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Duke (Aces MC Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  I dragged her off the bed with a fud by her cheap extensions.

  “You’re hurting me Amy.” Yasmin screamed as she put both hands over mine at the roots of her hair trying to release my fingers. She scrambled around and finally managed to get to her feet as I dragged her up the corridor towards the bar.

  I threw her to the ground, seeing the shocked faces of the guys.

  “This is the reason that Mitchell’s late for church.” I searched for Ethan among the throngs of people and saw James. Shit! He’ll think I’m a fucking lunatic but I was so annoyed I didn’t really give a shit. “Even with a broken nose she manages to suck cock. How the fucking hell she managed to breathe is beyond me.” I slammed the door stalking back to Mitchell’s room to the wail of laughter behind me.

  “What the fuck Ames, she nearly bit my dick off!” He was lying in the foetal position holding his cock. “Is it bleeding?” I asked trying to sound sincere.

  Mitchell shook his head and pulled the cover up slightly, covering his modesty.

  “It would’ve served you right for being such an arse. What are you playing at Mitch?” I lowered myself perching on the corner of the bed. “This is déjà vu!”

  Mitchell straightened slightly so he was now lying on his back as he held out his arm for me to join him. I noticed that he was still cupping himself with his other hand which made me snigger.

  “Is it clean?” I asked screwing up my nose at the thought of bodily fluids on the sheets.

  Mitchell raised his eyebrows, “Stop your bitching and get over here.”

  I smirked as I crawled over the sheets and snuggled into Mitchell’s embrace.

  We laid in comfortable silence. I’d known Mitch for years, our families were close when we were younger which meant spending copious amounts of time together. I remember spending many evenings like this through my adolescence, after having an argument with my dad or just needing some time away and because of this, Mitch understood every aspect of my life and had been there to support me.

  Our nine year age difference made our relationship problematic at times as people always thought something was going on which made it sometimes difficult for Mitchell. People just couldn’t understand that a male and female could actually have a platonic relationship. In fact, I was as close to Mitchell as I am my own brother and because of this I would do anything to support him.

  We drifted apart when he became heavily involved in the Aces but I was over the moon when he asked me to run the cafe a couple of years ago. I was going through a rough patch at the time and had lost my direction but he gave me the focus I needed to get my life on track and I will always be extremely grateful.

  “I’ve fucked up Ames!” Mitch stated as he grabbed the bridge of his nose.

  I rose slightly leaning on my arm so that I could see him a little better. “Tell me everything and I’ll see if I can help.” I wasn’t a councillor but he needed to express his feelings in order to find a solution and move on. The thing being, everyone knew that he had a lot going on but he needed to find a coping mechanism to help him release his pent up frustrations, rather than trying to deal with the weight of the club’s problems by himself. On top of all that, I knew that he was fighting with his urges for Taylor.

  “I told Ash that I like her but I don’t do relationships. I asked if we could hang out and have some fun.”

  I pondered on what he’d just told me, “So I’m assuming your definition of ‘fun’ is sex?”

  Mitchell slowly nodded with a huge grin.

  “Why don’t you do relationships?” There was a long pause but I didn’t push him, I wanted an honest answer. For years he’d diverted answering this question and I was now waiting with bated breath.

  “Ames, you remember what type of relationship my parents had. They portrayed this persona to everyone but behind closed doors they hated each other. His life was the club and she tagged along. Now and then she’d get brave and pull him up on his shit but he knocked her into submission if she got too much.”

  I nodded remembering the occasional fights I’d witnessed on the visits to their home.

  “But you’re not your dad. You are a kind, loving and an extremely loyal man, who has so much to give. You can’t bed hop for the rest of your life Mitch.” I placed my hand gently on his cheek, pulling his head towards me, “Before you know it, you’ll be fifty or sixty years old and everyone around you will be married with kids. Then what are you gonna do? Still visit strippers, who will be young enough to be your granddaughters!” Mitchell let out a chuckle.

  “So what’s this got to do with Taylor?” I asked genuinely interested. Taylor was well educated, beautiful and had her own business. They seemed to get on well and there was obviously some sexual chemistry between them. I just didn’t understand his reticence.

  Mitchell let out a sigh, “Taylor’s great and that’s the issue,” my puzzled expression encouraged him to continue, “She’s too good for me Ames. I know it’s fucking early days and I’ll sound like a complete cock but Taylor’s the sort of woman that likes to be wined and dined. Eventually she’ll want to live in a big house with her husband and 2.4 children. That’s not a life I know so there’s no point even pursuing anything.”

  “Why can’t it be your life? You have money. You don’t have to live here you choose to, there’s a difference. You obviously have a connection so I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to pursue it, to see where it goes.”

  “You just don’t understand Ames. She doesn’t belong in the club, we’re from two different worlds.” He smirked, “It’s a shame though, coz she’s a fucking good shag!”

  It was no use, he wasn’t listening to what I was saying. When we were younger I used to wrestle him to get his attention but could only win if I got into him fast.

  I moved quickly so that I was straddling him, pinning him as I placed his hands either side of his head. I took him by surprise so was able to get into him but it wouldn’t last long, it never did! He was huge in comparison to my frame and only had to move slightly to topple me but hopefully I was proving my point. He started to laugh uncontrollably as tears streamed down his face.

  “Right, now I have your attention you need to listen. Taylor is a grown woman, don’t you think she’s able to make a decision whether she wants to be involved with you or not?” I removed my hands from his arms and started to tickle him as he continued to laugh.

  “Yes, you’re right, stop it Ames, I mean it!” I wasn’t listening to him as I continued to dig my fingers further into his sides.

  “Let it take its natural course, if it doesn’t work out at least you’ve given it a go with no regrets.”

  Mitchell quickly flipped me so that I was now lying on my back and was totally immobilised by his weight. We had the cover between us but his bare arse was now on show for the world to see.

  “Why can’t I just fancy you Ames? It would make life a whole lot easier!”

  I poked him in the chest, “No it wouldn’t because I wouldn’t put up with any of your shit!”

  We stopped talking at the sound of someone at the open door. Both of us turned to see who it was. “Sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.” James said almost embarrassed but hurt clearly visible on his face. He backed away from the door and turned quickly stalking down the corridor.

  “Shit!” I pushed Mitchell off me and got up straightening my clothes.

  “Are you gonna run after him?” Mitchell asked intrigued by my reaction.

  I paced back and forth and started to chew on my nails, not knowing what to do.

  “Now it’s your turn to give me some advice.” I stopped pacing but folded my arms waiting for him to respond.

  “By his reaction, I’d say that you’ve just hurt his feelings either because there is something going on between you two or he want’s something to happen.” I didn’t want to go into details at this moment in time so I kept quiet, “And I assume by your silence I’m correct.” I raised my eyebrows slightly as he chuckled.

  “Look Ames, you have two options. You can either run after James and explain the situation but that would make a man think that you’re interested in him. You don’t want to give off mixed signals so make sure you know what you want before running into his arms. Or you can stay, let him stew and play it cool either pursuing him at a later date or continue as friends.”

  I started to laugh, “If only you’d listen to your own advice.” The tears started to trickle down my face as I continued to laugh trying to catch my breath.

  “Ahem!” I turned to see an irate Ethan at the door which made me laugh even harder. Ethan shook his head at the sight in front of him, “Duke are you coming to church or do you want me to start?”

  I pushed past Ethan, “My job here is done, he’s all yours.” I stated as I walked down the corridor. “Ames!” I turned to see Mitch, “Remember what I said. Make sure it’s what you want.”

  I contemplated his words, “Right back at ya!”


  “Justice has been looking at possible business opportunities in the area. He’s also identified some businesses that are failing and could possibly be turned around with the right person managing them. There’s a club and a bookies that I’m particularly interested in.” I passed the lists around so that everyone had a copy, “Take a look over the next couple of days and we’ll discuss this later in the week.” I flicked through the pieces of paper, “Next on the agenda is Hound’s and Maggie’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.” Whoops and cheers followed by the guys banging on the table filled the room at their excitement.

  “Alright, calm it down. The blessing will take place in the courtyard followed by an almighty party. Is everything under control Hound?”

  He leant back on his chair resting his hands behind his head. “Maggie has it all covered apart from one thing.” The room went eerily quiet and I looked around at the guys but none of them would make eye contact.

  “What the fucks going on Hound?”

  He tapped on the table as if he was building up the courage to ask me a question, “Spit it out!” I shouted.

  “Maggie would like Taylor to do her hair and make-up. Is it okay to ask her?”

  Fucking hell, I must be a loose cannon at the moment if the guys were worried about asking me a simple question regarding Ash.

  “Why wouldn’t it be okay?” I said coldly leaning on the table as the guys continued to be quiet.

  “For fuck’s sake Duke stop being an arsehole. You know you’ve been acting like a cock regarding Taylor.” I looked to my left glaring at Diesel as he sat casually in his chair.

  “Like you weren’t a cock regarding Ink?” I stated resting my chin on my steepled fingers.

  “Yeah, I was but I saw the error of my way’s and did something about it. I couldn’t live without her now and I’m not afraid to tell anyone that will listen.”

  “Right I think we should move to the next thing on the agenda before this gets out of hand.” Bear was trying to defuse the situation which I appreciated but I was spoiling for a fight.

  “What I do or don’t do in my personal life has nothing to do with you or anyone else unless it affects the club. Do I make myself fucking clear?” The guys nodded their heads in unison. I looked directly at Hound, “She can do your fucking make up. This meeting’s over.” I stood knocking the chair to the ground as I stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

  Ramsey stopped cleaning the tables and looked up at the noise. “Are you okay Pres?” he asked concerned.

  I continued walking, “No one is to contact me unless it’s an emergency, am I making myself clear?” He nodded franticly understanding the order.

  There was someone I needed to talk to.


  Word was getting around about the service we offered and today had been very successful with a range of new and regular customers. It was nearing 5.00pm and I was conscious of time as I had to be over at the club for 6.00pm.

  “Chanel, do you fancy some overtime this evening?” I asked hoping that she would come to ease some of the pressure.

  “Yeah sure, anything so that I don’t have to go home!” She said with a sad smile.

  I looked at her confused by her last comment, “Why what’s going on?”

  Chanel shrugged, “My Dad recently lost his job and has been dealing it by drinking a lot which makes him shoot his mouth off. It would be good to stay away for an evening.”

  “His loss is my gain, start packing away and we’ll head over to the club.” Chanel would be a great help this evening but I may have a fight, trying to keep the club members away from her as Chanel is gorgeous with her long dark hair, hazel coloured eyes and classic looking features.

  We arrived at the club a little after 6.00pm. “Sorry we’re late Bear.” He simply smiled as I walked further into the room.

  Chanel was mesmerised by the place and stopped suddenly taking in the place, “WOW! I never thought it would look like this Taylor. I thought strip joints would look seedy and dirty.” Bear sniggered at her statement.

  I grabbed her hand gently and directed her to the back of the club before she upset him with her lack of diplomacy. She’d already piqued the interest of some of the guys at the bar and I wanted to keep her away from the main area as much as possible. She was also underage and although it wasn’t a crime to be in here at seventeen, I didn’t want her to be tempted by anything.

  “Hi Savannah!” Chanel shouted across the dressing room.

  “Chanel, I didn’t know you were coming this evening.” Savannah stood to give Chanel an air kiss on either side of her face.

  “Your outfit is beautiful, did you make it yourself?” Chanel asked in awe of the stunning outfit Savannah was wearing. She crouched to feel a piece of the material between her fingers.

  Savannah wiggled, “I make all my costumes.”

  “Chanel, settle down and give Savannah room to move.” I said in a clipped tone as she was getting over excited.

  She smiled sweetly as she left Savannah’s side to unpack the hair and beauty products that I’d left here last night.

  Savannah walked over to give me a hug, “How have you been?”

  I released her from me hold but held her at arm’s length, “I’m good. Now what are you having this evening?”

  Chanel and I worked solidly for four hours and I was starting to feel tired.

  “Let’s take a break, I’m exhausted.” Chanel was jigging around to the music like she’d been doing for most of the evening.

  “You’ve got no stamina Taylor.” She said with a giggle as she continued to twirl and lip sync.

  She was right, I was still aching from my last encounter with Duke!

  I opened the door leading Chanel to the bar. Tracy, a club regular was on the stage dancing provocatively to ‘Should’ve Known Better’. The punters were in full swing, clapping and cheering as she swung around the pole. I turned and caught Chanel staring at Tracy.

  “Close your mouth Chanel.” I said amused by her reaction.

  “She looks fantastic Taylor. Did you see what she just did up that pole?”

  I shook my head, “Don’t get any ideas.” I stated firmly as I pulled her towards the bar.

  We perched ourselves on the barstools directly in front of the bar. “What are you drinking ladies?” Natasha the manager asked with a bright smile.

  “Two cokes with ice, please.”

  “Taylor, Chanel,” Diesel said with a nod, “The girls have looked lovely this evening, thank you.” Natasha handed us our drinks and I eagerly took a sip as I was parched.

  “Well if you’re happy then I’m happy. We’re gonna have a quick drink then return to work. We haven’t had a break yet.”

  “You’ve done enough this evening, please stick around for a while and keep me company until Spike arrives.”

  I looked over at Chanel, to see that she was deep in conversation with one of the prospects.

  “Is he okay?” I asked pointin
g in their direction. “She’s young, I don’t want him taking advantage.”

  Diesel laughed, “Buster, look after Chanel. See that no harm comes to her.”

  He smiled and continued the conversation with Chanel who was hanging on his every word.

  “How’s the salon going?” Diesel asked looking genuinely interested.

  “It’s going better than expected. The beauty side of the business has also taken off and with this gig, I can’t really complain.” He nodded and took a sip of his drink. “So where’s Spike tonight?”

  Diesel laughed shaking his head slightly at my question. “He’s probably with his latest project!” He must have seen my confused state, “He’s a fixer. He likes to fix things and people. If we’re in a room full of people, he will be able to sniff out the person who has the most problems and then try to fix them, it’s what he does.”

  I couldn’t make out if Diesel was mocking or admiring this characteristic, “That’s not a horrible quality to have and he has a kind heart.” I couldn’t help my outburst.

  “And you have a smart mouth.” He stated taking another sip of his drink maintaining eye contact.

  I fidgeted in my chair, pulling my dress down as much as possible to cover my thighs.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend or speak out of turn.” Had I annoyed Diesel? That was the last thing I wanted.

  “He’s ribbing you Taylor. He likes a girl with a smart mouth.” Spike draped his arm around my shoulder. “You’re on par with Ink.” He said with a wink.

  “We were just talking about you. Have you been with your latest project?” Diesel asked mockingly.

  Spike looked annoyed, “No, I’ve been with Duke this evening. He went to visit Viper.”

  Diesel looked surprised and jumped off the stool, “Is he still there?”

  Spike knocked back his drink and placed the empty glass on the bar, “Don’t panic, he’s back at the club house. He just needed time to sort his head out. He’s had the weight of the world on his shoulders lately but he just needs to learn how to unwind.”


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