Book Read Free

Broadway Baby

Page 17

by Alexandra James

  “Okay Mama.” Lily yawned again and tried not to fall asleep before being tucked into bed.

  * * *

  “Mama, Mama, Mama,” the incessant chant from Lily caused Shelby to open one eye slowly followed by the other. Looking up she immediately was staring into dark brown eyes. “Are you awake, Mama? My tummy is talking to me and I think it’s telling me that it’s hungry.”

  “What time is it?” Shelby yawned as Lily laid down next to her and snuggled.

  “I don’t know, I can’t tell time yet.”

  “Lovely,” Turning her head Shelby read 10:03 on the clock and yawned again. “I guess I can get up and get us something to eat.”

  “Goody,” Lily kissed Shelby’s cheek and scooted off the bed holding onto Albie. “Cookies, can we have cookies?”

  Sitting up, Shelby shook her head. “No cookies, Lily.”

  “Aw Mama,” Lily pouted as Shelby slid from the bed and headed toward the bathroom.

  “Have you brushed your teeth yet, Lily?”

  “Nope. You told me that I had to wait for you because toothpaste doesn’t make a good art project on the mirror.”

  “That’s right,” Shelby pointed to her bathroom. “How could I forget the snowman on the mirror?”

  “I don’t know,” Lily shrugged. “He was nice and sparkly and everything.”

  “Yes, he was,” Shelby agreed. “Come on, teeth and then food.”

  “Alright Mama.” Lily smiled at Shelby and skipped into the bathroom ready to start her day.

  Both women finished their morning bathroom routines quickly and Shelby found herself being led by the hand into the kitchen. “Hurry up, Mama! I’m really hungry.”

  “So I see,” Shelby chuckled as Lily released her hand and climbed up a barstool.

  Sitting on the stool Lily shifted before sliding off and standing at the counter. “I think I’ll stand right now.”

  “That’s fine, baby.” Moving to the refrigerator Shelby removed a few items before walking back to the counter. Placing the items on the counter, she then walked to the cupboard and grabbed a few more things. “How about brunch today, baby?”

  “Sure Mama. What are we going to have? My tummy is talking a lot.” Lily’s statement was offset by the loud growling of her stomach. “See?”

  “I hear,” Shelby pulled out a large bowl and then grabbed the carton of eggs. “How do ham omelets sound?”

  Lily nodded her head as she watched Shelby get everything ready. “Can I help crack the eggs?”

  “Of course you can, baby. Come over here and stand by me and you can crack the eggs into the bowl.”

  Placing Albie on the barstool, Lily ran around the counter and stood next to Shelby. “Okay Mama, I’m ready put the eggs in the bowl. What do I do first?”

  Taking six eggs from the carton Shelby placed them in front of Lily. “Watch me.” Cracking the first egg into the bowl Shelby put the shell in another empty bowl on the counter. “Think you can do that and not get any shell into the bowl?”

  Lily nodded, “Yup.” Picking up an egg she stuck out her tongue in concentration and smashed it on the edge of the bowl. Egg went down the outside of the bowl as well as inside. Dropping the shell into the bowl with the other eggshell Lily grimaced. “That’s gross, Mama.”

  Lily was just about to wipe her egg-covered hand on the T-shirt she slept in when Shelby stopped her. Running Lily’s hand under the water in the sink, Shelby chuckled, “Next time don’t hit the egg so hard, baby. You aren’t smashing them you’re cracking them.”

  “Are you sure this is the way to do it, Mama?” Lily asked looking up into Shelby’s relaxed face as she dried Lily’s hand off with a kitchen towel.

  “I’m sure. Try again,” Shelby directed.

  “Help me?” Lily asked picking up another egg.

  Not able to turn down the look on Lily’s face Shelby nodded, “Of course.” Placing her left hand over Lily’s right Shelby helped her crack the egg in the bowl. “Good job, baby,” Shelby praised when the egg went into the bowl rather than on the counter.

  “Thanks Mama,” Lily’s smile covered her face and she picked up another egg. “I’ll try this one alone but you watch.”

  Shelby nodded, “I’m watching. Go ahead.”

  Sticking her tongue out once more Lily cracked the egg on the side of the bowl and smiled happily as she was finally successful at getting the egg into the bowl. “I did it!”

  Feeling a hug from Shelby, Lily’s smiled wider. “You sure did, baby. Now can you handle cracking all the other eggs while I get the other ingredients ready?”

  Lily nodded, “Yep. I’m an expert egg cracker, Mama.”

  “I am so happy to have your help, baby.” Shelby kissed Lily on the top of the head and then picked up the knife on the counter ready to attack the ham.

  The omelets came together quickly and Lily was soon sitting on her knees as she ate her food. “These are really yummy, Mama.” Lily shoved another bite into her mouth. “Do you think it’s because I helped with the eggs and added all the stuff inside?”

  Putting down her fork Shelby smiled at Lily, “I am sure that’s the reason these turned out so wonderfully. I had the best helper ever today.”

  Sliding off her chair Lily moved to Shelby and sat in her lap, “Really, I was the best helper ever?”

  “You were,” tapping Lily on the nose Shelby kissed her on the temple. “Now, you go and finish eating and then we’ll clean up and get on with the rest of our day.”

  * * *

  “Mama, Mama!” Lily’s call caused Shelby to groan. She knew Lily had gone to bed as little Lily and woken up as little Lily and it seemed as if big Lily wasn’t going to show anytime soon.

  Walking down the hallway Shelby smiled at the picture being held out to her. “What’s this, baby?”

  Moving toward Shelby Lily pointed to the picture. “That’s you and me feeding the ducks at the pond. And there’s the hot dog cart,” Lily pointed out as Shelby chuckled.

  “I love it, Lily.” Shelby pulled Lily into a hug and then took her hand. “Come on we need to go out to the living area and talk.”

  “But I want to make another picture,” Lily pouted.

  “You can make another picture later, Lily.” Shelby kept walking and Lily reluctantly followed her.

  Sitting on the couch Shelby pulled Lily down next to her placing the picture on the end table. “We need to talk, Lily.”

  “About what, Mama?” Lily asked moving to sit on Shelby’s lap.

  “We need to talk about what happened between big Lily and Shelby yesterday,” Shelby said quietly.

  “I can’t talk about that, Mama.” Lily ducked her head under Shelby’s chin and wrapped her arms around her.

  “I know, Lily. But it has to be discussed tonight.”


  “I don’t want to let it go too long,” Shelby explained. “I’ve already called Lou and told him we weren’t coming to work tonight.”

  “You what?” Lily moved and looked up at Shelby. “Without asking me?”

  “You weren’t in a place for me to ask,” Shelby replied quietly. “We need to work this out, Lily. Tonight.”

  * * *

  Leaning her head on Shelby’s shoulder Lily nodded slightly, but remained silent. It was true that she wanted to be little and had loved interacting with Mama today, but part of the reason for refusing to connect at an adult level was her fear of Shelby’s punishment. Her bottom still hurt from her impromptu spelling lesson and Lily really didn’t want any more lessons like that.

  Still shocked that Shelby had called Lou without talking to her first, Lily fought with herself a little bit more and decided to test the waters. “Why did you call Lou, Mama?”

  “Because I wanted to talk to you today, Lily.” Shelby used her finger to tilt Lily’s chin upward. Locking gazes with Lily Shelby lowered her voice, “Every time I’ve tried to talk with you today you’ve either ignored me or gone off to play. I had to do som
ething, Lily and if taking the night off work is what it takes then that’s fine with me.”

  “Well it’s not fine with me.” Lily finally was able to lower her gaze when Shelby let go of her chin. “I like playing and I thought you liked the picture that I made for you today, Mama.”

  “I love the picture that you made for me, baby, but sometimes Shelby and Lily need to talk as well.”

  “But Shelby spanks a lot harder and longer than Mama does,” Lily gasped and covered her mouth as that piece of information slipped from her.

  Shelby seemed to be trying to keep from smiling. “I am aware of that, Lily. That’s because Shelby knows that big Lily needs more than little Lily when she’s done something that requires punishment.”

  “What if Lily doesn’t agree?”

  “Then she needs to talk with Shelby to figure out if there’s an alternative,” Shelby explained. “However Lily needs to know that sometimes Shelby will have the final word because that is how they agreed their relationship would work.”

  Lily nodded. “Yeah, Shelby likes to be in control all the time. I bet Shelby would make a great dictator.”

  “I think Shelby would only like to be Lily’s dictator.”

  “Just like Mama, huh?” Lily asked.

  Shelby nodded, “Yep, just like Mama.”

  “I don’t want another spanking, Shelby.”

  “I don’t think it can be avoided, Lily.” Lily shifted so that she and Shelby were now facing each other on the couch. Holding onto Shelby’s hands Lily frowned at the sentence handed down by Shelby.

  “Why not?”

  “Too many rules were broken, Lily. Especially the one about drinking. You know how I feel about that, and Mama already spanked Lily once for that discretion. Now it looks like Shelby and Lily need to have that same conversation.”

  “Yeah,” Lily sighed. “I was so angry, Shelby,” Lily admitted. “I know my mother deserved being arrested, but it was easier to take the anger at what she tried to do to us out on you.”

  “I understand that, Lily.” Shelby touched Lily’s cheek gently. “But you broke some pretty big rules not to mention you were thinking of doing something illegal to try and get Cora out of our lives.”

  “Yeah I guess I wasn’t thinking too clearly when it came to the blackmail idea,” Lily admitted. “But I still think a couple drinks aren’t that big of a deal.”

  “And leaving the theater when I told you to wait for me?”

  “I was mad and just wanted to get home. I didn’t want to hang around or anything so I decided to leave.”

  “I didn’t want you alone because of what had happened. I wanted to be able to help if there were any photographers or reporters around, Lily.”

  “I didn’t think of that,” Lily admitted, “But I still don’t think I should be spanked for leaving the theater. I was so angry it was best that I left, trust me.”

  “Alright,” Shelby said. “I can give you that one, but next time you need to tell me or leave a note. You can’t just disappear on me, Lily. It’s not safe.”

  Lily released a large breath, “Thank you. And I will, I promise. Though I hope there’s not a next time.”

  “Me too,” Shelby smiled at Lily. “We still need to talk about the drinking, Lily.”

  “Come on, Shelby, is it really that big of a deal? So I had a few glasses of wine after a rough day. It’s no more than a lot of people would have done.

  “The big deal is that any type of alcohol is off limits to you, Lily Anne. You know that and you agreed to that rule when we talked about it.” Shelby put her hand on Lily’s cheek and then held Lily’s hands once again. “By drinking you showed that you had little regard not only for the rules but for me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, Lily that you didn’t just drink, you disrespected me and our relationship by so blatantly disobeying the rules we had established.”

  “I never meant to do that, Shelby.” Lily’s face dropped. “I was just reacting to the news of Cora’s arrest, to my fears about the media, and the anger that she forced you into doing something like that.”

  “I know that, baby,” Shelby replied gently. “But you can’t allow your emotions to rule your better judgment.”

  Lily nodded and snuggled into Shelby, “So am I in trouble for the drinking?”

  “Yes, Lily.” Shelby allowed Lily onto her lap and hugged the girl close. “I think we need to have a long discussion on why you don’t drink and why that rule is in place.”

  Lily sighed, “I know why it’s in place. I’m underage and I could easily get alcohol poisoning because I’m so petite. I also promised you that I wouldn’t drink anymore. I broke my promise to you.”

  Shelby smiled gently and kissed Lily on the top of her head. “Very good, Lily.” Sliding Lily from her lap Shelby stood and held out her hand. “Come on, baby. We need to take this into the bedroom and finish our discussion.”

  Lily walked as slowly as Shelby would allow until they reached the bedroom. Sitting on the bed where Shelby indicated Lily watched as Shelby moved to the corner cupboard. On the glass-covered shelves, there were a few framed photos, Shelby’s two Tony’s, and a display of personal notes or cards that Shelby regarded as important. Lily had never really explored the cupboard and now wondered what the bottom wood-covered shelves held.

  Shelby opened the bottom of the cupboard and removed a box. Kneeling on the floor she opened the box and removed one item before replacing the box on the only shelf. Closing the doors Shelby picked up the item and stood taking a deep breath before returning her focus to Lily.

  Seeing Lily’s eyes widened in surprise, Shelby slowly walked to the bed and sat down next to her lover. “What are you thinking, Lily?”

  “I’m thinking that paddle looks scary,” Lily whispered.

  “Maybe just a little bit,” Shelby acknowledged turning the small leather paddle over in her hands. “But I want to make sure to make an impression with you since this is the second spanking you’ve had about drinking.”

  “I think the spanking from Mama was more than enough,” Lily tried.

  “I don’t.” Shelby’s voice was firm. “I told you, Lily, that spankings between us would be different. This is one of those differences.”

  “Where did you get that thing anyway?” Lily asked trying to prolong the impending punishment for as long as possible.

  “I bought it the same day that I bought the vibrator you like so much.” Shelby smirked. “I decided that I wanted a toy as well. I have a few other items in that box that I’ve used over the years. A collection of sorts and I’m sure that you will feel most if not all of them on your bottom at some point in time.”

  “Can I look in the box?” Lily asked.

  “Nope. At least not tonight,” Shelby brought Lily into a one armed hug. “It’s time we get started, baby. No more stalling.”

  “You picked up on that, huh?”

  “I did,” Shelby moved back on the bed and helped Lily to stand. “It’s time, baby.”

  Pulling Lily to her left side Shelby gently pulled down her yoga pants and panties. Taking a deep breath as Lily’s eyes began to tear, Shelby was nearly knocked over when Lily threw herself at Shelby. “Please not the paddle.”

  Pulling Lily from around her neck Shelby sat the brunette on her leg. “You are going to be spanked, Lily. How you are spanked is up to me. I am sorry that you’re so upset about this spanking but it is going to happen. I love you too much not to give you this, Lily.”

  Lily nodded into Shelby’s shoulder, “Okay.”

  Standing Lily up once more Shelby maneuvered her over her lap allowing the bed to support Lily’s upper body. Her bare bottom was in the perfect position and Shelby wasted no time in bringing her hand down at a slow and steady pace on Lily’s pale globes.

  Shelby stopped the warm up when Lily’s bottom was a rather deep shade of pink. Lily’s cries increased when she felt the leather paddle being rubbed on her bottom. “I’m g
oing to paddle you now, Lily. I want you to remember that by breaking the rules we’ve established in our relationship, you don’t only let me down, but you let us down.” With that Shelby raised her hand and began to bring the paddle down at the same rate she had been using with her hand.

  Watching Lily’s bottom continue to color, Shelby made sure that none of the swats with the paddle were too hard. She wanted a slow fire to build and really didn’t want to leave bruising. Realizing that this was something she never had to worry about when spanking little Lily, Shelby’s heart sank when the figure over her lap began to cry for Mama.

  “Mama, please stop. I’ll be good. Please Mama, please. I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again.”

  As Lily went completely limp over Shelby’s lap the older woman gave a final stinging swat to each sit spot before ending the paddling. Her baby needed Mama and she wasn’t going to let her down. “It’s all over, Lily. All done,” Shelby spoke quietly pulling Lily onto her lap allowing Lily to sit more on her hip to avoid her sore bottom.

  Lily nodded and continued to cry. Slowing her tears Lily shuddered and looked up into Shelby’s face. “Mama,” Lily’s voice was quiet. “Shelby spanks really hard.”

  “She does, huh?”

  Lily nodded, “I understand why she does it but I don’t like Shelby spankings at all.” Wrapping her arms tightly around Shelby, Lily began to cry once more when Shelby stood and carried her the few feet into her bathroom.

  “Let’s get your face cleaned up, baby, and then we can go snuggle in bed.”

  “Can I have Albie, Mama?”

  “Of course, baby,” Shelby replied gently washing Lily’s face with a soft washcloth as Lily stood in front of the bathroom sink still sniffling. Finishing with Lily’s face Shelby helped her back to the bedroom and placed her in the bed. “I’ll go get some pajamas and Albie for you.”

  “Okay Mama.” Lily lay on her tummy on the bed and didn’t have to wait long for Mama to return with her favorite pair of pajamas, Albie, and her pink piggy.

  Shelby made quick work of undressing Lily, and then redressing her in her pajamas. Pulling the covers back on her bed, she allowed Lily to climb in first, and then climbed in next to her. Making sure that Lily had Albie tucked under her arm while the pink pig rested next to her, Shelby laid on her back and Lily moved so that her head was on Shelby’s chest.


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