On My Own [Liberty, Wyoming 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
Page 15
“I’m sorry.”
She looked over her shoulder at him and narrowed her eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
He tightened his arms and bent to kiss the part of her shoulder he could see. “Suspicious little thing, aren’t you?”
“With you two, absolutely.”
“What are you making? It smells good.”
“Spaghetti. I had steaks out but not enough for six people, so I had to come up with something I could do quickly. The sauce isn’t going to be the best because I usually let it simmer for hours, but it will do.”
“Everything you make is wonderful.” Clay kept Isabel in front of him as he reached out and snagged the spoon before dipping it into the sauce and bringing it to his mouth. He closed his eyes. “Mmmm. This is really good.”
She snatched the spoon from him. “Stop eating the sauce and get out of my way so I can finish supper.”
“Absolutely, sweetheart.” He had the gall to laugh as he leaned against the cabinets next to her and crossed his arms.
She rolled her eyes when he continued to get in her way, but kept her mouth shut.
Isabel checked the noodles. “Royce said to expect two more tonight. Who’s coming?”
“My brother…”
Isabel jolted to a stop and looked in disbelief at Clay. “I didn’t think he lived close. You guys have mentioned him but haven’t really talked about him much. May I ask why?”
“It wasn’t on purpose. At first, we didn’t want to spook you. Second, he’s the sheriff of our county and is usually crazy busy so hasn’t had time to come and meet you two.”
Isabel turned toward him and bit her lip. “I think if I had known the sheriff was your brother it would have terrified me.”
Clay nodded. “Yeah, we know.”
She kept her face turned away. “Does my situation have anything to do with it him staying away? Is he angry with me about bringing you guys into my mess?”
Clay wrapped an arm around her waist, stopping her as she tried to pass. “Sweetheart, wait a second. None of us have ever thought that. My brother is not angry with you at all. Dylan is our sheriff, and Liam is our chief of police, and they both feel very strongly about protecting women and children.” He bent his knees to see her face. “Got it?”
Isabel nodded.
“I should tell you if he acts a little cold tonight, it’s not because of you. They share women like Royce and me, and my brother, Dylan, has been looking for a woman for them for years. But they haven’t had any luck, so he’s giving up and turning into a workaholic because that’s all he thinks he has. I also wouldn’t doubt that if they had found you first, they would have claimed you before we had a chance, so seeing you at first might be tough for them.”
Isabel smiled and shook her head then pressed her cheek against Clay’s chest. “I don’t believe you about claiming me, but I do feel bad for him.”
Clay’s arms came around her, holding her tightly to him. “I know, I do too, but I have a feeling a woman is going to come along sooner than we think.”
Isabel tilted her head back. “I hope so. But I wouldn’t want to be the woman who had to deal with both the sheriff and police captain for the rest of my life. She wouldn’t’ be able to get away with anything, and she’d have to be tough enough to deal with them on a day to day basis.”
Clay chuckled, leaned down, and pressed his lips against hers. “I agree with you about that.”
The kiss quickly became heated, and the wave of desire was so intense she immediately gave herself over to him until Tommy’s voice intruded.
Isabel pulled away from Clay, ignoring the fierce need clawing at her, and started for the living room. “I’m coming, sweetheart.”
Clay’s eyes followed Isabel. “Sweetheart, you’ll be saying that same thing tonight to Royce and me.”
Isabel rolled her eyes, snorted, and kept walking.
Chapter Eighteen
“Isabel, come here.”
Isabel placed the hot cookie sheet on a pad near the stove. “I’m coming.” She followed the voices into the living room and froze at the doorway. It was bad enough when it was just Royce and Clay, but add these two and it was hard to take in. All four were huge and gorgeous, and they all had an authority about them that spoke of their arrogance and dominant personalities, and at that moment all of their gazes were fixed on her.
“Baby,” Clay said and held out a hand toward her.
She cleared her throat and walked to Clay, automatically taking his hand.
“Isabel, I’d like you to meet our brother Dylan and our friend Liam,” Clay said as he pointed to each man.
Isabel stepped forward to grasp each man’s hands. “It’s nice to meet you both.” Nerves crept up on her when no one said anything and their eyes stayed glued to her. She looked up at Clay.
Clay squeezed her hand but looked at the men. “Guys, you’re making her uneasy. Stop staring.”
Dylan was the first to recover and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry we were staring. My brothers told us you were beautiful, but you’re…”
“What?” Isabel frowned.
“Oh, you’re very beautiful, but I didn’t realize how tiny you were.”
Isabel looked at Royce and Clay and found them scowling at their brother. Before words started between the men, she cleared her throat. “Is there a problem with my size?”
Liam snickered but coughed to cover it. He knew exactly what Dylan was thinking.
Royce was shocked when his older brother blushed and stammered.
“No, I…I’m sorry. It’s just that my brothers are large men, and you barely come up to their shoulders…”
“And?” Isabel pulled away from Clay and crossed her arms over her chest as her foot started tapping away on the wood floor.
Dylan made a choking sound and looked to the other men for help, then glowered when they just smiled and let him deal with this pissed-off woman. “I…it’s just, I guess I’m worried…the two of them together…with you…”
The toe-tapping got louder and faster. “Yes, and?”
“You’re so small…”
“We’ve been through that already, Dylan, now get to the point.”
“I would just be afraid if you were ours, we’d hurt you because of the size difference. Have you thought about that?”
Silence descended for a moment before Isabel stepped forward until she stood in front of Dylan. Her lips twitched when he took a hasty nervous step away from her. Isabel placed her hand on his forearm to keep him from moving again. “At first, I was a little worried, but after getting to know your brothers, I know they would never hurt a hair on my head or Tommy’s. But I thank you for worrying about me.”
Isabel moved away, and Dylan took his first deep breath since she walked into the room and he saw her for the first time. He watched as she moved to Royce, and he stepped behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. Dylan had to admit even with the size difference they all looked really good together, and with the small amount of spirit she had just shown him, he wasn’t going to worry about his brothers bulldozing her. A smile crossed his face. In fact, he’d bet this tiny woman was going to keep his brothers on their toes. Dylan couldn’t wait for the fireworks to fly.
“Isabel, I’m sorry. I’m not usually so…”
“Idiotic?” Royce asked helpfully.
Dylan scowled at Royce but then softened his expression when he looked at her again. “I’ll go with what Royce said, although it could have been a nicer word.”
“Mommy…” Tommy came barreling down the hallway from his bedroom and stopped suddenly when he caught sight of all the people.
Royce tightened his hold.
Clay bent and opened his arms. Isabel’s eyes stung when her son flew into his arms without hesitation. Some of the tension she’d been holding in her stomach seemed to lessen when she realized Tommy had already accepted the men.
Royce squeezed her and said quietly in her ear, “Are you okay? I h
eard you sniffle.”
Isabel swallowed back her tears and looked at Royce over her shoulder. “I’m perfectly fine, Royce.”
Royce’s eyes narrowed at her.
“I’m okay, I promise.”
He slid her hair back over her shoulder and lightly nipped her earlobe. “You better not be lying to me.”
Isabel rolled her eyes. “Or what, big guy?”
“I can see your woman’s in need of a good spanking.”
Isabel gasped, and her gaze shot to and narrowed on Liam’s smiling face. He did not just say that!
Royce chuckled. “Yes, he did, and he’s right.”
Isabel turned her face against Royce’s chest and whispered to him, “I didn’t say that out loud, did I?”
They all chuckled.
“Yeah, ya did, pumpkin,” Liam chuckled.
Isabel turned her face toward him and narrowed her eyes. “I think you and I might have problems, Liam.”
Liam shrugged. “That’s okay. I’ll just arrest you if you get out of hand or show us your bratty side, and then I’ll wait until your men come to get you.”
Isabel looked helplessly at Royce, then Clay, and got mad when they just shrugged and smirked. “You guys are no help at all,” she snorted in disgust before turning back to Liam. “I know you can’t arrest me for being a brat, which by the way I never am.”
Royce snorted in disbelief and then grunted when her elbow connected with his stomach.
Isabel sniffed and then continued. “It’s not against the law.”
Liam nodded his head once, slowly. “Unfortunately, you’re right about that, but I’ll detain you in a flat second if you put yourself in danger of any kind.”
Isabel gasped. She looked at her men and shook her head after a moment. “We will discuss this later.”
“Oh, you better believe we will,” Clay said then turned to the boy in his arms. “How about we go wash up for supper?”
Tommy wrapped his thin little arms around Clay’s neck. “Okay, but I wanted to show Mommy my castle I built.”
Isabel walked to them and opened her arms. “I would love to see that, sweetheart.”
Clay tightened his grip on the boy when he leaned toward his mom. “I’ve got him, honey. He’s too heavy for you to carry.”
Isabel rolled her eyes but turned toward the hallway. She gasped and spun when Clay’s hand connected sharply with the ass. “What was that for?”
“For rolling your eyes. I don’t like it, so you’ll stop doing it.”
“Oh really?” she spit out as she rubbed a hand over the area Clay had heated.
Clay bent forward, almost touching his nose to hers. “Yes, really. It’s past the time we should have started teaching you the rules.”
Isabel growled. “There are so many things wrong with this discussion, but we’ll have to get into later. Supper is going to get cold.”
The men in the living room watched the three walk down the hallway. “Holy shit. And I was worried she was too small to take you two on. Now I’m more worried about you two.”
Royce pushed his brother back as he laughed and then scowled at Liam when he chuckled.
Dylan sobered. “She’s a handful, but I’ve got to say I’d be ecstatic to have to deal with a woman like her every day. You’re both lucky bastards, and I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, man.”
Liam scoffed when the brothers hugged. “Oh lord, it’s ‘let’s get mushy time.’” He made barfing sounds.
Both brothers turned. “Shut up,” they said together.
Chapter Nineteen
“Isabel, that was the best meal I’ve eaten in months, and the apple pie, good lord”—Dylan patted his stomach—“was delicious. Just remember apple pie is now my new favorite, and you’ll have to make it for me for my birthday every year.”
Isabel smiled, stood, and gathered dishes. “I will absolutely remember that, Dylan.”
“Hey,” Clay said and made a grab for Isabel when she walked by. He scowled when she dodged his arm and snickered and continued to walk to the kitchen. “You’ll pay for that, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
All four men looked at each other in shock.
“She’s just asking for attention, guys.” Dylan had a newfound respect for the woman because he knew she was deliberately poking his brothers. He just wished he’d be here to see the ramifications of her actions.
Clay chuckled. “Oh, we know that, and she’ll definitely get it tonight when we’re alone.”
The men quieted when she came back. “Come on, Tommy, let’s get your bath is done and teeth brushed.” Isabel clutched her son’s hand and tried to ignore the men as they walked toward the back bathroom.
Clay chuckled when he knew she was out of earshot. “Oh, she’s definitely nervous.”
“Good, she needs to be.” Royce wiped his mouth with his napkin and looked from one man to the other. “Spill it. What’s going on?”
“I had an FBI friend make discreet inquiries and found this Allister. His story matched the one your woman was telling you.” Dylan looked at Liam and then back at his brothers. “It’s bad. This guy is mixed up with the mob somehow and is a person of interest in fourteen different murders, including his brother’s.”
“Fuck,” Clay said and gripped the back of his neck. “Jesus. She’s been on her own with her son while this monster has been trying to find her?”
“Pretty much.” Dylan nodded.
“Does anyone know why he killed his brother?” Royce asked.
Dylan nodded at Liam to speak. “What we’ve been told is he owes bad people a lot of money, and they think it’s going to take more than his own inheritance, which by the way both brothers received over forty million in the will, to get him out of the trouble he’s gotten himself into.”
Clay and Royce glanced at each other.
Clay sat forward and placed his elbows on his knees. “So, you’re telling us this prick who has devastated how many lives, and has destroyed Isabel’s family, was because he screwed up?”
Dylan nodded. “Yeah, that’s part of it. The guy’s also a sociopath. He thrives on the pain of others.”
“What’s being done about him?” Royce asked.
“They have surveillance on him at all times. They have a guy close to Allister that has been undercover and in his group for a few years. He’s keeping the FBI up to date on what the man’s up to.”
Royce cracked his knuckles. “Are you sure this inquiry isn’t going to bring that bastard here? Because as much as I’d like to have a few minutes of his time, I don’t want him anywhere near Isabel or Tommy.”
“No. As far as the FBI knows, he can’t. He’s got too much on his plate right now.”
Dylan broke the silence. “Our tech got a number off her broken phone.”
Clay looked at Royce and then Dylan, surprised. “No shit.”
Dylan smiled. “I told you he was good. Anyway, Liam and I called, and a woman answered. Her name is Mora Mason, and she lives in Dallas where Isabel’s from. She told us about everything that went on with Isabel up until Isabel ditched her phone.”
Liam shook his head. “That is a strong woman I’d like to meet. This Mora woman tried to take on Allister, threatened him in front of a room full of people. A week later, she was in a car accident that they know Allister caused, but they need more evidence. Thankfully she only broke her arm and got a concussion, although the thought of that woman hurt makes me want to kill someone.”
Dylan sat up. “She lost her son and husband in the same accident Isabel lost her husband. I guess Tommy was supposed to be in the car with them, but was sick and stayed home with Isabel.”
Royce slammed his hand down on the arm of the table. “Jesus. Someone needs to take this guy out.”
“Right now, the FBI is telling us Allister’s too busy right now trying to clear himself and stay hidden from the mob to bother Isabel.”
“Is there a possibility he woul
d send someone else to get her?” Clay’s stomach tightened.
Liam tossed his napkin down. “No. The undercover guy said Allister wants to bring Isabel back himself. The FBI is convinced of it. He’s got some personal vendetta against her. He’s pissed that she was able to get away from him for so long and with a kid no less. It made him look bad, so he would have to be the one to get her, to save face. Not now though, the bastard’s too busy trying to save himself. But I still think we need to keep our guard up, just until they put that bastard behind bars.”
They heard Isabel’s footsteps before she walked out of the hallway. Clay’s arm caught her, and she tried to dodge around him again. “Ha, got ya.”
Isabel pushed his heavy arm. “Stop, Clay. I need to get this cleaned up.”
Clay tightened his arm. “Settle down, Isabel. Royce and I will help when these guys are gone.” He relaxed when she laid back against him and gripped the arm around her waist.
Royce slid his hand over her knee to get her attention. “Isabel, I know this is difficult, but can you tell us everything you know about the situation with your brother-in-law?”
Pure unbridled fear raced down her spine and amassed in a burning ache in the pit of her stomach. Would her life ever get back to some semblance of normal? Would there be a day she would wake up and feel one hundred percent secure in the knowledge she was safe from him?
“Sshhh, baby. We’ve got you,” Clay whispered against her ear when she tensed up.
Isabel swallowed down the tears that burned her throat and nodded, but took a few minutes to gather her scattered thoughts and tried to reduce her fear enough to make sense. “Um, let’s see. Where do I start?”
“With the accident,” Royce said.
Isabel went through the horror of that day. She had to stop a few times, but the men sat silently and gave her the time she needed. She went on to talk about Allister and the things he did to her. She jerked at the men’s anger that seems to flow around the room but kept on with her story until she got to their town of Liberty.