at him, her emerald eyes shining, “Please.”

  Steve nodded and went back to work, gently massaging the tip. Becca bit her lip and tried her hardest not to squirm as tingles of pleasure ran through her body. His hands felt so good there, like they should always have belonged there. She couldn’t believe what he was doing to her.

  He ran rubbed his fingers together over the point of her tail and she cried out in joy. She couldn’t help it. Steve immediately let go and backed away, fearful that he’d hurt her. He knew her body was still growing, still changing. If had done any permanent damage, he’d never forgive himself.

  Kiera slammed the door open and bolted into the room. “Becca? Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Both Steve and Becca looked at her blankly, feeling like they had just gotten their hands caught in the cookie jar. Kiera looked over at Steve, the bottle of lotion on the bedside table, and down at her daughter. She slowly realized what they had been doing. She chuckled and shut the door. “I see. Well, I think we need to have another little talk.” She leaned against the dresser. “Steve, you were massaging her wings and back I take it?’

  Flustered, all he could do was nod. “Then you moved to her tail I assume?”

  He nodded again.

  “I should have warned both of you but I honestly didn’t think Steve would have the guts to try anything like this. I’m proud of you.” Both Steve and Becca looked completely dumbfounded. “Becca, sweetie, why don’t you tell Steve what happened when he started rubbing that lotion onto you?”

  Becca looked anxiously between them. “If you don’t dear, I will.”

  “Mom, sometimes you’re impossible.” She groaned. “It felt great okay? It felt so great that I’m pretty turned on right now. There! Happy Mom?”

  Steve looked confused. “Care to fill me in?”

  “Dragon tails are very sensitive Steve. They’re used quite a bit in our mating dances. The tips are especially sensitive. Though not quite the same thing, the closest analogous human organ would be the clitoris.”

  Steve backed up in shock, stumbling into the dresser. “I-I-Becca-I’m sorry. I didn’t know. You know---”

  The parts of skin Becca still had on her face flushed as scarlet as her scales. “Mother! That’s a pretty important detail to leave out! You mean I actually have two of those now?!”

  “As I said, close but not quite. They’re still mainly used for balance in walking and flight, as well as combat and picking up your roommate’s dirty laundry that fell behind you as you load the wash tub.” She winked. “However, because Steve started massaging you, which relaxed you and don’t tell me didn’t arouse you somewhat, that little tail of yours started reacting to its mating function. So when he hit that tip---”

  “You come running in and spoil the fun.” Becca growled.

  “Judging that Steve looks about ready to either faint or bolt, I think it’s a good thing I did. Steve, would you please excuse us?” Steve nodded and fled the room.

  Becca groaned. “Not more dragon sex talk?”

  Kiera laughed. “Not this time dear. I’m just going to finish what he started. I’m guessing your butt is just as itchy and there’s no way he’d touch it until you say “I do.”

  “Sadly, Mom, I agree with you. Damn it.” Mother and daughter laughed together.

  Chapter 29

  The next week passed quickly for Steve as he continued training with Kurt and Ayla. They had begun combat training and he had acquired a few scars in the process but he was holding his own. Kurt used his claws and fangs or course while Ayla used a twin short swords. Steve didn’t even think of her as fighting, she was a dancer with the blades. If he had just been watching, he would have been mesmerized. It was a shame that he spent all his time trying to avoid them taking off chunks of his hide. Also, that he hadn’t landed a blow on her was starting to grate on his nerves. She wore her armor so she wasn’t in any danger after Kurt showed just how resistant it was to his claws otherwise Steve would never have agreed to fight. At least Steve could vent his frustrations when he fought Kurt. The two werewolves went at each other fiercely, their natural healing abilities supplemented by Mark’s magic kept things from getting too out of hand.

  Sadly, Becca was not having the best time. She had pretty much locked herself in her room now. Due to the fact that her wings were now about half as wide as her mother’s and her tail over two feet long now, she couldn’t wear anything at all as her modified pants couldn’t support her tail’s weight. Steve kept himself far away from the bedroom door, sending messages to Becca through Kiera or one of the other girls. Becca understood his reasoning and appreciated his thoughtfulness but she was getting lonely.

  She got up from the nest of blankets she had been sleeping on since the bed could no longer support her weight and walked over to the make-up table and looked in the mirror again as she didn’t have anything else to do.

  She didn’t even recognize herself anymore. Her face had completely morphed into the same lizard-like snout of her mother. She stuck her tongue out and still cringed at seeing the end split into two forks. She doubted she’d ever get over the sensations that the organ was telling her now. Her body was completely covered in scarlet scales. Thank God the itching has finally stopped! She looked at her eyes and the pupils had become thin vertical slits. Am I even human anymore? She shook her head. I guess I never was to begin with though. At least once this is all done, I can go back to my old self. After that, it may be a long time before I shift back to this. It’s just too---strange. Maybe later it’ll feel natural, but not right now. I can’t even fit in the shower anymore. Hell, I haven’t even used a proper toilet for the past week! At least everyone was kind enough to set up a bathing area and latrine outside and try to give me as much privacy as they can. I owe them a lot. I’m still worried about what will happen tomorrow night. I probably won’t be able to sleep at all until they g
et back. I wish I could help them.

  There was a knock at the door. “Becca, can I come in?”

  “Sure Mom.”

  Becca sighed and walked back to her “nest” and plopped down in it. She could at least sit down now that her tail had grown out. She folded her wings over her as she looked over at her mother. “Mom, is this almost over? I’m going insane. I can’t go anywhere, I can’t do anything and everyone is getting ready to help rescue a lot of people and I’m left on the sidelines! Those girls could need medical attention! This is what I’m trained for!But if they saw me, they’d either have a heart attack or think I’d try to eat them.”

  Kiera walked over and sat next to her daughter. “Becca, they’re not going to be rescuing anyone right now. It’s just an information gathering mission. I’ll speak to Ayla and see if there’s any plans more than that.”

  Becca sulked, “A lot of good that’d do me Mom.” Kiera looked over sharply at her. “I-I-I mean that I appreciate that you’re trying to help me.”

  “Better. Becca, what’s really bothering you? You’ve been through worse than this. I still remember that horrible accident your---what was it---second week with Carl. You had to get an entirely new uniform after that.”

  Becca chuckled. “I did. That’s the first time I really saw trauma Mom.”

  “Carl told me that you handled yourself like a professional. ‘Didn’t freeze and dug right into the blood and mud.’ His words dear. He was mighty proud of you. I’ll never forget that he died to save my life.”

  “But our scales are bulletproof, it wouldn’t have mattered what Carl did.”

  “But I still couldn’t shift Becca. At the time, I was just as frail as anyone. Those bullets could have killed me. Once my magic comes back to full strength, there’s something special I have planned for him and Marcy. Something so that no one will ever forget him. Also, it doesn’t hurt that I made a sizable donation in his honor to the hospital. I’m pretty sure they’re going to name the new emergency room and trauma ward after him.”


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