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GOLDIE: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 4)

Page 29

by Chiah Wilder

  “What’re you staring at? Do I have dust all over my face?”

  “No dust. You’re perfect.”

  “That’s nice to hear, but I wouldn’t say perfect,” she replied.

  “You’re so beautiful, Hailey. You’ve been so strong since that fuckin’ night. In my world, strength is admired.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you,” she said softly.

  “We complement each other. We have each other’s backs. We have a helluva good time. And we fuck real good together.”

  “Anything else?” she said winking.

  “That about covers it. I never thought I’d settle down with a woman. You ground me, and it feels fuckin’ fantastic.” He reached out and clutched her hand.

  “I can’t believe how fate brought you back into my life.”

  “And it was all because you wanted a tat on your sexy ass. I wanna give you another tattoo. I’d love to cover you in them.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “I don’t know about covered, but I’d love to have another tattoo. I was thinking either on the back of my neck or on my ankle.”

  “Why not both?”

  “You’re right. Why not? My parents won’t like it, but parents aren’t supposed to like stuff like that, right?”

  “I don’t know. My mom had some ink, and my dad had a ton of it. Anyway, if you want to do it, it’s your skin. I think you’d look wicked sexy in more tattoos.” He leaned across the table and kissed her deeply.

  “I love the way you kiss me,” she murmured.

  He reclined back in the chair. “We gotta get our own place,” he said.

  Excitement flooded through her as she sat up straight. “You want us to live together?”

  “Yeah. Now that your aunt’s home, I’m not that comfortable being there all the time, and you got too many purses, shoes, clothes and other stuff to live at the clubhouse, so I thought we should get a house. They have some nice ones over by Las Cruces Road. You wanna check them out this weekend?”


  “So you’re down with it?”

  “I’d love to live with you,” she answered.

  “That’s good. Do you want to take it one step further and be my old lady?” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it, gazing into her eyes.

  “Is that like going steady?” Hailey had read up on the term in her research about the biker clubs, but she didn’t quite see herself as someone else’s “property.” She saw wearing the cut in the same way as wearing a promise ring.

  “It’s way more than that. It means you belong to me and I belong to you, through all the good and bad times in life. I’ll always have your back and you mine. We’re entwined and will be until our last ride.”

  It sounds like a proposal. “I don’t really understand everything about your world, but I’m willing to try. If wearing a leather vest means we’re bound to each other, I’m down for it. I’ll wear it proudly.”

  “I love you,” he said, leaning over and planting a big kiss on her lips.

  “Me too,” she said, kissing him back.

  After a delicious meal of steaks and baked potatoes, they walked hand-in-hand into the night. When they arrived at his Harley, he opened the saddlebags and took out a black vest, handing it to her. “This is your cut that has my patch. I never thought I’d give a woman my patch, but I’ve never loved a woman before you.”

  Turning it around, she saw the words “Property of Goldie” in white embroidery. A grin spread across her lips. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  He helped her slip it on over her halter top. The buttery softness of the leather was cool against her skin. A shiver skated down her spine as she folded the cut around her. The pride in Goldie’s eyes almost had her bawling, but she blinked rapidly as she looked down at the ground to ward off her tears.

  “You wanna go to Arrow Lake?” he said thickly.

  “I’d love to.” Making love to him under the stars seemed like the perfect way to end their evening.

  “I want you naked except for my cut, babe.” He swung his leg over his bike and she climbed on.

  As they left the lights and noise of the town behind, Hailey tilted her head back, smiling at the cluster of stars that speckled the inky sky. The wind rushed around and darkness surrounded them, and she was on top of the world. She’d been there since that night she walked into his ink shop.

  Life was funny. She had been rambling along, doing what she was supposed to do, and then in came Goldie, turning her life upside down. And ordinary was no longer enough.

  Goldie, her first real crush when she was a kid, and now her grown-up love.

  When they arrived at the lake, Goldie’s desire-filled eyes held hers as he eased her down on the blanket. When he slowly moved his lips down her body, kissing and biting her skin, she looped her arms around his neck and held on tight.

  He was her rock, her love, her life. And they’d hold onto each other no matter how rough the ride got.

  She was finally where she’d always wanted to be, and she was never letting go.


  Five weeks later

  Hailey waved at Fallon as she entered the restaurant. Pulling out a chair, she said, “Sorry I’m late. I got tied up at the shop.”

  “No worries. Breanna and Raven are running behind as well. I just got a text from them. How’ve you been?”

  “Better. I still can’t believe Dr. Daniels was the psycho. He was so different at the rehab center.”

  Fallon nodded. “I know what you mean. People can be so deceiving.”

  “He sure was, but then I only knew him through small snippets of time at the center. I just can’t even begin to imagine what his wife thought when she found out.”

  “Would you like anything to drink?” the waitress asked just as Breanna and Raven came over to the table.

  “A glass of merlot would be awesome,” Hailey said.

  “A double Jack. Neat,” Raven said. Turning to the women, she shrugged. “I’ve had a shitty day.”

  Breanna laughed. “I’ll have a glass of merlot as well.”

  Fallon picked up her glass of white wine and shook her head. “I’m good, thanks.”

  “I’m so glad I had an excuse to get away from the house. I’ve reworked this lady’s necklace like a hundred times. She keeps changing her mind on what charms she wants on it and she’s driving me up a fuckin’ wall.” Raven leaned back in her chair, a scowl wrinkling her brow.

  “It’s like that at the flower shop. A lot of people tell you what they want and when you give it to them, they’ve already changed their minds on the colors or the flowers. Drives me nuts.” Hailey smiled when the waitress put a glass of merlot in front of her.

  “How’re the plans for your California trip going?” Fallon asked.

  “Goldie and I are leaving next week. It’ll be so good to get away for a while, especially for him.”

  “How’s his grandmother doing?” Breanna asked softly.

  “Getting worse. It just rips him up. It’s so hard to see someone you love die slowly. I don’t know how to help him,” Hailey answered.

  “Just be there for him,” Breanna said. Fallon and Raven nodded.

  “I am, but I wish I could take away the pain.” Hailey tore off a piece of bread and dipped it into the oil and balsamic vinegar.

  “You being there means more than anything for him,” Raven said.

  Before Hailey could answer, her phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw it was Ryan. “It’s my brother. I’ll be right back,” she said as she pushed up from the chair. Standing outside the restaurant, she tapped the button. “Ryan! How are you?”

  “Good. How’re you doing?”

  “Better than okay. I’m out with some of the old ladies having dinner. A new Italian restaurant opened in town and it’s really good. When you come for Christmas, I’ll take you here. You’re coming, right?”

  “That’s the pl
an. I put in for my leave, but you know how that goes.”

  Hailey inhaled deeply then slowly blew out. “When are you going to talk to Goldie?” she asked.

  “Hailey, let’s not go there,” Ryan replied.

  “We have to. Goldie doesn’t say much, but I know he’s hurt about the way you’re acting. He saved my life, Ryan. You guys have been friends for years. This has become ridiculous. If it weren’t for Goldie, I would’ve been killed by that wacko.”

  “I know,” he said in a low voice.


  “I texted him and told him I was grateful that he saved your life. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that he betrayed me.”

  “Because he fell in love with me? So, he had to deny all feelings just to keep you happy? What about me? I have to walk away from a great guy who treats me like I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to him? I know you’re hung up about his past, but that’s just what it is—his past. Goldie and I are making our memories in the present. If he were such a horrible guy, why in the hell were you best friends with him all these years?”

  “I didn’t say he was a horrible person. He’s just not the best bet for a woman. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “He’s not hurting me. As a matter of fact, he’s the only guy who hasn’t hurt me. Give me some credit for knowing what I want. Life can’t give us guarantees against being hurt, you know that.”

  Ryan’s sigh crackled over the phone. “Let’s see how things go. That’s the best I can give you.”

  “I’ll take it. I can’t wait until you’re stateside. I miss you a lot.”

  “Me too. I’m really pushing hard for the Christmas leave. They’ve canceled me the last three years, so I figure they owe me.”

  “All of us being together for the holidays would be awesome. Mom and Dad would be ecstatic.”

  “I’ll let you get back to your dinner. I gotta go. Just wanted to hear your voice. I was missing home.”

  When they hung up, an emptiness filled her as it always did after they spoke. She took several deep breaths before going back into the restaurant.

  “How’s your brother?” Fallon asked.

  “Okay. I wish he’d come back home. I hate thinking of him over there.” Hailey motioned the waitress for another merlot.

  “Is he still pissed at Goldie?” Raven asked.

  Hailey nodded. “But he didn’t pretend we had a bad connection like he always does when I bring up Goldie. This time he said he’d see how things go. That’s something, isn’t it?”

  Breanna smiled. “It is. Your brother’s just concerned about you getting hurt, but he’s opening the door for reconciliation. It’ll come in time, when your relationship with Goldie is stronger.”

  “I think that too. I figure when he comes for Christmas and sees that we’re still together and even closer, then he and Goldie will make amends.”

  “It’ll happen for sure,” Fallon said while Raven bobbed her head in agreement.

  After a few hours, Hailey waved goodbye to her friends and headed home. She and Goldie had found a beautiful home and had been living in it for a little over a month. Each time she walked into the house, a shiver of excitement would course through her. She still couldn’t believe that she and Goldie were sharing their lives together. It was like a dream come true for her.

  Muscles deep inside her tightened when she saw his Harley parked in the garage. After reapplying her lipstick, she walked into the kitchen. She saw Goldie sprawled on the couch watching the motorcycle races on the sixty-four inch TV screen he insisted they had to have. He hadn’t heard her come in. She quickly shrugged off her skirt and blouse so she only wore her ivory lace bra, thong, and stiletto heels. Slipping her jacket back on, she walked into the family room then bent over the couch and kissed him.

  Immediately, he pulled her down to him and wrapped his arms around her. “Did you have a good time?” he asked huskily.

  “It was good. Did you miss me?”

  “Yeah. I always do. Now give me your lips.”

  She pressed her lips to his and they kissed deeply. When his hand slipped under her jacket and his eyebrows raised in surprise, she giggled against his lips.

  “What the fuck, babe?” he rasped as his hand squeezed her butt.

  “You didn’t hear me come in, so I thought I’d surprise you.”

  A devilish grin spread across his face. “I love it when you surprise me.” He yanked off her jacket and feasted his eyes on her round tits encased in delicate lace. Within seconds, he had her bra off and his mouth on her erect nipples, sucking them. She had his jeans unzipped and her fingers wrapped around his stiff dick. And with the sound of cams screeching on the television, they fucked each other fast and hard.

  Lying on top of Goldie, Hailey swept her fingers over his chest slowly. “That was incredible,” she murmured.

  He kissed her forehead and squeezed her tighter to him. Reaching over, he grabbed the remote and muted the television. “I can’t wait for us to hit the road next week. Riding up the California coast has always been something I’ve wanted to do, and having you pressed behind me will be fuckin’ awesome.”

  “And we have almost a month to take it easy. I can’t wait to make love to you on the beach. We’ll have to bring a big blanket because a roommate of mine in college told me that everyone gets gum in their hair when they make love on the beach. She was from Santa Cruz, and she told me she was always cutting gum out of her hair as a teenager.” Hailey sniggered.

  “I’ll make sure the only sticky stuff you have on you will come from me,” he said as he cupped her chin. Dipping his head down, he kissed her while he ran his hand up and down her bare back.

  “I’ve always wanted to go to California. I was supposed to visit Amber, my old roommate, in Santa Cruz, but life happened, and after college, we drifted apart. Maybe I’ll look her up if we’re in her area. It’d be fun to reconnect.”

  They lay together in a comfortable quietness. After a long while, she said softly, “Ryan called me today.”

  “I know. He texted me,” Goldie replied.

  She lifted up and stared at him. “He did? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because when you came over all sexy, I wasn’t thinking about it.” He winked at her.

  She brushed her lips across his. “What did he say?”

  “That he talked to you, and he thanked me again for saving your life. Then he said he’d call me if he got leave at Christmas. I was surprised as fuck that he reached out to me. I just figured we were done.”

  Elation zipped through her, and she hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy. All I want is for the two most important men in my life to get along. By the time Christmas comes, Ryan will see that what we have isn’t a pit stop for you…or for me.”

  Goldie pressed her closer to him until there wasn’t any space between them. “What he’s gonna see is how fuckin’ crazy in love I am with you. I’d like us to be buds again, but if he can’t accept us, so be it. There’s no damn way I’m letting you out of my life. We’re together, no matter what.”

  Warmth radiated through her, and her heart felt as though it would burst. Loving and being loved by Goldie completed her, and even though she suspected Ryan’s anger would eventually dissipate, there was no way in hell she’d ever consider leaving Goldie. He was the piece of the puzzle that made her life perfect. She knew no matter what happened, they’d stand by each other.

  “Anyway, once we have some kids, there’s no way Ryan’s gonna miss out on being an uncle,” Goldie said into her hair.

  She swallowed. “You’re ready to have kids?”

  His baritone laugh rumbled from his chest. “Not yet. I was talking about down the road. Like in a few years.”

  “Whew…I was starting to sweat. I want kids too, but not for a while. We’ve got time. Anyway, Aunt Patty’s officially handing the store over to me after the holidays. She’s feeling great and has booked a small villa in Tuscany. She’s planning
to stay at least six months. My mom’s planning to go over and visit her.”

  “I’m happy for her. She had a rough year. You’ll be a kickass business owner.”

  “It’s what I always wanted. I’m so happy, and you’re a huge reason why.”

  Goldie kissed her. “You make my world rock, woman. We’re meant to be together.”

  And they were. She was just glad that they’d given each other a chance.

  As they lay together, holding each other, she realized that there was no other place on earth she’d rather be than with Goldie in their new home.

  It doesn’t get any better than this. She nuzzled her head against his neck, brushing her lips across his collarbone.

  And it didn’t. After all the dates and failed relationships, she was where she always wanted to be—with Goldie.

  “I love you,” she whispered against his taut skin.

  “And I love you too, babe. I always will.” Goldie stroked her cheek with his finger.

  With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and let the comfort and warmth of him wrap around her as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

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  Notes from Chiah

  As always, I have a team behind me making sure I shine and continue on my writing journey. It is their support, encouragement, and dedication that pushes me further in my writing journey. And then, it is my wonderful readers who have supported me, laughed, cried, and understood how these outlaw men live and love in their dark and gritty world. Without you—the readers—an author’s words are just letters on a page. The emotions you take away from the words breathe life into the story.

  Thank you to my amazing Personal Assistant Amanda Faulkner. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I value your suggestions and opinions, and my world is so much saner with you in it. You keep the non-writing part of my indie publishing world running smoothly. I so appreciate it. You are always ready to jump in and fix everything when I’m pulling my hair out. You are so cheerful, and when I hear your bubbling voice, it instantly uplifts me. So happy YOU are on my team!


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