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Trucker and Pup

Page 14

by Drew Hunt

  Joey set down his bowl and lovingly patted Kevin’s head.

  The two ate in companionable silence, the only noises coming from the hissing gas fire and the wind blowing angrily outside. Joey felt a deep sense of contentment: he was warm, well fed, and had his lover close at hand. After he’d eaten his fill, Joey set the bowl back on the tray, put it on the floor and sighed happily.

  “That was bloody fantastic, Pup, thank you.”

  Kevin smiled happily up at him.

  Looking at the curtained window, and hearing the rain being hurled against the glass, Joey said, “Can’t say I’m looking forward to the ride home.”


  Peering down at Kevin’s anxious face, Joey asked, “You want me to stay?” The face brightened considerably. “Go on then, you’ve twisted my arm.”

  Kevin rose to his knees, twisted round and wrapped his arms around Joey’s middle. Stroking Kevin’s back affectionately, Joey said, “This is the life.” His exposed penis began to rise with the friction of rubbing against Kevin’s wool clad chest. “Careful, Joey Junior’s waking up.”

  Kevin giggled. “It’s getting late, um, if you want to take a shower, then I think you’d best not wait too much longer. Otherwise all the hot water will have gone.”

  “Jesus, I don’t know how you manage not having hot water all the time.”

  “You get used to it,” Kevin quietly said.

  Looking round at his lover’s clean but cramped and poorly maintained accommodation, Joey’s heart ached. Despite having a whirlwind beginning, Joey knew he couldn’t ask Kevin to move in with him. It was too soon, and there was the problem of his mother. Joey sighed. He hated that Kevin had to live in a place like this, but there was little he could do to change things.

  Making an effort to sound cheerful, Joey said, “Come on then, strip.”

  “Uh? I usually get undressed in the bathroom.”

  Joey shook his head.

  Kevin groaned, “Not again.” But he began to disrobe.

  * * * *

  “How’s your arse and your ankle?” Joey asked as he ran a soapy finger down Kevin’s crack.

  “Haven’t had a twinge out of either all day.”

  Joey turned Kevin to face him, and, just like that morning, looked right into his lover’s eyes. Kevin was able to hold his gaze.

  “Honest, Sir. I can’t lie to you, not over something like that.”

  Despite the shower Joey noticed a tear form in the corner of Kevin’s right eye before he looked away.

  “Sorry, Pup. I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

  “It’s okay, Sir.”

  “Forgive me?”

  Kevin looked up in surprise. “There’s nothing to forgive. You were protecting me, like you promised. No one, before you, thought enough about me to want to do that.”

  After releasing Kevin from a hug, Joey said, “Now come on, let me finish washing you.”

  Joey rubbed the soap between his palms and built up a good lather. He then slowly ran his hands along Kevin’s thin and under-developed chest. He could easily feel all of his lover’s ribs.

  “I’m gonna get you in at my gym. A good diet and plenty of exercise will soon get you bulked up.”

  “I might have to wait a month or two. Those places are really expensive.”

  “Won’t cost you a penny.”

  “Sir, I can’t let you pay for that, too. It’s not right. You buy me too much as it is.”

  Joey continued to lovingly wash his man, using the time to organise his thoughts. “Tell me, Pup, when you were cooking that meal this afternoon, did it make you feel good? Did you get pleasure from doing something for me?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir, it made me really happy. You’re always doing so much for me, looking after me, protecting me.” Kevin swallowed. “And loving me. So it’s great when I can do something for you.”

  “It’s just the same for me. I’m happy when I do things for you. You see?”

  “But that meal didn’t cost nowhere near as much as, say, a gym membership. And when you add all the other wonderful stuff you’ve done for me. Well, Sir, you do loads more for me than I do for you.”

  Joey turned off the water and pulled back the shower curtain. Reaching for a towel he started to rub his pup dry. “It’s not how much something costs, it’s the pleasure it gives. Pup, you give me so much. You’ve given me yourself. That’s…” Joey paused his rubbing, “To me that’s worth more than what I do for you. I feel on top of the world each time you let me do stuff to you.”

  “I just know I’m going to wake up in a minute, and none of this will be real.”

  Joey pinched Kevin’s left nipple firmly.

  “Ouch!” Kevin jumped backwards.

  “Still dreaming, Pup?”

  Kevin’s face lit up. “Well, this gorgeous stud who’s gonna bugger my brains out later tonight, is still standing in front of me. So I suppose I’m still dreaming.”

  “Cheeky sod.”

  “But seriously, Sir, I still think you do so much more for me.”

  “Don’t you think you’re worth it?” Joey went on quickly; he knew Kevin had low self-esteem. “Well I think you are, and as I’m the dominant one in this relationship, what I say goes, okay?”

  Kevin smiled. “Okay.”

  Once Kevin was dry, Joey began to towel himself off. “Now that we’ve got all that worked out, I’m gonna sort you out with that gym membership I promised.” Joey put his hands on his hips and looked at Kevin, daring him to disagree.

  “Okay, Sir, I accept, thank you.”

  Joey smiled broadly. “Actually it won’t cost all that much anyway. I get a discount ’cause one of my uncles works there.”

  “How many uncles have you got?”

  “Five, well, six actually, but one’s a real black sheep, and we don’t talk about him. Well, Mum doesn’t.”


  Joey looked down. He didn’t want to spoil their happy mood, but as they’d been honest with one another up until that point, he knew he couldn’t pull down the shutters. “He’s in prison for molesting little kids.”

  Kevin gasped.

  “Mum thinks he’s gay, I’m not so sure. She thinks all gay men are like Uncle Frank. That’s why I can’t come out to her.”

  Kevin gave Joey’s shoulder a squeeze. “It’s okay, Sir, sorry I asked.”

  “No, it’s fine. I suppose every family’s got a skeleton in their cupboard, and Uncle Frank’s ours.” Needing to change the subject, Joey put their only towel over his shoulder and said, “Right, we’re done in here. It’s time to flash the neighbours.”

  Ignoring Kevin’s groans of protest, Joey slid back the bolt and stepped out, not checking if anyone was in the hall. He had Kevin’s key in his hand, but didn’t rush to unlock the door.

  It had been draughty in the hallway; Kevin’s teeth had begun to chatter, so Joey turned the gas fire back on again.

  “Don’t suppose there’s much worth watching on the telly,” Joey said, approaching Kevin’s portable TV.

  “I don’t have cable or satellite, just the five ordinary channels.”

  “Sor-right, I’m sure we’ll find something.” As he flicked through what was available, Kevin exclaimed, “Starsky And Hutch! I’d forgotten that was on tonight.”

  Deciding an old American cop show was probably the best of a bad bunch, Joey sat back down to watch. “You’re a fan, then?”

  “Yeah, David Soul’s just so yummy, don’t you think?”

  Joey shook his head. “Come on, then, we’ll watch it together.” He patted his bare lap; Kevin didn’t need a second invitation. He raced to his bed, pulled off the duvet and settled it over the two of them.

  Joey soon grew bored with the show; he’d often thought it was a bit unrealistic that two under-cover cops drove around in a bright red car.

  “I remember this one.” Kevin said, eyes still glued to the screen. “Starsky gets hurt, and when he goes to casualty, sorry I mean the ER, that w
oman there, she was his nurse. They start seeing each other, but she goes all weird and puts their undercover operation in danger.”

  “Well, now I know what’s gonna happen, I don’t need to watch the rest of it, do I?”

  “Sorry, Sir. Didn’t mean to spoil it for you.”

  “S'okay, Pup,” Joey yawned. “I’m too knackered to concentrate anyway.”

  “We can switch it off if you like.”

  “Nah.” Joey didn’t add that he was reluctant to move from his very comfortable position. A dark, warm and cosy room, his naked lover curled up in his lap, a quilt covering them. No, life didn’t get any sweeter than this, he thought, running his fingertips along Kevin’s spine.

  “When I was a kid,” Kevin said sleepily, “I used to dream about being a detective, and having a partner like Ken Hutchinson.” He sighed, “Someone who was kind, gentle, would look out for me, and…ah, well, I suppose we all have our fantasies.”

  When the closing credits began to roll, Joey kissed Kevin’s cheek, pulled him to his chest and got out of the chair. He carried Kevin and the duvet around the small room, switching off the TV and gas fire. He then walked over to his leather jacket and retrieved a condom and sachet of lube. Finally walking to the bed, Joey gently set his lover down.

  “I’m no Hutch, Pup, but I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

  Kevin raised his arms, pulled Joey’s face to his own, and kissed him tenderly. “That’d be forever, Sir.”

  Unwrapping the quilt, Joey climbed onto the bed, straddled Kevin’s thin chest and began to explore. After setting aside Kevin’s new glasses, Joey’s fingertips skimmed across his pup’s high cheekbones. Even though he probably hadn’t shaved since that morning, Joey marvelled at the softness of Kevin’s skin. Joey’s touch tour then moved to caress those cherubic full, red lips. Stroking back the fringe of glossy brown hair, Joey felt himself falling into the most hauntingly deep liquid brown eyes he’d ever seen. There was none of the fear which had been present so many times before. Joey hoped Kevin was finally beginning to trust him never to hurt him.

  Though he was tired, Joey was determined to make the night as special as he could for his lover. “Slow and gentle, Pup,” he whispered. Joey felt the mood would be broken if he’d spoken at normal volume.

  Kevin must have caught on, because he whispered “Thank you, Sir,” in reply.

  The two spent a long time kissing and caressing one another, Kevin’s hands slowly working their way down Joey’s front, eventually settling at his crotch. Kevin’s nimble fingers soon brought Joey to full, dripping hardness. Meanwhile, Joey was licking around Kevin’s neck, the smaller man exposing his throat submissively. Joey lightly bit at Kevin’s Adam’s apple, causing the younger man to tremble and whimper. It was a major turn on to Joey to have his lover convulse with such need. His tongue and lips still firmly engaged at their task, Joey reached for the lube, and began to loosen up his Pup’s hole. An image of Cal fucking Kevin dry flashed into Joey’s head. He pushed the thought away; he didn’t want that bastard intruding into what he determined would be a genuine act of lovemaking.

  “Please, Sir, now.” Kevin’s head thrashed from side-to-side on the pillow. “I can’t wait, Sir, please.”

  After rolling the condom down his achingly hard prong and coating it liberally with lube, Joey placed Kevin’s ankles against his shoulders and positioned himself for entry. Locking eyes with his lover, Joey held himself ready to withdraw at the slightest sign from Kevin he was in pain. However, the younger man’s serene smile of deep satisfaction never wavered. Kevin’s arse lips soon parted, allowing the head of Joey’s stone hard dick to penetrate. His pup’s tunnel was so tight, so warm, Joey had to defocus in order not to fire his bolt. It’s odd, he thought, I’ve never had trouble with premature ejaculation. But then I’ve never fucked anyone I’ve had an emotional connection to.

  Once Joey was balls deep in his lover’s welcoming bowel, Joey saw Kevin silently mouth, “I love you, Sir.

  The total trust and adulation Kevin was displaying moved Joey uncomfortably close to climaxing.

  Joey took a couple of steadying breaths before starting to rock his hips from side-to-side. Kevin moaned. His lover’s inarticulate phrases grew in volume when Joey added a circular motion to his gyrations. After about five minutes of soaking his dick in Kevin’s warm wetness, Joey slowly withdrew almost all the way out, causing Kevin to whimper. Then Joey steadily sank gratefully back inside. It didn’t take him long to set up a gentle rhythmical in-out action. Joey made sure he grazed Kevin’s prostate as often as he could. At this speed, he knew he could last for hours, but mindful of the late hour, began to steadily increase the speed and force of his strokes.

  Kevin set up his amazing milking action around Joey’s pumping sword. Joey reached for Kevin’s waving prick and began to repeatedly retract and pull forward on the foreskin.

  “Come for me, Pup, shoot your milk.”

  Joey knew because Kevin was uncut, his glans was far more sensitive than his own circumcised member. Within thirty seconds, Kevin’s spine arched, and he let out a high pitched keening noise as he shot several pearly white strings of his essence, spraying it all over his upper torso.

  Kevin lay spent. His legs slipped down and hung limply around Joey’s still pumping hips. It was only then Joey released the virtual brakes on his own passion. He put his hands under Kevin’s shoulders and pulled his lover up, so they were chest to chest. Joey retrieved his slack-jawed lover’s tongue and sucked hungrily at it.

  Kevin’s tongue served to stifle Joey’s roar of climax as he threw the pair of them back onto the bed. Their combined weight was too much for the bed frame. Several wooden slats broke, plunging the mattress and its inhabitants to the floor.

  Throughout the bed’s destruction, the two men remained firmly locked together, cock to arse, mouth to tongue. Joey eventually had to release their joined lips in order to take in several deep lungfuls of air.

  Once his head had stopped spinning, Joey asked, “Did the earth move for you, Pup?”

  Kevin opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, and was finally able to say, “It did, Sir, yes. Oh my God! I’ve never felt anything like it.” Kevin then started to giggle. “Sir, that was such a corny line.” Growing serious, he continued, “But honestly, Sir, you really did make the earth move.”

  “It moved for me, too.”

  Joey’s now deflated dick slipped out of Kevin’s arse. He removed the condom, tied the end and tossed it in the waste bin, now at a more convenient height. He was knackered, and his throat was starting to become sore, a sure sign he was coming down with a cold.

  “I’ll go and wet a face cloth and clean us up.”

  “It’s okay, Sir, I’ll do it.”

  Joey found Kevin’s lips and kissed them softly. “No, Pup, you stay where you are.”

  When Joey returned, he lovingly wiped up all of his man’s semen, marvelling at the quantity. “Sorry, Pup, I’ll get you a new bed. It was my fault after all.”


  “Now, Pup, don’t argue.”

  Kevin began to giggle, which soon grew into uncontrollable laughter. Joey looked at him as if he’d gone round the twist. When eventually Kevin calmed down, Joey asked what had been so funny.

  “Um, Sir.” There were more giggles before Kevin was able to say, “I thought you were going to tell me one of your uncles works in a bed factory.” Kevin resumed his giggling, Joey joining him.

  “No.” Joey grinned. “But one of my aunties does.”

  The pair rolled around the mattress amid the broken remains of the bed, helpless with laughter.

  Chapter 7

  “Now, you make sure you drink all that soup. It’s better than any pills the doctor could give you.”

  Mrs Goldman continued to bustle around Joey’s bedroom, dusting the already spotless chest of drawers and bedside cabinets. She then began to straighten the quilt, which to Joey’s way of thinking was pointless, becaus
e as soon as he turned over, it’d be all wrinkled again. At least she’d stopped vacuuming. The noise of the Hoover had given him a headache, which he was still suffering from.

  “Ma,” Joey said before sneezing into his already sodden handkerchief, “shouldn’t you be going home? Who’ve you left minding Dad?”

  She looked at her watch. “I suppose I should. You’ll be okay? You always get proper poorly when you get a cold. I’m worried it’ll get to your lungs. Oy, our Martin, he was never the same after his pneumonia.”

  Joey gritted his teeth. He’d been confined to bed for the past three days, and he was ready to explode with the boredom and frustration of it all. “Please just go.” Joey’s words brought on a fit of coughing, his mother thumping him on his back. “I’ll be fine, I’m going to have a kip. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  Mrs Goldman sighed heavily. “All right. But you eat up all your soup before it gets cold, you hear me, Joey?” She wagged her finger at him.

  Joey groaned inwardly. Since she’d found out about his cold on Tuesday morning, his mother had gone into over-production of chicken soup, and had forced the bloody stuff down his throat at every opportunity. He was certain he’d throw up if he had to swallow just one more mouthful.

  “It’s too hot. I’ll let it cool for a bit.” Pointing at the door, he said, “Now please go home. Dad needs you.” He sneezed. “I’ll be fine. I just want to sleep.”

  His mother hesitated, hand on the knob of the bedroom door. “Just give me a ring if you need anything.”

  “I will, thanks, Ma.”

  Much to Joey’s relief, she turned the knob and stepped into the hall. Hearing the lock of his front door engage a few seconds later, Joey sank gratefully against his pillows and closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  “Sir, you awake?”

  Joey was wrenched from a most pleasant dream involving two leather clad men performing sexual favours on him. They had been rubbing their tight bodies against him as they bit down on his nipples with their teeth and…

  “I’ve heated up the soup you didn’t eat earlier.”

  Joey opened his eyes to see Kevin standing by the bed, a steaming bowl in his hands. The smell hit the back of Joey’s inflamed throat and caused a wave of bile to rise from his stomach. Holding a hand over his mouth, Joey ran for the bathroom.


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