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Bring Me Back

Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Bring Me Back

  Jenika Snow

  Sam Crescent



  Bring Me Back

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  About the Authors

  Also by Crescent Snow Publishing


  by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow


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  Copyright © February 2017 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: February 2017

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  Cover Design: PopKitty

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.


  When darkness sweeps you under, you can either fight to get to the top, or let it drag you under.

  The past is behind me, and now it’s time to enjoy life, or that’s what I tell myself. That’s what I’m trying to do.

  And then he sweeps into my life like a tornado. But he doesn’t destroy me…he helps heal me.

  Until Adrian I was content to let it pull me to the bottom.

  Until Adrian I was content enough to keep moving through life.

  But I’m done pretending that I’m happy with who I am, with where I’m at. I want to let Adrian show me that living doesn’t have to be toeing the line. And I don’t care what anyone says, not Alex, my brother, and certainly not my childhood crush, Holden.

  * * *


  I’ve never let my past dictate who I am. Fighting has been the only solid thing that keeps me grounded, that lets me get out the self-hatred and pain I keep buried deep down.

  But then I see Skylar. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

  She has her own darkness, her own heaviness that weighs on her. With her I feel like the world is right, that things make sense.

  She says I’m helping heal her, but she’s the one who makes me feel complete.

  I’ll go to any lengths to keep her by my side, even if that’s going up against the two people that have been a constant in her life… the two people who know I’m not good enough for her.

  Chapter 1


  There is something very profound about taking the next step in your life. Fear and excitement are expected emotions when the unknown presents itself. But the bone searing terror that I feel at this exact moment, as I stare at Baker Hall East, my home for the next four years, is not something they warn you about in the welcome letter.

  The bag in my hand holds all of my precious valuables, everything I’ve accumulated in my eighteen years that means something to me. They may not be worth a damn, but to me they mean everything. The deep breath I inhale should have calmed me somewhat, but all I feel is tightness in my chest.

  “Don’t worry. Everyone feels scared shitless on their first day.” My brother Alex grins at me. He moves past me, a bag in each hand. I am at least thankful that I have him to help me through this transition.

  My parents follow toward the wide stone steps of my dorm, and together we are about to make this an experience, a new memory.

  “Seriously, Skylar. No worries.”

  I glare at my brother. “Easy for you to say.” My grumble falls on deaf ears as Alex stops right before the entrance and flirts with a girl. Oblivious as parents are, my mom and dad walk right by him and inside to bring the last few items that I own to my room. The leash I hold tightly in my hand starts to vibrate. When I glance down, Frank's tail is wagging from side to side, and his long, stubby body is bouncing around. I adjust the bag in my hand and make my way toward Alex.

  The girl he’s still talking to turns her stare to me and then drops it down to Frank. The look of disgust is evident on her perfectly painted face and I can feel myself bristle. My dog might not be the most attractive thoroughbred around, but he’s mine and I love him. She opens her mouth and I know what she's going to say.

  “There are no—” She wrinkles her nose at Frank and slices her arctic stare back up to me. “—dogs allowed in the dorms.”

  As if my furry companion can tell what a bitch this girl is, he growls. Frank got the short end of the stick when it came it looks. True, a pure Dachshund, he is shorter and plumper than any other of his kind. He is loyal and sweet, unless you are the arctic queen standing before us. Before I can even make a rebuttal in Frank's defense, Alex speaks.

  “Mandy, this is my younger sister, Skylar.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I can't help but smile at the protectiveness in him. To anyone else, Alex probably seems like a hard ass, but I know the real him.

  Mandy looks into my brother’s face, a smile covering her expression. It is one I’ve seen a dozen times before from girls.

  “I didn't know you had a sister, Alex.” And just like that I'm forgotten. “Really, though, dogs aren't allowed inside. She can tie him up out here though.” She lifts her arm and points a manicured finger toward the tree.

  “I'm not leaving him out here alone. This is a new place for him and I'm sure he will get freaked out.” I speak to Alex because this Mandy girl has already pissed me off. When Alex doesn't say anything, just continues to stare at his next conquest, I'm sure, I huff and shove the leash in his hand. “Here, watch him while I take this stuff inside.” I snatch a bag out of his hand and make my way inside.

  Aside from the few bags I brought today, all of my stuff has been moved in beforehand. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have Alex or my parents to help me through all of this.

  Especially having Alex here. I smile as I think about my brother.

  He’s been attending OSU for three years, knows the place like the back of his hand, and can be my personal tour guide. He also lives only five minutes from my dorm, so that eases a hell of a lot of stress.

  Students pack the halls of Baker Hall East, and I have to continuously excuse myself as they loiter around. Already I feel out of place, but I know that with time things will become more comfortable. At least that is what I keep telling myself.

  Once I make it to my room my parents are already unpacking my clothes and putting them away. I might have felt annoyed by this on any other day, but today I’m thankful.

  I drop my bags to the floor, and stand there for a full minute looking around. The room is definitely small, even with two twin beds and a couple of dressers. I almost wish I had gotten one of those rooms with a private bathroom.

  “Oh, look, honey, Sky brought Thelma.” My mot
her holds up the raggedy doll my grandmother knitted for me when I was born. Mom’s smile is big and I can almost see the memories running through her mind. My dad looks at her over the rim of his tortoise shell glasses and I can see him trying to hide his smile. When he drags his gaze over to me, the grin he tries so hard to hide breaks into full gear. It takes everything inside of me not to roll my eyes and groan.

  “Please, Mom.” I don't bother keeping the exasperated tone out of my voice. I may have brought the damn thing with me, but I am still embarrassed by it. It isn't my mortification that the doll is brown with age, riddled with holes, and missing an eye. No, it’s the fact that I am eighteen and still have to sleep with it. My mother knows it, my father knows it, and if I don't get it out of my mom’s hands, the whole damn floor will know about it.

  Once the doll is safely in my possession, I put it back in my bag. “I need to get back out there. Alex has Frank but I have a feeling his attention is elsewhere right now.”

  My father shakes his head and my mother sighs. None of this is unusual, of course.

  My parents follow me outside, and as soon as I see Alex I can’t help but shake my head. Three years at OSU haven't changed him in the slightest; in fact, I think it’s made him worse. He leans against the building, one arm propped above the girl named Mandy's head, his upper body bent close to hers. I can almost imagine what he is saying, but his voice is low, too low for me to pick anything up.

  When I’m close enough to hear the sickening pickup lines this poor girl is no doubt buying, I snatch Frank’s leash out of Alex’s hold. It takes him a moment to realize I am standing beside him, but when he does he pushes off the wall and all focus on Mandy is gone.

  “Mom and Dad brought in the last of my things.”

  Mandy grabs his arm and whispers something that makes him grin.

  “Are you sure you'll be alright, honey?” Mom has me in a death hug before the words are out of her mouth. Tears are thick in her voice, and I wrap my arms around her. I’m glad to be getting out on my own, but I’d be lying if I didn't say I'll miss being at home. When she finally releases me, my dad pulls me into his arms.

  “Don't let anyone mess with you. If they do, you tell me or your brother.”

  Dad’s words are so low only I can hear. Despite the fact he is a high school math teacher and looks the stereotypical part, he really is a force to be reckoned with.

  “Don't worry; if I need someone's ass kicked I’ll get Alex on it.” I’m teasing, kind of. I know Alex will watch out for me. He always does. He is a big brother in every sense of the word.

  “I know, honey. Your mother and I just worry about you.”

  I hug him tighter, feeling tears prick my eyes. I am excited to start this new chapter in my life, but I will miss home. Having Alex attend the same school will help some of the homesickness I know I will be feeling.

  I feel Alex wrap his arm around my shoulder. We both watch our parents leave. Our mother has tears streaking down her cheeks, but her smile is wide and proud.

  “Well, you ready for all of this?” Alex turns me to face him, his smile wide and somewhat suspicious. My look causes him to laugh hard and he shakes his head. “Listen, go get settled in and I’ll be back in a few hours to pick you up.”

  “Pick me up?” He's already leading me back to the front entrance of my dorm.

  “Yeah, my roommates and I are having a small party tonight. I figure you can meet them since I know you'll be over constantly to see this mutt.” He gently squeezes Frank’s side and he yelps. Frank starts licking Alex's hand. “Holden's looking forward to seeing you, too.”

  I feel this flush steal over me.

  Holden has been my brother’s best friend since grade school, and one of his roommates. He is also the guy I have secretly had a crush on since I knew what the word meant.

  “Party, Alex? I don't know.” I know all about his “parties.” In high school they consisted of our parents gone for the weekend, alcohol, and usually topless girls giving lap dances to the football players.

  He shakes his head. “Come on, Sky.” He chucks me under the chin. “There will be food, Holden’s there.” He winks and I feel my cheeks heat. “And it’ll be nice hanging with you.”

  “I don’t know. I should unpack—”

  “It’ll be fine. You need to get out. I know damn well you have been cooped up at home.”

  He gives me a pathetic look and I chuckle. “Okay.” He gives me a hug, pulls back, and scoops Frank up.

  “I’ll let you unpack, and take this mutt to my place to get used to it. Keep your phone by you and I’ll send you a text before I leave the house to come get you.” I nod and watch Frank’s fat little tail wagging as he watches me over Alex’s arm. I feel a twinge of sadness. Frank and I have been inseparable for four years, and although he won't be sleeping in my bed anymore, I know Alex will take good care of him. Alex was, after all, the one who got Frank for me.

  I turn and stare at the building. This is it, and there is no going back now. I just need to not make a fool out of myself when I see Holden again.

  Chapter 2


  When I finally make my way back to my dorm all I can do is stand in the doorway and stare. My bed is pushed to the side, up against the white cinder block wall. My roommate’s bed is opposite of mine, and a small desk is at the foot of each mattress. All in all, the room reminds me of what a prison cell would look like. Heaving a deep sigh, I go to my bed and start unpacking my stuff.

  “Hey, watch it, prick.”

  The voice coming from down the hall draws my attention. Before she even enters the room I know that coarse language has to be coming from my roommate. At least I hope. I’ve heard horror stories from Alex about his freshman year and the roommate he got stuck with. I have been dreading who I will end up bunking with, praying it isn’t someone uptight and that I will be able to get along with her.

  When she rounds the corner and steps into the room I know my eyes have to have widened in surprise. The first thought that comes to my mind is that I am bunking with a gypsy. Her hair is a wild mass of black curls, falling over her shoulders and down to her waist. The sound of twenty bangle bracelets jangling against her wrists precedes each step she takes. Her multicolored ankle-length skirt swirls around her as she literally sashays through the threshold. She is gorgeous. All of a sudden I feel very plain compared to her.

  “Oh hey. You must be my roomie.” I should be offended by the way she eyes me up and down, but her warm smile makes it hard to feel that way. She offers her hand to me and I take it. “I'm Claire Jacobson.” She drops my hand and tosses her bag onto the free bed. “Do you have a name or should I just call you girl?” She is teasing, I can tell in her voice.

  “God, I'm sorry.” I feel my cheeks heat as embarrassment washes through me. “Skylar Sarris.” Claire laughs and lifts her hand as if to brush my comment aside.

  “No worries. I was just giving you a hard time.” She continues to remove things from her bag. The sound of her bangle brackets jingling on her wrists seems to fill the room and keeps me in a kind of trance.

  “What's your major?” Claire doesn't stop putting her stuff away as she makes small talk with me.


  Claire laughs and turns around to face me. “Undecided, huh?” I look at her sheepishly before smiling myself. “Hey, you're entitled to be your first year. Just don't let it carry over after that or you become one of those students.”

  “One of those students?”

  She sits down on the edge of the bed and leans back, resting her upper body on her elbows. She watches me for several seconds before smiling.

  “Yeah, one of those students that are in college for like six years, making it a career.” She laughs. “One of those students that enjoys the college life way too much to actually grow up.” She tosses her hair over her shoulders and watches me intently. I just nod my head in acknowledgement. “So, you from the area?”

  I shake
my head before saying, “Not the Columbus area. I lived in Seville before coming here. My brother has been attending OSU for three years.”

  “Seville one of those out-of-the-blue towns where you bring your tractor to school?”

  I start laughing. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”

  She grins. “I can tell you and I are going to get along just fine.”

  I meet Alex outside of the dorm a few hours later. I hear the bass in his Jeep before I actually see him rounding the corner. I can't help but roll my eyes as he stops at the curb. I can feel the deep, rhythmic thumping all the way to my bones. I quickly look around, feeling embarrassed by how obnoxiously loud his music is. His windows are rolled up so I can't make out the lyrics, but I have no doubt they are fast, loud, and filled with profanity.

  When I reach the door I pull it open and am immediately assaulted with an array of profanities that have me blushing harder. I am used to Alex's choice of music since that is what he would blast in his room at home when his friends were over. But when students actually stop what they are doing to openly stare at us, it is the first time I was mortified. I quickly slip into the seat and shut the door.

  “Do you have to have the music so damn loud?” I hiss through my teeth and the only response I get from him is a chuckle. He does turn the music down, though.

  “You better get used to it because once we get to the house it's gonna get a hell of a lot worse.” He shifts the Jeep into gear and makes his way down the road. During the three years Alex has been going to OSU I have never once visited his place. He started off in the dorms, but during his second year he and a bunch of his buddies decided to rent a house about five minutes from the main campus.

  It only takes me a minute to realize Frank isn't in the car. I don't need to ask Alex where my dog is because he is already answering my unspoken question.


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