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Bound by Law: Men of Honor, Book 2

Page 18

by SE Jakes

  Chapter Seventeen

  After the men cleaned up, Styx cooked them dinner and they sat around the table, eating pasta with the football game on mute in the background. They were all half dressed and each kept a gun close and the whole scene was so incongruous that Styx would’ve laughed if their situation hadn’t been so serious.

  He would have to leave them soon—his chest ached at the thought of it. He dropped his fork and pushed away to look out the window. The men had stilled behind him.

  “It’s too dangerous for you,” Paulo said, and yeah, he should’ve known they were on to him.

  “I can’t think of any other way,” Styx replied.

  “Me,” Paulo shot back. “Let me.”

  Both Law and Styx said no at the same time, and it was Law’s turn to rise from the table.

  “It’s my turn. Tomcat agrees.”

  “Tomcat agrees?” Styx asked, and fuck, he would kill his partner.

  “Yes. We have a plan,” Law said, and even Paulo was looking at Law strangely.

  “When the hell did you talk to him?” Paulo demanded and then shook his head as Law motioned toward the bathroom.

  “Suddenly, you can do what the CIA couldn’t for all these years?” Styx pointed out. “Are you some sort of miracle worker?”

  “Yeah, I think I am.” Law looked between Paulo and Styx.

  Neither man could deny what Law had done for them. But Styx tugged on Law’s arm. “If something happened to you…”

  “If something happened to either of you, I’d never fucking forgive myself,” Law countered. “Look, Tomcat has my back. Your father already has me in his sights. He won’t expect that I’ll be fighting back. But I have to this time. And you both have to let me.”

  “When?” Paulo asked quietly.

  “Another week. Tomcat’s got intel that Styx’s father will be back in the country by then. He’s letting everything die down and he’s been doing some recruiting,” Law said, and Styx nodded.

  “Only he doesn’t realize that two of the men he’s hired are CIA agents. Of course, he’s refused to meet with them in person—this is all done through an intermediary. He’s too damned smart and suspicious.”

  Paulo looked between the men. “I want to know the entire plan. If I can’t go in with you, I still want to be there—to be close.”

  Neither man argued, and Styx sat next to him, and Law began to talk through the specifics. As the plan began to unfold, Styx actually started to believe there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.

  And afterwards? Would he be able to stay with the two men? Would they want him?

  “Suppose I never get my memory back?” he asked suddenly, interrupting Law.

  “Suppose you don’t?” Law asked. “What would it change?”

  “Nothing,” Paulo said quietly, with Law nodding in agreement.

  “You’re not your father, Styx. I don’t care what biology says. You’re no more like him than I’m like mine,” Law told him, and with that, Styx let Law finish detailing out their next moves.

  The week passed faster than Paulo wanted it to. He’d been clinging to every goddamned second rather than focus on the worry he felt for the two men, both of whom would be part of the plan.

  He still wasn’t strong enough to help, and he was able to admit that he’d be more of a hindrance than an asset. But none of it sat well with him, and both Law and Styx knew it.

  “Tomorrow,” Styx had confirmed earlier when Paulo caught him packing. Paulo had nodded, turned away and caught sight of himself in the mirror. His eyes were shaded with circles from lack of sleep, and although his pain had lessened considerably, none of them had been sleeping well.

  Tomcat had been putting out a trail of breadcrumbs for Styx’s father and the men who worked for him… By tomorrow, the plan would be fully operational.

  They would catch him this time. There was no other option.

  Both Law and Styx had been working out with the weight bench—had been running on the treadmill to keep limber. But now, Paulo found them sitting on the couch, watching porn.

  “Like we don’t have enough real-life examples?” Paulo grumbled but he didn’t turn away. Couldn’t. Not when the younger boy on the screen was being fucked by two men. He sat forward to watched, aware that his own cock throbbed as the man went limp and the two men who surrounded him looked like they were in heaven.

  He was well aware that he’d held his breath through the entire scene. If the two men weren’t here with him, he’d no doubt rewind that section and jerk off to it…and he was thinking of doing so even with them here.

  From the looks of the two men on the couch, he didn’t think they’d mind. “That was hot.”

  Law settled his gaze on him. “You were there the night it happened at the club.”

  Paulo nodded. It had been intense, a special presentation set up by two Doms and the sub they shared. They’d been so gentle to him—and rough at the same time, and Paulo remembered thinking he was going to come in his pants. “I didn’t see you there,” he said to Law.

  “I was in the back, watching on camera.” Law cleared his throat and smiled, and Styx laughed as he tugged Paulo closer. His hand ran over the bulge in his jeans as he stared up into Paulo’s face.

  “What do you think?” he asked, and Paulo’s entire body overheated at those words.

  “You guys are really thinking…both? With me?”

  Law nodded, and holy shit, this could happen. Every time they pushed him past another self-imposed boundary, he thought he’d hit his last one. But this…what they were suggesting…

  Shit. He sat on the edge of the couch, feeling the same lightheadedness he had when they’d first mentioned spanking to him. That was nothing compared to double penetration and still, his cock was hard. The flesh was more than willing.

  “You don’t have to, baby,” Styx told him and Law echoed the sentiment.

  The men were leaving him behind tomorrow—not literally, of course. Paulo would be as close to the mission as he could be, guarded by CIA agents. But it wouldn’t be the same.

  They had tonight, and after this, who knew if this spell—this bond—would somehow collapse under the weight of the real world.

  “I want to,” he heard himself say. He stood, stripped his shirt, and started unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans as he walked to the bedroom. He shook them off once he got close to the bed. The men had followed him inside, both of them stripping as well, and the room was warm… The heated need so palpable Paulo felt like he could swim through its thickness.

  He forced himself to breathe. These men would take care of him. He was sure of it.

  “If you need us to stop, use the word red, okay?” Law told him and Paulo nodded. Because yes, sometimes stop didn’t mean stop during BDSM play—he’d told Styx to stop spanking him even though what he’d really wanted was to be smacked harder and longer.

  A long, labored breath escaped him when Styx touched his ass, spread his cheeks and inserted a lubed finger inside, penetrating him with two then three after several minutes.

  He tried to imagine what it would feel like to have both men inside him, stretching him to beyond the point of being filled. It would hurt…but from everything he’d seen firsthand, the bottom enjoyed himself.

  “You sure you want this?” Law asked.

  Both continued to push him past any limits he thought he had, and it only made him want more—from them and from himself. “Yeah. I want it.”

  Styx responded by sliding a fourth finger inside of Paulo, twisting his hand and making Paulo gasp and squirm against Law, Paulo’s hands on the man’s shoulders. “Gonna look so hot with both of us fucking you,” Law told him.

  He came on the spot, shot on his stomach and his chin, heard Styx murmur, “Holy fuck,” from behind him. Law kissed him, and Paulo was still hard. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been this turned on his life.

  Styx moved away from him while he clung to Law, who kissed his neck, rubbed his back.
And when Styx returned, he had a high chair with a back from the kitchen that he put against the wall. He held Paulo upright while Law got comfortable in the chair, sitting with his legs spread, cock jutting, and then Styx helped position Paulo so he was straddling Law face-to-face.

  For a long moment, Paulo paused, and then he slid down on Law’s cock, realized how locked in he’d be in this position, with Styx holding him down as he stood behind him.

  He waited then, and both men simply remained still as if sensing the sudden panic and waiting until he worked through it. His ass adjusted to Law’s girth slowly as Styx rubbed his shoulders and Law played with his nipples. His cock dripped precome and his chest was still sticky from coming, but then he heard himself say, “Go ahead,” in a voice that didn’t sound like his.

  He hadn’t expected Law’s hips to buck up but the motion made him groan and curse at the same time and he forgot his fear for that moment, rocked against him and they were fucking, hard and fast, moaning.

  And then Styx’s finger slid inside him along Law’s cock, and both Paulo and Law stiffened and groaned at the tightening sensation. When Law started rocking his hips up again, Styx added a second finger and the pressure—and the pleasure—was becoming more intense.

  When he added the third, Paulo stopped moving, heard his breath harshen.

  “S’okay, baby…you’re doing great. You should see how fucking hot you look,” Law told him.

  “Maybe we should tape this,” Styx added and even though Paulo knew they wouldn’t, the thought that it could happen was enough to make another moan escape. “Ah, he likes that, the thought of us showing him off.”

  “We could put him on display—find a club around here who wants to put on a live show,” Law added and Paulo shook his head no. “Baby, you’ve got no say right now.”

  Law’s words shot through him like an orgasm, just as Styx’s fingers left him and the head of his cock touched his hole.

  Paulo sagged against Law. “Can’t.”

  “You can do it, baby.” Law stroked Paulo’s hair. He was covered in a fine sweat from nerves from the enormity of what he was allowing them to do to him, and he felt like he’d come again the second Styx began to penetrate.

  “Hold it together,” Styx told him softly, because he knew. He was so close to Paulo, rubbing his shoulders with one hand, the other was fingering his ass around Law’s cock, widening the hole for easier access.

  When Styx pushed the head of his cock inside, all three men stilled and the only sound in the room was the harsh breathing, mainly from Paulo. He clutched at Law’s shoulders, and before he could struggle away and hurt himself, Styx tightened his grip and pushed in farther with a long, slow slide.


  “God…please…” Paulo breathed, and it was more likely God no, but he wasn’t saying that, seemed nearly incoherent and soon that would be with all pleasure. But Styx wasn’t stopping, didn’t until he was balls-deep inside Paulo, his cock rubbing Law’s, and holy motherfucker, Paulo heard the keening groan escape his throat.

  Law was breathing fast, his eyes wide, his hands on Paulo, caressing him. And then Styx began to pump his hips gently, rocking Paulo, and Law didn’t move—couldn’t—was as trapped as Paulo was by the sensations and the tightness and the fact that his cock was rubbing against Styx’s.

  When Paulo came, it was hard—almost painful—but the most vibrant orgasm he’d ever had. He saw spots in front of his eyes, closed them as the contractions milked his dick, spilling his come on his stomach and Law’s. He was aware the two men were both moaning as his contractions were tightening around both their cocks.

  He felt the men come through the condoms. Law started first and Styx soon after, and it was almost like bareback, the sensations were so close to the surface. It was like he was drowning, his head down on Law’s shoulders, his body boneless.

  Styx pulled out slowly and Law remained inside of him to allow his ass to adjust. It would hurt too much if he didn’t, and neither Law nor Paulo looked like they were in any shape to move.

  Styx went to the bathroom, cleaned himself off and came back with a few wet washcloths and dry towels and then grabbed the sodas he’d left by the bedside.

  First, he wiped Paulo down with the warm cloth and wrapped the towel around his back when he started to shiver.

  “Drink this,” he urged, and while Paulo moved from where he’d been draped across Law to do so, Styx wiped the come from their stomachs and dried them. Encouraged Law to drink soda as well, couldn’t resist leaning in for an open-mouthed kiss with him, tasting the sugary Coke.

  “Nice,” Law murmured, and Styx had to agree.

  “I’m going to help you off,” Styx told Paulo. “Think you’re ready?”

  Paulo nodded gamely even though he was nowhere near ready, and he let Styx practically carry him to the bed, his ass aching, his legs trembling and his mind trying to absorb the enormity of what he’d done. Styx curled up next to him while Law went to the bathroom, whispered, “Fucking fantastic,” in his ear.

  Paulo swallowed down tears, wondering where all the emotion was coming from—he hadn’t shown this much when his father had disowned him, hadn’t allowed anyone or anything over the past years since then to get to him like this.

  “It’s okay, you know—what you’re feeling is normal,” Styx told him.

  “Now you read minds too,” he muttered.

  “You’re not that hard to read.” Styx paused and watched Law come back from the bathroom to stand next to him. “Not when it’s the right people reading you.”

  “Love you both,” he heard himself murmur, and wanted to take it back because maybe that was stupid.

  “Love you both,” Law echoed in his ear, followed by Styx’s rendition, and it was that goddamned simple.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Law knew Styx wanted in on this, but both Law and Tomcat refused to let him.

  “You’re the one he wants most. He’d use Law to lure you in,” Tomcat told him.

  “And suppose he catches Law?” Styx argued.

  “He won’t, Styx. I told you, I can fight dirty.” Law knew Styx wasn’t underestimating him on purpose, but that nerves were getting the best of him now that they were so close to the end.

  “Let me go in with you,” Styx told Law.

  “I don’t want you near him. You said yourself, there’s nothing he could tell you that you’d want to know. So don’t go there. Let me do something for you, the way you’ve been protecting me all these years.”

  “You’re not angry about that anymore?”

  Law shifted. “I had your number. I could’ve asked you for more. I let my pride get in the way of all of this too. I have to bear some of the blame.”

  Styx hugged him, whispered, “I love you,” into his ear and Law said it back, out loud, and for a long while they remained like that.

  “Worth the wait,” Law said when they finally broke apart. Tomcat handed Law the gun, which he tucked into his pants. He was already wired and now, dressed in all black BDUs, he was more than ready.

  “This started with me too—he made it about me. Now, it’s going to finish with me.”

  There was nothing Styx could say to counter that. Law was too determined. He’d been trained to assassinate—he could protect himself at least as well as Styx, if not better. Still, he knew that for Styx, just the thought of Law putting himself in this much danger was almost too much for him to handle. He could see the worry written all over his lover’s face, and although he didn’t want to be the one to put it there, he knew he’d ultimately be the one to help take the worry away. For good.

  “I’m going to be fine,” Law told him firmly, put a hand on the back of Styx’s neck and touched his forehead to Styx’s, heard Styx’s hitch of breath and gave the man a long moment to pull his shit together in front of his colleagues. Which Styx did, of course, by the time Law pulled away. “We all are.”

  “Going to command that to happen, are we?”
  Law gave a wry smile. “Yes.” With that, he left the van, which was parked several blocks from Styx’s father’s brownstone, and went through back alleys to reach the side door he’d planned on entering through. He could hear Tomcat and Styx in his ear, keeping contact as he worked in the dark.

  He’d broken into more places than he cared to—or had been allowed to—admit. This one meant more than all the others put together. He held many lives in the hands that worked the double lock.

  He spent twenty minutes bypassing the alarm system and getting inside while leaving it armed and in place, a personal favorite skill of his.

  He needed to be inside with the alarm still set by the time Styx’s father came home. And then he’d get the surprise of his life. “I’m in,” he told the men, and then he moved around carefully, positioning himself in the hallway, with a wall to his back.

  “He’s on his way in,” Styx said. “Law, please…”

  Law switched off the mic, knowing it would do no good to hear Styx’s voice. He needed to be on his game. And so he pushed Styx and Paulo from his mind, and he concentrated on the man in front of him, who walked directly toward him, pointing his gun at Law’s chest.

  Styx had been wrong about looking just like his father. The resemblance was there, for sure, but Styx’s eyes were so much kinder.

  As far as Law was concerned, blood wasn’t that goddamned thick.

  He resisted the urge to lunge forward and grab the man around the neck, gun be damned. The hatred rose inside him for everything Styx’s father had taken—no, had tried to take—from them. Styx’s father hadn’t succeeded up until this point, even though he’d managed to separate the men for far too long, and Law had to remember that. Because if he got too angry now to do his job, Styx’s father would win.


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