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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

Page 26

by Chiah Wilder

  When they came back to the clubhouse, Goldie went over to Steel.

  “From the way you look, I’m gonna guess you got your bike back in one piece,” Steel said.

  “Dusty as hell but intact. Good thing for that fuckin’ Rusty too.”

  “He was planning to go back and make a watering can outta the asshole if even one part was dismantled.” Paco laughed. Sitting down, he picked up his shot of tequila and winked at Angel, who ran over and sat on his lap.

  Several of the other club girls went up to the returning brothers and wrapped their arms around them, rubbing their tits against them. Before too long, a few of the women were on their knees, taking and sucking dick.

  Goldie and Steel turned to the bar. “The Jagged Aces sell the eagle ornament. I saw them in the shop.”

  “Why’re you telling me this?” Steel asked.

  “Because I wanna make sure that fucker who almost killed my grandma never gets off. If I can give the info to the damn badges, it’ll be harder for this asshole to plead insanity.”

  “Okay. I’ll ask Dog if he can run the names of people who bought them. He definitely owes you since one of his asshole brothers stole your bike.”

  “Tell him if he does this, he won’t have to always be looking behind his back. He knew that asshole had taken my Harley.”

  “Of course he did. I’ll tell him. I’m gonna bet Rusty and the others will be thrown out of the club.”

  “Let me know when Dog gives us the info.”

  Before going upstairs to take a quick shower, Goldie called over one of the prospects.

  “Go wash and shine my bike. I’ll be leaving in a half hour.” The prospect rushed out and Goldie trudged up the stairs to his room.

  A little while later, Goldie walked to his bike, which gleamed under the last light of day. The first buzz of mosquitoes came as the last slivers of day gave way to the velvety dark of night. Goldie straddled his bike and sped toward Hailey’s house. Even though she’d been home for a little over a week, she’d been so busy at the flower shop with all the weddings and he’d been so swamped at the ink shop that they’d only had time for sex. Not that he was complaining, but he missed spending time with her.

  When she opened the door in a sexy bra, thong, and garter belt, he decided to forgo his plans. There’s always tomorrow.

  He yanked her to him and squeezed her perfect ass as he kicked the front door shut.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  On Wednesday night, the bikes and RVs started arriving to the campgrounds for the Night Rebels’ biker rally. The area was awash with black leather and denim, worn by men and women alike. Several vendor booths selling motorcycle gear and trinkets butted up against the tall evergreens, and the scent of smoky wood chips from the barbecue shacks permeated the grounds.

  Steel stood by the area designated for the rally races, a smile spread over his face. “You did a good job with getting everything together,” he said to Goldie.

  “Thanks. A lot of the brothers helped out. The poker run is kicking ass.” Goldie slipped his hands in his pockets.

  “We’re gonna raise a shitload of dough for Bikers Against Child Abuse.” Paco brought his beer can to his mouth.

  As the brothers watched the motorcycles get ready for the race, Hawk, the vice president of the Insurgents MC, came over with his fellow brother Throttle.

  “You guys did a fuckin’ good job with this rally,” Hawk said.

  “This is way bigger than your usual rally,” Throttle said.

  “Yeah, we’ve been planning this for the last few years. How’re things in Pinewood Springs?” Goldie asked.

  “Same, which in our world is fuckin’ good.” Hawk laughed.

  “When are the races gonna start?” Banger asked as he walked toward the group.

  “In about five minutes. Any Insurgents racing?” Steel asked the Insurgents president.

  “Axe, Chas, and Wheelie. Jax wanted to but he’s working with Rock and Diablo. It seems there haven’t been any major problems yet. That’s fuckin’ good,” Banger replied.

  “That’s because the only outlaws here are us and you.” Paco laughed.

  “None of the Satan’s Pistons have made an appearance?” Hawk winked.

  “Those fuckers know better,” Goldie said.

  “If they start shit again, let us know and we’ll help you destroy them like the fuckin’ Demon Riders,” Throttle said.

  “That would give us a damn good time,” Steel replied.

  “How did the arms deal with Liam go down with the Fallen Slayers?” Hawk asked.

  “Good. They got all the shit they need to stop the punk gang from taking over their turf. We offered our help if needed,” Paco said.

  “They’re pretty good guys. We have an issue on how they treat women, but we can count on them if need be,” Goldie added.

  “That’s what’s important,” Banger said, and the group nodded in agreement.

  Several women passed by, checking them out as they headed to the races. Most of them were scantily dressed or had elaborate body paint on their exposed breasts. Paco laughed and pointed at a curvy woman who kept looking over her shoulder at him. “Besides the bikes, that’s the next best thing about rallies. I’d love to ride that sweet bitch.”

  “Go for it, dude,” Throttle said.

  “You guys down for some fun?” Paco asked.

  The Insurgents shook their heads. “We got old ladies,” Banger said.

  “Kimber would crush my balls, and I’m not even fuckin’ kidding.” Throttle looked at Banger and Hawk. “You know she would.”

  Hawk laughed. “And with one of her favorite wrenches. Cara would borrow it for me.” The guys laughed.

  “I’m not hitched, so I’m gonna have a helluva good time. I’m gonna see if that hottie likes biker cock as much as I think she might. You coming, Goldie?” Paco started to walk away.

  “I’ll go with you to watch the races, but I’m waiting for Hailey. She’s coming with a few of her friends.” Goldie tossed his beer can in a recycle bin.

  “I might want to meet her friends,” Paco said.

  “You would.” Goldie chuckled as he walked toward the racing area with Paco. Banger, Steel, Hawk, and Throttle followed behind.

  As they watched the races, arms wrapped around Goldie’s waist and the scent of the ocean swirled around him. Hailey. The familiar aroma was all he smelled amid the oil and exhaust fumes from the bikes. He craned his neck and saw her smiling face.

  “I’m here,” she said.

  He turned around and pressed her close. “I can see that, babe.” Dipping his head down, he kissed her passionately, loving the small noises she made. “I’m glad you were able to come today since it’s Saturday.”

  “I put Ellie in charge of the shop. I wanted to support your event. The charity you’re raising money for is a great one. I also wanted to see you in a tight muscle shirt, showing off your tats and biceps. You know I’m crazy for your biceps, right?” She trailed her tongue around one of them.

  “I wanted to share the rally with you. And what you’re doing right now is gonna get you dragged to my tent.”

  “That sounds like it could be fun. I missed you these past two days… and nights.”

  “Me too. I had to stay here, but maybe we can go to your place tonight.”

  “The tent isn’t big enough for two?”

  “You don’t want to stay here. It gets real raunchy at night. Anyway, I don’t want anyone looking and coming on to you. There’d be a fight for sure.”

  “Okay, but at some point before dark, I want to check out your tent.” Hailey’s lips curled into a wicked smile as she patted his behind.

  “You should enter the tattoo contest. I bet you’d win,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love your confidence in your work.”

  “I wasn’t thinking of the tat, only your sweet ass. You’d win hands down.”

  She giggled. “A couple of my friends and I were thinking about en
tering the wet T-shirt contest. The prize money is big. Do you think I have a chance at winning?” She rubbed her breasts against his chest.

  Goldie stiffened. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to let you parade your tits in front of a bunch of men.” Anger pricked his skin as he glared at her. He jerked his head back when she tried to kiss him.

  “Don’t be pissed. I was only joking. You should know that I wouldn’t be comfortable doing something like that. My friends and I were joking about it when we saw the signs.”

  “I should’ve known better. Fuck, woman, you get me all mixed up.”

  “In a good way?” She looked up at him through her lashes and he thought he was going to lose it.

  He kissed her forehead. “Yeah, in a good way. Having you in my life makes me happy, makes me feel shit I never felt before.”

  “That goes for me too,” she whispered against his throat.

  A series of cheers and boos swirled around them and Goldie laughed. “I missed the fuckin’ race.” Gazing into her eyes, he saw tenderness, desire, and love. Brushing his lips against hers, he crushed her tighter to him.

  “I’m sorry I distracted you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’d rather look at you.”

  “Wasn’t that a damn good race?” Diablo said as he and Rock approached.

  “Didn’t see it. I was looking at my woman,” Goldie said.

  Rock and Diablo nodded. “I get that,” Diablo remarked.

  “Who won, anyway?” Goldie asked.

  “Some dude who had a wicked Sportster. It looked like the Indian Scout was gonna take it, but right at the end, the Sportster blasted through. It fuckin’ ruled,” Rock said.

  Hawk, Banger, Steel, Paco, Axe, Chas, and Throttle joined Rock, Goldie, and Diablo as they chatted about the race. Goldie saw several of the Insurgents dart their eyes back and forth at Hailey. Putting his arm around her, he broke into one of the conversations. “This is Hailey. She’s my woman,” he said.

  The Insurgents nodded at her, but Wheelie, who’d just joined the group, said, “You got yourself a woman? Damn, what’s happening to all of you? It seems like most of my brothers are hitched and now the Night Rebels?”

  Paco laughed. “I’m still on the market. And since you are too, I gotta tell you. I hooked up with this chick, and she and her friend really like to party.”

  “Count me in,” Wheelie replied as he went over to Paco.

  “I don’t know ’bout anyone else, but I’m craving a rack of ribs,” Banger said.

  For the rest of the afternoon, Goldie hung out with Hailey, showing her all the bikes, introducing her to his friends, and buying her tons of biker purses, scarves, sunglasses, and T-shirts. He even bought her a pair of short Daisy dukes for her to wear just for him. The rally was the best one he’d ever attended; it even beat out Sturgis. And he knew why—Hailey. She just made everything in his life seem better. It was like they were meant for each other, but they had to grow up and become the people they were before they could come together. In the past few months, she’d become his everything, and he was fine with it.

  Love had never entered the equation of his life, but after spending time with and getting to know Hailey, he guessed the strong feelings were love. They had a shared past, and when they reminisced, it made him feel like he was Garth again. They laughed at silly stuff, and he loved that they didn’t have to fill the gaps with words all the time. What blew him away was the way she sensed his moods. Like when he was pissed at everything, she’d sit and listen to his rants without offering advice or any opinion. Or when sadness about his grandma overwhelmed him, she’d place his head in her lap and run her fingers through his hair over and over. Hailey knew him; she was the only woman who did. And he loved getting to know the adult Hailey.

  Long after the sun had dipped behind the San Juan Mountains and the heat of the day had melted into the cool night air, Goldie wrapped his arms around Hailey. The glow from the flames sparking in the fire pit danced across her face, and he never thought she looked more beautiful.

  Snuggled in the crook of his arm, she rested her head against his shoulder. “This was a perfect day,” she said softly. Lacing her fingers with his, she stared into the fire. “I loved getting to see you among your friends, your brothers, and in such a relaxed situation. It was a nice glimpse into your world.”

  “Not like the club party?” he teased.

  She giggled. “That was an eye-opener, but today provided the balance to that craziness. And I loved meeting Breanna, Raven, and Fallon. I was beginning to wonder if there were any normal women associated with this club. I’m surprised I didn’t meet them before.”

  “I meant to have you meet them, but you’re so busy at the shop and with your aunt, and with me—” He tilted her chin up and kissed her quickly. “—that there never seemed to be any time.”

  “I know. I’ve been so greedy and wanted to spend any spare moment I had with you, especially since I’ve been working so much at the flower shop.”

  “That’s okay. I like it when you’re greedy, especially with my cock.”

  “Is your mind always on sex and your dick?” She chortled.

  “Only with you. I’m like a goddamn addict and you’re my sweet, sexy fix.” His mouth swallowed her next words. When he released her lips, he ran his finger over her face. “Do you want to head back?”

  “I want to be with you. Are you sure you don’t want to stay in the tent? I think it could be romantic.”

  Goldie guffawed. “With a bunch of guys belching and farting all night? If you want romance in a tent, we’ll go camping at the national park in September. Come on.” He stood and held out his hand to help her up.

  Under the full moon, Goldie rode back to Alina, loving the way Hailey circled her arms around him and rested her head against his back. If he had it his way, he’d keep riding into the darkness under the carpet of sparkling stars until they were too tired. He’d love nothing better than to head to California with Hailey tucked behind him. Riding up the coastline with the Pacific Ocean as a perpetual backdrop was something he’d always wanted to do, and having Hailey with him would be the dream vacation.

  The cluster of lights ahead let him know they were close to Alina, so he slowed to make the sharp turn that would take him behind the downtown area and into Hailey’s neighborhood. When he pulled up to the curb, Hailey kissed the back of his neck.

  “That was such a beautiful ride. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. The stars were humungous. When we moved to Albuquerque, I missed the star-filled sky. In the city, the lights from office buildings and streets make the stars and the Milky Way invisible.” She tipped her head back.

  Goldie planted gentle kisses down her throat, feathering up and down until his mouth captured hers. “You’re gorgeous in the moonlight,” he murmured against her lips, then looped his arm around her waist and led her up the sidewalk to the porch.

  Once inside, they climbed the stairs and went into the bedroom. She opened the window, and a light breeze blew in.

  “Let’s leave the curtains open. I want to see the stars and moonlight,” she said softly as she ran her fingers over his broad shoulders.

  “Whatever you say.” He watched her slender hands tug and yank off his boots and clothing. His erection stood stiff and waiting as she skimmed her tongue over his legs, slowly inching her way up. When she got dangerously close, he pulled her up. “My turn,” he rasped. With gentle, soft hands, he unwrapped her, kissing each part he revealed and relishing the silkiness of her skin.

  He eased her onto the bed, the desire beating fiercely in his veins fueled by her nakedness encased in moonlight. Hovering over her, their noses only a whisper apart, he gazed deeply into her eyes. “You’re everything to me,” he said in a low voice. “You’re my heart. You’re the air.”

  He grazed his fingers over her breasts and a low moan slipped through her parted lips. They held each other’s gaze, and every movement, every ounce of longin
g was reflected between their eyes. Goldie’s hands caressed her skin and pulled her hips tightly to his. Hailey met his passion with her own as she kissed him deeply. He slid deep into her and she moaned, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

  Goldie began to move within her, and she moved with him. Nuzzling her neck with his nose, he whispered, “I love you,” then increased his pace.

  “I love you too,” she panted.

  He reached down to catch her mouth as he thrust faster and faster, driving them both to a shattering climax.

  Wrapped in each other’s arms, sated and spent, his hand drifted slowly over her back. After a long while, Hailey asked softly, “Did you mean what you said, or was it just the heat of the moment?”

  Goldie paused. He felt so many emotions for her: passion, love, adoration, joy, comfort. “I meant it. I love you.” He never thought he’d utter those words to a woman.

  “I love you too. I feel like I have for a long time, but now it’s a grown-up love.”

  Kissing her temple, he pulled her closer until there was no space between them. Everything makes sense now. Fuck. It’s so easy and simple. He’d tell his grandma about it the following day before he headed back to the rally. He knew she’d be happy. All she ever wanted for him was to find a wonderful woman to love and for her to love him.

  Mission accomplished, Grandma.

  * * *

  Thunderous pounding woke Goldie and he immediately looked over at Hailey. She was sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “I think I forgot that I made an appointment today,” she said as she threw her robe on.

  “On a Sunday?” Goldie pushed up.

  “I’m doing that just for the summer, but not every Sunday. You stay here, I’ll be right back.” She gave him a peck on the mouth and rushed out of the room.

  Goldie glanced at the clock: eight thirty. Too fuckin’ early for a Sunday. He scrubbed his face with his fist and went to the window. Behind his Harley was a dark blue sedan. He yanked his jeans on and padded out of the room. As he descended the stairway, he heard voices in the living room.


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