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My Princess: A Hotwife Novel

Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  It boggle the mind. I definitely couldn’t switch it off and on like that.

  “Come on,” I said. “Let’s get some food and then get ready for the big day. There’ll be lots of new people to greet!”

  “You’re talking about this like you’re a veteran or something. It’s only your second year,” Brandy said.

  “And it’s only your third year,” I said, with the hint of something that came close to irritation sneaking into my voice.

  Brandy grinned. “Now there’s what I’m looking for. I’m going to get a frown out of you yet by the end of the summer!”

  I responded by smiling my biggest and happiest smile. Let her try. She didn’t do it last year and she certainly wasn’t going to do it this year!

  We got our food, not much considering we had to be able to fit into our dresses for the rest of the summer, and stepped back out into the massive commissary where people were talking and shouting back and forth to one another and generally having a good time.

  “Come on,” Brandy said, nodding towards a table of people who stood out from everyone else because of their looks. “We’ll head over there and see what the new batch is like for this year. With a little luck we’ll get at least one prince who isn’t playing for the other team.”

  I rolled my eyes and took my own look around the room. Yeah, it was easy to pick apart the people who were there to act out roles versus the people who were there to do everything else around the park. There were a lot more people there to do all the other jobs, but it was simple enough to pick out the actors. For one they didn’t have on the typical Royal Company uniform. For another they just looked different.

  It’s not that there weren’t some lookers in the crowd. I saw a couple of guys I wouldn’t mind spending a little bit of time with, if you know what I mean. It’s just that all the people who were selected for acting roles where we showed off our faces to the public were a little too perfect. I know it sounded a little egotistical, but we were all perfect tens.

  It’s not like it was my fault that was the criteria the Royal Company used when they were selecting their people. It’s not like I could help what I looked like. I didn’t let it go to my head and I certainly tried not to treat anyone differently because they swept the streets instead of spending their day in a fancy dress.

  That didn’t stop everyone else from doing it though.

  “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather sit with someone else?” I asked. “There’s a table of guys over there who look pretty cute.”

  One of them looked up at me, frowned, then looked back down at his food. The one next to him, though. Damn. He was a looker. I’m talking he could be hot enough to work one of the prince roles if he wanted to. Maybe he wasn’t into acting or he didn’t know about some of the acting roles.

  He looked up at me and we locked eyes for a moment. In that moment I felt like something passed between us. It was an electric moment and I thought I might be able to reach out and touch the tension. His eyes bored into me and it was like he was looking straight into my soul.

  He was certainly going straight to other parts of my body if the dampness I felt between my legs was any indication. Damn! I took a step towards him before I felt a hand on my arm. I turned to look at Brandy and she had a confused look plastered across her face.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” she asked.

  “I saw a cute guy over there,” I said.

  She looked over my shoulder, her expression growing darker and darker by the moment. She glanced in that general direction, raised an eyebrow, then looked back at me.

  “That one is pretty hot. I’ll give you that,” she said. “But why in the world would you be caught dead with someone who isn’t an actor? You know how things work around here.”

  I looked back over to the table. The guy was still looking at me, but as I turned to stare at him again his buddy elbowed him in the side and the spell seemed to be broken. He turned away and the moment was over.


  “Come on lovergirl,” Brandy said. She started dragging me towards the table of new people. “You can drool at the help later. Right now we have new people to meet. I really hope that guy in the blue isn’t gay.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe you’d meet more guys who weren’t gay if you looked outside the actors? You’d have your pick of the entire park and you wouldn’t have to worry about competing with every other supermodel in our program to try and get the two or three guys who aren’t into each other.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” she said. “I’m not going to go against a tradition that goes back decades. Now sit your butt over here.”

  We were still arguing as we sat down at the table. The other people moved aside to make room for us. They seemed to take it as a given that we were welcome. As though to drive that point home as we sat down someone else who was wearing the regular Royal Realms uniform. It was a guy, of course, and he was staring at a pretty blonde across the table from me.

  “Hey guys! Just thought I’d…”

  A beefy arm shot out. I’m talking the sort of buff arm that usually belonged on body builders with Austrian accents. I stared at the guy and I’m not ashamed to admit that once more I found myself getting wet between the legs. Damn. Twice in one day.

  The guy holding out his arm to stop this new guy from showing up was hot. Really damn hot. Hot in a different way from the other guy who seemed to have a slighter build, but still hot. He had dark hair that was cut short so he could more easily fit into the various wigs the princes were suppose to squeeze into.

  Princesses relied on their regular hair. Princes were expected to be interchangeable depending on what outfit and what wig they were in.

  “I’m sorry,” the guy with the beefy arm said. “I didn’t even catch your name.”

  “Um, Trevor?” the second guy said. He suddenly looked nervous. My heart went out to him. His tray was almost shaking and it seemed like he was realizing too late how the pecking order went around here.

  I almost said something, but no one else around the table seemed in a mood to step in and stop it. I picked at my salad instead. I wasn’t going to get in the middle of it. If they didn’t want someone sitting at the table that was their business.

  “Trevor, nice to meet you,” the beefy armed guy said. “My name’s William.”

  Beefy arm, William, held out his other hand. The one that wasn’t being used to keep Trevor from having a seat at our table. Trevor looked at it for a moment then awkwardly repositioned his tray so part of his right hand was sticking out enough for him to shake William’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you William,” he said. “So can I sit at your table?”

  Huh. This was weird. I figured it would end with William telling this Trevor kid to piss off, but from the way he was smiling maybe things would turn out okay after all. I was starting to have a higher opinion of this William guy. If he was this nice all the time, and he wasn’t gay for that matter, maybe I’d even see about going on a date with him. I wasn’t a fan of playing the prince chasing game, but I could make an exception for a guy who really seemed worth it.

  “Let me tell you something Trevor,” William said. He suddenly yanked forward and everything on Trevor’s tray went clattering around and spilled all over the tray and Trevor as he nobly tried to keep it from falling on the poor girl sitting next to William.

  There were gasps around the table. There was telling people they couldn’t sit with us and then there was being a dick about it like this William asshole. I stared in astonishment. I couldn’t believe he was doing this, and I wasn’t the only one staring. Other people at tables around us turned to look as well, and none of them looked happy.

  I sank down in my seat. I did not want to be associated with this guy, and yet I could tell from the way everyone was staring at us, at all of us sitting at William’s table, that they were lumping us together. Some were talking and I could just hear what they were saying. T
he usual stuff about how stuck up we were.

  Not that they were all that wrong. If he was acting like this then we were guilty of everything everyone always accused us of.

  William went right on, ignoring the scene he was causing all around us. “People like you don’t sit at this table with people like us. It’s a memo everyone gets on the first day here, but apparently you didn’t get it, so I’m telling you now.”

  He reached up and grabbed a sandwich off of Trevor’s plate and took a bite out of it. Made a waving motion that was a clear dismissal.

  “Now you run off and think about the lesson you learned here today, and be glad I didn’t make the lesson even worse than this.”

  I stared in pure astonishment. I couldn’t believe William actually did that. More than that I couldn’t believe that poor Trevor guy actually turned around and walked away with his shoulders slumped like he was the one who did something wrong and not William. I looked at the angry faces all around us and thought about how unfair it was that I got caught up in this.

  Though was it really unfair? I was the one who sat at this table. I knew what the score was. I was also pissed off. Something had finally broken through the nice girl. This guy might be hot, but that didn’t excuse what he’d just done. I was pissed.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “Whoa. You actually frowned,” Brandy muttered.

  William turned to look at me. Though it would be more accurate to say that he looked me up and down. I added it to the list of infuriating things he’d done. I hated that I still felt a thrill feeling his eyes running up and down my body. That was definitely the look of a man who was into women.

  A pity that he was a first rate asshole and I’d never have anything to do with him.

  “Excuse me?” William said. “Did you just say something sweetcheeks?”

  “My name is Melody,” I said through gritted teeth. “And you don’t have to be such a prick to everyone.”

  William shrugged. It was a huge gesture with his massive shoulders rolling back and forth. I found myself wondering how it would feel to have those massive shoulders towering over me as he looked down on me while his cock was…

  I blushed. Damn it. I was mad at him. I was not turned on by this guy. I certainly wasn’t going to hop into bed with him, no matter what my traitorous mind might think.

  “Well Melody, maybe you’re new here but there’s a certain way things work,” he said.

  “I’m not new here. I was here last year and I’m pretty sure I didn’t see you here at all,” I said.

  William smiled and shrugged again. I wondered if he did that to draw attention to his shoulders. Her certainly had the attention of every girl at the table. They were staring and doing everything but drooling over him. They were certainly staring with interest. After finding out he wasn’t gay that was hardly a surprise.

  “I actually worked the California park last year and decided to move to the land of sunshine and orange juice for my stint this year. Maybe you do things different out here, but that doesn’t change the fact that dweebs like that guy shouldn’t be sitting at the table with us.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked around at the rest of the table. “Do all of you agree with this jerk?”

  Most of them were new, but there were a couple I recognized from last year. I could tell I was losing the fight too. I let out a growl and went back to my salad.

  “Come on Melody,” William said, ignoring that I was trying my best to ignore him. “You know you’re royalty here. You don’t go interacting with the commoners. That’s how it’s always been. Nothing’s going to change that now.”

  “Well it shouldn’t be like that,” I muttered.

  Everyone else at the table went back to eating and chatting as though nothing had happened. I glanced around and saw that even if everyone at our table had forgotten about it the people around us hadn’t. My gaze moved around until I saw that cute guy I’d been staring at before.

  From the look on his face he’d seen everything and didn’t like it at all. Damn. That made me feel worse than anything else.

  “Nice try,” Brandy said.

  I looked up at her and was surprised to see her smiling.

  “Why do you care? You agree with him!” I hissed.

  “Maybe, but I can still appreciate you sticking your neck out. Plus it’s fun to see you angry.”

  I picked at the rest of my food but I wasn’t very hungry after that. I kept thinking about that guy and the disappointed stare. I shouldn’t care, but I couldn’t stop caring.

  3: Assignment: Princess


  I stepped into the room and looked at the guy who was going to determine my entire summer. He looked like a bored middle manager except for his Royal Realms official polo shirt that said he worked where the magic happened.

  At least that was the line they’d shoved down our throats over and over again every time we watched a training video. I hadn’t spent much time at all actually learning anything about my real job.

  I sat down in a comfortable chair. Of course it was comfortable. They thought of everything at this place. Even for the workers. It was one of the big reasons why I was so eager to do a summer stint here even though everyone else thought I was crazy and should be working on my portfolio instead.

  The guy smiled and stood as I sat which made for an awkward moment. He extended a hand that I took and gave a firm shake then he sat down and had a look at my file.

  “Let’s see here. Isaac is it?” he asked as he flipped through the pages.

  “That’s right sir,” I replied.

  He looked up at me and fixed me with a stern look that took me back just a little. That was the first stern look I’d seen since arriving here. Well maybe the security guard had been a little stern on that first day, but still.

  “There’s no calling me sir in here, Isaac,” he said. “You can call me George.”

  I smiled. “Right. George. So where will I be for the summer?”

  He glanced through a few more pages and smiled. “It says here you’re actually a photography major?”

  “That’s right,” I said. I didn’t say anything about his tone at finding out I was “actually” a photography major. I could go on and on about people who thought anyone with a camera on their stupid phone or a cheap DSLR suddenly thought they were a photographer, but something told me George wouldn’t care even if I went into my prepared rant on the subject.

  “Don’t see much of that these days with everyone and their mother thinking they’re artists because they have a camera phone,” he muttered. “It’s getting really hard to find someone who knows more than how to point the camera at someone and hit the button.”

  I blinked in surprise. Okay then, maybe George was full of a few surprises. Interesting.

  George was muttering to himself more than anything else at this point, but I liked what he was muttering.

  “Normally we save one of these jobs for someone who’s been at it for a couple of years. They won’t mind with a portfolio like this though…”

  He looked up at me and slapped the file folder in his hands shut.

  “Good news kid. We’re sending you straight up to the big leagues!”

  I liked the sound of that, but I also had no idea what the hell he meant. There was so much lingo to learn at this park. I always felt so behind whenever they started talking in jargon. I just hoped I’d learn it all by the time I was done for the summer.

  “So could you tell me what the big leagues are? You have so many ways of referring to stuff that I have no idea what’s going on here.”

  George grinned. “You’re getting the best job in the park for someone slinging a camera, my boy. You get to spend the whole day in the air conditioning and on top of that you get to spend all your time with some of the most beautiful girls in the park!

  “Is there some sort of swimsuit issue for Royal Realms I didn’t know about? Because if so I’m all about helping out
with that,” I said.

  George grinned and shook his head. “Nothing quite like that, but I’m putting you on assignment with the princesses. You’ll be assigned a room and you’ll take pictures of the families coming through who visit with the girls. A pretty cushy gig. Don’t disappoint me.”

  Damn. That was nice. Really nice. When we were going through orientation it seemed like the best I could hope for was spending eight hours out in the hot sun constantly reapplying sunscreen and praying for death as I sweated the day away. Knowing that I would be in a place with air conditioning and insanely hot girls had me even more excited about my new summer job!

  “That sounds awesome,” I said. “Thank you so much!”

  “Don’t thank me kid,” George said. “I dabble in photography a bit myself. I understand it’s so much more than pointing and shooting. Especially in those dark rooms. I know you won’t disappoint me.”

  “You bet your ass I won’t!”

  It didn’t occur to me that swearing in front of a management type from the park probably wasn’t the best idea until it was already out of my mouth. Whoops. Though from the way he grinned it seemed like I wasn’t going to get fired over it. Not today, at least.

  Yeah, George seemed like a pretty cool guy. He reached over the desk to shake my hand and I took it again. Gave it a quick shake.

  “Go out and talk to Betty at the reception desk. She’ll have all the paperwork you need to report for duty bright and early tomorrow morning. Congratulations kid.

  I was walking on cloud nine as I made my way out to Betty’s desk. She was ancient and looked like she’d been working for the park since it was initially built decades ago, but she had that same cheery smile on her face that it seemed like everyone in the park had no matter where they worked. I was starting to realize that was because this place really was an okay place to work and not just because they were forced to smile.

  “Oh, he’s putting you on princess duty?” Betty asked.

  “Sounds like it,” I said.

  “They never give that job to people who are here for their first year. You must have had one impressive portfolio young man!”


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