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Duke (Aces MC Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  I stood under the hot spray of water as I lathered my body as thoughts of Ash started to invade my mind. The way she felt under my body and the sexual noises she made as she came around my cock started to make me aroused. I placed one hand on the tiled wall in front of me, letting the water flow over my body as I took my length in my hand. I started to move it vigorously as I continued to picture Ash lying beneath me…

  “EW! GROSS!” I turned to see Amy’s horrified face.

  “Don’t you ever fucking knock?” Amy stood frozen by the sight in front of her which I found hilarious. I continued to move my hand up and down my length, “Well, if you’re not gonna join in Ames, can you close the door behind you.” I saw the flush creep up her body before she turned on her heels and quickly left closing the door abruptly behind her.

  Ames never would have joined me and I wouldn’t have wanted her too. She was like a sister and I’d become protective of her over the years. I just enjoyed our banter as she could give as good as what she got but sometimes the only way to shut her up was to shock her, which I did successfully.

  After getting dressed, I stalked into the bar. At a quick glance around the room, I could see that the majority of my brothers were here apart from the exception of CJ and Spike who were working at our legit businesses.

  “Why did you let me sleep in so late?” I said casually as I sat at the bar. I could see the guys look at each other from the corner of my eye not daring to question me.

  “Right if I’m not needed any further I’m gonna take off.” Amy said as she grabbed her jacket from the hook on the wall.

  I tapped my knee, “Don’t you wanna stay and have a drink Ames.”

  The guys looked between us with questioning looks. Amy poked out her tongue and stuck up her middle finger as she left the building to the sound of my laughter.

  “Right, what’s the plan Woods?” I said declining a drink from Buster who was serving behind the bar. I needed to keep a clear head and was in dire need of a strong coffee.

  “In your absence, Diesel said to take Bear, Buster and Tyler on the reconnaissance run. Is that okay?” I nodded my head in agreement. The journey to Staplehurst should take just over an hour depending on the Dartford crossing which is the route I would take but Woods was the road captain and I trusted him to make the right decisions.

  Woods took me to one side, “The most direct route is M25, M2 then the A229 past Maidstone, although this may change tomorrow depending on what I find. They want to meet in the car park near the nine acre wood. It’s secluded enough.” Woods turned his back slightly to the rest of the group, “I’ll check out possible hiding places and areas where we could possibly fall under attack.”

  I slapped him on the back, “I can always count on you Woods. Cheers mate.”

  I liked Woods. He had a lot going on in his own life but never let it affect his ability to deal with club business. When his parents passed away, he took on the responsibility of caring for his fourteen year old sister. He worked his arse off providing for Lauren so she could achieve the education required in order to have a fulfilling life outside of the club. Family meant everything to him and I respected the hell out of Woods for this. His loyalty for his family extended to the club and I trusted him to keep the proposed journey under wraps. We were all Brothers but the less people to know of our plans the better.

  “Have a safe journey and keep me posted.” I said as the guys gathered their things for their ride.

  “I wanna see you three in my office.” I stated pointing towards Diesel, Justice and Hound. They followed me towards my office muttering between themselves at my clipped tone.

  I stalked like a man on a mission and put the kettle on to make myself a cup of coffee. The pain killers had just started to kick in but my mouth still felt like a camel’s arsehole.

  I rubbed my forehead, “Does anyone want anything before I sit down?”

  The guys looked between themselves and started to laugh as Diesel walked over to my desk and leant over opening my drawer to retrieve a bottle of Jack.

  “We’d rather have one of these, than a cup of coffee!” He said pouring three drinks to the chuckles from the guys.

  I gingerly sat at my desk taking a sip of the hot coffee, letting out a loud sigh as it slipped down my throat and warming me from inside. I opened my eyes to see the guy’s staring at me grinning like Cheshire cats.

  Ignoring their blatant amusement, “What are the accounts looking like?” I asked trying to shift their attention to something else.

  Hound placed his glass on the table and sat forward on the sofa. “They’re looking healthy. The businesses are doing well and we’re getting regular payments from all our charters.”

  I nodded my head and took another sip of my coffee. I could see Justice fidgeting, like he had something on his mind.

  “Spit it out Justice.”

  He stood and started to pace around the room finally stopping with an uneasy look.

  “What do you want to do with Jimmy’s life insurance?”

  The policy would take a while to pay out but I wanted to invest it in something worthwhile and not necessarily club business.

  I let out a sigh, “I’ve been thinking about this and wanted to bring it up at church but thought you would think I was being insensitive.”

  Diesel started to laugh, “Like you give a fuck about our feelings.” He turned towards Justice and Hound as they all nodded in agreement.

  His words stung. Was I really that insensitive and cold? I’d done some unthinkable things during my time at the club but they were done for my club, for my family. Fucking hell, I’d pushed my urges for Ash aside as I thought it was best for the club. Is this really what they all think of me?

  I stood and walked towards the window to the sound of the guy’s still laughing. I pushed back the net curtain and stared out of the window at the passing traffic.

  “Duke is everything okay?” Diesel asked concerned.

  “I want to invest the money in something worthwhile. I know Jimmy’s dad used to beat his mum on a regular basis and my dad wasn’t much better.” I let go of the curtain and turned to see the shocked expressions on the guy’s faces. “No woman should ever have to endure that and no child should ever have to witness it either. I want the money to go to the women’s refuge.”

  Amy volunteered there when she had time and regularly mentioned about their lack of funding. I’d just literally made the decision but was pleased that the money would be put to good use.

  Diesel walked towards me and perched himself on the edge of my desk.

  “I’m proud of you man. Amy will be over the moon when she finds out.”

  I grinned at the thought of her catching me in the shower this morning.

  “See, I’m not always an insensitive arsehole!”


  It was great catching up with Sophia last night. We’d been close growing up but had slowly drifted apart in our adult life which is something I wanted to rectify.

  I had a busy day planned in the salon and was dreading Savannah coming in later to have her nails painted. What would I say to her if she asked me about Duke? We had mind blowing sex but he left without saying good bye and I haven’t heard from him since which was three days ago! That about summed it up but how embarrassing to admit the rejection at the grand old age of twenty six. Don’t get me wrong I knew it was just sex and I wanted it as much as he did but it was the way he left that was humiliating. He could’ve at least said goodbye so it wasn’t so awkward next time I saw him at the club. I’m not a bunny boiler!

  The morning dragged as I was clock watching, counting down the hours until Savannah’s appointment. I turned to the sound of the chimes to see her flounce in looking as beautiful as ever. “Hi Taylor.” She said as she came towards me and air kissed at both sides of my cheeks.

  “Hi, please take a seat.” I said directing her to the nail table.

  Savannah selected a lovely shade of pink and I went about my
work gently removing her old acrylics and replaced them with the liquid monomer and powder polymer to create the hard protective layer. I kept the conversation light and focussed on the job at hand.

  “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room or not?”

  I stopped what I was doing and slowly looked at Savannah’s sympathetic expression.

  “There’s nothing to say.” I said as I shrugged my shoulders leaning over to grasp her hand which she retracted.

  “So why was he getting shit faced earlier on in the week at the club, babbling about how you probably won’t talk to him again?” she looked at me questioningly waiting for me to respond.

  “I honestly don’t know Savannah. Did you ask him?” I said clearing away some of the cotton wool into the bin, trying to look nonchalant.

  “I would’ve but he passed out, he was in a foul mood. Did you two have a row?” she crossed her legs placing her hands gently on her thighs mindful of the acrylics that were still drying.

  I looked up into her caring eyes. I didn’t know Savannah well but she seemed genuine and I could tell that she cared deeply for Duke. They were close and I knew he didn’t suffer fools gladly.

  I let out a loud sigh and leant on the table resting my chin in the palms of my hands.

  “He came over to mine late on Sunday evening.” Savannah raised her eyebrows up and down taking the piss. I glared at her and she stopped with a huge grin on her beautiful face.

  “Duke had something on his mind, he didn’t share what it was but I could just tell. We had sex, rough fantastic sex.” I could feel my heart rate increase just thinking about the way he touched me.

  “We later made love, well it wasn’t love but more sensual like we connected. Well I thought we did.” I was now stammering like a fucking idiot.

  Savannah moved closer and was listening intently. “So what happened next?” she asked almost pleading for more information.

  “I woke the following morning to find an empty bed. The connection that I thought was there between us must have been in my imagination.”

  Savannah shook her head, “I just don’t get it, and from his reaction at the club I thought you two must have had a row.”

  I took Savannah’s hand and started to shape her nails.

  “Look it’s no big deal. We’re both adults and we hooked up, I’m not complaining because it was great. It’s not my first one night stand and I don’t suppose it will be the last.” I continued to work on her nails.

  “And I suppose by the look on your face this conversation is over.” Savannah said with humour in her voice.

  I smiled sweetly indicating that this conversation was definitely over.

  Chapter 7


  I woke up with an uneasy feeling this morning. It wasn’t like me to get all worked up about a situation but so much was riding on this meet. I fucking hated Rev with a passion. Years of torment and suspicion had eaten away inside me, as I just knew he was responsible for the death of Viper. CJ and his contacts had investigated this over the past few years but everything was just a hunch or a coincidence and we had no solid leads. Still, I had to meet him today and knew that I really needed to hold it together in front of the group.

  I didn’t know too much about the plan today. Woods being the Aces road captain was always responsible for planning the journey. He’d completed a successful reconnaissance run yesterday and I was pleased with his findings and happy to act on his advice.

  “Duke!” Woods greeted me with a nod of the head as he entered the bar.

  “Morning, is everything in place?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

  “Sure is. The van is loaded with the goods. The prospects have washed it and there’s nothing wrong with the vehicle to arouse any suspicion.”

  Woods joined me at the table, turning the chair around so that he could straddle it and lean on his elbows.

  “Great! So I can just enjoy the ride this morning without having to worry about anything?” I asked sarcastically as I propped my feet on the nearest chair to get comfortable.

  Woods smiled showing his set of perfectly lined white teeth as he poured himself a cup of coffee. I sat there observing him. He was a good looking man and looked like a fucking model with his fitted Versace jeans, Stone Island navy fleece and black Caterpillar boots. I shook my head as I started to snigger.

  “What’s up man?” He asked looking up from stirring his coffee.

  “You walk in here like you’re on a catwalk in your fucking designer clothes. People will think the clubs gone soft!”

  “Ah fuck off! There’s nothing wrong with looking good. It’s not my fault that I look like this.” He stated modelling various catalogue poses.

  I laughed, “So how come you’re still single, with those pretty boy looks?”

  Woods stood and continued to flex his muscles, “Once Lauren’s off my hands, there’ll be time for romance.”

  I continued to laugh as Diesel walked in with a confused expression.

  “What the fucks going on here? You auditioning for Britain’s next top model or something?”

  Diesel joined us at the table, taking a swig of my coffee.

  “Yuck! Put some sugar in it man.” Diesel said pulling a disgusted face.

  “Or get your fucking own! Anyway we need to make a move, it’s just gone 9.00am.”

  Buster and Tyler had the responsibility of driving the van containing the drugs. This was normal protocol and helped us to see their loyalty for the club because if they got stopped by the authorities, they were the people doing the time at her majesties pleasure. They gave Bear their cuts as they weren’t allowed to wear them on illegal runs to try and distance the club if they were caught.

  “You ready for this boys?” I asked, as I walked between them patting them both on the back before resting my arms across their shoulders.

  “Born ready!” Tyler said confidently with a broad smile on his face. I looked towards Buster who didn’t look as self-assured but he hadn’t been with us as long.

  “Well, keep it up Tyler and it won’t be long before you’re patched.” I walked away knowing that statement would give him a confidence boost and he’d do everything within his power to make this ‘meet’ run smoothly.

  We travelled down the M2 in the direction of the meeting place. The journey itself was a straight run and at this time of day we shouldn’t encounter much traffic.

  The four of us on motorcycles rode in front of the van. This was standard practice and the van was behind at such a distance that it wouldn’t arouse suspicion or link it to us but we were there never the less to protect the goods if required to do so.

  “There’s a white Ford behind the van. It’s been tailing us for a while. Not sure if it’s anything to worry about but do you wanna take a look?” Tyler said calmly down the mic.

  “Yeah, Bear and I will take a look.” We moved in unison over to the slow lane, allowing several cars and the van to pass us. The white Ford Focus was coming up beside us in the middle lane at a steady pace. I was closest but as to not look too suspicious Bear looked over.

  He started to snigger, “Unless a seventy year old couple are a threat to us these days I think we’ll be okay.”

  We picked up our speed and joined Woods and Diesel further down the road. I noticed that we were just passing the turn off for junction 2 towards Strood and Rochester and was mindful of the traffic joining the M2 on the other side.

  My attention was drawn to a silver Vauxhall Insignia with two men inside which joined the motorway at speed. They were staring at us and I knew that we were in trouble.

  The sound of sirens sent shivers down my spine and the feeling of disappointment sunk to the pit of my stomach. Two more fucking weeks and we’d be totally legit. Just two more fucking weeks.

  “What’s the plan of action boss?” Tyler asked across the mic as he pulled up on the hard shoulder.

  “Sorry boys, you know the drill. Call Joe when you’re allowed your
phone call and I’ll see what I can do.”

  Joe was the solicitor we used when any of the guys were in trouble and worth her weight in gold. She did a fucking good job but with the amount of drugs in the back of that van, we wouldn’t be seeing the boys for a few years.


  I pulled over on the hard shoulder. I knew the protocol but it didn’t make the realisation any easier as I saw the four of them speed off down the motorway. I knew better than anyone as to what was involved in being a club member. I saw my dad come home in an array of different moods over the years from excitement to torment depending on what type of day he’d had.

  Mum didn’t want to be a civilian and got involved in the club as much as possible. I think the main reason being that she didn’t want dad running off with the latest skank but she also wanted to protect us from the club as much as possible. We would attend the family parties and gatherings and the club was a big part of our lives but she tried her best to shelter us from the dangers as any mum would.

  Out of the four of us, only Paige and I were involved in the club. The other two chose a more righteous path of being in the army and working at the salon. Not that I’m to judge, each to their own!

  I knew by the age of twelve that I wanted to join the club, much to my dad’s annoyance but what did he expect, I didn’t know any different. I understood that it wouldn’t be an easy ride for me. I had seen first hand, how hard Duke had to work to earn respect because he had family members in the club but I could do it. I would prove my worth to the club and especially to Duke.

  The police officer indicated for me to get out of the vehicle. I waited for the traffic to clear before exiting the van taking all of my documentation with me. Walking casually over to the police officer I stood beside him on the hard shoulder of the motorway.

  “Is there a problem officer? I asked.

  “You tell me son. Why do you think I’ve pulled you over this morning?” He stepped forward removing his sun glasses so that he could eye ball me.


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