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Vegas Surrender

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by Sasha Peterson

  Vegas Surrender


  Sasha Peterson

  Smashwords Ebook Edition

  * * * * *


  PWP Romance

  PWP Media

  Passionate Writer Publishing

  Vegas Surrender

  Copyright © 2013 by Sasha Peterson

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for your support. I chose Sasha Peterson as a pseudonym for this piece because it’s a lot spicier and explores a different subject matter than my other novels. In other words I didn’t want to shock my followers too much.

  Please enjoy Jennifer and Daniel’s story as much as I did in writing them. Love knows no bounds.

  Sasha Peterson


  Other Books by this Author’s Alter Ego

  The Missing Piece~Joanna A. Haze

  Training Session: Soldiers in Heat~Joanna A. Haze

  Desert Love: Soldiers in Heat~Joanna A. Haze

  Fateful Reunion: Joanna A. Haze

  PWP Romance

  Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you have to be boring.

  Jennifer loved Daniel from the moment she cut him off in traffic, but after three years of marriage, their sex life has gotten predictable, bordering on nonexistent due to their hectic work schedules and no to mention Jennifer is tired of being overlooked by other woman when it pertains to her husband. Desperate to get their marriage back on track, Jennifer and Daniel head to Vegas for a much needed vacation and sexual healing. What they didn’t anticipate is a dark-haired green-eyed vixen trying to butt in and destroy their marriage.

  Vegas Surrender is a saucy romance that explores what lengths a couple is willing to go to make their marriage work. *Warning: Very sensual sex scenes.*

  Vegas Surrender

  Sasha Peterson

  Chapter One

  I took a deep breath and leaned back into the stiff leather of my airplane seat. My husband, Daniel sat to my left and already drifted off. One last gaze out the window, I gave a silent goodbye to the city that never sleeps and watched it disappear as the plane got farther away on its route to our home in Atlanta.

  Daniel adjusted his head, resting it on my shoulder. I was tired but couldn’t sleep. Did this week just happen?

  My thoughts went back the second day we arrived in Las Vegas.

  “Jen, are you ready to go?” Daniel asked for the third time.

  I finished applying my lip gloss and came out of the bathroom. “Yes.”

  “You look amazing.”

  I did a twirl, allowing his hazel eyes to roam my body, giving him the full effect. My freshly done long curls hung back off my face and cascaded across my shoulders and down my back. A form-fitting black halter top dress hugged my curves, and four-inch gold-wedged heels matched my newly purchased purse. Because of the early summer, my caramel skin had already turned bronze from the sun. I only made up my eyes and applied a dash of color to my lips.

  “Not so bad yourself.”

  Daniel’s wardrobe was simple. When not in a business suit, he wore jeans and a collared shirt, but he made dressing down look good. The shirt gave me a view of the asset I loved most on my husband—his arms. Daniel worked out regularly, and he was rock solid all over. His muscular build gave him the appearance of a man well over six feet tall even though he was actually five eight, only two inches taller than me.

  I looped my arm through his, and we headed out the door. As we made our way to the elevator and down to the lobby, I marveled at the décor of the Venetian. The architect didn’t hold back their talent when tasked to turn the hotel into Italy. The brochure we looked at when making our decision on where to stay didn’t misrepresent the place. “Romance of Italy” is right.

  Romance was the reason we were even in Vegas in the first place. We needed to put a spark back into our relationship, more so our sex life. After three years of marriage, something was missing. We’d fallen into a routine. With both of us advancing in our careers, Daniel an executive board consultant for a group of companies and I a financial consultant, spontaneity had fallen by the wayside. We had plenty of sex, but sometimes we’re too tired to really get into it. Robotic was more like it.

  We continued making our way through the lobby and to the Bouchon restaurant. We only stopped to eat for my sake. But, Daniel being the man he is, he didn’t pass up a meal. He devoured his New York Strip in less than three bites while I tried to savior my lamb. He was ready to go and I knew it but ordered another blue martini anyway. I needed to relax before going to our next destination. We’d spotted the place while walking down the strip the night before.

  Putting Daniel out of his misery, I gulped my drink down. He paid the tab and almost dragged me out the chair in his haste. Once outside, he hailed a cab instead of making me walk to the far end of the strip again. The day prior, I still had on my flats from the plane ride, but today, I wanted to look cute and opted for heels. There was no way my feet could’ve survived the journey.

  In less than ten minutes, we stood in front of the Red Door. From the outside, the club looked less than spectacular. In fact, I frowned when I first looked at the outside door. It was black. Then once we walked in, I could see another door. This one was red.

  My nerves kicked in, just as they had the previous day, this time for a different reason. We weren’t going to remain as spectators.

  Daniel held my hand and guided me into the unknown. A woman in a booth waited on us. The glass divider she slid open reminded me of a doctor’s office. In essence, I guess she was the receptionist.

  “Back again I see.” She gave us a warming smiling.

  “Yes.” Daniel flashed a grin at her.

  “It’ll be sixty for the both of you.”

  Daniel flipped out his wallet and paid the fee.

  With a loud click, the red door opened granting us access. Daniel put his wallet away, placed his hand on the small of my back, and ushered me inside. Even though it was only eight, the place was already packed. People mingled about at the many bars, in the lounge area, or on the dance floor. He led us to an empty spot at the bar and pulled out a chair for me to sit. Before long, I had another blue martini in my hand and he a glass of peach cream on the rocks. Like me, Daniel wasn’t a beer drinker and preferred the smooth taste of good liquor.

  My gaze wandered to the individuals in the room. An underground life unfolded in front of me. They looked nothing like those in the clubs I’d experience
d back home. These people looked to be all business professionals or models. The women were gorgeous. Even the plus-size ladies gave the women in Atlanta a run for their money. They kept themselves up well. No t-shirt and stretch pants in this place. They were dressed to impress. The men all wore slacks and dress shirts or jeans and collared shirts just like my husband.

  “You want another?” Daniel patted my hand.

  My gaze went from a beautiful redhead tossing her head back as she laughed, surrounded by a group of men, to my glass. I didn’t realize I’d finished my drink but apparently from the empty container and buzz setting in, I had. “Yes.”

  This time, we didn’t stay at the bar with our drinks and spectate. We headed to the dance floor. A ledge along the back wall allowed for drink placement. I took a sip and set my drink next to Daniel’s then placed a napkin on top of both of our glasses. I turned toward the dance floor. My husband was already into the music, his body swaying to the fast-paced beat. He wasn’t the best of dancers but worked well with in his two-step limitation. I glided closer to him and moved my body along with his to the music. Daniel spun me around so my back was to his chest. I looked in the dance floor mirror and caught a reflection of us. “Ebony and Ivory” but really more like “Caramel and Vanilla.” I wasn’t dark enough to be considered ebony, but Daniel was definitely white. Without a sun-kissed tan, his skin almost resembled milk in the winter months.

  His brown curly hair matched his newly grown beard perfectly. No longer the well put together businessman, he looked more on the rugged side. I was instantly turned on from the change.

  He whirled me back around, and we continued dancing. A group of ladies joined us and made him the center of their attention, one a brunette with a dark tan, the other a red head and their friend a blonde. I didn’t mind. It made Daniel blush a bit, but he clearly enjoyed the attention. My eyes stayed in the mirror and on Daniel as he tried to keep up with the tall blonde of the group while I stepped back to the wall and took a sip off my drink.

  “Came back for more?”

  I hadn’t noticed the dark-haired one approach. Startled, I almost choked on my drink. “Yes, why not?” I tried to stifle a cough. She was taller than I thought. We both had on heels, but she was taller than me without them.

  “I’m glad you did. I spotted you guys yesterday. You’re very pretty.” Her piercing green eyes slowly scanned my body.

  A sense of being exposed swept over me. I murmured, “Thanks,” and finished off the rest of my cocktail. I set the empty glass on the ledge and joined Daniel to save him from the other women. After that last drink, I felt in tune with the music. I backed my butt all up on Daniel and dropped it down to the floor.

  As I rose up, his breath tickled my neck. “Wow, what’s gotten into you?”

  “It’s Vegas, baby!” I shouted back and kept on dancing.

  I ground my backside into his and enjoyed the rise of his manhood. Others did the same with their dance partners. Compared to them, I was much more subtle. Some women were outright massaging the men through their pants. Watching them excited me. Heat seeped between the creases of my legs.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” I whispered in his ear.

  Smiling, Daniel nodded. I had read his mind. The private rooms were shown to us on a tour the day before. My husband grabbed my hand and guided me to a room directly in the center. Inside sat a gray leather massage table. I wasn’t sure if it was the one he had in mind, but several others were already taken.

  We stepped inside, and he pulled me into his arms for a sensual kiss. I loved Daniel’s kisses. His tongue did a slow dance in my mouth before deepening. A tingling sensation crept down my spine, something I hadn’t felt in a while. As our tongues intertwined, his hands eased down the zipper on my top. He slowly pulled the small metal piece down, and my dress floated to the floor. His lips moved from my mouth, to my neck, and then to my breasts. He toyed with them one by one as he licked his way to my thighs.

  Daniel picked me up and set me on the table. My heels dangled off the side, and he removed them, gently gliding them off my feet. When he had them completely removed, he tossed them to the side, leaving me on the table in only my black thong.

  He pushed me back, and the soft plastic cooled my backside. I felt exposed but didn’t let on.

  Daniel left my side for a moment and he came back with some lotion he pulled out of my purse.

  “I want to give you a massage. Turn over.” His eyes twinkled with excitement.

  “I want you inside of me.” I lowered my gaze to his hard rod.

  “No need to rush. Let’s enjoy this.”

  I rolled on my back with my head to the side. He was a romantic, and that’s what made me fall in love with him. He rubbed the lotion between his hands, warming it up before applying it to my body. His hands felt great against my skin.

  “You mind if I join you? I give great massages.”

  I knew that voice. It was the brunette from downstairs. Her green gaze slow walked across my nakedness as she came closer.

  She didn’t wait for an answer and joined my husband in rubbing lotion on me. Her soft hands sent chills up my spine as they moved across my body. Her massage was better than my husband’s. She was more delicate. My body warmed to her touch.

  “Turn over,” she whispered into my neck. The scent of peppermint wafted up my neck.

  My body was completely at their command. Not wanting the rubbing to stop, I flipped over. Her hands went to my breasts, and she massaged them just as she had my back. Her fingers kneaded and folded across my muscles.

  “I think I’m going to step back and watch.” A huge smile plastered to his face as he dropped his hands and watched in awe. His eyes widened and soft embers burned in them.

  My instinct was to protest, but I’d already agreed to be open and try new things. It was all for the betterment of our marriage. Besides, Daniel was thrilled which turned me on more.

  Glancing down, I noticed he was down to his boxer briefs. I had no idea when he took his clothes off. His manhood stood upright, and my mouth watered. My tongue slid out my mouth and ran the tip across the rim of my lips. I motioned for him to come closer. When he did, I stroked his hard steel as she continued to massage me. I no longer cared she was in the room. I only wanted to please my husband.

  I yanked down his boxers and freed his shaft. He leaned closer as I ran my hands along his length, exploring the stiff ridges of the thick and long design. My tongue flicked out against the head.

  “Mmm,” he moaned.

  No longer playing around, I took his rod inside my mouth and sucked him.

  “Damn, baby. This feels so good.” He threw his head back and relished in the moment.

  “You like me sucking your big dick?” The alcohol had taken over. I hadn’t talked dirty to him in years.

  “Oh, yes.”

  A hand slid my thong to the side, and fingers massaging my clit. My senses were immediately heightened. Continuing my mouth action, I gripped his butt cheeks and pushed him deep down my throat. Fingers slid inside my vaginal walls.

  A soft moan escaped my lips.

  “Yes, suck his hard cock.” She leaned over, watching us.

  Deep into satisfying my husband, I’d nearly forgotten we had company.

  With her encouragement, I sucked on him like a pro. Both of my hands stroked and twisted his shaft while jaws massaged him. Her being in the room shockingly excited me more. A tongue flicked my clit. My bud swelled, wanting more, but wait, I was sucking on my husband so it couldn’t be him. I sat upright, trying to gather my senses. Her head was buried between my legs.

  This isn’t right!

  But it felt so good.

  She tossed my legs over her shoulders and stuck her tongue deep in my hole. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I held back. Oh, crap. I’m about to have an orgasm. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t. The sensation started deep in the pit of my stomach and whizzed its way down to my toes.

oh, mmm, oooh,” I cried as I desperately gripped the table, trying to gain control.

  “Good girl.” She wiped my juices from her mouth and gave a coy smile to Daniel. “You like how I suck you wife?”

  “Yes,” he said, his voice husky and barely over a whisper.

  “Get over here and fuck her.”

  He wasted no time pushing his boxers all the way off. I pulsated as Daniel slid inside of me. The brunette maneuvered herself to the side and continued sucking my clit as Daniel thrust deep inside of me. His eyes locked with mine, gold flakes dancing within them. I’d never seen him this turned on. Moisture pooled in my opening, spilling around his rod.

  Her lips cupped the hood of my clit in a suction motion. Too much pleasure at once, I was on the verge of losing it. I came again, falling off the cliff of ecstasy. She moved beneath Daniel and sucked his balls as he pumped inside me.

  “Oh shit!” Daniel called out. His dick stiffened inside me. He tensed up, ready to explode, and released inside me. His body let out mini waves of convulsions as the sensation passed through him, and his penis softened. “I wasn’t prepared for that.”

  “Who says you’re done?” She pushed him to the side and took her place back between my thighs and sucked my clit while stroking Daniel’s member. Instead of staying soft like normal, it sprung back into action.

  I wanted to rip her hands off of him. She needed to get her fingers off my husband, but her sucking drove me insane and I came again.

  “Come down here and help me suck your husband’s dick.” She rotated her mouth from me to him.

  I slid off the bench and went down on my knees next to her. We pleasured him together. As she licked, she turned her body to face mine. Her breasts grazed along my body. The brunette then took my right hand and slid it between her legs. Her heat and wetness assaulted my fingertips. I snatched my hand back. She grabbed it and held it between her legs.


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