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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

Page 22

by Chiah Wilder

  “Do you want me to get you something more?” he asked.

  “I was thinking about getting another cheese enchilada. I can tell your cook makes the corn tortillas herself. They totally rock. Stay seated and finish your dinner, I can get it.” She started to get up but he pulled her down.

  “I’ll get it. I don’t want to have to fight any of the brothers.”

  “The table is right behind us. This is ridiculous.”

  “It’s not. They’re gonna think you’re a biker slut and you wanna fuck. I’ll be right back.” He jumped up and went to the buffet table. While she waited, she noticed several men stop in front of her and gawk at her breasts. Waves of heat ran through her like wild internal blushes as her skin tingled from the back of her neck and across her face. Looking down, she swirled her fingertip in the condensation pooling under her glass, trying to ignore the men who still stood there staring at her.

  “Fuck off. She’s with me,” Goldie growled.

  “Sorry, dude. I didn’t know,” one of the men said as he instantly diverted his eyes.

  The other men mumbled their apologies, clasped Goldie on the arm as if to show there were no hard feelings, and swaggered away. She leaned against his shoulder, then looked up at him. Looping her hand around his neck, she drew him close and kissed him. Goldie wrapped his arm around her waist, pulled her closer, and touched her thigh. Several of the men at the table watched them, and when Goldie pulled away and went back to eating, she noticed they kept their eyes off her. It’s amazing how fast they switch gears once they know I’m with Goldie.

  While they were eating, Army and Crow came over. “I’m glad to see your ass here,” Army said to Goldie.

  “Yeah. I haven’t seen you at a party in quite a while. Is this what’s been keeping you away?” Crow glanced at Hailey. “Can’t say I blame you.” He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed.

  “She’s not a hang-around. Hailey, this asshole is Crow, and you already know Army.”

  “Are you liking the way we party?” Army asked Hailey.

  “I love the food. I’ll just say that I’m glad I’m with Goldie. You all put frat parties to shame.”

  The guys laughed and Goldie squeezed her close to him. “I don’t think I like knowing that you went to frat parties,” he whispered in her ear.

  “That was in college. I can guarantee I didn’t party as hard as you. Not even close.”

  “Tonight’s party is the best one because you’re here with me.”

  His words helped melt the images of him screwing the club girls out of her mind. She figured out early on which of the women at the shindig were club girls because they wore the “Night Rebels MC Property” patch. Goldie had explained what all that meant. She was hoping the club women would look worn and strung out but, to her chagrin, they didn’t. The girls were pretty, had nice bodies, and looked like they took care of themselves. The men seemed to treat them decently, unlike how some of the outlaw clubs she’d read about. She wondered if any of the brothers ever fell in love with one of the women or vice versa. For a split second, she felt sorry for them, but then one of them strutted by and opened her leather vest, showing her big boobs to Goldie.

  “See what you’ve been missing, sweetheart?” She beamed and kept going until she curled herself around a tall, good-looking man. He immediately kissed her and slipped his hands under her tiny shorts, squeezing her ass cheek.

  “Who was that?” she asked.

  “That’s Ruby. She’s hooked up with Roughneck. He’s prez of the Fallen Slayers, a club we’re friendly with. They came down from Silverado to party with us.”

  “Have you been with Ruby?” Hailey hated that she was asking, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “Yeah. Hailey, you can’t get obsessed with this. You know I’ve fucked a lot of women. It was just for good times. They didn’t mean anything to me.”

  She nodded. “I know, but I can’t help thinking about it. I mean, did you screw all the club girls? Are there women here tonight that you’ve been with who aren’t the club girls?”

  “Why does this shit matter? It was in the past. I’m not gonna ask who you fucked.”

  “Well, I could count them on one hand. You’d need hundreds of hands.” Stop it! But I want to know. This is stupid.

  Goldie looked at her for a few seconds, then took a pull from his beer. “I’ve fucked all the club girls, and there’re several women here that I’ve fucked. You want the details?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m sorry. It’s just that when I think you have all these women available to you—”

  He placed his hands on each side of her face and made her look at him. “I’ve already told you that none of these women meant anything to me. I’m with you tonight, and I don’t see anyone but you. You mean something to me, Hailey. I’ve never had any woman touch me, but you’re all over me. You’re in my head, my blood, my skin, and even my heart. So don’t think for one second that I’m spending time with you and fucking up a storm when we’re not together. You need to trust me. Now no more questions about sluts. I have a past. You have a past. But we’re each other’s present, so let’s live in the now. Got it?” Then he kissed her hard and demanding, and her body responded in kind. His kisses, his touch, and his words affected her in a cozy yet passionate way.

  He’s right. The past is the past.

  She squeezed his inner thigh and he threw her a hard look. “Keep that up and I’m gonna have to fuck you on this table.” He chuckled when her eyes widened.

  “I heard you customized the fuck outta your new Harley,” a man seated across the table said to Goldie.

  Soon the two were talking Harleys, and a few others joined in on the conversation. While the men talked, Hailey observed the scene around her. A naked woman lay on her back in the middle of the table across from theirs, serving as a human dinner tray as the men licked and scooped up food from her body. On the grassy area behind the tables, several women were on their knees giving blowjobs while a few couples tangled together in hard sex, oblivious to the people around them. Drunk women swayed to the tunes of Whitesnake, Metallica, and Avenged Sevenfold that blasted from the speakers perched on the top of the fence. It seemed that the drunker the crowd became, the less clothing the women wore and the more the men hauled them over their shoulders to an empty space on the grass. Hailey had never seen such debauchery live before, and it shocked and titillated her at the same time. There was something about giving in with abandonment that intrigued her.

  Standing up, Goldie pulled her with him, then pressed her close. He bent down and kissed her, sticking his tongue halfway down her throat as he slipped his hand under her skirt. When he touched her exposed ass cheeks, he grunted and squeezed them. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw several men watching them, as well as a few women. Some of them were touching each other as they gazed at her and Goldie. Without thinking, she pulled away and pushed Goldie back. “That’s enough,” she said in a low voice.

  Goldie yanked her to him, his eyes glowering. “What the fuck does that mean, woman?” Some of the spectators snickered. Her face and neck were impossibly hot, like a blanket of steam had covered her. “I want to kiss you. Now kiss me.”

  Her skin prickled and anger rapidly replaced embarrassment as she stiffened under his touch. “Is this how you get respect from your brothers?”

  Without answering, he kissed her again, but that time he didn’t touch her butt, keeping his hands on her hips. After a few seconds, he pulled away and cheers and whistles deafened her ear. This is so unreal. Goldie guffawed, then led her over to the bar. They had a few more rounds, and the crowd grew wilder. Several fights had broken out, and from the screams, lewd comments, and whistles coming from inside, Hailey concluded that some of the women were making good use of the stripper pole.

  “You want to find a spot and have some fun?” he asked.

  “Out here? I mean, in front of all these people?” The idea of it aroused her, but actually doing it was another th

  “No one’s looking. They’re all bombed off their asses.”

  “Plenty of people are watching us. I’m surprised so many are. Don’t you live at the club? Let’s go to your room.” She ran her fingers over his bare arms. “I do want to have fun with you, just not in front of everyone.”

  “That’s cool. I just thought you wanted the full adventure. We can go to my room.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch. His hardness strained against his jeans. “Feel what you do to me, babe. It’s like you got this fucker trained.”

  Giggling, she pressed her palm against his erection. “I can’t wait to feel this inside my mouth and then inside me.” She licked his lips.

  “Fuck, woman. Let’s go.”

  With a hard pull, he was dragging her past the multitude of men and women engaging in all variations of sex. They blitzed by the people in the main room, and the two women fondling each other on the stripper pole blurred past her. In the stairwell, he abruptly stopped, and she slammed into him.

  “What’s wro—”

  His mouth consumed her question as he kissed her hungrily, his hands slipping under her skirt. That time, he pushed her legs open a bit with his knee, then swiped his finger over her damp sex. “So good, woman,” he said against her lips as he slipped his finger inside, moving it in and out slowly. Moaning, she gripped his shoulders to balance herself on the stairs.

  “Can you guys move over a bit? I gotta get something in my room,” Sangre said as his heavy footsteps clumped behind her.

  Goldie pulled away and grabbed her hand. “We’re going up too.” He pulled her to the top of the stairs and down to a room. Opening the door, he shoved her in, then kicked it shut. With his mouth on her neck, his hand squeezing her tit, he pushed her toward the bed. Clutching his hair, she pulled at it until her mouth found his. Her tongue pushed against his teeth, coaxing him to let her in. When he opened his mouth, their tongues twisted together as she pressed closer to him, grinding against his hardness.

  “Fuck, woman. You need it real bad, don’t you? It’s fuckin’ hot,” he whispered against her lips.

  “I want you. It’s that simple,” she breathed.

  Shoving her on the bed, he went down with her, his lips still glued to hers. “I want to undress you. Then I’m gonna play with your sweet pussy and your ass.”

  Sliding out from under him, she swiveled around and pushed him down on the bed. “I want to undress you first. I want to see your hard cock.” She threw him a sultry look.

  “I fuckin’ love it when you talk dirty,” he rasped as he grabbed her top. “Take this off. I wanna see your beautiful tits.”

  Lying on top of him, she slowly rubbed her body down to his feet, then pulled off his boots and socks and yanked her top over her head. Lust filled his eyes as they feasted on her breasts filling a lacy bra. Tracing the contours of her lip with the tip of her tongue, she shimmied out of her skirt, kicked off her sandals, and climbed back onto the bed. Bending down, her hair spilled around him as she ran her mouth over his denim-clad bulge.

  “You like that?” she said as she slowly unzipped his jeans. His hardness popped out and smacked her in the face. She giggled and tugged his jeans off, then unhooked her bra. Her tits bounced out, and he sucked in his breath. Gliding her hands under his T-shirt, she flicked his nipples with her fingernail, then shoved his shirt up and licked and sucked them.

  “Fuck, woman, that feels good. Rub your tits against my skin,” he said huskily. He grabbed her breasts and fondled them, pulling the nipples.

  Moaning, she pushed his hand away and stroked her hard beads across his firm chest. His cock pressing against the small fabric covering her aching mound, she gripped it and squeezed the base.

  After shucking his T-shirt, he pushed her head toward his pulsing dick. “Suck me,” he ordered.

  Smiling at him, she opened her mouth and slowly took him in, her gaze locked on his. Catching her hair, he yanked it. “You look so fuckin’ sexy with my cock in your mouth.”

  As she pleasured him, she slid her hand down and pressed it against her throbbing clit, loving the way he groaned as she picked up her speed. Soon he yanked her head up.

  “Why’re you stopping me?”

  “You’re gonna make me blow and I don’t want to just yet. I want to play with you and suck your sweet pussy. Get up here,” he said as he gripped her wrists and jerked her up. Kneading her tits, he played with her nipples as she threw her head back and arched forward.

  “I love the way you touch my boobs. You make me feel things I’ve never felt.”

  “I love your tits. I could suck on them all night.”

  Reaching behind her, she grasped his shaft and ran her thumb over its smooth head, then put her thumb between her lips and sucked off his precome. “Mmmm… salty with a tang. Reminds me of the ocean.” The way he stared at her made her insides quiver, and she bent down and kissed him passionately.

  Hooking his fingers on each side of her thong, he pushed it down. She wriggled out of it and tossed it on the floor.

  “Open your pussy up for me.” He pinched her nipples and she yelped, opening for him. “So pink and glistening. You’re sopping wet and aching for my touch.”

  She moaned in answer.

  “Get closer and feed me.”

  A surge of heat flushed through her; Goldie always pushed her to do new things. She’d never had a guy lick her the way he did, and now he wanted her to straddle him and put her wet-as-hell sex on his mouth. At the height of her arousal, she planted her knees on each side of him and lowered her swollen lips to his mouth. With his fingers digging into her hips, he pulled her down more, and then he kissed her engorged folds with open lips and protruding tongue. Excitement coursed through her as his fervent kisses and gentle nips drove her mad with desire. The sounds of her guttural moans and his sucking filled the room as his tongue explored.

  “I love the sounds you make when I’m eating you,” he said, the vibration of his lips driving her arousal even higher.

  “And I love what you’re doing to me right now. It feels so good.”

  “You taste so good.” His fingers stretched her puffy lips even further as he sucked her clit. She arched into his face, losing herself in the moment and the flood of sensations scorching her body.

  Then he pushed two fingers into her wetness and she gasped; they were cool in her tight heat as he shoved them higher inside her. Looking down, seeing his tongue lap her sensitive folds while his fingers pushed in, curled forward, and touched her sweet spot pushed her over the edge. Spasms and a million sparks exploded within her, and she was lost in a haze of sexual fireworks.

  Flushed and panting, she rested her forehead against the wall as she started to come down from her orgasmic high.

  “I love the way you look when you come,” Goldie said as he gripped her waist and rolled her onto her back. Stroking the hair away from her eyes, he peppered her face and throat with small kisses as she lay beside him.

  Hailey put her arm around his neck and pulled him down. “I’m crazy about you,” she whispered in his ear. The glow of her orgasm still resonated within her, and she wanted to tell him that she loved him because she did. She wanted to shout it to him, to the partygoers one floor below them, and to the world. Ever since she could remember, she’d been crazy about him, but she kept denying it. Now she welcomed it, but she was afraid to tell him. She wasn’t sure how he felt beyond the good times and comfort in shared memories. Her biggest fear was that he’d run away from her, and she wouldn’t be able to deal with losing him. Not after she’d finally found him.

  “I’m crazy about you too. You do shit to me that I don’t understand but I like.” Smoothing out the line in her forehead, he said, “What’re you thinking about? Don’t tell me nothing because that line on your forehead always gives you away when you’re overthinking something.”

  “Just thinking how you need some pleasing.” Throwing him a wicked smile, she rubbed his semi-hard dick. “Jus
t relax. Now it’s my turn to taste you.”

  For the next hour, they took turns pleasuring each other until they both lay sated and spent. They didn’t talk, just held each other tightly, enjoying being together. After several minutes, Goldie’s deep breathing washed over her. After kissing his neck, her eyes slowly sealed shut as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirty

  The killer watched the gray-haired woman as her eyes pleaded with him, her arms and legs secured to the bedposts. She’s probably thinking about her grandkids and wondering if she’ll ever see them again. The several times he’d broken into her house when she’d gone to her book club, he’d seen the framed pictures of her grandchildren on the top of the piano in the living room. Hanging on the wall, in a large gold picture frame, was an old black-and-white photograph of a younger version of her and a young man in uniform on their wedding day. He’d stare at the picture each time he broke in; it reminded him of his grandparents’ wedding photograph.

  A small whimper brought him back to the bedroom and his victim. When he’d awakened her, she hadn’t yelled. It was funny how some women wouldn’t say anything; they’d just do as he said, hoping it would end soon. The look of regret, desperation, and terror was the same in all the women he’d attacked, but whether they spoke to him or not, or screamed out, was always different. The fear was predictable but the reaction was not.

  Placing the knife flat on her breasts, he ran it across the tops of them as she whimpered like a wounded dog. Watching sadness and terror sink into the lines of her face, his pants grew tighter and his arousal began to escalate.

  “I saw your wedding picture on the wall. You were a pretty lady. Your husband was lucky.” He continued to caress her skin with the knife and smiled when he saw two tears slip out of the corner of her eyes. “Are you scared, pretty lady?” When she nodded, a rush of desire flooded him, and he placed the knife on the nightstand.

  Bending down low, he whispered in her ear. “I’m going to fuck every hole you have, and I’m not going to be gentle. I bet your husband was, but I’m a bastard. But first I’m going to bite your tits real hard. After that, it’s up to you to guess what I’m going to do.” He pulled back and grabbed her underpants. Balling them in his fist, he commanded her to open her mouth, then stuffed them inside. He knew what he was going to do to her would be painful, and he wanted to make sure no one would hear her cries. And she would scream out. It would be instinct.


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