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Entrusting Cade (Wildcat Graduates Book 4)

Page 6

by Xana Jordan

  “Everyday,” Pops and I respond in unison, laughing even more.

  “What has ya callin’, girl?” He’s never one for beating around the bush, something Stace is not thankful for right about now.

  “Can you put Granny on speaker with you?” Stace asks, really not wanting it to be possible, but we both know nothing could keep Granny away from ‘her babies’ phone call. Stacy is more nervous - if that’s even possible - by the time they’re both on speaker.

  “What’s up, honey?” Granny’s always sweet voice eases her minimally, but my brave girl, holding my hand for support, barrels on through what needs to be said.

  “You know those random muggings and stuff that’s been going on for the past few months?” The gratification I feel for how strong she is at this moment couldn’t be greater.

  “Yeah, what about them?” Papaw’s taking the lead on this conversation, it seems.

  “Well,” she hesitates, looking to me for assurance that I freely give, “night before last, Xana and I were coming from the library and two guys grabbed us in the parking lot right as we reached my car.” The response from her grandparents is louder than she expected, causing her to jerk the phone in her hand away from us. I’ve never heard them use some of the words that spilled from their reactions to her news.

  After a few minutes of letting them express their anger, I’m able to calm them down enough to talk rationally with us about the subject. “I can assure you they are both physically fine. Campus police’s quick arrival upon the situation stopped things from escalating almost right after they started,” I try and ease their fear no damage was done to the granddaughter who’s more like a daughter..

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m coming right up there and moving you out. I’ll pay for all your gas to drive back and forth until the semester is done, and later we’ll just figure out housing for the fall.” Her papaw isn’t taking any chances with Stace, and I can agree with that mindset, but that’s a little extreme, in my opinion, because I’m gonna be protecting her from now on.

  “Mr. Johnson, I completely understand how you feel. Having her there alone doesn’t sit well with me, either, but I promise I’m not letting her out of my sight for the remaining days of school. It’s no more than a week before exams are over and she’ll be back at home.”

  “I realize that, but I’m just not sure,” he protests until Stace cuts him off.

  “I’m really fine, Papaw. I will be more than careful about where I go late at night, or anywhere else for that matter. I don’t want a repeat of it either. Please just let me finish out the next week or so,” she begs, pouty lip and all. If he was here to see it, he’d give in a lot faster.

  “Henry, she does have a point, much to my dislike. You’ll ardently watch over her, won’t you Cade?” Sue asks, clearly trying to make him see reason. I love that about her, always peacemaking.

  “Without a doubt,” I reply adamantly.

  “I guess it’ll be alright,” he grumbles reluctantly. “But I swear on a Bible, that if you even leave a group or go off by yourself for even one minute, Stacy Ann, I will tan your hide harder than I ever did. You hear me?” he grinds out gravely.

  “I promise, Papaw. Promise,” she says quietly, serious as can be.

  “I promise to make sure she’s never left alone and vulnerable like that again,” I swear without difficulty. “We all will.”

  After more discussion, her granddad is mostly appeased about her living situation, not arguing with the fact she may be staying some nights over at the house with Noel and me. They’re not fond of it, but the circumstances are a tad unusual, so Papaw is ‘lettin’ it slide’ as he explained. I’m relieved he’s not pressing her to move back early, because I don’t think I can let that happen.

  The week after the girls were accosted flew by slowly. Both of them had trouble sleeping without dreaming about it, and they’ve ended up staying with Noel and me more than not. I only hope that being away from campus for the summer will help her get rid of them. Kinda like an out-of-sight, out-of-mind solution.

  School is over Friday, and Noel and I will start working on the house his parents bought for us to live in. Some of the major things have already been done, like the appliances being replaced, wiring updated, and the plumbing has been checked out for potential issues. We have to rip up the older carpet and paint most of the rooms, but it’ll be something to keep us busy outside of city league baseball and ball camps the athletic department is providing for high school and junior high students.

  “You ready?” I move to Stacy’s side, taking the box from her hands. We’re moving some of the girls’ stuff over to our house for the summer so they don’t have to worry about getting everything out of the dorm and taking it back to El Dorado.

  “I think so. It feels weird with the room this empty, though.” She looks around at the room, the only things left being a small amount of clothes, books, and the sheets on the beds.

  “Well, you only have a few days left, so you won’t have to look at it for very long.”

  “True,” she picks up the last, smaller box, following me out to my truck.

  Placing the boxes in the pickup bed, I secure everything while she runs back inside to retrieve the last two items we need to move. The house Noel’s parents bought for us to live in belonged to an older couple who moved to Florida for health reasons, and included a small workshop/storage type of building in a corner of the back yard. Being well built, it’s a great place to store things while we work on more renovations.

  Xana has helped his parents pick out things for the house - tile, carpet, paint colors - which she seems to have a really sharp eye for that sort of thing. We’re only living here while we finish school, but honestly, I don’t see Xana living in the dorms much longer. I have a feeling she’ll be living here with us, before too long. Call it a gut feeling, if you will, but I’d bet on it. I can’t exactly put a finger on what makes me think that way but it’s there, nonetheless.

  “These are the last ones,” she interrupts my rambling mind, handing the boxes to me. Even sweaty and wearing ratty clothes for moving, she still looks amazing. In fact, there isn’t a time when she hasn’t been easy on the eyes, angry or not.

  “Sounds good. You need to get anything else before we head out? Your purse or anything?” I turn to face her when the boxes are in their places for traveling.

  “Nope,” she says, making a popping noise on the last sound. “The fridge can wait until we checkout. I need it until then.” That woman and her damn yogurt.

  “Alright. I’m ready.” I open the door to help her inside the cab before getting in myself and leaving campus.

  “I can’t believe the Daniels’ got you guys such a great house.” Her excitement over our new living arrangements is just precious. She’s acting all girly. It’s cute, really.

  “They got a great deal on it, from what Noel told me. The owners wanted to move as quickly as they could, so they made a lot of allowances for necessary repairs and updating. I think they said they’ve owned for nearly fifty years, or something close to that, so they weren’t really concerned with making a huge profit off it.”

  “It’s gonna end up really amazing. The backyard alone will make Granny jealous when y’all get done with it all.”

  “Yeah, that little project is gonna keep us really busy this summer. Now that I think about it, I may need to talk my parents into getting us one of those above ground pools. They’re predicting this summer will be a real scorcher.” I grimace at the thought of possible heat exhaustion working outside for so long may bring. I don’t mind sweat - I do play sports, after all - but Arkansas humidity is nothing to mess around with. It’ll drain ya faster than you expect.

  “I don’t envy you on that one,” she shakes her head, understanding my views on the weather. Granny’s had her working outside enough for her to know just how hard it can be.

  Pulling into our driveway, I lay on the horn, letting Noel know we’re here, so he can help
us, well me, carry her stuff to the storage building. “Go on inside, we’ll get it all unloaded,” I instruct her, receiving a glare in response.

  “Watch it, Matthews. I’m perfectly capable of carrying my own stuff. They’re not that heavy.” She’s turned toward me on the seat, arms crossed, wearing a look that could kill a weaker-minded guy. Fortunately, I’m immune to this particular reaction of hers.

  “Never implied otherwise, babe. Now, get inside and just let me do what I do,” I instruct, winking as I climb out to meet Noel at the back of the truck. She slams the door as she exits the cab, muttering her way to the side door that leads into the laundry room.

  “I won’t forget this!” She shouts haughtily just before walking through the door, slamming that as well.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Noel stares at the door she just went through, utterly confused by her behavior.

  “I told her to go inside while we unloaded all her stuff,” I grin, picking up a large box from the truck.

  Shaking his head, he lets out a chuckle, saying, “Told? You really like tempting death, don’t ya?” Grabbing another one of the boxes, he follows my trail of laughter to the backyard.

  “What’s life without a little adventure?” I joke, opening the storage shed door.

  “Adventure? Dude, aggravating her that way is more like suicide than an adventure.”

  “Nah, nothing dangerous about it,” I disagree, setting the boxes on the wall opposite Xana’s things.

  “Your funeral, man. I’ll bring the beer,” he laughs, having set his boxes on top of mine.

  We finish the task at hand in the same joking manner, deciding to hang out on the back porch afterwards, until the girls join in on the fun we’re having. They sit in our laps as we talk about school, summer plans, even changing the subject to backyard landscaping, at one point in the conversation. Since when did we start talking about home improvement like it was the ‘in’ thing to do?

  “Enough of this domestic bullshit,” I announce, everyone staring at me like I’d stripped down to my underwear, “or I’ll have to revoke my own damn man card.” The girls giggle immediately, while Noel shakes his head.

  “Action movie?” he asks, getting a frown from Xana, her laughter stopping at once.

  “Nooo,” she whines, turning her pouty lip on Noel, who laughs at her instead.

  “Action movie.” His affirmation of our movie choice, has her attempting to climb from his lap, without result.

  “Let go of me so I can go study,” she argues, still squirming to break free.

  “Come on, X-Cube. I’ll let ya pick which one we watch,” I compromise, Stace raising her brows in response.

  “Any action movie we want?” She clarifies, genuinely shocked I suggested it.

  “Why not? Action is action, whether or not your man candy is in it, right Noel?” The torn look on his face is priceless. Looking back between me and Xana, he finally gives in with a nod.

  “Deal,” she agrees and flies from the couch to the entertainment center to pick out her movie of choice.

  “What have you gotten us into?” he groans, smiling the whole time. He pretends like it’s a big hassle to watch their version of an action movie, but neither one of us really care much, one way or the other.

  “Stay here tonight?” I ask, kissing my way down her neck. Xana fell asleep after a late dinner, so Noel put her to bed in his room while he studied for one of his exams, leaving us alone in the living room.

  “Mmm, I should head back to the dorm,” she tries to protest, but falters on her last words.

  “Stay,” I urge, pressing her back into the couch, my front covering hers.

  “Cade,” she breathes, her nails digging into my scalp as they hold my head in place. She doesn’t want to leave, her body is proof of that.

  Her back arches her breasts into my chest as she strains to find relief. My arm slips behind her back, sliding down under her ass. Taking firm hold of her neck, I scoop her off the couch, hoisting her body against mine and move for my room. She instantly wraps her legs around my hips, connecting our lower bodies in need.

  “I love tasting you.” It’s the truth. Kissing her is always like the first time, exciting and mind blowing. I’m not sure I can ever get enough. I shut the bedroom door behind us then brace her against the wall beside it. I return my mouth to explore hers, enjoying the way her breaths become shallow, a low, quiet purr leaving her throat.

  Eventually pulling her mouth away from mine, she rests our foreheads together, then slides her legs down to the floor. “I really should get back to the dorm.” She gives me a quick peck on the cheek that has me growling in frustration. “I need to get some studying in before my exam tomorrow.” Her chest heaves against mine as we try to regain our composure.

  “Alright, but tomorrow you’re staying with me.” There is no compromise in my tone, and she knows it.

  Nodding in acceptance, she slowly moves her hips away from my firm hold. Capturing her lips with my teeth, I suck them in my mouth, my tongue moving with hers in a slow, needy dance. “Let’s get you home before I keep you here anyway,” I whisper across her swollen lips.

  “Okay,” she murmurs, almost in silence, taking my hands in hers to move us out of the room. Reluctantly, I let her drag me through the house to my pickup, grabbing my keys and wallet on the way out.

  Normally, I don’t have much problem letting Stacy stay in her room - we’re not that codependent - but I just have a strong need to have her near me. Falling into bed, my mind wanders to her and what she must be doing right now as I play a little Playstation. I was hoping it would keep me distracted, possibly allowing me to fall asleep, but it isn’t working. Not only am I losing badly at this game, I’m more wide awake than before. Tired of losing, I turn the Playstation off, a long, cool shower sounding like a great idea, to grab my sleep pants and head for the bathroom.

  Once clean and slightly more relaxed, I walk to the kitchen to grab something to drink. As I close the fridge door, Noel walks in and sits at the bar, elbows resting on the counter. “Stace didn’t stay?”

  “Nah, she had more studying to do for an exam in the morning.” He chuckles, making me wonder what’s so funny.

  “Don’t sound so sad, man. You’ll see her tomorrow,” he teases, laughing quietly, so he doesn’t wake up Xan, I assume.

  “Whatever. Why are you still up anyway? It’s almost one in the morning.”

  “About to head to bed. Needed to stretch a bit. Sitting in that desk chair isn’t comfortable at all. I’m gonna need a new one before Fall Semester starts, that’s for sure.” He leans his neck to each side, trying to get the kinks out, and I laugh.

  “Now who sounds sad?” He laughs along with me, telling me goodnight as I leave him alone at the bar.

  Just as I walk inside my room, my phone pings with a text message, so I check it while I lay down on the bed.

  SCARLETT: Hey Hot Stuff. What’s up?

  ME: How’d you know I was still awake?

  SCARLETT: You haven’t texted me goodnight, yet. ;)

  ME: That predictable, am I?

  SCARLETT: No, you’re just that sweet.

  ME: I think you have me confused with your boyfriend.

  SCARLETT: Never confused about who you are. You’re my Jensen.

  ME: Well, what should I call you, then?

  SCARLETT: ←- Exactly who your phone tells you I am. <3

  ME: Scarlett, eh?

  SCARLETT: Only for you.

  ME: Scarlett?


  ME: Goodnight, babe.

  SCARLETT: Goodnight, Jensen. Xo

  Feeling more content, I let her last words comfort me enough to relax my mind and body, sleep finding me ready and willing.

  Going back home for the summer is a welcomed break, but I’m going to miss hanging out with all of my friends and Cade as often as I want. The only thing I’m worried about is the nightmares that continue to haunt me when I sleep. I don’t
want to worry my grandparents with them, especially when I can’t explain them. They’ve worried enough over me since Xana and I were attacked last week. Papaw almost moved me out of the dorms the minute he heard about it. Thank goodness Xana’s parents talked him out of it. Knowing Cade and Noel weren’t going to let us out of their sight again seemed to ease his anxiety. The last thing I need is another episode with his heart. The last time scared me and Granny almost to death.

  I’m snapped out of my daydreams by Cade’s voice filling the air. “You about ready to leave,” he inquires walking over to stand beside me at the foot of my bed.

  I’ve been finishing up some last minute packing for our vacation with his family while he helped Papaw with a few things in the backyard before we leave. I’m always amazed at how easily he volunteers to help out around here. The way he acts with my grandparents you’d think he was their grandchild, too.

  “Yeah, I think I’ve got everything,” I say, zipping my suitcase closed. He takes it from the bed and grabs my travel bag, full of miscellaneous items I may need while riding in the car. He notices my frown when he leans over to kiss my cheek.

  “Don’t worry about them. I got things taken care of out back and Noel or Mike will be around if they need anything while we’re gone. You know the Bradfords will keep a close eye on them like always,” he reasons, motioning for me not to forget my pillow.

  “I know that, but he looks frail this time. He hasn’t looked like that since he had heart trouble right after graduation. It scares me,” I confess. Setting my suitcase down he pulls me into a hug, my face buried in his chest. How does this always seem to calm me?

  “You can’t worry yourself to death over the unknown. Xana and her family will look out for them and if something were to happen, they’ll be here for them. You know my parents will get you back to them as fast as they can.” He gives me a tight squeeze while he kisses my head. “Now, put a smile on that beautiful face of yours and let’s tell them goodbye so we can head out. I’m sure Dad is studying his watch as we speak.”


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