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Jimmy's Game (Ruthless)

Page 32

by Karen Clow

  Jimmy woke three hours later, because she was kissing his back and gently running her hands over him. Turning to her he said, “Morning babe, I had a terrible dream about us, I thought you were going to leave me.” “That wasn’t a dream Jimmy that was a nightmare, leave you, never! Anyway, we’re getting married in a few weeks why would I leave you?” They both grinned and then they kissed. His hands were all over her as he whispered in her ear “I love you babe.” With a smirky grin she replied, “Love you too,” then she gently pulled herself onto him and straddled his stomach. Lifting his arms up she tied him to the head board, with the stockings which were still hanging there. Giggling she looked at him and said, “Pay back is a bitch!” Laughing he replied, “Be gentle with me babe, I’ve had a rough night!” With him firmly tethered to the bed she rode him like a wild mustang, this one was for her, although there certainly weren’t any complaints from him.

  It was two o’clock that afternoon when they finally left the bedroom to shower. With a huge grin on his face he said, “God I’m ravenous, all that shagging you made me do has given me an appetite.” “I made you do? I didn’t hear you telling me to stop,” joked Maria. “Nor will you. Shall we eat out and then go shopping I want to buy you something nice.” “Ok but you don’t have to buy me anything.” “I know, but I want too.” Remembering back to the previous night, she didn’t argue with him.

  While she went to get ready he phoned Mickey, “Alright Jimmy what’s up?” “Nothing, just wanted to check everything’s ok so I can take Maria out to lunch.” Sensing that something had happened by Jimmy’s tone, he replied, “Everything’s fine mate, you go out and enjoy yourselves. Why don’t you have tonight off as well, there’s no need for you to come to the club; I’ll check them out if you want to stay home with Maria?” “Are you sure Mick?” “Yeah, with Monica in hospital, I’ve got nothing better to do.” “Cheers then, we’ll try and call in to see Monica later today. Just bell me if anything crops up.” “Will do, but just in case I don’t catch you at the hospital, let’s arrange to meet at Dixie’s in the morning.” “Ok.” “So where are you going to eat?” “Shades, Maria really likes it there.” “Of course she does, tell her we only own the best restaurants, enjoy yourselves, I’ll see you tomorrow if not before.” Maria appeared just as the call ended and said, “I’m ready, where are we going?” “I wouldn’t mind going to Shades.” “Me neither, I really like it there.” “I know babe, if it was nearer we’d eat there more often, but in heavy traffic it’s an hour’s drive from here.”

  Maria particularly liked Hugo the chef and Jason the head waiter, she missed him since he moved from Jimmy’s restaurant Satins to Shades about a year ago. When Jason moved in with his girlfriend Lorraine, the apartment they rented was only a ten minute walk from the restaurant, so when he had asked if he could change restaurants, they were only too happy to oblige. Jason had worked for them for about six years; he was very good at his job, running the restaurant like clockwork. The other bonus was he got on well with Hugo, which is always a good thing, as chefs are renowned for being bolshie. Shades did a good regular trade, every lunch time it was packed with high class executives who worked in the nearby office blocks.

  A moment later Jimmy was on the phone, “Alright Jason, Jimmy here, is it too late to book a table? Jason laughed and said, “The restaurants quietening down a bit now, good job you didn’t ring before, it was heaving. I’ll tell Hugo you’re coming, because he normally stops serving around half three.” “Cushty, tell him we’ll both have the chef’s special if that makes life easier for him.” “I’m sure it will, I’ll see you both soon then.”

  Forty minutes later, they were sitting in the restaurant chatting to Jason while they waited for their meal. Maria said, “How’s your partner Jason, Lorraine isn’t it?” “Yes, I’m proud to inform you that she’s three months pregnant, I’m going to be a dad.” “Oh congratulations Jason, do you know what sex the baby is?” “Nope, we don’t want to know; as long as Lorraine and the baby are both ok that’s all that matters.” “What a lovely way to think. I’m sure they’ll both be fine.” Maria liked Jason from the first day she had met him. Not particularly handsome, what you would call average in height and looks, but he was a nice man, in his late twenties, a good worker, very solid and reliable. Hugo the chef waved out to them as he called Jason over to collect their meals.

  By the time they had eaten they were the only people left in the restaurant. Hugo had left earlier after cooking their meals, but he would be back by six as Saturday night was always the busiest.

  As they were leaving, Jimmy handed Jason five twenty pound notes and said, “Buy something for the baby.” “Thanks Jimmy it’s appreciated; Lorraine has seen several things she wants to buy, with all this she can.” Maria kissed Jason on the cheek as they left.

  On the drive home Maria said, “That was a lovely gesture to give Jason that money.” Smiling he replied, “When we have kids they’ll want for nothing, I just wish it was the same for everyone. When Lorraine has the baby you can go out and buy it something nice.” This was the Jimmy she loved; despite his dark angry side he would always be her hero.


  The weekend seemed to fly by, they’d been shopping which saw Jimmy buying Maria several gifts; including some sexy underwear that he’d chosen. By Monday evening it was as though they had never argued, everything was back to normal. He’d arranged with Mickey to call in on the clubs, well more specifically Dixie’s and Sweet Cheeks, as they had asked Tony to check in on Lazer.

  Shaun’s wife Ann just happened to call and ask if she could visit that evening to run over some details about the bridesmaids. Maria knew it was a set up, and that he had arranged it through Shaun, because he still wasn’t happy about leaving her alone, knowing that the Jamaicans were still a threat. She didn’t mind, she really liked Ann and secretly she could ask her how she had coped being married to Shaun, considering he was more or less the same as Jimmy.

  Mickey’s car horn sounded outside just as Ann arrived. “I’ll see you later girls, I should be back by midnight; have a good evening,” called Jimmy as he made his way out the front door.

  During the drive to the club he briefly told Mickey about the argument he had with her. Mickey replied, “I can understand why she would worry, but I’m certain everything will be ok now.” “I hope so Mick, I’m never going through that again.”

  Reggie was at the door of Sweet Cheeks, with a smile Jimmy said, “How it going Reggie?” “It’s quiet, not unusual for a Monday; Jacky Boy and Kevin are inside.” Entering the club they walked over to the two bouncers. Mickey said, “Alright lads, where’s Shane tonight then?” “It’s his night off, he’s taken that dancer out.” “Oh yeah Max, are they taking bets on whether or not he’ll shag her?” Kevin laughed and said, “Of course, I think she will Jacky Boy thinks she won’t, we’ve got a pony on it!” They all laughed. There had been no sign of the Jamaicans, so they had a couple of drinks then went onto Dixie’s, it was the same there all quiet on the Jamaican front and Tony called to tell them that everything was normal at Lazer.

  They talked about Monica and the shooting; Mickey said, “Her parents will probably be going back to Devon now she’s doing so well.” “They seem like nice people.” “They are, but I’ll be glad when they’ve gone and I don’t have to worry about them, not that they’ve asked for anything, but you know what it’s like, I feel obligated to take them for dinner and that.” “Yeah I know, so are we doing the clubs again tomorrow night?” “Yeah, I suppose so.” “In that case why don’t you come over for dinner, it would please Maria” “I’d love too.”

  They left the club just before midnight. Jimmy dropped Mickey off en route to his apartment.

  The girls were still chatting when Jimmy walked in, although he did notice how quiet it went as he had entered, but despite sensing that they had been talking about him he just shrugged it off. “Alright girls, I hope you’ve been behaving yourselves.” “Would we dar
e do anything but,” said Ann with a giggle. “Is Shaun picking you up babe?” “Yes, he’s actually on his way.” Looking out of the window Jimmy said, “He’s just pulled up.” “Wave out the window Jimmy, let him know you’re back, it’ll save him coming up,” said Ann. Kissing Maria on the cheek she thanked her for a lovely evening then left. Jimmy watched from the window as she got into Shaun’s car, before he poured himself a glass of wine, Maria declined as she’d already had several with Ann. She was just about to ask him how things were at the clubs, when his phone rang. “It’s almost one o’clock,” he said as he read the caller ID and said its Shane,” answering the call he said, “Alright Shane what’s up?” “Sorry its late Jimmy, but I had to wait until I’d taken Max home to bell you.” “What’s up then?” “I took Max to the restaurant tonight.” “I already know that, in fact I imagined by now you’d be back home giving her one.” “Yeah I’d imagined the fucking same! We had a great time, but it’s going to take me several nights out before I get into her knickers!” They laughed then Jimmy said, “What did you call me for?” “Something weird happened with Max when she saw Samuels at the restaurant.” “What do you mean weird?” “It would be easier to talk about it tomorrow, it’s a bit involved. What are the chances of you and Mickey meeting me at the club in the morning, around ten?” “Yeah that’ll be fine, so is there anything else, because unlike you I will be getting laid tonight!” Laughing Shane replied, “I didn’t say I wouldn’t get laid tonight, I just said I wouldn’t be shagging Max!” “Dirty bastard, happy shagging, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What did Shane want?” said Maria as he closed his phone “Is everything ok?” “Not sure really babe, he said something about Max and Samuels, I’m meeting him in the morning, I’ll find out then.” Noticing that she looked worried he added, “Why don’t you come with me?” Laughing she replied, “Are you sure you don’t want to ask Ann to just pop round so you can leave me here?” He just grinned. “Oh that reminds me Jimmy, while you were out Leon phoned me, he asked if we had anyone who could cover tomorrow night at the restaurant?” “Why?” “Jeremy’s mum has been rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack. They just need someone to cover the bookings and greet the diners; take their coats; show them to their table; that’s all. I told him I could do it if he was really stuck.” Giving her a strange look he replied, “You know I don’t want you going anywhere on your own at the moment; not until we know what’s going on with these fucking Jamaicans. It would be different if I could go with you, but you know I’ve got things to do, there must be someone else he can ask?” “Leon wouldn’t have phoned me if he had someone else, you know that.” Aware that he wasn’t happy about it, she quickly added, “Ann said Shaun would be available to run me.” Knowing that he still needed convincing to let her do it, sarcastically she said, “Well it is my restaurant and at least you wouldn’t have the problem of getting me a baby sitter!” “Cut the fucking sarcasm Maria, I’ll only agree because Shaun’s available to take and bring you back, but I don’t want you making a habit of it, even if it is your restaurant.” “Thanks, I’ll let Leon know first thing in the morning.” Hoping to change the subject she went on to say, “If you’re not too tired, I’d like your opinion on the underwear you bought me at the weekend. Or we can leave it till tomorrow if you like?” Grinning he replied, “Oh I think I can stay awake long enough to give you an opinion.” “Great, wait here while I go and put it on.” Within minutes she was standing in the doorway seductively posed; with one leg bent resting her heel up the door and her arms behind her back as she leaned against the door frame. From the moment he saw her, he could feel himself becoming aroused. Standing there wearing a dark mauve basque, complete with stockings suspenders and black high heeled shoes; she looked so sexy. Rising to his feet he moved towards her, grabbing her and pushing her against the door. With burning desire for him she fumbled to undo his fly. Unable to wait he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom, gently throwing her onto the bed.

  “Jimmy go steady I don’t want you tearing it,” she said as he yanked at the straps so he could pull the top down to expose her breasts.” “I’ll buy you another one. Christ I want to fuck you so bad!” Moments later he was ripping her knickers off, leaving just the basque and stockings. Kissing her passionately he held her hair and thrust himself into her. She knew he wasn’t going to last long from the sheer eagerness and passion at which he’d entered her. They made love which was hot and passionate, until finally falling asleep.

  The following morning when she woke up; she was still wearing the basque and stockings, all that was missing were her knickers.

  Later that morning he was sitting at the table with his tea mug in his hand, he looked so tired. She had let him lay in until nine o’clock, only calling him then because Mickey was due round just before ten. “You don’t look too good Jimmy, your eyes are bloodshot,” she said with compassion. “I feel like I’ve been dug up babe.” Laughing she replied, “I’ve got no sympathy, it’s your own fault for wanting sex half the night!” “Me! It was your fault, seducing me with your womanly charms!” “Go and take a shower while I scramble you some eggs.” Too tired to argue with her, he moved towards the bathroom. Emerging some twenty minutes later, looking much more human.

  Finishing his breakfast only minutes before Mickey pulled up; he asked her if she was ready. Jokingly she replied, “I’ve been ready for the last hour, remember some of us have great stamina and still get up early, even after having sex half the night!” “Very funny madam, just you wait!” “Come on lightweight, we don’t want to keep Mickey waiting.” Grabbing her arse as they made their way out of the door he said, “I’ll deal with you later and then we’ll see who’s a fucking lightweight!” “Promises, promises, maybe you had better have a sleep this afternoon then if you’re serious?” “Get in that lift before I give you a good seeing too before we go!” They both laughed.

  “Morning Mickey,” she said as he got out of the car. They would have to take Jimmy’s car because Mickey’s only had two seats. “Sorry about this Mickey,” she said. “It’s no problem babe, I like being chauffeured about.”

  Shane was waiting for them as they arrived at the club; he was surprised to see Maria, although happy to see her. If she wasn’t Jimmy’s girl he would have hit on her long ago. Smiling at them as they approached he said, “Hi Maria it’s nice to see you babe.” “Thanks Shane, nice to see you to, but I’ve only been invited so Jimmy doesn’t need to get me a baby sitter;” she replied with a giggle. Shane frowned from curiosity as Jimmy joked back and said, “If you don’t behave yourself, I won’t let you work at the restaurant tonight.” “Yes boss,” she giggled.

  Sitting at a table inside the club Jimmy said, “So Shane, what was so important you needed to see us?” “It’s fucking weird Jimmy, last night when me and Max were at the restaurant Samuels spoke to her as if he knew her? When I questioned her about it, she was too afraid to talk to me.” “Sounds suspicious,” said Mickey. “My thoughts exactly, that’s why I wouldn’t let it drop; eventually she gave in and said if Samuels found out she’d said anything he’d kill her. It was when we left; I finally got her to open up, in the car she told me her ex boyfriend owed Samuels money, when he didn’t pay up Samuels threatened him.” Mickey interrupted and said, “Why did her boyfriend owe Samuels money?” “This is the good part Mick, which is why I asked you to come today; according to Max; he sold drugs for Samuels, but a big deal had gone wrong; the buyers had taken the drugs and the money, Two hundred and fifty grand in total.” “Do you reckon Max is kosher?” “Yeah I reckon she’s telling the truth, she was petrified; she begged me not to tell Samuels where she worked and for me to say she only knows me through a friend.” “Sounds like we should have a little chat with her.” “I thought you might say that, she’s already on her way over here.” Maria had sat silently and listened to what had been said before looking at Jimmy and saying, “I’ve known what it’s like to live in fear of someone, if Ma
x is telling the truth then we should feel sorry for her. Go easy on her; it’s not easy to open up to people.” “Don’t worry babe, we won’t upset her.”

  Ten minutes later, Max walked in, they all noticed how embarrassed she looked. Although she had never met Maria, she knew it was her from the way Shane had described her, there was also the fact that Jimmy was sitting next to her with his arm around the back of her chair.

  “Thanks for coming babe, sit down,” said Mickey. Shane poured her a drink. After they reassured her that she was safe to talk, she repeated the same story she had told Shane. “Don’t mind me asking Max, but where is your boyfriend now?” said Mickey. “I don’t know and more to the point I don’t care, I want him as far away from me and my son as possible.” “Are you certain Samuels was the dealer?” “I’m positive, he turned up at my flat, threatened to take my son if I didn’t tell him where my boyfriend was; that’s why I needed the job. I’m trying to pay off some of the money my boyfriend owes him.” “When do you pay Samuels?” Looking nervous and tearful she replied, “He calls round for it on Thursday mornings, my mum picks my son up before they get there.” “They” said Mickey. “Yes, at first it was just Samuels then four weeks ago, he brought some Jamaican blokes with him; they smashed my flat up and threatened me, after that I never allow my son to be there. If Samuels’s finds out I’ve said anything to you, he’ll kill me and take my son!” Jimmy interrupted and said, “Why hasn’t the boy’s father dealt with it?” “Because he’s a fucking coward that’s why, he’s a cheat a liar and a coward, how could he put our son in this situation?” Mickey reassuringly patted her arm as he said, “Don’t worry babe, we’ll look after you, but we’ll need proof that Samuels is dirty. Just out of curiosity Max, how did your boyfriend get mixed up with Samuels in the first place?” “It was through some bloke called Maurice, I never met him; I only spoke to him over the phone. I had no idea my boy’s father was a drug dealer; he told me he worked at the airport and I had no reason to question it.” Maria could see that Max was getting tearful so she said, “Everything will be alright Max, I don’t like Samuels either.” They talked about Samuels and his extra income as a drug dealer, Mickey said, “I always knew he was dirty. Monica’s always said he’s bent, she was right; so let’s deal with him. Max has just given us an angle so let’s use it. In the meantime Max, it’s probably not a good idea for you to work at any of our clubs, Samuels could walk in at any time, as could the Jamaicans which brings me to ask, did Samuels ever call any of the Jamaicans by name?” Max thought about it for a moment then said, “Yes, I remember last week when he called for his money, I think he called him Damien or something like that.” Noticeably trembling she added, “Please let me work at the club, if I don’t pay he’ll hurt my son.” “Let me assure you babe we won’t let anyone hurt you or your son.” “But if I can’t work, I can’t pay, please Shane tell them!” Mickey replied, “We’ll continue to pay you what you give to Samuels every week, once it’s sorted out you can come back to work.” “I only took the pole dancing job to pay off Samuels; if he leaves me alone I won’t be doing it, I’ll find a regular job.” Maria smiled at her and said, “I’m sure there will always be a job for you at one of the restaurants if you need it.” “Thanks Maria I appreciate that.” Mickey waited for the two women to stop talking before he said, “Right then Max. I’ll arrange for someone to bug your flat so we can listen to what Samuels has to say and make sure he doesn’t hurt you.” “He will if I can’t pay.” “You have my word; Shane will bring the money round each week.” Looking confused she replied, “Why are you helping me? You don’t know really me and I’ve only worked for you for a short time.” “Let’s just say we have something in common, like you we hate Samuels and just to see him take a fall would be worth it, so unless you want to tell us anything else, Shane can take you home.” “There’s nothing else, except I’ll never be able to repay you.” “Let’s not worry about that, like I said, it’ll be worth it.” Ten minutes later she left with Shane.


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