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One-Click Buy: July 2009 Harlequin Blaze

Page 13

by Julie Kenner

  There was more here than the pulse of desire. More than the craving of his body.

  There was something outside his comprehension, beyond his understanding.


  For her. For him.



  In that strange light, as he knelt on the bed, his right knee close to the curve of her waist, wonder moved in a deep tide through him.

  “This is something special, Zack. Isn’t it?” There was wonder, too, in her eyes.

  “I suspect that it is. I’m afraid to look at it too closely,” he murmured, touching her face, pushing away soft brown strands. “Something else entirely.” He twined his fingers in her hair, the rich mass spread across his rumpled sheets. “Did you come to chase away my fears?”

  He lifted one thick strand, letting it run through his fingers like silk.

  “How could I? I have my own.” She stroked his mouth, and he caught one fingertip gently with his teeth, tasting her. She turned toward him, one knee raised, the robe sliding down her thigh.

  “What do you want?” He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm.

  “Whatever you want,” she whispered, the honeyed sunshine of her voice glowing inside him, blending with the tide swelling in him, pushing back the doubts and pain.

  Her voice offered entry to paradise when he’d thought to linger forever at the gates, locked outside.

  With the backs of his knuckles, he edged the terry cloth wider, tugging at the belt across her waist. Parting the robe, he stared down at the delicate flare of her hips, the threshold to her sex and up to her full, tantalizing breasts.

  “Are you just going to look?”

  “Are you rushing me?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. Just asking a simple question.”

  “You’re nudging.”

  He traced his fingertips across her abdomen and she sucked in a breath. He felt her hands on him, climbing up his ribs, smoothing across the undersides of his arms. Easing himself down beside her, he lay facing her, watching her eyes change, darken, as he passed his forefinger over her inner thigh, brushing against her in minute sweeps closer to her intimate heat.

  “I want what we had last night. The passion,” he whispered, letting his breath caress her stomach.

  “I want that, too.” Her hands came up to cup his face, her thumbs caressing along his cheekbones.

  He slid his thighs over her restless legs, holding her still as he reached into the nightstand quickly for a silver packet. “Let’s go with that then, sweetheart.”

  He slipped off his shorts and his shaft sprang free. Before he could complete the sheathing, her hands were on him, pressing him back against the headboard. She found his rigid nipple and nipped at the sensitive disk, and that stab of erotic sensation spiraled all the way down to his groin.

  She kissed along his torso to his belly and kept nibbling her way lower with soft, delicious bites and the scrape of her teeth along his heated skin. She took him in her hands, her grasp snug as she measured the length of his cock in long, firm strokes that had him gritting his teeth in a painful kind of pleasure. Her thumbs grazed the lubricated head of his penis with every pass, drawing a fierce climax closer to the surface.

  “JC,” he said, his voice a deep, husky growl.

  Slowly, she curled her tongue over the broad head of his sex, then licked and nibbled her way up and down his cock. Softly, leisurely, she pleasured him with small, appreciative sighs and moans that made him writhe beneath her. Just when he was certain he was on the verge of climaxing, she finally parted her lips and enveloped him in the wet heat of her mouth.

  His nostrils flared, and savage lust reared within him as she took him deep, working his thick, solid member with her lips and tongue, her fingers wrapped around the base.

  Her mouth slicked over him and his hips bucked beneath the onslaught and he almost lost control.

  He pushed her up and away from him, sheathing himself as quickly as he could. Straddling her, his breathing ragged, he tugged the hot bud of her nipple into his mouth. She arched wildly beneath him, shuddering as he slipped inside her. He impaled her on the moment of her pleasure and then drove her higher as he wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and slid his hands under her thighs, lifting her to accept each deep thrust.

  He wanted to make this last forever, wanted to stay with her in that burning darkness, consumed.

  But his hunger for her betrayed him. As he held on to her smooth flesh, pushing himself toward the edge with an urgency he hadn’t dreamed of, her whimper sent him tumbling over into the sun.

  He watched her flash and burn with him, her eyes wide and filled with him until that final second when she arched into him, panting, her eyes closed, and he followed her, losing himself in her completely.


  IT DIDN’T take long for Zack and JC to finish JC’s board. Dressed in Zack’s clothes again, she ran up to his shower to wash off the grime of the workshop.

  When she came out of the shower, Zack was sitting on the bed. He had the beautiful blocked-color halter top and shorts in his hands.

  “Since you love them so much. They’re yours.”

  “Are you sure? They’re almost too gorgeous to wear.” JC took the garments from him and smiled. “I don’t suppose you have a blow-dryer here, do you?”

  “I do. I sometimes use it in the workshop. It’s under the sink.”

  JC made quick work of getting herself ready for her photo shoot. She was so glad to see that the shorts had a built-in panty that made underwear unnecessary. Once she was dressed, she picked up her dirty clothes, stuffing them in a bag Zack gave her. Zack took her over to the Pipeline where she was shooting.

  The waves were huge and as JC walked out to the crew, her palms started to sweat. Zack followed and dropped into the sand to watch.

  “Are you sure you won’t be bored?” she asked.

  “No. You don’t have a ride back to your bungalow. I’ll wait.”

  “All right. Thanks.”

  Lindsay Michaels walked up to JC. She was the photographer. “There’s no one here from Lexie.”

  “Wow. That’s crazy.”

  “I love what you’re wearing. Where did you get it?”

  “That guy over there—” JC pointed to Zack “—designed and made it. He’s Zack Fanning.”

  “Nice. Is he a designer?”

  “He doesn’t think he is. I wish he’d get a clue and expand his surfboard business.”

  “I heard that Evan Banks is looking for an investment.” “Really? The real-estate mogul?”

  “Yep. So, what are we going to do about the shoot? Cancel?”

  ZACK WATCHED as JC took over organizing the shoot. When a representative from Lexie showed up forty-five minutes later, the shoot was almost over. Meanwhile, Zack was impressed by JC’s ability to organize everything.

  The more he got to know JC Wilcox, the more he admired the woman. When she walked over to him after the shoot, he didn’t want to drive her back to her bungalow. He wanted to spend the rest of the day with her.

  “Do you have to go back to your bungalow?”

  “Yes, I need to get my…your board and do some practicing. There’s still plenty of light and plenty of waves.”

  “How about I come with you? I’ve got a waverunner. Get you out to the waves without tiring you out.”

  “You want to help me practice?”

  “I do.”

  They spent the rest of the week practicing, and Zack crafted two spare boards for JC, in case the first board he’d made for her got damaged in the competition. Zack went to the exhibition. Every day they spent their time making love and he helped her practice. It was the best two weeks of his life. But as the competition loomed, so did his unrest.

  It seemed that JC was also getting anxious about the competition. She often stared out at the ocean and studied the waves. They’d been to the Pipeline several times to practice and she’d had some trouble wit
h the waves, but he kept encouraging her.

  On the day before the competition, JC lay curled next to Zack. He played with her hair, letting the silk slide through his fingers, wondering what would happen once the competition was over and JC had gone on to the next event. It hurt to think about her missing from his life.

  But it would be selfish of him to ask her to stay.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked softly.

  “That the competition is over tomorrow and you’ll get to prove yourself to all the skeptics.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so,” he said. “You have what it takes. Remember I’ve been out with you every day and seen you. I know you’re talented.”

  “I’m not so sure of that. If I pulled out of the competition….”

  “Pulled out?” He sat up. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m afraid,” she said in a small voice. “Afraid that I’ll never live up to my potential. That all the people who said I didn’t have half the talent of my father are right.”

  He squeezed her shoulders gently. “JC, they’re not right. You have to believe that. You’re going into the Pipeline tomorrow. You can’t have any doubts when you’re facing fifteen-foot waves.”

  “You wouldn’t want me to stay with you,” she teased.

  He swallowed. He wanted that, but the thought of giving himself over to his feelings scared him deep down inside. JC had to move on and he had to let her. That he wouldn’t have to delve too deep came as a relief. The risk of giving his heart was one that was just too big right now. He had to let her go and chase her dream. His was long over.

  “Then you’ll never know whether you could have achieved everything you possibly could have. I don’t want you wondering that your whole life. Do you?”


  “Good. I had to leave surfing, JC, but you can go all the way.”

  “All the way,” she said, smiling up at him. “Hey, my father invited me to a party tonight.”

  “You talked to him.”

  “No, he left another message at the bungalow. I’m not sure why I’m reluctant to face him. It’s not that he’ll ever say to me that he’s disappointed in me.”

  “Don’t be that way, JC. I’m telling you that your father won’t be anything but proud of you.”

  “You’re right. Will you go with me?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  JC HAD BEEN under the impression that her father’s party was going to be a small gathering. She had been totally wrong. So she was glad that Zack had taken her home to change into a cute skirt and pretty T-shirt. As they made their way through the house to the open patio, a woman placed leis around both her and Zack’s necks. The back of the house was lit with white lights, illuminating the palm trees and foliage. The hot tub, whirling with frothy white water, hummed as the bartender handed out colorful cocktails to guests who waited in line. Beyond the glimmering pool, her father had catered a luau. Live Hawaiian music lent a subtle and sensual atmosphere to the night and the perfume of the flowers around her neck made her ache for Zack’s touch.

  It was clear to her that it wasn’t hard for Zack to let her go. She’d taken a risk on Zack and it hadn’t panned out. She would have to enjoy the last few days she had with him and then move on to her next competition in Tahiti. By then she hoped she’d still have a sponsor.

  She spotted her father near the imu, the pit where the pig and sweet potatoes were wrapped in laulau, or taro leaves. She could smell the delicious aroma of pork. This particular imu had been constructed by digging a hole in the sand and then placing kiawe logs in the bottom topped with river rocks. The fire was started and when the hot coals and rocks were ready, moist banana stalks were placed on top followed by a bed of banana leaves on which the pig was placed. The low tables were already set with poi, chicken long rice, lomi salmon and salads. She was delighted to see that her father hadn’t forgotten that haupia, or coconut custard, was her favorite dessert.

  “Daddy,” she called and he looked up from supervising the extraction of the pig and sweet potatoes from the imu and waved. He left the caterers to their job and made his way to her across the sand. He threw his arms around her and hugged her so hard, her spine protested. All her doubts seemed to melt away in his exuberance.

  “It’s good to see you, my girl. I’m happy you came.”

  “Dad, this is Zack Fanning.”

  “Fanning. I know you.”

  “Yes, sir,” Zack said, looking every inch the groupie. “I have to warn you that I brought a poster for you to sign.”

  Her father laughed. “Be happy to. Maybe later we can talk.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll go get us some drinks, JC.”

  “Are you still going by that nickname, even to your boyfriends?”

  “Dad! Zack isn’t my boyfriend.”

  “Right, sorry. I just like Jade so much better.”

  “Jade! That’s your first name?” Zack exclaimed. “It’s beautiful. I want to call you Jade from now on.”

  “Don’t you dare, Zack. See what you’ve done, Dad.”

  Her father only chuckled.

  “Zack Fanning, huh?” her father said as Zack strolled over to the bar.

  “He crashed into me when I was practicing a couple of weeks ago. He broke my board and insisted on making me a new one. In fact, he’s made me three.”

  “I’d like to see them.”

  “I’ll show them to you later. Are you coming to the competition?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “I thought you might be a little mad.”

  “No, just wondering why it’s taken you so long to come see me.”

  “I’m having a difficult time, Dad. Lexie told me that if I don’t do well in this competition, they’re dropping me. My stats are terrible and I thought you’d be….”

  “What? Disappointed in you? Ah, honey. I don’t care about any of that. You’re my daughter, and I love you. I couldn’t ever be disappointed in you.”

  “You must have read what they’ve said about me.”

  “What have they said?”

  “That I’m not you. That I had so much potential that hasn’t been realized.”

  “Screw them. What do they know? Of course, you’re not me. You’re Jade Crystal Wilcox and you are your own person, and tomorrow you’re going to get your rhythm back and kick ass in the Pipe.”

  “Damn right,” Zack chimed in as he handed her a cocktail. She sipped at the drink and smiled.

  “That pig smells mighty good, Slade,” a dark-haired man said as he came up to them.

  “Evan. It’s good to see you.”

  “Evan Banks?” JC asked, turning to look at Zack.

  “Yes, do I know you?”

  “Evan, this is my daughter, JC Wilcox and her friend, Zack Fanning.”

  “Zack Fanning. That’s a name I know. I heard good things about you and your boards and designs. My girlfriend’s a photographer and she mentioned you might be looking to expand your business.”

  Zack didn’t say anything and JC’s heart constricted in her chest.

  “I don’t know about that, sir,” Zack replied.

  Evan pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to Zack. “I’d like to see your plans, young man. Let’s set something up. Call me.” Evan and her father walked away.

  Zack held the business card as if it was a scorpion. “What did you do?”

  “I mentioned it to the photographer at the photo shoot,” answered JC. “How did I know that she was dating him?”

  “You mentioned that I might be interested in expanding my business?”

  “No, I said I wished that you’d expand your business. You know how things can get mixed up.”

  “JC, I told you—”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. It just came out. But now that you have his card…”

  “I guess it couldn’t hurt to talk to the guy. I’m flattered that he would be interested in investing in me.”<
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  “Really? That’s great. I could put together a marketing plan for you. I majored in marketing in college.”

  Zack looked at JC and after a moment, nodded. “Okay, but I’m not making any promises.”

  “Just wait until you see my plan. We’ll get that money for you in no time. I’ve had three women stop me and ask me where I got the halter outfit. One of them offered to buy it when I told her it was one of a kind. This will be big.”

  The next few hours passed quickly, and the hot afternoon turned into a warm evening. Still, the party continued and JC got full on roasted pig and lots of coconut custard. She was happy and content. Tomorrow she was going to prove to everyone that she had what it took to compete.

  She glanced at Zack, who was sitting back and watching her with a light in his eyes. “As much as I hate to leave, I have to get a good night’s sleep to be fresh for tomorrow,” she told him.

  She said her goodbyes to her father and he reassured her that he would be at the competition tomorrow. Once she was seated in Zack’s Jeep, Zack threaded his fingers through her hair, cupped the back of her head and pulled her forward so that she was meeting him halfway. Without preamble, he melded her mouth to his, and her lips parted, inviting a deeper, intimate kiss.

  He quit kissing her abruptly at the knock on the window. JC burst out laughing when she saw her father’s amused face staring at them. Zack hit the quick-release button and the glass slid down. “Yes, sir?” Zack asked.

  “I came out because you forgot to get me to sign that poster.”

  “Right,” Zack said, his voice cracking. He reached into the backseat and handed the poster and a marker to her father. She giggled again and Zack gave her a sheepish look as her father signed the poster, “From one wave rider to another, surfing is a way of life. Live it! Slade Wilcox.”

  Zack took the poster and JC’s father made his way over to her side of the car. He bent down to kiss her cheek and said softly, “Not your boyfriend, my ass.”

  JC burst out laughing again, and as her father walked away, Zack tugged her close to wheedle out of her what her father had said, but she held firm.


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