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Tennessee Patriot

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by Lawrence, William P. , Rausa, Rosario

  Lawrence, Eddie (brother), 1, 4–5

  Lawrence, Jenny (daughter in law), 157

  Lawrence, Laurie (daughter), viii, 136–37, 156–59, 162–63, 165

  Lawrence, Robert (father), 1–4, 7, 22, 125, 136–37, 160–61

  Lawrence, Tennessee Brewer (mother), 1, 3–4, 7, 22, 125–26, 136–37, 160–61

  Lawrence, Tommy (brother), 1, 126, 137

  Lawrence, Wendy (daughter): career of, ix, 5; childhood and youth of, 50, 136–37, 156–57, 162–63, 165, 168; at Naval Academy, 170, 173–74, 178, 188

  Leahy, John, 20

  Lee, Robert E., Southern views on, 1

  Lehman, John, 196, 205, 207–8, 211

  Lejuene, John, 193

  Lemoore Naval Air Station, 166–69

  Light Attack Wing Pacific Fleet, 166

  Lincoln, Abraham: as hero, 5; Southern views on, 1

  Long, Bob, 193

  LSO. See landing signal officer

  Luke, Preston, 37, 39

  MacArthur, Douglas, 21

  MacDill Air Force Base, 92, 98

  Mach II, first naval aviator to fly, x–xi, 57

  maintenance, phased, 86

  maintenance officer duty, 82–84, 86, 88–89

  Mangy Angels, 37–41

  Marine-Navy relations, 193

  Massey, Forsythe, 92

  master’s degree in political affairs, 164–65

  Maston, Ron, 118

  Mayport, Florida, 60

  McCain, Carol, 214

  McCain, John, 123, 131, 164–65, 211–12, 217

  McDaniel, Red, 131, 138

  McDonald, David, 91, 93

  McDonnell, Sandy, 57

  McKee, Kinnard “Kin,” 172–73

  McKeldin, Theodore, 16

  McKellar, K. D., 9

  McNamara, Robert, 90, 93, 96–97

  Medal of Honor winners among POWs, 132

  Med Moor, 62

  Mehl, Jim, 119

  Menninger Clinic, 210–11

  Mercury program, 59

  Middle East: command authority in, 90, 97; travels in, as aid to Gen. Adams, 94

  Midway, 35

  Miller, Ed, 127–28

  Miller, Jerry, 89

  Miller, Joe, 93

  Miller, Rip, 8–9

  Minter, Charles, 186

  Miramar Naval Air Station, 70, 98–99, 101

  Missouri, 13

  Mitchell, Bob, 209

  Mitchell, John, 37, 39, 45–46

  Mobutu, Sese Seko, 94

  Moffett Field, 31

  Monaghan, 203

  Moore, Bill, 134

  Moorer, Joe, 60

  Moorer, Tom: Adams’ Strike Command and, 94–95, 97; career of, 60; character of, 105; and flag lieutenant duty, 60–61, 63–68; and POW career paths, 164; support from, 91, 210

  Mount Fujiyama, 39–41

  Mullen, Michael G., 216

  Mulligan, Jim, 131

  Nam Dinh, bomb run on, 104, 109–10

  Nance, Bud, 85

  Napoleon, 6

  NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), astronaut search, 59–60

  Nashville, childhood in, 1–7

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration. See NASA

  national defense, political unity and, 171

  National Football Foundation, 214

  National Museum of Naval Aviation, 215

  National War College, 163–64, 211

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): exercises, 64, 79; Standing Group meeting, 61

  NATOPs. See Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures program

  Naval Academy: and active-duty obligation, 189–91; appointment to, 8–9; attrition rate, 191; aviation courses, 15; Chair of Leadership and Ethics, 210, 214; cheating at, 16–18; curriculum, 10, 16, 194; decision to attend, 5–6, 8; drinking at, 194; family service center at, 179–80; first-classmen liberties, 12, 19; food at, 11; Honor Concept established at, viii, 17–22; midshipman days at, viii, 9–23; plebe year, 9–10, 173; post-retirement involvement with, 214, 216; racial attitudes at, 193; social activities at, 11–13; sports at, 11–12 (See also Navy football); summer “temporary-duty” assignments, 13, 22; Wendy Lawrence at, 170, 173–74, 178, 188. See also superintendent of Naval Academy; women at Naval Academy

  Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures (NATOPs) program, 75

  naval aviation: Association of Naval Aviation, 214; attraction to, 13; and Cold War, 65; departure from, 72; hazards of, 31, 70, 75; Naval Academy courses in, 15; and paper work, 86; return to, 79, 81; in VF-14, 81–90; in VF-101, 69–72, 81, 86; in VF-193, 31–46; in Vietnam War, 99–110; wing-pinning ceremony, 29. See also flight training; test pilot duty

  Naval Aviation Foundation. See Association of Naval Aviation

  Naval Aviation Medical Institute (NAMI), 98

  naval flight officer (NFO), 86

  Naval Intelligence Center, 196

  Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps. See NROTC

  Naval Test Center, Carrier Branch, 49–50

  navigation, 30

  navigator duty, 73–79

  Navy administrative structure, 206

  Navy career: overview of, viii; pleasure and satisfaction of, 80, 212; prisoners of war and, 79, 164, 166, 211

  Navy football: Army-Navy Game of 1948, 11; coaches, 14; importance of, 179; love of, 212; recruitment to, 8–9; as team member, 14, 18; training for, 10, 13, 114

  Navy leadership, diversity of commissioning sources and, 85

  Navy-Marine Corps relations, 193

  Navy Preliminary Evaluation of aircraft, 49

  Newport News, 73–79

  NFO. See naval flight officer

  night fighting: first jet night battle, 71; VF-193 and, 31, 43, 46

  night landings, 43–46, 85

  night takeoffs, from carrier, 109

  Norfolk, Virginia, 69, 73–74

  Northampton, 76

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO

  North Vietnam, bombing of: antiaircraft artillery and, 100, 103–5, 107–10; B-52s and, 130–31; effectiveness of, 106; and pilot stress, 108; and POW population, 119, 124; preparation for, 105–6; run on Nam Dinh, 104, 109–10; SAM missiles and, 100–101, 104–6, 108–9; target selection, 100, 103, 106–8; U.S. practices and procedures, 99–100, 103–7

  North Vietnamese propaganda, at Hanoi Hilton, 124–25, 127, 131, 133

  NROTC (Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps), 12, 85

  nuclear weapons delivery training, 46

  Oceana Naval Air Station, 69–70, 88

  OD. See officer of the day officer of the day (OD) duty, 75

  officer of the deck (OOD), qualification as, 36

  Ohana, 201–2

  O’Hara, Jack, 168

  Ohio, 200–201

  “Oh Tennessee, My Tennessee” (Lawrence), 122, 156–57, 216–17

  OOD. See officer of the deck operational-readiness inspection (ORI), 105

  Operation Desert Storm, 171

  Operation Enduring Freedom, 171

  Operation Iraqi Freedom, 171

  operations officer duty, 89–90

  ORI. See operational-readiness inspection

  Oriskany, 32–36, 38–39, 42

  O’Rourke, Jerry, 72

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 89

  P-80 Shooting Star, 29

  “Packages” One to Six, 100

  paperwork: naval aviation and, 86; Vietnam War and, 101

  Patuxent Naval Air Station, 47–49, 51, 53–54

  PBY Catalina, 43

  “peace” delegations to Hanoi, 121

  Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 196–204

  Pensacola, flight training in, 26–27

  Pentagon duty, 169–71

  Perkins, Court, 56

  Perot, H. Ross, viii–ix, 18, 138, 191, 210, 214–16

  Peterson, Pete, 170

  phased maintenance, 86

  photo-Crusader, 62

  photo-reconnaissance unit(s), 39–41, 103

��Pig Eye.” See “Straps and Bar”

  Pirie, Robert, 15–16, 23

  Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS), 170

  politics, and Pentagon, 169–71

  “poopy” suits, 38

  Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, 77

  PPBS (Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System), 170

  President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 214–15

  pressure breathing, 53

  pressure suits, 40–41, 53

  Price, John Dale, 29

  Pride, A. M., 58

  Priest, Percy, 8

  Princeton University, Forrestal Laboratories, 54–55

  prisoner of war ordeal, 111–32; annual physical followup exam, 209; capture, 111–12; and Code of Conduct, 111–13, 128; collaborators, 120–21, 127–28; communication between prisoners, vii, 117–21, 123; cost to career, 79, 164, 166, 211; daily life, 116–18, 130; debriefings following, 138, 155; escapes, 128; health following, 136, 155; heroes in, 131–32; interrogations, 112–14; length of, 116, 134; letters to/from home, 125–27; medical care, 118, 122; mental exercises, 122–23; North Vietnamese propaganda, 124–25, 127, 131, 133; prisoner protests, 129; public relations appearances following, 155–56; readjustment after release, 136–37, 155–63, 167–68, 214; release, 131–36; religion and, 128–29; torture and punishment, vii–viii, 113–15, 119, 121, 123, 128–29, 155; and will to live, 118–20, 123

  prisoners of war: deaths among, 121–22, 155; and Navy career, 79, 164, 166, 211; North Vietnamese disclosure of names, 125, 158; North Vietnamese retention of, 138; North Vietnamese views on, 127; Son Tay prison raid, 128

  Profilet, Gene, 105

  promotions board, 207–8

  protesters and special interest groups, 200–202

  Proxmire, William, 169

  public service, Lawrence’s attraction to, 6

  “pucker factor,” 52

  quartermasters, 79–80

  Quartermaster’s Notebook, 76

  RA-5C Vigilante photo-reconnaissance jets, 103

  racial attitudes: of Lawrence, 3; at Naval Academy, 193; in South, 1, 3

  racial tensions, in Navy, 167–68

  radar intercept officer (RIO), 70–71, 86

  radio equipment, on F3H Demons, 82–84

  RAG. See Replacement Air Group

  “The Rag.” See Fighter Squadron 101 (VF-101)

  Ramage, James D. “Jig Dog,” 41–43

  Ram effect, 57

  Ramp, Laurie, 182

  Ramsey, Henry “Hank,” 93–94, 96

  Ranger, 99

  rape investigation, at Naval Academy, 176–77

  Rapid Reaction Force, 91–97

  Rauch, Frederick (son), viii

  Reagan, Ronald W., 138

  reconnaissance flights, in Vietnam, 106

  Reed, Jacob, 23

  Rees, Joe, 65–66

  The Relationship between the Military and the Media (Lawrence and Aukofer), 214

  religion: and prisoner of war ordeal, 128–29; religious training, 3

  Rennaman, Bob, 11–12

  Replacement Air Group (RAG) squadron VF-101, 81

  retirement: activities in, 210–11, 214–16; cause of, viii, 209–10; health in, viii, 210–11, 215

  Rickover, Hyman, 173, 192–93

  The Right Stuff (Wolfe), 54

  RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific) exercises, 199, 201

  RIO. See radar intercept officer

  Risner, Robbie, 128–29, 131, 166

  Roberts, Frank, 3

  Rockney, Knute, 8

  Rodger, Tom, 110

  Romano, John, 40–41

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 9

  Roots (Haley), 9

  Ross, Tom, 17

  ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps), 4, 8, 12

  Ruby, Jack, 89

  Russell, James, 93–94

  Rutledge, Howie, 129, 131

  S-3 Viking, 170

  Sagerholm, Jim, 17–18

  St. John’s College, 9

  Salem class, 74

  San Diego, California, 70

  Saratoga, 60–67

  Sauer, George, 11, 13

  SBD Dauntless dive bomber, 41

  Scan patterns, 30

  Schacht, K. G., 13

  Schirra, Wally, 59

  Scott, Sir Walter, 122, 156

  Scott Air Force Base, 137

  Sea Hawks, 13

  Second Fleet, 76–77

  segregation, awareness of, in youth, 1, 3

  Selassie, Haile, 94

  A Sense of Humor (Webb), 186

  SERE. See survival, escape, resistance and evasion training

  “Seven Mules,” 8–9

  Seventh Fleet, 65

  Shelton, Don, 136

  Shepard, Alan: aboard Oriskany, 32, 35–42, 46; as astronaut, 59–60; as test pilot, 47, 53–54

  Shipmate magazine, 214

  Shrike missiles, 106

  Shumaker, Bob, 131

  Shuman, Edwin A. “Ned” III, 216

  Sicily, 15

  Sijan, Lance, 121, 132

  Sixth Fleet, 61–62, 74–76

  Skylancer, 53

  Skynight, 71–72

  Skyraider, 78

  Skyrocket, 47

  Sky-series airplanes, 47

  Skystreak, 47

  Skywarrior, 85

  Small, Bill, 175

  Smedberg, William (elder), 90–92

  Smedberg, William “Bill” (younger), 90

  Smith, Ames, 17

  Smith, Gordon, 28–29

  Smith, Page, 91, 94

  Smith, Wayne, 17

  Smith, Wendell, 37

  SNB, 29–30

  SNJ Texan, 24, 26

  Snyder, “Doc,” 14

  Son Tay prison raid, 128

  South: Civil War’s impact on, 2; racial attitudes in, 1, 3

  South, Tom, 53–54, 64

  Soviet Union: in Pacific, 198; tracking of U.S. ships, 201. See also Cold War

  “Speed is Life,” 71

  Spence, 203

  spool-up time, 43

  sports: father’s participation in, 2; importance of, 179; participation in as youth, 3–4, 6, 8; participation in at Naval Academy, 11–12, 14, 16, 18; piloting skills and, 36. See also Navy football

  SSBN. See fleet ballistic missile submarines

  Stillwell, Paul, 182

  Stockdale, Jim, 117–18, 121–23, 131–32, 166

  Storrs, A. P., 13

  “Straps and Bar,” 113–15, 155

  strategic deterrent forces, 200

  Stratton, Alice, 180

  Stratton, Dick, 179–80

  Strickland, Emmett T., 6

  Strike Command, 91–97

  subacute bacterial endocarditis, 211

  supercarriers, 74

  superintendent of the Naval Academy, 173–95; administrative duties, 179; attrition rate and, 191–92; curriculum and, 194; debate over appointment, 172–73; and drinking issue, 194; drug investigation, 175; Fast Net race crisis, 180; during midshipman days, 12; and Navy-Marine Corps relations, 193; and parades, 194–95; rape investigation, 176–77; Rickover’s nuclear program and, 192–93; social duties, 178–79; superintendents quarters, 178

  surface navy: transfer to, 72–73; value of experience in, 79. See also flag lieutenant duty

  surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), in Vietnam War, 100–101, 104–6, 108–9

  survival, escape, resistance and evasion (SERE) training, 111

  T-28 Trojan, 54–56

  TACAN. See Tactical Air Navigation Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN), 30, 82–83

  Tactical Land Attack Missile (TLAM) program, 197

  tactical watch officer duty, 63, 66–67

  Tailhook Association: Convention of 1974, 169; Ramage at, 41; value of, 169

  tap code, 117–18, 120

  Taylor, Frank, 83

  Taylor, John McNay, 76

  Tennessee: childhood and youth in, 1–8; return to after POW release, 137; state poem of, 122, 156–57,

  test pilot duty, x–xi, 47–58, 69; astronaut program and, 59; dangers of, 54; and fear, 52; training for, 48–49

  Third Fleet, mission of, 196

  Third Fleet command, 196–204; encounter with disciplined sailor, 177; and knowledge of history, 5; northern Pacific presence, 197–98; Ohio basing protests, 200–201; preparation for, 196; protesters and special interest groups, 200–202; RIMPAC exercises, 199, 201

  Thompson, Dick, 89–90

  Tissot, Gene, 103, 105

  TLAM. See Tactical Land Attack Missile

  Tomahawk cruise missile program, 197

  tour of duty, first, 31–34

  Townsend, Tomas “Doc,” 99–101, 106

  Trident submarines, 200–201

  Trigger, 14

  Triton, 64

  Trower, Ross, 135

  Truman, Harry S, 9

  Turner, Fred “Fox,” 170

  TV Seastar, 29

  “two-a-days,” 10, 114

  typhoon of 1982, 5, 202–4

  unified command philosophy, and Strike Force, 90–97

  University of Southern California Aviation Safety Course, 48

  U.S. Naval Institute, 186

  Ustick, Dick, 180–83

  V-22 Osprey, 171

  VA-196, 105

  VAH-11, 85

  VAST (Versatile Avionics Systems Test), 170

  Versatile Avionics Systems Test. See VAST

  vertical short takeoff and landing aircraft (VSTOL), 171

  vertigo, in pilots, 44

  VF (Fighter Squadron). See entries under Fighter Squadron

  Vietnamese, characteristics of, 127

  Vietnam War: Adams (P. D.) on, 97, 115; attitude of public toward, 162; combat duty in, 99–110; conduct of, 130; desire to fight in, 98–99; peace treaty, 131–33; shot down over Nam Dinh, 109–10, 116. See also North Vietnam, bombing of; prisoner of war ordeal

  Voice of Vietnam, 124–25

  VSTOL (vertical short takeoff and landing aircraft), 171

  Waddel, Wayne, 119

  Wallace, Ed, 215

  Ward, Frank, 15

  Washington, DC, political game in, 169–71

  Washington, George, Southern views on, 1

  Washingtonian Magazine, 185, 187

  Watkins, Jim, 172, 192, 198, 205, 207–10

  Watkins, Mary, 3

  Webb, Jim, 184–87, 189

  Weisner, Mickey, 43, 90

  Welch, George, 179

  West End High School, 4, 8, 12, 49

  West Point, honor code at, 21

  Wheeler, Earle, 97

  Whiney, Admiral, 29

  Whiting, Ken, 26–27

  Wilbur, Gene, 127–28

  Wilkens, John, 204

  Williams, MacPherson, 15, 22, 26, 158–59, 162, 173

  Williams, Mrs. MacPherson, 15, 158–59, 162

  Wolfe, Tom, 54

  women: early views on, 5. See also dating

  women at Naval Academy: and active-duty obligation, 189–91; debate on, 173, 184–86; harassment of, 181, 187; Lawrence’s views and policies, 173, 180–83, 187–89; rape case, 176–77


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