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Trucker and Pup

Page 21

by Drew Hunt

  Kevin got yet another kiss.

  Resting his forehead on Joey’s shoulder, Kevin said, “You called me awesome a minute ago, but you, well, Sir, you are totally wonderful and awesome and strong and kind and…” Kevin’s shoulders began to shake. In a quieter voice, he continued, “I thank God every night for sending you to me.” He sniffed. “And I also pray that he won’t take you away. ’Cause I…I…” Kevin dissolved into tears and clung to Joey.

  Hating himself for knowing he was pushed for time, Joey picked Kevin up, positioned one hand so it supported his pup’s bottom, and put the other behind his head. Exerting slight pressure, Joey brought their lips together once again.

  Kevin whimpered.

  “Hush,” Joey soothed.

  After setting Kevin down, Joey put his hands on his pup’s shoulders and stared into those bottomless brown pools. “I’m gonna miss you so fucking much tonight, you know that?”

  “I’ll miss you, too, Sir.”

  Sighing, Joey said, “I’ve gotta go.”

  “I know.”

  After continuing to stare at his lover’s eyes for another minute, Joey reluctantly turned away and made for the door. Standing in the hallway, Joey had to use every ounce of his will power not to re-enter the room, pick Kevin up and carry him back with him to his place. Giving a deep sigh, Joey put one foot in front of the other and headed downstairs and out to the car.

  Simon was asleep when Joey got back behind the wheel. Before starting the car, Joey spent a couple of moments looking at the innocent cherubic face of his nephew. “You’ve had a big day, Champ,” Joey whispered, stroking a lock of Simon’s hair from his forehead.

  By the time Joey had parked the car at his place, Simon was stirring. “Where are we?” he said after a jaw splitting yawn.

  “Home.” Joey unclipped Simon’s seatbelt before undoing his own.

  “Wish you didn’t live on the third floor,” Simon complained after he’d climbed two flights of stairs.

  “Sorry, Champ.”

  “Don’t suppose you’d carry me,” Simon said, treating Joey to his most imploring look.

  Joey was forced to admit the kid was cute, but he was a mere amateur when compared to Kevin and his seemingly endless variety of pleading expressions. With a dramatic sigh, Joey slung his nephew over his shoulder and resumed his walk up the stairs. Joey had to admit he got quite a kick out of carrying people who were smaller and more vulnerable than himself.

  “Umph! You’re getting bigger. Either that or I’m getting older,” Joey said, setting Simon down before fishing out his door key.

  Simon giggled. “Nah, you’re still really big and strong.”

  Joey shook his head to rid it of the momentary sense of déjà vu before pushing the door open. “Now, I want you in that bath, and then it’s straight to bed. And no arguments!” He put his hands on his hips and mock glowered at his nephew.

  “Okay, Uncle Joey.” Simon beamed.

  Joey headed for his fridge and popped open a can, downing half its contents in a few swallows. The smoke from the bonfire and fireworks had left him thirsty, and the beer hit the spot nicely.

  * * * *

  Sleeplessness was something Joey never suffered from. He could drift off within minutes of his head touching the pillow. But despite having drunk a second beer, and having a long soak in the bath, he couldn’t settle.

  The bedside clock read 12:08. Joey wondered if his pup would still be awake. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself otherwise, Joey knew his sleeplessness was entirely due to not having the comforting warmth of his lover cuddled up to him. Thinking it best to check Simon was asleep first, Joey got out of bed and slipped on his dressing gown.

  Opening the door to the spare room, he couldn’t help smile at how Simon had kicked down his covers, exposing his Superman pyjamas. Joey remembered giving Simon the pyjamas for his last birthday. Pulling the quilt up to Simon’s chin, Joey stroked back the kid’s hair before bending down and delivering a light kiss to the boy’s forehead. Tip-toeing out of the room, Joey closed the door.

  Seeing the row of coats hanging in the hallway, Joey’s face broke out into a wide grin. He had an idea.

  “I didn’t wake you, did I?” Joey whispered down the phone when Kevin had picked up after the second ring.

  “Uh, no, that you, Sir?”

  “Yeah. Because you’re not snuggled up next to me, I can’t sleep.”

  “Me neither,” Kevin said, yawning.

  “Will your phone reach to the bed?”

  “Um, I think so, why?”

  “Go and put on your new jacket, carry the phone to the bed and lie down.”

  “Uh?” Kevin yawned again.

  “Do I have to repeat myself?”

  “No, Sir. Sorry.”

  Joey heard Kevin put the receiver down. After a short silence there was rustling, then Kevin came back on the line. “Okay, Sir.”

  “You got your new jacket on?”

  “Yes, Sir, it’s lovely and shiny. Thank you for buying it for me.”

  “My pleasure. Now I want you to crook the phone under your chin, so you’ve got both hands free, okay?”

  “Um, yes, done it.”

  “Right. Start running your hands up and down your smooth, hairless chest, but I want you to imagine it’s my hands that are making love to you.” Much to his surprise Joey found he was really getting into this little fantasy.

  “Uh, oh, ooh.”

  Kevin’s moans of pleasure brought Joey’s staff to full hardness. Panting slightly, Joey continued, “Now I want you to start playing with those tiny nipples.”

  “Oh, Sir!”

  “Pull on them, Pup. Remember how much I love teasing your nips.”

  Kevin’s moans increased. Joey started leaking pre-come. He reached down to stroke himself, but didn’t want to shoot too soon, he wanted this to last.

  “Put a finger in your mouth, get it nice and wet. Now start playing with your arse, but don’t touch your cock. That’s an order.”

  Kevin whined, but Joey knew his pup wouldn’t disobey. “Sir, can I touch you, too?” Kevin asked, a note of pleading in his voice.

  Joey stopped massaging his penis, he hadn’t considered Kevin wanting to reciprocate, and ostensibly he’d called so they could wank off together, give Kevin a bit of a thrill and, if he were truly honest, hear his lover’s voice. “Okay then.”

  “Thank you. Sir, are you wearing your jacket, too?”

  “Sure am.”

  “Good, cause you look so dominant, so powerful in it. Sometimes when I’m on the bike, my small thin arms wrapped around my leather-clad sir, I, well, I have to concentrate real hard on not coming in my underpants.”

  Joey felt another round of pre-come ooze out of his pee slit. He smeared it around his cock-head with his thumb.

  “Sir, I’m stroking your big, broad, manly shoulders under your jacket. Can you feel me?”

  Joey released the grip on his cock, tucked the phone under his chin and ran both hands along his shoulders. Closing his eyes, he tried to picture Kevin caressing him. “Yeah, I can. You still playing with that tight hole of yours?”

  “Yes, Sir. It’s getting looser, it wants Joey Junior up there so bad.”

  “I know, I wanna slide Joey Junior up there, but we’ll just have to make do for tonight. Okay?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m starting to play with your balls now. I’m rolling them around in my fingers, feeling how round and how perfect they are.”

  “Ooh, Sir, yes, thank you.”

  “I’ve moved out of your arse, and I’m stroking that cute little flat belly of yours. Your so thin, Pup. I’m gonna make you strong and more defined, but I don’t want you to have big muscles, ’cause I like having you a bit soft so I can cuddle you in my arms where I know you feel safest.”

  “I do, Sir, so much.”

  Joey could hear Kevin sniffing, he hoped he hadn’t gone too far, this was about fun, about getting off, not c
ausing his pup to cry, especially as he wasn’t there to comfort him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I was just being daft.”

  “Wanna stop?”

  “No, Sir. Not at all.” After pausing for a few seconds, Kevin said, “I’m now running my hands along your leathered arms. They’re so big and strong.”

  “All the better to hug you with, my dear.” Joey tried to stifle a chuckle, he knew he was sounding like the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.

  The line went quiet. Joey wondered what had happened, then he heard Kevin giggling. “Oh, Sir, I hadn’t meant to say it like that.”

  “I know. You feeling better now?” Joey was pleased to have raised Kevin’s spirits. “Do you want to carry on?” Joey hoped he did, because his balls were beginning to ache.

  “Yes, Sir.” Kevin took a couple of moments to settle. Joey assumed he had to get back into the mood. Finally Kevin said, “Sir, I’m now worshipping your awesome, wide chest and your abs. Oh, Sir, you’re so broad and strong. I love it when you let me rest my head there. It’s so soothing when I hear your heart beating.”

  This was turning out rather mushier than Joey had intended, but he wasn’t complaining. Yet again Kevin was proving that he—the big, macho truck driver—had a softer and more tender side. It opened up a whole world of new possibilities, ones Joey hadn’t even known existed before Kevin had come along.

  “Okay, Pup.” Although Joey didn’t want these wonderful feelings to come to an end, time was getting on, and he didn’t know how much longer he could last without climaxing. “I’m taking hold of your hard prick. Though it’s smaller than mine, it’s perfect, just like the rest of my pup. And that skin. I just love playing with it.”

  “Yes! Touch me some more, Sir. Let me come, Sir. I need to shoot soon.”

  “You grab hold of mine then, and we’ll shoot together.” Joey grasped his member and began to flog it. “Yeah, Pup, that’s it. Squeeze a bit harder.” Joey tightened his grip.

  “I’m close, Sir. So close.” Kevin’s voice rose in pitch.

  “Come with me, Pup,” Joey said, trying to stifle his shout as he came, copious amounts of jizz arcing out of his penis, painting his chest and belly, the final and weakest spurts rolling down his hand and pooling in his pubic hair.

  As he rested, Joey could hear Kevin’s ragged breaths gradually becoming deeper and less frequent. Neither man spoke for the longest time. Joey was content just to lie and be with his pup as they both recovered from a wonderful, sensuous, but no less heavy jerk-off session.

  “Think you’ll be able to get some sleep now?” Joey said, breaking the comfortable silence.

  “Uh, yeah.” It sounded like Kevin was already drifting off.

  Feeling rather sleepy himself, Joey said, “I’ve not got a run until tomorrow afternoon, um, I mean this afternoon,” he corrected. “So once I’ve dropped Simon off, I’ll come round, and maybe we can do it for real. Okay?”

  “I love you, Sir.”

  “Love you, too. Now get some sleep.”

  After replacing the receiver in its cradle, Joey tried to clean himself up. Deciding he needed warm water, he got out of bed, and padded towards the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed his jacket had a few come stains on it. Joey thought about wiping them off, but decided they wouldn’t be too noticeable, so thought he’d leave them to show Kevin. After flushing, Joey returned his jacket to its hook and stuck his head around Simon’s bedroom door. The little angel was fast asleep, the quilt still tucked under his chin. As he watched his nephew sleep, Joey knew he was one of the luckiest men on Earth. He had an eight-year-old kid whom he could spoil, and a lover who worshipped him.

  Yeah, life sure is sweet. Joey pulled the bedroom door closed and headed back to his own room.

  Chapter 11

  A frantic knocking on his door caused Kevin to snap his eyes open in surprise. Glancing at his bedside clock, he saw it was almost half-past eight. He normally didn’t sleep that late. He’d decided to sleep in his new leather jacket. If he couldn’t have Joey wrapped around him, then the jacket was the next best thing.

  The pounding resumed.

  “Just a minute!” Kevin said, getting out of bed. Unable to find his trousers and fearing the insistent knocking would disturb the neighbours, he picked up a hand towel to cover his essentials before disengaging the lock. Joey was standing in the hall. He bustled into the room and closed the door, before scanning Kevin’s body from head to toe.

  “You kinky bugger, did you sleep in it?”

  “Um, well.” Kevin could feel his cheeks glowing red. “Sorry.”

  Joey shook his head before advancing on Kevin and snatching the towel away. Grabbing the collar of Kevin’s jacket, Joey pulled the smaller man’s face towards his own.

  Looking closely at Kevin’s face, Joey said, “Your bruises are looking much better.” Stroking Kevin’s cheek, Joey asked, “Do they hurt as much?”

  “No, Sir, hardly at all.”

  “Well, they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Joey closed the distance between them and spent the next few minutes sucking on Kevin’s face.

  Kevin was unable to do anything but moan with pleasure. He loved it when his sir took charge.

  When they finally parted, Joey took in a lungful of air and said, “I fucking missed you. Though it was great having our Simon stay last night, I’d… Well I’d have rather been with you.”

  Kevin found himself being lifted up and crushed against Joey’s body. In an effort to press himself even closer, he wrapped his legs around Joey’s waist, while his arms hugged his lover’s thickly muscled neck.

  In between his kisses, Joey said, “We’re going to do for real what we did over the phone last night.”

  “Uh!” Kevin replied.

  Joey carried his leather-clad lover to the bed and sat down, Kevin making no attempt to disentangle himself.

  “Um, Pup?”

  The hesitancy in Joey’s voice caused Kevin to come out of the wonderfully warm and fuzzy haze of passion he’d been enjoying.

  “I’ve been thinking. You don’t mind when I carry you about and shit like that, do you?”

  Kevin looked into Joey’s serious expression, and began to panic. Something was wrong. “Sir?”

  “I don’t make you feel uncomfortable or anything when I take charge, do I?”

  Hell, no! Kevin said to himself. But out loud he said, “No, Sir. Not at all. It’s…Well, it’s great. I love it when you dominate me, show me that you are stronger and superior to me.”

  Kevin tried to keep it together. Why was his sir saying these things? He didn’t want to break up with him, did he? No, Kevin desperately hoped it wasn’t that.

  “I don’t really understand how you can submit to me like you do.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I know I’m weak and not confident like you.” Kevin tightened his grip around his sir’s neck, hoping the man couldn’t tell he was scared. “I love everything you do for me. But honestly I wish I wasn’t such a pathetic cry-baby all the time. I’ve been trying to change, honest, Sir, I have. I know you don’t like it when I’m such a baby and I’m scared that you’ll…well you’ll…”

  Kevin didn’t think he could speak out loud his most frightening thoughts, which had begun to plague him throughout the night. They involved Joey growing tired of constantly looking after such a high-maintenance, weak and dependent boyfriend. Kevin had convinced himself Joey would leave him, and go back to his old life of bedding as many men as possible, and what Joey had just said was his way of starting the separation. Kevin felt the shakes getting worse. He didn’t think he could go on if Joey dumped him.

  “Stop it, Pup, stop it!” Joey’s harsh voice brought Kevin out of his nightmare scenarios. In a much softer voice, Joey went on, “Don’t go there.” He began to rub Kevin’s back. “I told you last night that you were the only man for me.” Looking right into Kevin’s eyes, he continued, “And you should know by now that I’m a m
an of my word.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Kevin felt a wave of conflicting emotions racing round his small body. He was glad Joey wasn’t rejecting him, but hadn’t he just said that he would try and be stronger and not cry all the time? And what was the first thing he’d gone and done?

  “Kevin, you’re my pup. Mine. You know I love you, so why are you so wound up?”

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  Joey’s kind voice and gentle caresses began to seep into Kevin’s feverishly racing mind, enabling him to calm down and resume a regular breathing pattern.

  Looking into Joey’s concerned face, Kevin said, “Sorry, Sir. I was just being stupid. Please don’t take any notice of me when I get like that.”

  “No can do. It’s my job to take notice of stuff that makes you almost piss yourself with panic.” After a few moments of silence, Joey asked, “So what happened?”

  Kevin tried to organise his thoughts, but truthfully he didn’t have an answer, or at least not one that made sense. “It was when you asked me if I minded being carried and all that. It made me think that you wanted to change things, and, Sir, I don’t want you to change anything at all.” Kevin ran his tongue around his dry lips. “And with you being gone last night, and I totally understand why,” he was quick to add, “I had some bad dreams, I imagined that you’d left me ’cause you were sick of babying me, and if I’m honest, Sir, I wouldn’t have blamed you if…”

  “Pup.” Joey lifted Kevin from his knee and set him in the centre of the bed. After disrobing quickly, he peeled Kevin’s leather jacket from him and set it aside. Joey then got into the bed, pulled Kevin to his chest and tucked the quilt over the pair of them.

  Kevin wriggled down Joey’s chest a little until his head rested above his lover’s heart. Joey began to run his fingertips through Kevin’s hair, an action which Kevin always found soothing.

  “We’re going to get to the bottom of all this. Do you know how horrible it is for me to see you so eaten up like you were? “

  As he lay listening to the steady and strong rhythm of his sir’s beating heart, Kevin knew there was absolutely no safer place he could be.


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