Book Read Free

Broadway Baby

Page 6

by Alexandra James

  Pouring the milk on Mama seemed like a good idea at the time. What better way to voice her displeasure over being hungry and not being allowed to have her cookies. They bought those cookies at the store especially for Lily it wasn’t fair that Mama wasn’t letting her eat them! Then again Mama had made her one of her favorite sandwiches and she’d just let it go to waste and now her tummy was really grumbling and there was nothing she could about it.

  “Hey now,” Shelby’s gentle voice startled Lily and she fell into the woman’s arms when Shelby knelt to hug her.

  “I’m sorry, Mama. I just wanted my special cookies and now I’m hungry and my tummy hurts and won’t stop talking,” Lily wailed.

  Standing up, Shelby lifted Lily, supporting her bottom with her hands. Lily’s head immediately sought comfort in the woman’s shoulder. Shelby’s hair was still damp from her quick shower and Lily inhaled the wonderful scent of honeysuckle that was all Mama.

  Feeling Shelby sit in the rocker, Lily allowed herself to be turned and opened her eyes as Shelby cleaned her face with the ever present box of tissue from the side table.

  “I thought you might like this,” Shelby said as she handed Lily a peanut butter sandwich.

  “Thank you, Mama,” Lily mumbled around a mouthful of sandwich. “This is perfect.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” Shelby allowed Lily to finish the rest of the sandwich before handing her a bottle of water. Lily drank it quickly and sighed in contentment before putting her head back on Shelby’s shoulder.

  “Am I in really big trouble, Mama?”

  “Yes you are. Pouring milk on me was not nice, Lily Anne. What did you learn from your time out?”

  Lily sniffed. “That even though they’re my special cookies I can’t have any tonight and I should have eaten the sandwich cause I was really hungry and pouring milk on you is a really, really naughty thing to do cause you should drink milk even if it is gross.”

  “That’s right,” Shelby agreed. “Now what do you think Mama ought to do with a girl who did such naughty things?”

  Lily’s chocolate eyes looked into hazel in surprise. “You could, give her cookies and tell her not to do it again?”

  “Try again.”

  “Make her go to bed without her cookies?”

  “You’re getting closer,” Shelby encouraged.

  Lily sighed loudly, “I guess whatever you want because you’re the Mama.”

  “Very good, Lily.” A kiss to the top of her head made Lily smile slightly. “I think a little reminder to your bottom before I tuck you into bed is just the thing you need tonight.”

  “I don’t want a spanking, Mama.”

  “I know, but you have earned this, Lily Anne.” Shelby stood and carried her to the bed sitting on the comforter. Lily stood in front of Shelby and sniffed slightly when Shelby took Lily’s hands in her own, “Do you know why Mama is going to spank you, Lily?”

  “Because pouring milk over your head was naughty,” Lily sniffed.

  “It was very naughty,” Shelby agreed. “Can you think of any other reason?”

  “Because you’re the mama?”

  Shelby smiled gently at Lily, “That’s right, because I am the mama and you need to do what Mama tells you to do without throwing such tantrums.”

  Feeling herself being tugged by her hands Lily found herself face down over Shelby’s lap moments later. Shelby then moved Lily until she had a firm grip on her. Feeling fingers in the waistband of her panties Lily closed her eyes, wishing that her pants and panties hadn’t been pulled to her knees so easily. Hearing Shelby take a deep breath, Lily waited for the hand on her bottom to move. She didn’t have to wait long and as the spanks fell quickly, Lily kicked and squirmed.

  “Mama, I’m good! I don’t need a reminder anymore.” Her sniffles and tears began during the plea. Feeling a rapid fire of zingers to her now flaming bottom, Lily waited for a few moments and then felt her pants and panties being pulled up once more.

  “No more tantrums like that about food,” Shelby admonished as Lily finally sat upright in her lap.

  Lily nodded and yawned loudly.

  “Bedtime for you, little one. Are you going to sleep in here or with Mama?”

  “With you, Mama.” Standing once more, Lily made sure that Albie was in Lily’s arms before walking the girl to her bedroom so she could fall asleep while Shelby got ready for bed.

  * * *

  Shelby and Lily’s life fell into an easy routine. Double shows on Wednesdays and Saturdays off on Monday, and one show every other day of the week were interspersed with at least one adult date night a week. Little Lily and Mama were becoming more comfortable with each other especially at the theater and in public, but adult Shelby and Lily were also becoming more comfortable with one another and in the month they had been together things truly seemed to be falling into place.

  Lily had pushed some boundaries for sure, but Mama pushed back and all had returned to normal. Grown up Lily had also been pushing to see where Shelby’s stand on certain things were. She had yet to truly be punished as an adult but the idea was becoming more and more interesting. Lily often wondered what would happen if she pushed Shelby a little more than usual.

  Slipping into her dressing room, Lily jumped at the voice coming from the couch, “Where have you been, young lady?”

  “I was hungry so I went to grab a snack before the show.” Lily held up the bag from the deli two blocks away and then proceeded to try and ignore Shelby as she unpacked a huge piece of chocolate cake.

  “Do you really think that’s the best snack you could have before the show?” Shelby asked suddenly standing next to Lily.

  “It looked good, Shelby.” Lily reached in the sack and handed Shelby another container. “Here’s yours.”

  Shaking her head Shelby took the container and placed it in the small fridge Lily had in her dressing room. “This will be nice to have later. I’ve already eaten. Thank you.”

  Lily nodded and shoved a huge bite of cake into her mouth not able to protest when her piece of cake followed Shelby’s into the fridge. Swallowing Lily narrowed her eyes, “What the hell? I’m hungry and I was eating that.”

  Reaching in the mini-fridge once more Shelby pulled out an apple and some peanut butter. Placing them in front of Lily she smiled, “Enjoy.”

  “I want the cake,” Lily huffed.

  “And I want you to be able to keep up your energy without crashing halfway through the first act. Eat this and then get ready for the show. Then we’ll go to my dressing room while I finish getting ready.”

  “I’ll wait here for you, thanks.”

  “Eat your snack, Lily.” Shelby raised an eyebrow and Lily sighed. Giving in, she polished off the apple, dipping it in the peanut butter and then grabbing a large bottle of water from the mini fridge, she opened it and drank half before getting ready.

  When done she followed Shelby into her dressing room not surprised when the makeup artist directed Lily into Shelby’s chair and began to do the makeup for the show.

  Sliding out of the chair, as her makeup was finished, Lily flopped onto Shelby’s couch and watched while the older woman had the finishing touches put on her own makeup. Hearing the knock at the door indicating they only had fifteen minutes until curtain call Lily stood and finished the rest of her water. She had warmed her voice up earlier and now continued that with a few more vocal exercises.

  “I’m going to wait for my cue,” Lily said.

  “Break a leg, baby.”

  “You too, Mama,” Lily responded already moving into the headspace she easily fell into every night before the first curtain call.

  Lily was putting everything she had into the song before intermission. Her scene with Shelby that caused the woman to give her a few swats was coming up; in fact, it ended act one. Lily had been pushing all evening on stage. Her anger more real, her teenage emotions not being held back. She was still upset about the cake, even though she knew Shelby was right and she sho
uldn’t eat like that before a show.

  Hearing Shelby’s powerful voice as she came onto the stage Lily hit every note with hot emotion, as did her onstage mother. Lily and Shelby had finally come to the scene, as Lily had taken to thinking of it, and she threw herself into it full force not noticing the one set change of a straight back chair in the back of the stage.

  Not feeling the swats as expected Lily turned when she heard the chair being pulled into center stage and before she could bolt Shelby had her grasped firmly by the arm. Sitting on the chair she had Lily over her lap in one fluid motion, Lily’s skirt flipped up, and her hand coming down on Lily’s panty clad bottom faster than Lily could process.

  The audience was silent as Shelby stood Lily on her feet. Lily ran from the stage and the lights dimmed to thunderous applause. Moving off stage quickly, Shelby was given the thumbs up by Marvin and Lou as she hurried to Lily’s dressing room. Lily had pushed too much, and Mama had taken control back.

  Slipping into Lily’s dressing room, Shelby closed the door and made her way to the couch. Sitting down on the edge of it, she rubbed Lily’s back. “Lily?”

  “You spanked me!” Lily wailed.

  Sighing Shelby got Lily to sit up. Moving so she was sitting properly on the couch, Shelby pulled Lily onto her lap. “I did and you deserved every swat, Lily Anne.”

  “But, but…” Lily trailed off and Shelby rocked her gently.

  Putting her thumb and finger on Lily’s chin, Shelby made Lily look into her eyes. “You pushed tonight, Lily. It wasn’t just the show either, little girl. You were angry with me and you used your character to voice that displeasure.”

  “But you spanked me,” Lily whispered once more. “On stage, a real spanking.”

  “I did, and I’ll do it again if I need to. I imagine everyone thinks it was a stage spanking, Lily. Nobody needs to know any differently unless you want them to know.”

  Lily shook her head, “No, Mama. I don’t want anybody knowing you really spanked me.”

  “Alright, then let’s grab some of those tropical licorice bites you love so much, some water, and use the bathroom before we head back for act two.”

  “Mama, I’m sorry for pushing so hard tonight.”

  “It’s okay, baby. Come on, we only have about ten minutes left before we need to be back on stage.”

  The final curtain call brought a standing ovation for the cast and Lily and Shelby received the loudest applause as they held hands and bowed together. Leaving the stage the women relaxed as they hit the wings.

  “Nice show, ladies.” Cally came up behind them. “Great spanking by the way. I had no idea Lily could look so cute getting her tush warmed by her Mama.”

  “Knock it off, Cally,” Lily demanded.

  “Aw, is the little girl sensitive about Mommy warming her bottom in front of an entire audience?” Steve teased.

  Turning on her heel Lily punched the tall man in the gut causing him to gasp. “What the…”

  “Knock it off. No more teasing,” Lily demanded as she slipped from the crowd and tried not to run to her dressing room while it became eerily quiet back stage.

  Shelby rounded on Cally and Steve causing both actors to step back, “My dressing room, now.”

  “Oh shit, we’ve pissed off Mama bear,” Steve muttered as they immediately followed their older co-star.

  “Really? What was your first clue?” Cally snipped. “The eyebrow, the mom tone, or the fact that you made Lily punch you?”

  “Seriously, you’re gonna blame all of this one me?”

  “Children!” Shelby clapped her hands and motioned to her dressing room. “Enough, inside and shut it.”

  Both actors did as they were told and took a seat on Shelby’s worn couch as the woman paced in front of them. “I am going to go check on Lily. Do not move from the couch or from this room. We all need to talk, and damn it, it’s happening tonight.”

  Cally and Steve watched as Shelby left the dressing room almost slamming the door behind her.

  “Damn, we are so dead,” Steve ran a hand through his hair. “Who knew the kid would get so upset over some good natured teasing?”

  “You did,” Cally huffed and fell back onto the cushions. “Come on, you know she’s sensitive about that Mama stuff with Shelby. I don’t get it, but then again my folks are great in the grand scheme of things. Hers did nothing but fuck up.”

  Steve nodded, “Too true. You remember the first workshop we had with Lily? Her mom is never around and when she is, she’s a stage mother of the worst kind.”

  “Yeah, I guess living with Shelby has made them both protective of each other.”

  “Especially Shelby. She’s going to tear us a new one, Cally.”

  “I figured.” The young actress suddenly snapped her fingers and smiled. “I have it. Why don’t we invite Lily to do something with us tomorrow? You know, as equals. Not drinking, that’s for damn sure, but just something fun where we can make this up to her.”

  “And get Shelby off our asses?” Steve asked.


  “What did you have in mind?”

  Cally’s reply was interrupted by Shelby opening the door. “She’s gone and the two of you are going to help me find her.”

  “What?” Both adults jumped up and stared at the brunette.

  “Lily is gone. Go get changed and meet me back here in no more than fifteen minutes.”

  * * *

  “Where would she go?” The worry in Shelby’s voice was evident and Cally and Steve had never seen the woman in such disarray.

  “Honestly, we’ve hit all of her usual hideouts.” Cally’s voice was soft.

  “What about…” Steve trailed off and shook his head. “She wouldn’t would she?”

  “What?” Shelby demanded.

  “Her mom got back into town a couple of days ago…” Steve stopped again as Shelby nodded her head in understanding.

  “Take me there.”

  The trio reached the apartment building in twenty minutes thanks to one of NYC’s finest cab drivers. Getting past the doorman was easy since he had met Steve and Cally before. The doorman had even remarked on the resemblance Lily had to Shelby. Also, the fact that he had just let Lily in not ten minutes ago made Shelby’s heart finally stop beating so quickly in her chest.

  They had reached the elevator and Steve was just about to push the button when the doors opened to reveal a crying Lily. “She told me to come back tomorrow. That only an ungrateful brat would bother their mother this late at night.”

  Pulling Lily into her arms Shelby fought all instincts to go and give Cora Prescott a piece of her mind. “Let’s go home, baby.”


  “Go home, you two. We will be talking though.”

  “Night then,” Steve and Cally waved their goodbyes before heading into the night.

  “Could you hail us a cab please?” Shelby addressed the elderly doorman and the man gave her a toothy grin.

  “Anything for you, doll,” he returned shortly and tipped his cap at Shelby. “I managed to flag down a cab for you. Not as easy as it was in the old days, but I still have the magic touch.”

  “Thanks so much.”

  “For that smile, anytime,” he flirted as he walked to the cab and opened the door for Shelby and Lily. “Have a good night ladies, and stay safe.”

  * * *

  Lily had been too quiet on the drive home and hadn’t protested one bit when Shelby got her into their apartment and helped her into a clean pair of pajamas. Leaving Lily in her bedroom, Shelby had gone to hers to quickly change and returned to find her curled up on the bed holding Albie.

  “Come sit with me, baby.” Shelby’s voice was gentle and Lily moved to curl into the woman’s lap when she sat in the rocker.

  “Am I in trouble, Mama?” Lily asked after tucking her head under Shelby’s chin and snuggling into the woman.

  “A little bit,” Shelby admitted. “I do want to talk about what happe
ned tonight, Lily.”

  “I got mad.”


  “And I decided that I wanted to go and see Cora. Ask her why she hasn’t called or asked to get together or anything since getting back.”

  “How did you know she was back?”

  “One of the stage hands saw her on the subway a few days ago.” Lily sighed. “Not one word, Mama. Nothing. Then I get there tonight and she was mad to see me because I interrupted something she was doing and hadn’t called ahead to see if she was available. I shouldn’t have to make an appointment to see my own mother!”

  The anguish in Lily’s voice caused Shelby to hold her even tighter and rock her slowly. “You’re right, Lily. You shouldn’t have to make an appointment to see your mother, but for some reason she wants your relationship that way.”

  “It’s not fair and it’s not the way I want it,” Lily sniffed.

  “You’re right, it’s not fair, but it’s the way it is for now.” Shelby began to hum as she rocked allowing Lily her tears. Hearing silence Shelby looked down to find the young teen asleep.

  Standing Shelby carried the teen to the bed in the room and laid her down. Managing to pull the covers out from under Lily, Shelby tucked her in and watched as Lily slept. Her heart broke for Lily and the sadness Lily felt at not having the mother she wanted growing up or even now. Shelby couldn’t imagine growing up without the supportive parents she’d had and hoped that the relationship she and Lily were developing could help the woman in front of her experience the joys of feeling loved unconditionally.

  * * *

  Opening her eyes Lily frowned at finding herself alone in bed. Turning over she noticed the clock on her nightstand flashing two-thirty a.m. “Let’s go find Mama, Albie.” Tucking the bear under her arm Lily slid from the bed and made her way to Mama’s bedroom. Smiling when she saw the woman asleep in the middle of the large bed Lily crawled next to the woman. Bending down near Shelby’s ear Lily decided it would be a good idea if Mama knew she was there. “Mama!”

  Giggling as Shelby started Lily tried again, “Mama, I’m here!”


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