Entangled Souls: Cade and Francesca (Scarred Hearts #1.5)

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Entangled Souls: Cade and Francesca (Scarred Hearts #1.5) Page 2

by Tatum, Felicia


  The day passed quickly, the clients all eager for my assistance, open for my opinions. I missed Cade, more than I thought possible considering I saw him just nine hours ago, but I did. My heart ached for him. His dark mussed hair, his lopsided, sexy grin as his blue-green eyes devoured me. I quickly reeled my thoughts back in, packing my case for the night. Daphne expected me for dinner at the café a few blocks from the office in less than ten minutes. Zander left over an hour ago, so I’d been alone with my thoughts and desires for a while.

  Flipping the light switch, I glanced at the calendar on Zander’s desk for tomorrow’s clients before locking up and heading to Peter’s café. I’d texted Reid earlier, informing him of my plans to pass along to Cade. His rehab was unlike anything I’d ever encountered. His addiction was always something I’d known about, but the depth of it ran much deeper than I realized. The amount of therapy he needed was intimidating, but I wouldn’t let him know my worries. Naturally, I was concerned about everything. Loving Cade for all these years was always a dream, and now that he admitted his feelings back, it terrified me to an extent. He could relapse at any moment, though I prayed he wouldn’t. We would get through this together.

  The chattering inside Peter’s echoed out on the empty sidewalk. Our town was not too large, but not too small. There was enough to keep everyone satisfied, but not so much we became crowded, overwhelmed with each other. Pushing the door open, I saw Daphne seated at the corner booth, our table, with a glass of water and a cup of coffee waiting for me. Smiling widely, I waved at her as I rushed toward her.

  She stood, greeting me excitedly, “Franny!” she screeched giving me a quick hug.

  It seemed I couldn’t get away from the awful nicknames today. “Not you, too,” I groaned, throwing my purse in the seat and sliding in.

  She raised a brow, “Huh?”

  “Zander keeps calling me Boss, and it’s annoying me,” I told her, opening my straw and placing it in the ice cold drink.

  “That’s the boy assistant, right?” she questioned, genuinely confused. She couldn’t keep anyone straight unless she knew them personally. And somehow, I wasn’t sure how now that I thought about it, her and Zander had never been introduced.

  “Yeah…he was at the opening last night. The dark haired, attractive guy? He’s like two years younger than us,” I explained, certain she had at least seen the guy before.

  She bit her lip, twirling her straw in the drink as she pondered my words. “I don’t recall.”

  Rolling my eyes, I waved a hand, telling her, “Never mind.”

  “Ok,” she said, already bouncing to the next topic. “Tell me about last night.”

  “What about it?” I asked coolly. I knew it would drive her crazy if I made her pull everything out of me.

  Narrowing her electric green eyes, she snapped, “Don’t do that. I want to know. And I don’t have all night.” She pointedly stared at her menu, tapping her foot against edge of my side of the booth.

  I laughed loudly, taking a sip of the brimming coffee. “Ok, ok. He got out of rehab early thanks to Reid, his sponsor, so he could come to the opening. When I got there, he was in my office and he just proposed, which I told you briefly last night,” I grinned, thinking back to the magical moment. “It was amazing. And so unexpected. Anyway, the new stuff. He got to stay with me last night, but he has to live with Reid for the next three months, then he goes through another evaluation.”

  The server walked over, asking for our order. Daph was short and to the point, keeping her gaze well hidden from me. I knew she was about to say something I wouldn’t like, but I was prepared for it. She’d never been fully one hundred percent for Cade. She knew how he was in high school, the drinking and the lies. In general, she didn’t trust men easily.

  “How do you know this is real, Francesca? He’s hurt you so much in the past, I really worry this is just a stunt to get in your good graces. And an engagement? I’m happy you’re happy…” she sighed. She ran a hand through her long, ebony locks, looking distraught.

  “It’s ok,” I admitted, giving her a weak smile. “I would be worried, too. I…I love him. And I have faith in him.” My argument wouldn’t be enough for her overprotective nature, but it was all I had at this point. Only time would tell how things would work out, but I wouldn’t let fear make me miss out on all the wonderful things I could have with Cade. Daphne didn’t understand, because she never let anyone in. One broken heart ruined her for all these years. It was sad, thinking about what she could be missing out on, but I wouldn’t let her bring me down.

  She stared at me, opened mouth. “Love isn’t enough, Franny.”

  “Yes, it is,” I sternly disagreed.

  “Don’t be stupid,” she mumbled, shaking her head.

  Her words angered me. I slammed my hand down, palm first, on the table, catching the attention of the other dining guests. “That’s enough, Daph. I know you don’t trust or believe in love, and that’s fine, but you could at least be happy for me. I was going to ask you to be my maid of honor tonight, but if you can’t support me, I don’t see that being a good idea,” I admitted.

  The waitress timidly approached the table with our food. She sat it down, asking if we needed anything else with wide, scared eyes.

  “Yes, I need this to go, please,” I requested.

  She nodded, her gaze darting between us, but she didn’t ask anything. She took the plate back without hesitation.

  “What’s your problem, Francesca?” Daphne questioned, her ton flat, her eyes cold. “It’s true. You’ve always had a weakness for Cade and I can’t help but think back to when you two finally had sex and he kicked you out the next morning. That only happened four months ago! I mean, why would you want anything to do with him? He’s a jerk.”

  Sighing, I counted to ten in my head. I needed to calm myself down before my friendship with Daphne was completely ruined. She knew Cade was having withdrawals and almost ended up in the hospital that morning. I wasn’t sure what her problem was. “Daph, I know you’re upset and worried, and I get it, but I’m leaving before one of us says something we can’t recover from. You don’t trust men, don’t believe in love, and I respect that. You can’t sit here and accuse me of being stupid for experiencing something you don’t believe in. Our friendship doesn’t work that way,” I said, biting back the tears.

  The waitress brought my food back in a bag, giving me a soft grin as she handed me it and the check. Standing, I gave Daphne one last glimpse as the moisture built in the corners of my eyes. I didn’t bid her goodbye, or say any more, just paid for my food, left the girl a tip, and left.

  Daphne had always been my most loyal and best friend. Our friendship went through many growing pains, the ups and downs of growing up not lost on us. No matter what, we always pulled through stronger than ever, but her words cut deep this time. I didn’t know if I could forgive and forget as easily as I had before.

  Cade made me happy. It was simple and true. Yes, he had an addiction and he’d hurt me countless times, but he was trying, working harder to be better for me. His newfound devotion was admirable and heartwarming. Love wasn’t easy. It wasn’t something that one gave without caution, something to be shared with just anyone. It was much more to me, and I knew the same was true for Cade. Love was a never-ending emotion linked to another, a fragile piece of heaven we held in our hearts, tying us to another’s soul for eternity.

  Even if Cade and I could no longer be together, if something ripped us apart once more, I would cherish these moments we had, keep them forever in my memories to bring me joy. If Cade and I didn’t work, as Daphne seemed to think would happen, I would have this small sliver of happiness to tide me over. I would hold these minutes and hours as dearly as I held Josie’s memories.

  My fragile self-esteem rarely got the best of me, though it always lingered just beneath the surface, I could generally suppress it. But this time…it took over, completely overshadowing any optimism. Insecuri
ties seeped in, clouding any coherent thoughts, darkening my mood to match the black sky.

  I slipped in the car, leaning my head against the wheel as I listened to the storm roll in outside. The thunder clapped loudly, shaking me to my core. I drove home, wishing I could make it before the rain fell, but knew the weather matched the night’s events. I pulled in the driveway as the first splash of rain hit my windshield. I was drenched by the time I got to the door, the frustration of realizing I left my food in the car driving me almost to the point of screaming.

  Deciding I wasn’t really hungry anyway, I dashed inside to find Cade sitting on the couch. His eyes washed over me, a small grin gracing his handsome face at my soaked state.

  “Francesca, I like this look,” he snickered, standing to come over to me.

  However, I wasn’t in the mood to be charmed. I wanted to be alone and wallow in the fact my best friend hated me being happy. Ok, that may not have been entirely true, but I was upset and the darkness took over. “What are you doing here?” I snapped, my tone much harsher than I intended.

  He stopped moving, dropping his arms to his side. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I snipped, dropping my bags on the table and squishing my wet shoes to the kitchen.

  He followed, though not too closely. “Liar. Even I know when a woman says nothing is wrong that it means the world is ending or everyone was out for her.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “You already asked that,” he said slowly. He’d realized my mood and seemed to be treading more carefully.

  “No, I mean with me,” I sighed, trudging back to the living room. I slung my shoes off, directed at the door, allowing my soaked tootsies to dry on the carpet.

  He stood about five feet from me, watching me intently. He spoke, his eyes not leaving mine. “I love you, Francesca. Now tell me what happened and don’t give me this nothing bullshit.”

  “I got in a fight with Daphne.” I diverted my eyes, staring at the couch. I briefly wondered where Hammy was hiding. He hated storms.

  Cade stepped closer. His blue eyes were blazing, the feelings for me pouring out. “About us. And now you doubt my love?” he questioned.

  “No, I know you love me. I just don’t know why,” I exhaled. “I mean, look at me,” I barely choked out. My tears were on the edge, about to stream down my face.

  He was in front of me in seconds, slightly towering over me, running a hand through his dark locks. His eyes were drawn close, appearing hurt. His chest heaved with his breathing and I worried for his reaction. “You never did know how beautiful you are,” he whispered. He trailed a finger down the side of my cheek. “Francesca, you are the most giving, wonderful, kind person I’ve ever met. You are beautiful inside and out. Your eyes reach all the way down to your pure soul. Your hair is silky soft, and I would sleep wrapped in it if I could. I know you have your insecurities, we all do, but please believe me when I say you are beautiful. Every curve on your body, every mole, every scar. I love you for you and that means everything. I want it all.”

  The tears fell down my face, the salty liquid bled into my lips. I wrapped my arms around my body, not knowing what to do, how to act.

  He pulled me close, kissing the top of my head and lifting my face by my chin. “Francesca,” he murmured before kissing from my temple to my collarbone, across it and back up. Hot lips found mine, the warmth of his mouth reeling me in and leaving me dizzy. He kissed me senseless, caressing my tongue with his but reaching deep within me. Butterflies danced in my stomach, his hands slowly peeling my heavy shirt from my body. It clung to me from the rain, but he finally freed it, throwing it across the room.

  “I’m going to show you how beautiful you are,” he said, sprinkling kisses across my shoulders.

  “Can we go in the bedroom and turn off the lights…?” I questioned, my gaze lowering. Cade was always a ladies man, I knew he’d been with more attractive women than me. My lumpy curves stood out, shaming me to cover myself with my hands.

  “No,” he stated, shaking his head. “You don’t like your body, yet I love it. And I’m going to show you every single day how sexy I think you are. You’ll believe me eventually.”

  He plucked my hands from around my middle, leaving me feeling bare. He reached around, unhooking my bra and removed it. Instinct told me to duck and cover, but his gaze said to not move a muscle. So I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

  He kissed me softly, his lips pulling and sucking mine as his rough hands caressed every inch of my torso. He continued upward, his fingers finding and kneading my breasts. His kisses moved down, replacing his hands, as they traveled further to remove my pants. Stripping me bare, he left me shivering and blushing with insecurity.

  “Open your eyes, Francesca,” he delicately demanded. “I want you to watch.”

  I peeled my lids wide, relishing in Cade slowly removing every stitch of clothing covering his sexy body. He had no shame, where I had more than enough for both of us. He came closer, gripping my thighs and kissing me passionately.

  Intensity grew between us, our breathing heavy and shaky. He kissed me feverishly, leaving me wanting him desperately. He moved me to the wall, stopping just short of pressing me against it, and flexed his arms as he moved to pick me up.

  My thoughts cleared and I pulled back. “You can’t pick me up,” I said, embarrassment flooding my hot cheeks.

  “Yes, I can,” he said huskily, moving to me again.

  “I’m too heavy,” I insisted, shaking my head. “Let’s go in the bedroom.”

  “No,” he refused. Pinning me to the wall, he moved swiftly and had me off the floor faster than I could process. “Wrap your legs around me, Francesca. I need you,” he growled.

  “Cade,” I started, but stopped when I felt him against me. He was ready to go and the thought was thrilling, being taken against the wall. It was something I’d never done. Gazing in his desire filled eyes, I obliged, opening up to him and feeling every inch of him instantly. I rolled my head back, holding it on the wall as he moved inside me, his hands tightly holding my butt as his fingers deeply massaged me. He held me the entire time, rocking me to ecstasy. Crying in pleasure, I felt his body shudder and his head drop to my shoulder.

  “Oh my…” he breathed against my neck, his hot breath tickling my skin. He finally lifted his head, giving me a peck on the nose, and grinned seductively. “It was hotter than I expected.”

  I smiled sheepishly, “I liked it.”

  “I knew you would.” He pulled away, gently lowering me to the floor. “Come on,” he said, taking my hand.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, unsure if I could walk steadily. My legs were weak and trembling.

  “To take a bath,” he winked, leading me to the bathroom.

  He filled the large tub with steaming water and bubbles. He walked around confidently, like he wasn’t even aware that he was naked, and it mesmerized me. One, because it was sexy when he was naked, and two, because I wanted to be that sure of myself. I watched as he gathered the essentials, images of us in the bath together playing through my head.

  As if he read my mind, he turned, his desire for me once again evident, and smirked. “Ready, babe?” he asked, wiggling his brows at me suggestively.

  “Really? In there?” I questioned, nodding.

  “Oh, yeah.” He spun me to him, pressing his body against me and rubbing in all the right places.

  “This I can’t wait for,” I giggled, pushing him off and climbing in the soapy basin. I turned to give him a wink, biting my lip and he followed.

  It was the best bath of my life.

  Chapter Three-Cade

  Francesca killed me with her low self-worth. I didn’t know how to make it better, for her to see herself the way I did. We finished our bath, staying in long after the water was cold. Wrinkling fingers and toes made us laugh as we helped the other dry off. She was spectacular.

  “I have to stay at Reid’s tonight,” I told her, brushing a
strand from beside her eye.

  Her gaze traveled from my lips to my eyes, sadness slowly filling her face. “Oh, ok.”

  My thumb brushed over her lips, causing her to quiver ever so slightly. “I don’t want to, babe. He went out on a limb for me to be an outpatient, though, so I have to play by the rules. I’ll come see you tomorrow?”

  She nodded, wrapping her arms around my waist. “Please. When will you be able to come and go as you please?” she murmured against my chest. Her breath was hot.

  “Another three months. We can have time then,” I reassured her, rubbing my palm over her back. Her skin was so smooth. How women kept their body so clean, soft, and perfect was beyond me.

  “Can we take a weekend trip once you get to that point?” she asked, leaning her head back to look at me hopefully.

  “I don’t see why not, I’ll ask Reid to make sure.”

  She grinned and snuggled against me once again. Everything felt right with this woman in my life. I suppressed the urge deep in the back of my mind, vowing to talk to Reid as soon as we were alone.

  A horn honked, signaling he was here to get me. “I have to go,” I sighed, kissing the top of her still damp head. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Will you be home earlier?”

  She nodded, “Yeah, I was supposed to have dinner with Daph is why I was running late.”

  “Will you two be ok?” I questioned. Girls arguing wasn’t something I was familiar with. I didn’t know what to say or do to make her feel better.

  “Eventually,” she said, though her voice sounded tight.


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