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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

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by Chiah Wilder

  “If I do the numbing thing, how long will it take?”

  “Usually about thirty minutes to an hour for it to take effect.”

  “Let’s just go without it. I’ll be brave. I promise.” Her bright smile pulled him in, and he craved to press his mouth on her full lips.

  “Okay. Slip off your panties and lie on your stomach. You allergic to latex?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Just wondering what type of gloves to use.” As he watched her wiggle out of her lacey panties, his dick pulsed. He hadn’t even seen her ass and his cock was already misbehaving. He shook his head and came over to her, waiting for her to get comfortable. Lifting her skirt, he sucked in his breath as two rounded ass cheeks came into view. They were perfection. Damn. I gotta concentrate on what I’m doing, not on how badly I want to bite and smack her ass.

  “Can we see the design?” Rory said. Grateful for the intrusion, Goldie nodded and handed her the binder. “Oh wow. It’s beautiful. I may just have to get me one of these.” She smiled and caught his look.

  Diverting his gaze back to the most beautiful ass he’d ever seen, he began to adorn it.

  An hour later, he secured the bandage over the tattoo and helped her up. Claudia handed Hay her panties, and she giggled as she began to slip them on.

  “Make sure you follow all the instructions on this sheet. Since you got your tat higher up on your cheek, it should be easier to sit. Just make sure you keep it clean and moist. You don’t want to wear anything too tight, and you may want to reconsider wearing panties for a couple of weeks.”

  His lips twitched when crimson streaked her face.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled as she took the sheet from his hands before she rushed to the door and walked down the hall with her two friends in tow.

  “You forgot to sign in.” Kelly’s voice bounced off the walls. “And put down your phone number.”

  “Why?” Hay asked.

  “That’s the rule.”

  Kelly’s nails scraping against the counter grated on his nerves. He went into the reception area.

  “We ask for customers’ phone numbers to check up on them and make sure they’re not having any problems,” he said.

  “Do I have to?” She looked everywhere but at him.

  “No. It’s optional.” Goldie watched as she hesitated, then quickly wrote something down.

  “Let’s go.” She and her friends went through the front door, nearly colliding with a couple of guys as they came into the shop.

  Goldie watched the three women disappear into the night. If she left her number, I’ll give her a call tomorrow to see how she’s doing. He walked over to the front counter and glanced at the sign-in sheet. He jerked his head back and a sudden coldness spread through him as he read the name “Hailey Shilley.” What the fuck?

  “Goldie, did you hear me? Are you zoning out?” Kelly’s voice pierced through his veil of shock.

  “What do you want?”

  “These guys want tats. Are you available?”

  He nodded slowly. “I can do one and Skull can do the other. Buzz him.” He turned to the twentysomethings. “Where do you want the tats?” They both said their upper arms. “Okay. Give me a minute while I set things up.”

  Walking to one of the rooms that had a black leather chair that resembled a barber’s chair, he gripped the counter and shook his head. He still couldn’t believe the woman he’d had a hard-on for, the one whose ass he’d seen and touched, was Hailey Shilley.

  Is it possible that this is just some fucked-up coincidence? But he knew it wasn’t. He only knew one Hailey Shilley, and she was the little sister of his best buddy, Ryan. But when he’d last seen Hailey, she’d just turned fourteen. Their dad was transferred to New Mexico and that was the last time he saw or thought of her.

  She grew up real nice. He shook his head forcefully. Damnit! This is Ryan’s little sister. He couldn’t go there. Even though he was drawn to her, and he suspected she was to him, he couldn’t start anything with her. Ryan would kill me. I just have to forget about her.

  He prepared his room, then went to the front. Only one of the guys was sitting on the couch. “My buddy went with the other dude,” he said.

  Goldie nodded and motioned him to follow. I always call my customers after they get a tattoo. I’ll give her a quick call tomorrow and then it’ll be done. What’s one call going to hurt?

  Resolute in his decision, he motioned for the guy to sit in the chair, and then he closed the door.

  Chapter Two

  Hailey groaned when she turned on her back in bed. Rolling to her left side, she glanced at her digital clock and grimaced: five thirty. The area where she got her tattoo throbbed, so she pushed herself out of bed and padded to the bathroom to take two Tylenols. I can’t believe I got a tattoo on my butt. I can’t believe I let that gorgeous guy see my butt, and touch it. She silently swore she’d never drink White Russians again. She’d lost her head the previous night. And Rory and Claudia were just as much to blame as she was. They pushed me into doing it. But she knew she was more than willing. She’d wanted one for such a long time but never had the nerve to do it, especially when she’d been living with her parents in Albuquerque.

  After filling the glass with water, she downed the Tylenol, then went back to bed. It was Sunday morning and she wanted to sleep in. It was the only day she had off from the flower shop she was running for her aunt Patty. It’d been eight months since she’d come back to Alina—her hometown. She wasn’t sure how she’d feel about it, but she had to admit it was great being back with her two best friends, Rory and Claudia. The three of them had known each other since they were old enough to walk, and even though they’d kept up with each other through social media, it wasn’t the same as being together again in the same town.

  Closing her eyes, she hoped sleep would come, but the handsome face of the tattoo artist stayed in her mind. He was definitely hot, with his muscled chest and his tight, sculpted biceps. She was a sucker for a man’s biceps, and the cutie from the previous night had the best pair of arms she’d seen in a very long time. Maybe even the best ever.

  But it hadn’t stopped there. His face was smooth and clean-shaven, just the way she liked it. So many men had scruff, but she loved to run her fingers over a freshly shaved face. When she’d first seen him, his blue eyes pierced her like shards of ice on a wintry day. It was like he was trying to see inside her core, her essence. It both unnerved and excited her at the same time. He had a nice sprinkling of tattoos on his built arms, and she found herself sneaking peeks at him whenever he wasn’t looking. His jaw was square and his cheekbones high, but it was his full lips that beckoned her. I bet they’re soft but firm. He struck her as a man who would know how to please a woman.

  Tingles skated across her skin as she imagined being in his arms, his mouth pressed against hers, her body fused to his. She licked her lips. I really need to get laid. I’ve been here for eight months and haven’t even kissed a guy. The problem was that she was so busy at the flower shop, and the men who did approach her just didn’t do it for her. They didn’t spark anything in her to make it worth her while. No one really had except for the rough, sexy tattoo artist. Just thinking about him made her shiver all over.

  He probably has a girlfriend. And he’s probably a cheat. A guy that good-looking never has a shortage of women.

  The vibration of her phone startled her. Who in the hell is calling me at this hour? Warmth flooded her when she saw Ryan’s name flash on her screen.

  “Do you know what time it is?” She tried to sound pissed but failed miserably.

  “It’s a quarter to three in the afternoon in Bahrain.” His chuckle rumbled over the phone.

  She winced when she rolled onto her back and quickly turned back to her side. “You’re in Bahrain? Are you on leave?”

  “Yeah. A few of us are here for four days. I’d rather be in Alina though. You getting used to being back?”

  “I am. I’m just so bu
sy all the time with Aunt Patty’s shop. She didn’t listen to the doctor and went back to work, and then she had to get another operation. I told her I could take care of everything and for her to relax and stay off her leg.”

  “Aunt Patty was always stubborn. She kinda reminds me of a sister of mine.” Ryan laughed.

  She giggled. “I would’ve at least listened to the doctor. Anyway, she’s in rehab for about nine months and she’s climbing the walls. When are you going to come home for a visit?” Hailey hated thinking of him fighting overseas. She was just as upset as their mother when he’d enlisted in the Army when he turned twenty. Even though he’d tell her not to worry, she couldn’t help it; he was always in the back of her mind. She wished he hadn’t reenlisted a couple of years before, but he did and she just had to deal with it.

  “I may be able to take two weeks off this summer. I’ll let you know.”

  “Summer is just around the corner. That’d be awesome! I miss you so much, and so do Mom and Dad.” She blinked rapidly to stave off the tears.

  “I know. I’d love to come to Alina and see some old faces. It’s been a long time since I was there.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you for Garth’s phone number. I keep forgetting to get it every time we text or e-mail.”

  “You don’t want to look him up. He’s in a biker club now. A badass one, as in dangerous and doing all sorts of illegal shit.”

  “But you’re still friends with him.”

  “Of course. We’ve been buds since we were in first grade. I’m just saying there’s no reason for you to look him up. He’s got a ton of women around him all the time, and he’s busy as hell with his club.”

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t be looking him up to date. I just thought it’d be nice to connect with someone who knows you and can talk about you. It’d be like you were here. I know that sounds silly.”

  “It does. I have to go. Don’t work too hard. You’ve got to have some fun too.”

  “I know. I loved talking to you. Take care of yourself.”

  After she placed the phone on the nightstand, she grabbed a tissue and blew her nose, then wiped her wet eyes. She and Ryan were close even though there was a four year difference between them. When she was younger, he used to take her to get ice cream, to Overland Lake to swim, and all the other things a teenage brother wouldn’t be caught dead doing with his little sister.

  Smiling at the memories of their childhood, she pulled out another tissue and dabbed the corners of her eyes.

  Then the face of Garth Saner floated through her head. She’d had the worst crush on him, starting when she was eleven years old up until the time they had to move to Albuquerque. She’d thought he was the best-looking boy in the neighborhood. He’d always been nice to her, especially when she’d started growing breasts. When she turned thirteen, she caught him glancing at her chest more times than she could count. It used to make her feel funny, and a fluttery feeling in her stomach made her turn away from him when he’d come over to hang out with Ryan. When she’d entered Jefferson High School, she’d get a burning sensation in her chest every time she saw him with his arm around a girl or caught them kissing near the bleachers. She didn’t know why she cared, but she did, so she avoided him as best she could. Then halfway through her freshman year, her father was transferred to Albuquerque.

  I wonder what he looks like now. He’s probably still a player, breaking all the girls’ hearts like he did in high school. Picturing him in a biker gang was easy because he’d had a bad-boy edge about him when they were growing up. He got in trouble a lot at school because of fighting, mouthing off to teachers, and smoking on school grounds. He was a definite rebel. Part of her wanted to ignore Ryan’s warnings and try to locate Garth, but she knew she wouldn’t.

  As her thoughts slowed down, she felt drowsy. Pulling the sheets over her shoulder, she closed her eyes and let sleep settle in.

  * * *

  When she heard the vibration, she sat up in bed, the late spring sunlight beating against her window shades. For a few seconds she was disoriented and thought a bee was in her room. As she swatted at the air, the vibrating sounded muffled and she looked under her covers, petrified that a bee had somehow ended up trapped in her Martha Stewart lilac sheets. When she saw her phone, peals of laughter burst from her.

  “Hello?” She giggled.

  “Do you always sound this cheerful in the morning after having a tattoo?”

  A rush of adrenaline surged through her. The tattoo guy. Fuck. “It’s the only way to deal with the pain.” What a stupid lame answer.

  He chuckled. “How’re you doing? Do you still have the bandage on?”

  “Uh… yeah. I was sorta sleeping when you called.”

  “Sorry. I should’ve figured you would be after your night out. You and your friends definitely had a party going on.”

  “Last time I drink White Russians. They make me do crazy things, like have my butt tattooed.” I can’t believe he called me. Wait. Don’t jump to conclusions. It’s his job to see how his customers are doing. This is routine.

  “Sometimes doing crazy things is the spark we need in our lives to keep on going. Anyway, if having some flowers tatted on your ass is the craziest thing you do, then you need to get out more.” His voice, low and gravelly, stroked her senses like velvet.

  “I haven’t been in Alina very long. I’d love to have someone show me the hot spots in town.” She held her breath. When he didn’t answer, her heart sank. Could you sound any more desperate? He only called to ask how you are. It’s routine. I made an ass out of myself. “I have to go.”

  “Sure. If you have any questions or issues, just give us a call.” His smooth baritone sounded strained.

  “Okay,” she mumbled and hung up. “Just give us a call.” He didn’t tell me to give him a call. She buried her face in her pillow as the blood rushed to her head. If she decided to get another tattoo, she’d never go back there. How could she ever show her face in that shop again? Even if she had to drive to Durango to get a tattoo, she’d do it before she went back there.

  I so need to go out with a man. Maybe I should go out with Rory’s coworker. What was his name? Blake, or Blaine? Maybe it was Brandon. Anyway, he seemed nice, and he wasn’t super-hot so I wouldn’t make an ass out of myself. One thing was for sure: she did need to get out more.

  She picked up her phone and sent a text to Rory, asking her to arrange a double date with her coworker. When Rory responded with a series of happy faces and exclamation points, Hailey groaned and buried her face in the pillow.

  Chapter Three

  Goldie sat at the table, his legs stretched out in front of him, and watched Brutus and Jigger play pool. He curled his fingers around a large can of Coors, then brought it to his lips and took a long drink.

  “What’s happenin’, dude?” Army asked as he slid a chair out from the table and sat down.

  “Not much. Just chillin’ until I have to go to work. What’re you up to?”

  “I got a hot date for later tonight. She’s a real looker. She’s got big hair, big tits, and a big ass. She’s really something. The tats on her are awesome. It looks like your work. She said she had them done at Get Inked. Do you remember her?” Army picked up his glass of whiskey.

  “Not offhand. I’ve worked on a lot of chicks who fit that description.”

  “You’d remember her. Anyway, I was thinking that after you get off work, you could join us. She’s got a friend who’s got the right curves. I know you’d like her. What do you say?”

  “Not tonight. Tattoo Mike’s gotta cut out early. His old lady’s having an anniversary party for her folks and he’s gotta be there. That just leaves me and Skull. I’ll probably be there past closing.”

  “When have you ever passed up a sure thing? The chick’s friend doesn’t care what time you get to their apartment. She just wants you to get there.” Army smiled widely and leaned back in the chair.

  “They roommates?”

>   “Yeah. It could get real fun.” Army chuckled.

  Goldie wasn’t in the mood for hooking up with a citizen. His head was still reeling from the fact that the beautiful woman with the luscious ass was Hailey Shilley. His thoughts rolled back to when he and Ryan used to hang out and Hailey always wanted to tag along. Even when they’d climb up to their treehouse, she would stand at the base of the tree and call up to Ryan. He sniggered. She knew how to manipulate us. We always gave in and I’d scramble down and help her climb up.

  “What’s so funny?” Army asked.

  The memories scurried away as Army’s voice and the clack of the pool balls brought him back to the present. “Nothing. I’m going to pass for tonight. Ask Chains. He’s been itching for someone new. You know how he gets after being with the club girls for too long—he’s ready for some fresh game.”

  Army busted out laughing. “Perfect way of putting it. Okay, I’ll ask him. It’s your loss.” He moved his chair around so he could watch the pool game.

  Goldie stared at the players, but they were just fuzzy silhouettes as his mind brought back pictures of Hailey. When he was a teen, it’d seemed to him that she’d grown breasts and curves overnight. He remembered the first time he’d seen her in a tight-fitting sweater. His pants had grown tight and he’d beaten himself up over what a douchebag he was for getting hard at the sight of her. He’d realized in that moment that he’d like to hang out with her more, but he hadn’t dared to. How could he? She’d been his best friend’s sister, and her fourteen years were a little too young to his eighteen. But it didn’t stop him from glancing her way from time to time, and he’d caught her sneaking peeks at him when she’d thought he wasn’t looking.

  But she was all grown up now and had a killer body. One he’d love to roam his hands all over. Fuck. Stop. Ryan’s still your best friend. The fact that Hailey was living in Alina and didn’t look him up told Goldie that Ryan must’ve told her not to. Hailey and Ryan were very tight and she’d respect what he’d asked her to do. Knowing that Ryan purposely didn’t give her his phone number told Goldie that his best friend wouldn’t be pleased if he hooked up with his sister. He’d kill me.


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