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Trucker and Pup

Page 29

by Drew Hunt

  “Jesus Christ!” Joey’s eyes flew open. It stung like a motherfucker. How the hell does he do it? he thought as he looked through watery eyes at his collared Kevin, who was gazing up at him, a concerned look on his face.

  “Stay still, Sir. Don’t move.”

  Joey had no intention of going anywhere.

  After a few minutes of protest, Joey’s ring gave up the unequal struggle and accepted its fate. Holding his breath, Joey sank all the way down, the previous pain replaced by a satisfying warm fullness.

  “You’re so tight.”

  “And you’re so big!”

  Joey could feel the sweat pouring from his body. Lifting himself up a couple of inches, he could feel his anal muscles gripping Kevin’s pole, not wanting to let go. Sinking back down, he rested for a moment before trying again. Joey found it all rather pleasant; he soon reassessed this, bumping it up to fantastic when he increased the speed and height of his lifts. Joey’s pleasure monitor went off the scale when Kevin began to thrust back at him. And when his prostate received a direct hit, Joey thought the fuse box had blown. The overriding feelings of ecstasy were too good to deny. Joey couldn’t help himself; he sped up even more until his orgasm overtook him. Through the lightning show going off in his head, Joey could see several ropes of semen being fired onto Kevin’s face, chest and belly.

  “Oh, my, God!” Joey collapsed on top of Kevin, spent from his exertions, the muscles in his legs protesting at the duties they’d been asked to perform.

  Straightening out, trying to relieve the pain in his calves, Kevin popped out of Joey’s rectum with a sucking plop, causing both men to giggle. Judging by the semi-flaccid nature of his lover’s manhood and the full reservoir at the condom’s tip, Kevin too had climaxed, but in his race to grab as much pleasure as he could for himself, Joey realised with some shame, that throughout it all, he’d solely focused on his own pleasure, and not on that of his lover.

  “I’m sorry, Pup.” Joey slid down Kevin’s body, located the waiting, slightly parted lips and delivered the sweetest, tenderest apology he could muster.

  “Huh?” Kevin said once Joey had removed his tongue from Kevin’s mouth. “Why are you saying sorry, Sir? That was so hot.”

  Joey became aware that he was putting all his weight on Kevin, so he levered himself up on his elbows and stared down at his partner’s flushed and sweaty face. “It was?”

  “Yes, Sir, definitely.”

  “That was pure animal sex. But…” rolling to one side, Joey got to his feet. With practiced ease he picked Kevin up from the floor. “…this will be sweet,” Joey interrupted his words with angel kisses around Kevin’s face, “Loving, gentle, slow, and tender.”

  Stepping over the piles of discarded clothes, Joey carried his man into the bedroom, determined to love him to the best of his ability.

  * * * *

  Kevin lay on Joey’s bed, a folded pillow under his bottom, as his sir slowly pistoned in and out of him. It was sheer agony. He’d gotten really revved up when Joey had power bottomed over him, his ever increasing plunges taking Kevin to a never before experienced level of ecstasy. But this annoyingly slow pace was such sweet torture. It was cruel and unusual punishment, it was intolerable, and Kevin couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Please, Sir, go harder.”

  “Uh uh.” Joey shook his head, an evil smirk playing across his lips.

  Kevin groaned when Joey slapped away his hand; he needed, he just had to get off.

  “What’s the magic word?” Joey asked, the same self-satisfied, superior half-smile on his face.

  “My sir is awesome,” Kevin tried.

  Joey shook his head, his maddeningly slow pace remaining unaltered.

  Even though Kevin had shot his bolt an hour earlier—Jesus, have I been tortured for a whole hour?—He knew he would simply go mad if he didn’t come within the next couple of minutes. He’d already soaked the sheets with sweat.

  “Er,” Kevin said, hoping he’d chosen the right words, “my sir is the strongest, most powerful, biggest most awesome love God in the whole world.”

  Joey laughed, “All that’s true, but it’s not the right answer.”

  Kevin whimpered, Maybe I could take my case to the European Court of Human Rights, he thought.

  “Want a clue?” Joey asked.

  With gritted teeth, Kevin nodded. He was so close to the edge; he’d been on the edge several times, but his lover had always stopped seconds before he reached his destination. It was maddening. And now he wants to play guessing games with me.

  “It’s just three little words, Pup.”

  Uh? Kevin’s brain was full of cotton wool. He couldn’t think straight, but then the light bulb went off in his head. “I love you!” Kevin shouted, not caring if half the town heard him.

  “Is the right answer!” Joey lifted Kevin by his thighs before delivering a series of hard thrusts directly to the man’s prostate.

  Kevin’s world tilted. He thought his insides were in serious danger of being expelled through his pee slit. He felt rather than heard himself screaming. His whole being vibrated as it celebrated his release.

  Though he didn’t have any way of measuring time, Kevin could have sworn his orgasm had lasted a full ten minutes. Even as he lay cuddled up to the damp, sweat-soaked body of his lover, his bringer of joy, of laughter and protection, Kevin still felt the occasional aftershock shiver through his totally spent body.

  “You awake?” Joey asked barely above a whisper.

  “Uh huh.” Kevin found one of Joey’s nipples and began to nurse on it.

  “You want to go and get cleaned up?”

  Kevin considered the question, but realised he didn’t have the energy. “Nope. I just wanna stay here and love you. Please, Sir, please don’t ever leave me.”

  Kissing the top of Kevin’s head, Joey said, “I promise.”

  Chapter 15

  Joey stirred. A quiet dripping sound was relentlessly eating into his consciousness, pulling him out of his sleep. Though he tried to ignore it, his brain refused to let go as it attempted to identify the source of the noise. He kept his eyes tightly closed, hoping if he ignored whatever was going on, he’d be able to recapture the comfortable dark warmth of his dream. But it was no good. The noise persisted.

  Giving in, he opened his eyes, lifted himself up on an elbow and stared hatefully at the rainwater hitting the enamel bowl in the far corner of Kevin’s apartment. They’d been forced to put the bowl there the previous week in order to catch the drips from the leaking roof.

  The insistent plopping stimulated Joey’s bladder, which began to fire messages to his brain, telling it that he needed to get up and visit the bathroom.

  “Fucking hell!” Joey swore under his breath.

  He didn’t want to venture out into the icy cold room, especially as it was so exquisitely warm under the quilt with his lover snuggled up to him. Hoping to hold off for a little longer, Joey sank back to the mattress and moulded himself against the smooth softness of his pup’s body. It was Monday and Joey knew he didn’t have a run until later in the morning. However, listening to the elements doing battle outside, he knew he’d have to get up soon to take Kevin to work. No way was he letting him stand at the bus stop in this weather.

  The pressure in Joey’s bladder became such he could no longer ignore it. Sighing heavily, he edged himself from under Kevin’s sleeping body, trying not to disturb the quilt too much, hoping he could keep as much warm air under the covers as possible.

  “Jesus fucking Christ!” he exclaimed quietly as his bare feet hit the cold threadbare carpet.

  He danced on tiptoe towards the thicker pile of the rug that lay in front of the gas fire. Igniting the ancient heater with a match, Joey turned the knob to full, praying it would take the worst of the chill out of the room before Kevin woke.

  Now he was vertical, the pressure on his bladder increased, telling him a visit to the toilet had become imminent. He rejected the idea of peein
g in the sink; if Kevin found out—which he was bound to—Joey knew he’d never hear the end of it. A quick glance round the room didn’t reveal the whereabouts of his trousers. He grinned, remembering the rapid undress he’d performed the night before as he and Kevin got down to some hot, heavy and very passionate lovemaking.

  Another spasm, more urgent than the last, told Joey he didn’t have time to muck about searching for clothes. Dashing naked out of Kevin’s room, Joey beat a hasty path towards the fortunately unoccupied bathroom.

  “Fuck!” The linoleum in the hallway and bathroom was so cold it burned his bare feet. Raising himself on tiptoe he made it to the toilet bowl just in the nick of time.

  After shaking off the final dribbles, Joey flushed the toilet and picked his way back across the hallway. “Shit! Bugger! Fuck!” In his haste to depart, he’d closed Kevin’s door, locking himself out. He knocked at the door and danced on the icy floor. To add to his woes, Joey heard someone ascending the stairs.

  Hoping he wouldn’t wake the whole floor, Joey banged harder. “Come on, Kevin, open the fucking door!” he said quietly through gritted teeth.

  The creaking stair treads sounded loud in the otherwise silent hallway. Joey knew it would only be a matter of moments before he was discovered in all his goose-pimpled naked glory. He could feel the cold seeping into his bones. His gonads had retracted into his body; whether through fear or cold, he didn’t have the time to speculate.

  Joey’s attention was brought back to the door when he heard the lock click. He watched, as the handle seemed to turn with agonising slowness. In his haste to enter the dark, slightly warmer but infinitely safer interior, Joey almost knocked a still half-asleep Kevin off his feet.


  Joey tried to steady his racing pulse. “I needed to piss and I got locked out.”

  “Why didn’t you just use the kitchen sink?” Kevin asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  Joey shook his head.

  Yawning, Kevin asked, “What time is it?”

  Through his chattering teeth, Joey said, “It’s still early.” The gas fire hadn’t done much to raise the room’s temperature.

  “Sir, go back to bed where it’s warm.” Kevin took hold of Joey’s hand and led him to the bed, getting in after him. Kevin involuntarily shrank from Joey’s shivering body. “You’re freezing.”

  “Sorry. It’s fucking brass monkeys out there.”

  “My poor sir.” Joey felt Kevin wrap his thin arms around him, unselfishly sharing his body heat.

  “Thanks, Pup.”

  Resting his head on Joey’s shoulder, Kevin said, “I like it when I can do things to help you.”

  Joey delivered a kiss to the top of Kevin’s head. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Kevin sighed. “Even though you’ve only been my sir for six weeks, I don’t know what I’d do without you, either.”

  Six weeks, Jesus! It only seems like yesterday when I picked him up from the tarmac and brought him home, Joey said to himself. Burying his nose into the soft and comforting pillow of Kevin’s hair, Joey drank in the heady aroma of his pup’s rich, safe and pure scent.

  Joey felt Kevin shudder. He knew full well why. Despite all the gains in self-confidence Kevin had made, Joey knew deep down his lover was still very unsure of the future, their future. Joey blamed himself for not providing the security his pup needed and deserved.

  Since they had got together there had always been that one final stumbling block, a line Joey had felt unable to cross. Because of his mother’s attitude towards his imprisoned uncle, a convicted paedophile, Joey knew if he openly declared his love for Kevin, he would lose the lifeline that his family gave to him. Though being part of a large extended family had had its disadvantages—the almost total lack of privacy, a seemingly endless line of aunts and uncles to whom he had to make dutiful and regular visits. However, he knew he would be lost without the safety blanket his relatives gave to him.

  Opening his eyes, Joey surveyed his surroundings. The illumination from the low-wattage bulb in the bedside lamp couldn’t disguise the grottiness of Kevin’s room. Hadn’t he told Kevin time and time again he ought to withhold part of his rent until the ancient hot-water system had been overhauled? Not to mention the ever-widening cracks in the walls, the loose windows in need of re-puttying. The leaking roof was only the latest example of how Kevin’s building had been neglected. Though Joey knew Kevin didn’t like living in such squalor, he also was aware his pup hated to make a fuss.

  Joey had invited, even demanded, Kevin come and stay with him for as many nights as he dare without drawing his mother’s attention to their relationship. She’d already commented a number of times how often she’d seen Kevin. Thankfully, Joey had managed to put her off the scent, but he was running out of reasons for Kevin to be at his place so often. Joey hated himself for not standing up and telling his mother that he’d found the love of his life, the person who completed him.

  Joey’s gaze fell upon the now peacefully sleeping man lying in his arms. Barely above a whisper, he said, “You’ve given me more love, more joy than I deserve.”

  It was no good; he couldn’t allow his lover to live in this shit-hole any longer. If his mother washed her hands of him, then so be it. Kevin needed him, and he needed Kevin. His mother would just have to accept it, and if she couldn’t—Joey shuddered—then she couldn’t.

  Now the decision had finally been made, a warm sense of satisfaction spread through Joey’s body. He felt like leaping out of bed and dancing round the room. The knowledge that he could now fully commit and give himself totally to his pup gave him such an incredible buzz.

  “This is right. Oh, God, this is so fucking right!”

  Kevin stirred, Joey hadn’t realised he’d spoken out loud.

  “It’s okay, Pup, go back to sleep,” Joey crooned. He wasn’t ready to share his news yet; he needed a few more minutes to savour the joy it gave him.

  * * * *

  Despite having made his decision, Joey still found his palms sweating as he stood—cycle helmet in hand—at the kerb looking up at the nondescript semi-detached house where he’d grown up. He wished fervently it were all over and he was back at home with Kevin.

  Joey had procrastinated over making the phone call to his mother. He’d walked past the instrument several times; even going as far as picking up the receiver, but the thought of actually dialling the number filled him with dread. In the end his mother had called him, informing him his presence was requested on Friday evening. Usually Joey tried to make excuses not to attend Shabbat, disliking all the Jewish mumbo-jumbo, the prayers and lighting of candles, but at least it provided him with the opportunity he’d been seeking to come out.

  Looking up in the sky, he saw to his dismay it was beginning to get dark. Years of brainwashing had taught him his mother began Shabbat at eighteen minutes before dark, and woe betide anyone who turned up late.

  Letting out a deep sigh, Joey put one foot in front of the other and made his way to the back door—the image of the condemned man shuffling to the scaffold firmly fixed in his head. He felt sick, his stomach was in knots, he knew what he was about to do would have an irrevocable effect on his family.

  Raising his hand to grasp the handle, Joey jumped when the glass-panelled door opened, the unwelcome figure of his sister standing in the opening. What the fuck’s she doing here? Then he realised it might be best if he got the whole thing over with in one fell swoop. He winced at his continued use of execution analogies.

  “Carole,” he said in what he hoped was a neutral tone.

  “Hurry up. It’s almost time,” she said, turning into the room.

  And good evening to you, sister, dear, Joey thought as he stepped inside the warm, damp kitchen with the all too familiar aroma of chicken and gefilte fisch. He had to swallow hard not to throw up, not that there was anything in his stomach; he’d been unable to eat all day.

  “You’re looking thinner,” his mo
ther said after replacing the lid on a steaming saucepan.

  “Ma, don’t fuss,” Joey said, delivering a dutiful kiss to her cheek before taking off his leather jacket, hanging it up and going into the dining room.

  Joey was shocked to see the table fully extended, with seemingly half his family sitting around it. Wincing at the number of people present, he began to have second thoughts about coming out.

  After obligatory greetings had been exchanged, Joey sat down in one of the few vacant chairs.

  “Joseph,” His father said, nodding at him.

  “Dad.” Joey looked over at the wizened, pasty-skinned old man who sat opposite, a line of drool clinging to his lower lip.

  Ever since Joey had reached his teenage years, the pair had done little more than acknowledge each other.

  Closing his eyes, Joey tried to think of something to lift his spirits. An image of Kevin’s unbelieving expression, when he was told of Joey’s decision to come out, swam into his mind’s eye.

  After Kevin’s initial euphoria had passed, his expression had changed to one of concern. “Are you sure, Sir? I know it’s a big step. I don’t mind carrying on as we are now. I’ve got your love…that’s all I need.”

  God bless him, Joey thought as he sensed other people taking their places around the table. All his lingering doubts about coming out were rapidly evaporating. Joey knew how much the clandestine nature of his and Kevin’s relationship ate away at his pup’s self-confidence. The fact Kevin was willing to allow Joey to keep up the deception with his family caused his heart to overflow.

  His resolve strengthened, Joey opened his eyes to see his mother strike a match and light one of the two candles which stood in ornate wooden holders on the table. He was relieved to realise he’d have to put off his announcement until the meal had been completed, because his mother would never allow any serious discussion to take place at her dinner table. Elation soon gave way to anger, however, Joey despising himself for his cowardice.


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