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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

Page 13

by Chiah Wilder

  “Whoa. What man? What bushes? I’m on my way. Keep talking.”

  “I was super busy at the floral shop and ended up staying later than I normally would. When I was trying to find my car keys, I heard a lot of noise and stuff from the park. I had a real strong sense someone was watching me. It creeped me out. As I was getting ready to leave, this fox ran out from the bushes, and I thought that was the end of it. I hung a U and then I saw a man standing by the bushes as I passed the park. It totally freaked me out. When I turned to get a better look, he wasn’t there, but I know I didn’t imagine it.”

  “Did it look like your ex-asshole?”

  “No. Nolan is really tall, like over six feet. This guy looked about five nine or so.” The rumble of his motorcycle broke through the groaning wind and washed over her, bringing comfort. She jumped from the car and rushed over to Goldie, throwing herself into his waiting arms.

  He rubbed her back and held her close. “Fuck. You’re shaking like a leaf. Did you get a good luck at the fucker?” She shook her head and buried it into his chest. “Let’s go inside. I felt a couple of drops on me.” He led her up the stairs and she opened the door.

  Sitting on the couch, she watched him as he walked around the main floor, tugging at the windows. “What’re you doing?”

  “Making sure everything’s locked up.” When he pulled at the side window in the dining room, she gasped as it flew open. He turned around. “You left this one unlocked.”

  “I didn’t. I always check before I leave. I kind of got in that habit when I lived alone in Albuquerque. I could swear the window was locked this morning.” Her mind reeled backward to that morning. She’d been in a big rush since she’d overslept and had to meet a bride-to-be and her mother. Did I check the windows this morning? She couldn’t remember. Stretching out her legs on the couch, she said, “Maybe I forgot to do it this morning. I was in a hurry. But even so, I never open that window, and I know it’s been locked every time I check it.”

  “Do you know how easy it is to break into this old house? I could get in here in less than a minute. I’ll send Army, Skull, and Chains over in the morning to help me change all the locks on the windows and doors. You really need an alarm, but I know that’s your aunt’s call. Talk to her about it. In the meantime, we’ll make it hard to break in here. I bet the windows in the basement are for shit. I’ll run down and check.”

  “Don’t go down there,” she said, goose bumps carpeting her skin.

  He jerked his head back. “Why not?”

  She pulled at a loose thread on the couch. “I don’t know. I guess I watch too many horror movies, but whenever someone goes in the basement on a windy, dark night, something always happens.”

  He came over to her and leaned down, tipping her head back with his finger. “You’re too damn cute. Nothing’s gonna happen to me. If the bogeyman’s down there, he better be scared of me.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I’ll be right back.”

  She watched him go, nervousness and fear crackling around her. After what seemed like a very long time, Goldie came back into the living room. “All secure in the basement and here. I’ll check upstairs.” He rushed up, then came back about ten minutes later. “Seems like the only one unlocked was the window in the dining room. You feeling better?” He went over to the window and glanced out.

  “Do you see something?” she whispered.

  “No. The rain’s coming down hard. You got any beer?”

  “I’ll get you one.”

  When she came back into the living room, Goldie had a fire sparking in the fireplace. She smiled and handed him the beer. “I love a good fire. And tonight I’m chilled to the bone. I’ll be right back. Make yourself comfortable.”

  “I haven’t been in here since you guys moved to New Mexico.” He went over to the couch, kicked off his boots, and plopped his feet on the coffee table.

  Aunt Patty would freak out if she saw him. She went upstairs, peeled off her clothes, and took a quick shower. She slipped a long fuzzy nightshirt on and padded down the stairs. She loved seeing him in her space. He made her feel comfortable, safe, and breathless all at the same time. Hailey sat on the couch and tucked her feet underneath her.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I really did think I saw someone. Though the streetlights were so dim that it was hard to see much.”

  “There’s been power outages all over town. Every time we get a bad storm, the streetlights start acting up. It’s so weird. And I’m positive you saw someone. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that you gotta listen to your gut. You know, that inner voice that tells you when things aren’t right. The question is who was it? Was it just some damn perv who gets off on watching women, was it someone who was going to harm you, or was it someone you know?”

  She rubbed her arms up and down. “I only know one thing—it wasn’t Nolan. Whoever it was made my blood run cold. I got a real bad vibe about him. I don’t know.” She shuddered.

  He grasped her arm and tugged her to him. She willingly went, and he cocooned her in his embrace. She nestled into him, inhaling the scent of leather, wind, and antiseptic. Her hand fell loosely around his waist. She couldn’t believe how taut his muscles were. “Were you working when I called?”

  “Yeah.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry if I interrupted you.”

  “You don’t need to ever apologize for my help. I told Ryan I’d watch out for you.”

  See? You’re making his kindness to be much more than it is. Again. When are you going to learn? Him being here is all about Ryan and their friendship.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She froze. There was no way he could read her thoughts. “Nothing. Why?”

  “You stiffened up on me.”

  “Oh. I was just thinking that it’s probably a drag for you to keep watch over me. I mean, I don’t hold you to your agreement with Ryan.”

  “Did I say it was a drag?”

  “No… but I’m sure there are women you’d rather be with right now. You don’t have to stay. I’ll be fine.”

  “I want to be with you. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”

  “Just to make sure I’m safe, right? Of course. That’s why you’re here.”

  He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back so she was looking straight into his smoldering gaze. “You know that’s not the whole reason.”

  The intensity of his stare sent shock waves straight to her core. “It isn’t?” she breathed.

  An intense heat sizzled between them. “No. It isn’t.” He pressed his mouth on hers, his kiss searing her lips. Letting go, she fell into the kiss, parting her lips, coaxing his tongue to invade. Whimpering in anticipation, she trailed her hands around his body, feeling each line, each ripple of his perfect physique. He delved his tongue inside her mouth, tangling it with hers in a fiery, passionate, and demanding dance. Running her fingers down his spine, she drew him closer until there was no space left between them.

  “Hailey,” he said against her mouth, the sound of her name on his lips unfurling a desire deep inside her. She savored every letter as he rasped her name over and over, her heart fluttering and the ache between her legs throbbing.

  It was magical the way his lips connected with hers. Even though they’d kissed before, she hadn’t known who he really was then. At that moment, the world fell away. The way he held and kissed her was comforting in a way words never would be. Amid the hunger, the lust, and the desire, there was softness and understanding, and it was that naughty and nice combination that drove her insane with want for him.

  The phone ringing pierced through their desire, and Hailey cursed its interruption. By the frown on Goldie’s face, she suspected some choice words were running through his head. Glancing at the screen, she sucked in her breath: it was Ryan. Not wanting to break the connection she and Goldie were sharing, she decided not to tell him who it was.


  “Hailey. How’re you doing?”

  “Fine. You?”

  “Okay. Did I interrupt something?”

  “No, not really.” Just an awesome kiss. She glanced at Goldie, who stared at the fire.

  “Have you seen Garth? I asked him to keep an eye on you. I worry about you. When I heard that ex-creep may be in Alina, I called Garth right away.”

  “Things are fine. They really are.”

  “Have you seen Garth?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been so busy running the floral shop. Most of the time I’m either there or at home.” She wanted to get him off the subject of her and Goldie.

  “How’s Aunt Patty doing?”


  “Watch out for Garth. Even though he’s my best buddy and he’s doing me a favor, I wouldn’t put it past him to make a play for you. He’s a womanizer at heart. Make sure you keep him at a distance. Speaking of guys, have you met anyone worth talking about?”

  “No. Like I said, I’m super busy. When am I going to see you?”

  “Working on it. I’ll let you know. I gotta go. Take care of yourself.”

  “I will.”

  When silence replaced Ryan’s voice, an emptiness filled her. She missed him and wished he’d be sent stateside so they could see each other and talk more often.

  “That was Ryan on the phone.” It was a statement, not a question. She nodded, her heart sinking when he sighed and stood up. “I should go. You gonna be okay?”

  “Of course. You secured everything.”

  “I’ll be back in the morning with my brothers. If you need or want anything, call me. I could stretch out on the couch and crash if you want me to.”

  “It’s pouring out there.”

  “I have my rain jacket in my saddlebags. I’ve ridden in worse. If you’re worried about me, don’t be. If you want me to stay, I can do that.”

  She wanted him to stay so she could be back in his arms, kissing his warm, smooth lips. “You don’t have to. I’ll be fine.”

  Nodding, he walked over to the door and unlocked it. Without another word, he slipped out into the darkness and headed to his bike. She closed the door and heard the rumble of his Harley.

  And just like that, he was gone.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Fuck!” he screamed as he hit the steering wheel over and over. His fury matched the howling wind and sheets of rain as he drove away from Hailey’s house. The damn biker had to screw everything up. He’d planned the execution so carefully. He’d broken into her house a half hour after he’d seen her leave that morning. He wanted to get the feel of the layout and know which room was hers so when he came back later that night, he’d know right where to go. He’d unlocked the side window and spent the rest of the day anticipating what was to come.

  By the time the day had ended, his whole body was tense with sexual current. Not daring to go home, he went to the diner for some dinner, but his heightened state dulled his appetite. Instead, he sat staring at the clock as it painfully edged toward seven: the time the flower shop closed.

  Parked a few cars away, he waited patiently for her to close the shop and come out. Part of the fun in his game was to watch his prey before he pounced. He’d spotted her car by the park, and when it appeared that she was finally finishing up, he’d quickly headed that way and positioned himself behind the bushes. Then he’d waited until he heard the solitary echo of her shoes on the pavement. When she’d come into sight, he’d almost jumped her and dragged her into the safety of the bushes to have his way with her; he’d been that wound up. When her headlights turned out and he saw her terrified face, he almost lost it in his pants. The only thing stopping him was the anticipation of taking his time and torturing her for the rest of the night.

  When he’d arrived at her house, he’d been surprised to see her still in her car. A short time later, he appeared, ruining everything. Hoping the biker had just come by for a visit, his craving for Hailey turned to pure rage when he’d seen the leather-clad man locking the window.

  Weeks of stalking, fantasizing, and planning had disappeared. His body shook with anger and his hard-on throbbed painfully. Some would say he could just grab a random woman to work out his anger and sexual frustration on, but if he did that, it would only be worse. What made him tick before he attacked was the planning and stalking of his victim, and he’d invested quite a bit of time in Hailey Shilley.

  I’m not letting all that go to waste. I know you’re going to be delicious. His lips turned up in a snarl as he turned onto his street. He was positive the biker would secure the house; he had that look of concern and determination on his face as he went from room to room. I’ll have to find another way to get to you. And I will get to you and enjoy every ounce of fear that’ll course through your body.

  The garage door closed as he entered the kitchen. The house was dark and quiet. He opened the refrigerator and took out a small bottle of orange juice, downing it in one large gulp before throwing the empty container in the recycle bin. He ambled up the stairs and headed to the bedroom.

  Pulling back the comforter, he slid between the cool sheets. He breathed in and out a few times, trying to relax so he could get some sleep. All his senses were still on high alert, and the frustration of a plan thwarted so completely chocked his nerves.

  “You’re home early,” Trisha, his wife, said as she turned over on her side, her hand sliding down his bare arm.

  “Change in shifts.” He scooted closer to the edge of the bed.

  “The thunder’s been awful. It took me almost an hour to calm Kyle. You know how he is about rainstorms.” She moved closer to him, then pressed her lips against his shoulder. “Kyle’s fast asleep now, and Jade’s been in bed for over an hour. Let’s take advantage of it.”

  “I’m not really feeling it.” His jaw tightened.

  “You could’ve fooled me.” She laughed as she placed her hand on his semi-hard shaft.

  That was for Hailey. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “I’ll let you use the handcuffs and spank me the way you like to. We just can’t be too loud on account of the kids.” She kissed him firmly on the lips.

  He knew she’d keep bugging him about it. The truth was he couldn’t really get off with his wife. Even when she let him spank her and occasionally flog her ass, he knew she wasn’t scared of him even though she tried to fake it real well. He needed the rush of real fear: terror at its best for him and at its worst for the victims.

  Turning toward her, he decided to play along. He watched as she pulled open the nightstand and took out the handcuffs. “Fuck me from behind. I like that.” She handed him the cuffs and went down on all fours. He restrained her arms behind her back, shoved her head and torso down on the mattress, and smiled when she pushed up on her knees, making her butt rise higher.

  Staring at her, he no longer saw his wife’s blonde hair and lithe body. Instead he saw Hailey’s long, chestnut hair and rounded hips. In his mind, he pictured his knife skimming across her shivering flesh, fear etched in her face. Her striking blue eyes filled with terror.

  “Not so hard!” Trisha gritted as he pummeled into her.

  Before he could answer, he’d come hard. Panting heavily, he took off the cuffs, tossed them on the floor, then flopped on his back.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Trisha sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her wrists.

  “You wanted to get fucked so I fucked you.” The coldness in his voice even surprised him.

  “You bastard.” She got up and went into the bathroom.

  He rolled over and fell asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Goldie’s chair leaned against the back wall as he listened to his brothers rant and rave about the Satan’s Pistons. It seemed the surviving members hadn’t taken too kindly to the Night Rebels’ tactics in showing them who’s boss in the southwestern territory of Colorado. Normally, Goldie would’ve jumped into the discussion, but his mind was on
Hailey. She’d taken such a hold of him, and he didn’t know how the hell it’d happened.

  He’d always been careful not to get too emotionally involved with any of the women he knew because he never had any plans to settle down. It wasn’t that he was afraid of commitment like a lot of women had told him over the years. If he had to be honest, it was that he just loved women too much. The thought of settling down with just one woman for the rest of his life didn’t make sense to him. There were so many women to experience, and his style was to indulge, give them a damn good time, and move on to the next. He never looked back, let alone thought about them. “Out of pussy, out of mind” was the way it worked for him, yet he couldn’t get Hailey off his mind. And he hadn’t even had a taste of her.

  What the fuck is up with me? She’s just a chick.

  He’d said that often enough to himself hoping it’d convince his damn dick and mind, but so far, it’d been a bust. Even though he shouldn’t even think of Hailey as someone he’d fuck, that was all he’d been thinking about since she’d come into the tattoo parlor.

  “Are you zoning out on us, Goldie?” Paco’s voice broke into his thoughts.

  “Yeah. Sorry. Are we still talking about the asshole Pistons?”

  “Don’t start that up again,” Army said as Crow jumped up and started cussing up a storm about his nemesis.

  Steel pounded the gavel on the wooden block. “Come to order. We know the Pistons are a bunch of whiny pussies, and I don’t give a shit what they’re saying. If they come back into our territory, it’s all-out war, and the Insurgents will be by our side. Banger and Hawk are sick as shit of these assholes coming into Colorado and acting like they own it.” The brothers erupted in cheers and whistles as Steel pounded harder on the block. “We got shit to discuss about the upcoming rally.”

  “Which brings us back to you, Goldie. What’s going on with the charity poker run?” Paco asked.

  “It’s great. I have the whole route and itinerary firmed up, and we have a hundred bikers signed up. I’ve been busy with Chains running backgrounds on them. I don’t want any fuckin’ Satan’s Pistons, Skull Crushers, or Deadly Demons to slip in. Plus we don’t want any shit from the wannabe gangsters who think they can pretend to be bikers for the rally.”


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