Avoiding the Badge

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Avoiding the Badge Page 15

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  “So, I have a question.”

  He smirked. “Hopefully I have an answer.”

  She giggled. “Did you bring your handcuffs?”

  Having just taken a swig of his water, he almost choked. Derek managed to swallow and then looked at her. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Uh...” Her eyes went wide, and she dragged her teeth over her bottom lip. “Well...did you bring your handcuffs?”

  Wow! Was she? No way. Well...maybe? Derek looked back at the road. Only one way to find out. “I have a set in the glove box, also zip ties. Why do you ask?”

  She pulled her hand free of his and twisted it with her other. “Oh dear, I really hope you don’t think this is weird. But if you do, it’s okay. I think. I mean...well, it’ll just have to be okay.”

  “I can pretty much guarantee there’s not much of anything I find weird.” Derek had no clue what she was going to say, but he was praying to God it was that she wanted him to use them on her. Christ, if that was the case, he might bend a knee right then and there and ask her to marry him. Okay, slow your roll, Shirley! No need to get all jump-off-the-deep-end crazy.

  Man, the thought of her in wrist restraints? Goddamn...

  When she stayed quiet, he prompted. “What’s on your mind, Doc?”

  “Well...” She looked away from him, focusing on the windshield. “I was wondering if you might want to use them on me.”

  Ding! Ding! Ding! Jackpot! Derek’s dick went rod-hard. “Absofuckinglutely!”

  She jerked her attention to him. “Really?”

  “Oh, hell yeah, really! You want that, I’ll give it to you. Fuck, Doc, that kind of play? I’d love to have that with you. I mean, we’ve already kinda been heading that way, don’t you think?”

  A shy smile arched her lips. “Yes. I mean, I think so.” She shrugged one shoulder. “I have no experience with it, but I like what we’ve been doing so far.”

  Derek had seriously just died and gone to heaven. His version of heaven anyway. “You think you want to explore more, in addition to restraints? Maybe other things?”

  “Can we talk about what those other things might be?”

  “Affirmative.” He nodded. “It’s really about doing what you’re comfortable with. Babe, we can try anything you want. If you don’t like it, we stop and don’t do it again. Simple.”

  “Okay.” She dragged her teeth over her plump bottom lip and then nodded. “Yes, okay.”

  He took her hand in his again. “Okay.”

  Derek would tap the brakes for sure, but someday, no doubt, he was going to marry this woman. When a man knows what he wants, he goes after it, and Derek was no different from any other man.

  Except for the fact that he happened to be head to toe alpha male—who was totally into a little dominant or bondage play, or both.

  Bottom line, Derek wanted Rayna, for always.

  The woman was perfect for him.

  Chapter 15

  “After you, Doc.” After opening the door into the hotel room, Derek stepped to the side to let her pass.

  “Thank you.” She smiled and stepped by him into the room.

  Derek closed the door and stepped a few feet into the space. He tossed the key card onto the small dresser and focused on Rayna. The rest of the ride up to Prescott had been filled with three things: sexual tension, anticipation, and light conversation.

  Rayna had to be nervous. Hell, he wasn’t exactly the picture of calm. The plan was a nice dinner and then see the band, but before they did any of that, first they needed to talk...because later that night, he planned on binding her wrists, like she’d asked for.

  “This room is amazing.” She smiled and set her small bag down on the chair in the corner.

  “Agreed.” He smiled and motioned to the bed. “Can you sit for a minute? We need to talk.”

  “Of course.” Without hesitation, she moved to the foot of the bed and sat. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is very much okay.” Derek stepped in front of her, squatted down so he could be eye level and took her hands in his. “We just need to talk through some things before we go any further.”

  “Okay.” She dragged her teeth over her full bottom lip.

  Jesus, he loved when she did that, so much so, it was all he could do to not get a hard-on each time he witnessed it. Somehow, he reeled himself in so he could focus on what needed to be discussed.

  Establishing this foundation, this understanding between them, absolutely needed to happen. Derek stroked his thumb over the back of her hand. “As you know, I’m a dominant man, Rayna.”

  A soft smile arched her lips. “Yes. And I like that about you.”

  “Glad you do. You also know, I enjoy talking dirty.”

  A slight blush rose on her cheeks. “Yes, I like that, too.”

  “I know you do.” He couldn’t help but smile back. “Then there’s the spanking.”

  Her eyes got big, and then she closed them, letting out a sigh. “Yes, I really like that.”

  “Yeah, I really do, too. In fact, I love it. Love making your skin all pink and feeling how wet that makes you.” He cleared his throat and did his best to ignore how hard his cock had gone. “But there’s more to it than that.”

  “Okay. Tell me.” She leaned forward a little.

  He drew in a breath and continued. “I like things different, Doc. Maybe a little rough too—though not too rough. Know that I’ll never hurt you. Not the bad kind of hurt, anyway, if that makes sense.” He smirked when she nodded and let out a little giggle. “Yeah. Like I mentioned in the truck, I’m open to all things sexually, and anything you want to try with me, I’m happy to give you. You can ask me anything, and I’ll answer you honestly and openly.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Relief filled his chest. This was happening, and he was so ready to take her there. He sighed and gave her hands a squeeze. “This might be a lot for you to take in or process, and I don’t expect you to jump in with both feet, but at the very least, I need to make sure you’re okay with where we go sexually tonight. We can go as fast or as slow as you want or need. Either way, I need you to tell me which way you want to go. I need you to communicate with me, before, during, and even after, so I know how you’re doing. Is that clear for you? Are you good with that?”

  “Yes.” She blew out a breath and smiled. “I’m nervous, and excited and...curious. Is that weird?”

  “Baby, no. Never weird.” He leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss. “Nothing we do, or try, or anything you end up liking is weird. I don’t want you to ever think that.”


  “Okay.” He nodded. “Do you need to freshen up before dinner?”

  “No, well, do you think I need to?”

  “Doc, I think you’re fucking beautiful no matter what, so no, I don’t think you need to. But if you want to, then that’s okay, too.” He smiled and stood, pulling her to her feet.

  Rayna circled his neck with her arms. “Thank you.”

  He placed his hands on her hips. “For?”

  “For everything.” She rose on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his.

  Derek pulled her body tight to his and melted under her touch. He never thought a woman would or could ever have this kind of effect on him, but here she was. Living and breathing, and in his arms.

  Rayna might be the one submitting to him sexually, or would be later that night, but Derek had done the same with her. He’d submitted: body, heart, and soul, and as a result, given her all the power.

  For him, there was no turning back now.

  * * * *

  “Here’s to overnight trips!” Rayna raised her glass.

  Derek smiled and raised his. “Yes, and how about, here’s to more of them.”

  “Oh, even better!” They clinked glasses, and she sipped
her margarita. Barely able to sit still in her seat, she was a ball of nervous energy and excitement. He’d planned this trip for them. He’d driven. He’d booked the hotel and made the dinner reservation. All she’d had to do was pack a bag.

  Scary because she really liked the way it made her feel. It was nice, refreshing. Moreover, it was a relief. And yes, that was all really scary. Outside of her patient appointments, which her staff handled, Rayna wasn’t used to anyone doing the planning or scheduling for her.

  They’d finished dinner and moved on to the bar where the band he wanted to see was playing. When they were done here, they’d head back to the hotel.

  Then...he was going to use his handcuffs on her.


  Handcuffs that she’d asked for.

  Dear Lord.

  Rayna set her glass down and reached for a napkin. What was it going to feel like? The pasta she ate was sitting like a brick in her stomach. Not because it didn’t taste good, on the contrary, every bite had been delicious. Unfortunately, right now, nerves were winning the digestive battle.

  “Pretty quiet over there.” He put his warm palm on her knee. “You okay?”

  I’m terrified and turned on at the same time. “Oh, yes. Fine. Just checking out the crowd.” She smiled and placed her hand on his. “It’s a colorful gathering.”

  “Definitely. Lots of tattoos and beards.” He chuckled and glanced around the outdoor patio of the bar. “Fun for all ages. Oh hey—” Derek stood and clasped palms and hugged a bearded guy carrying a guitar case. “Good to see you, man.”

  “Yeah! You, too. Thanks for coming up.” The guy smiled.

  Derek’s palm came to her shoulder. “Jay, this is my girl, Rayna. Rayna, this is Jason.”

  His girl...

  Oh dear. That felt good.

  Really good.

  They hadn’t discussed labels, commitments, or exclusivity. She hadn’t given it much thought. Really, to be honest, she just hadn’t allowed herself to think about it.

  “Ahhh.” Jason smiled at Derek then focused on her. “I see, I see.” His smile was warm and reached clear to his eyes. “A pleasure to meet you.”

  She took his offered hand and couldn’t help but smile, too. At the musician, but more because Derek had called her his girl. “Likewise.”

  Jason turned back to Derek. “You guys staying the night or heading back down to the Valley tonight?”

  “We’re staying. Got a room at the St. Michael.” Derek massaged her shoulder as he talked. That was another thing he’d done for her. She’d always heard about the historic hotel they were staying in. Had always wanted to stay there, someday. It was on her list of all the other things she was going to do “someday.” But now, here she was, doing it. All because Derek was giving it to her. His girl...

  “Oh, sweet! Maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of a few ghosts.” Jason laughed.

  “You never know.” Derek laughed, too. “Not much a badge and set of cuffs do in those situations, right?”

  Rayna’s stomach jumped, and a rush of heat flooded her lower body...not because they were talking about the fact that the St. Michael was allegedly haunted. No, it was because he’d mentioned handcuffs. Good grief. Rayna uncrossed and re-crossed her legs at the instant throb that started between her thighs.

  In the matter of two minutes he’d not only melted her heart, he’d also managed to wet her panties. Rayna was sure he had no idea he’d done either.

  “Gonna go set up. Good to see you.” Jason smiled and then looked down at Rayna. “Nice to meet you.”

  She nodded and managed to speak even though she was aching with arousal. “Same to you.”

  “Later, man. Shot of Jameson coming your way in a bit.” Derek shook the guy’s hand again and then sat once more.

  Speaking of shots. She leaned over to Derek. “A shot sounds fantastic.”

  “Yeah?” A corner of his lips arched in a grin. “Tequila?”

  “Oh yeah. Tequila for sure.” She bent closer and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

  Gazing into her eyes, he moved his hand from her shoulder to the nape of her neck, taking it in a soft grip in his warm palm.

  “One tequila for my girl.”

  My girl...

  * * * *

  Derek watched Rayna from his seat as she stood, clapping along to his buddy Jason DeVore’s song, “Wasted Youth.” She liked the music, but then again, it wasn’t hard to like Jason’s songs. The guy had an intoxicating fun vibe.

  Derek hadn’t paid much attention to the show because he’d watched her all night...hell, he didn’t want to stop watching her. In his eyes, she was so beautiful and sexy, he wasn’t sure he could stop staring at her even if he tried.

  They’d had a couple drinks: beers for him, margaritas for her. Plus, they’d done a shot right before the start of the show. Rayna had been nervous, not that she’d told him so. He’d known it, though. Felt it rolling off her in hot waves. She’d needed the shot.

  Now her nervous edges had smoothed out. Now she was feeling relaxed, enjoying the music and having a good time. Now she was smiling and flirting with Derek, and each time she did that, he was thanking God he’d taken Jeff’s suggestion three weeks ago and finally asked the woman out on a date.

  Their relationship was going to turn a corner tonight. She’d taken another step in the direction they were already heading sexually...she’d asked to be bound. Derek was more than happy to oblige her. In fact, he was fucking elated.

  There was still the matter of his daughter to discuss, and he’d get to that. Truth be told, considering their convo on the way up to Prescott, he was even more nervous now about how she’d react. Either way, before any more time passed, he needed to tell her.

  Derek ran a fingertip along the back of her bare thigh, just below the flowy skirt of her dress. She glanced back at him. He gave her a crooked smile. “Having fun, Doc?”

  “Oh, yes.” She bent to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. “Awesome show. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He captured her lips in a quick kiss.

  As she stroked her tongue over his bottom lip, Derek groaned and cupped the back of her head in his palm.

  Yeah, fucking elated didn’t even begin to cover it.

  Chapter 16

  Rayna sat, perched on the edge of the wooden desk chair in their hotel room, with lust pumping through her veins like a river of hot lava.

  She was naked, except for her panties. Her heart raced, thudding in her ears. Her nipples were hard as stone, and her clit pulsed and throbbed, aching to be touched.

  Derek hadn’t used the cuffs, but instead secured her hands behind her back with a set of plastic industrial-grade zip ties from his glove box. Much to her surprise, she’d been a little disappointed. She had really wanted to feel the cool metal of the handcuffs against her skin, but Derek was worried they’d be too hard or rough on her soft skin.

  This tender concern of his had only served to amp up Rayna’s arousal even more than it already was—which, considering the minute he’d pulled her arms behind her back and secured them, she’d soaked clean through her panties, she didn’t think it was possible to be more turned on, but she was. She really, really was.

  And so far, this was the most erotic thing Rayna had ever experienced in her entire life.

  “You look so fucking beautiful. I’d love to blindfold you.” He thrummed both of her nipples. “I wish I’d brought something for that.”

  Rayna sucked in a breath and swallowed. “I’ve never been blindfolded before.”

  He squatted down in front of her. “We’ve got plenty of time to try that soon enough. The anticipation is just as hot.” He gazed down her body then back to her face. “Fuck, you’re beautiful, Rayna.”

  More of the tender and sweet. Rayna felt her throat get tight and heat rise up he
r chest. The things he said to her, she just...she knew he meant them. He really thought she was beautiful. She could feel it from head to toe. “Thank you.”

  As far back as she could remember, Rayna had kept control, maintained discipline in all things. It was exactly how and why she’d gotten as far as she had in her career and been successful with her practice.

  He circled around, stopping behind her. “Spread your legs.”

  The idea of being bound and then directed, or ordered to do something, should appall her. It didn’t. None of the things they’d done so far together did. The spanking had been a huge deal for her. The fact that she’d enjoyed it so much, another shock for her.

  Here she was, bound and at his mercy, ready to take whatever he was going to give her and open to all he would make her feel.

  Sure she was nervous, but she wasn’t scared. There was a difference. A huge one. Rayna knew she could tell him to stop, and he would. He’d respect her wishes. Derek would take care of her. Rayna was safe. He wouldn’t hurt her...not physically anyway.

  But it was quite clear to her, in that moment, from a consenting sexual point of view, she had no control over anything. Not him, and sure as heck not herself.

  There was freedom in this newly found lack of control. Without another thought, Rayna let go...of every and any illusion of power. And as she did, a sense of ease filled her mind and limbs, spreading through her body.

  Still at her back, Derek threaded his fingers through the length of her hair. “Love your hair.”

  Rayna closed her eyes and just let herself feel. She felt the press of his fingertips at her scalp, massaging her. Then she felt them brush through her hair again, then the sting when he gripped the strands.

  He pulled the length to the side, then she felt his warm breath and then his lips at her neck. “You taste so good.”

  Rayna’s head lolled from the side to the back of her shoulders as he caressed her neck and shoulder with his lips and tongue. He smoothed one hand from her shoulder down to one breast and cradled the underside of it, while stroking his thumb over the nipple.


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