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Of Blood and Passion

Page 21

by Pamela Palmer

  The vampire bowed over her hand, then straightened with a grin. “My guards will take their orders from you, sorceress. Use them as you see fit. And when you have saved our world we will hold a feast in your honor, Quinn Lennox. Then you will reveal your heart’s desire and it shall be yours.”

  “Thank you. When Arturo and Micah return, send them after us, please.”

  “Of course.”

  They filed through the small door into the steel gray of day. The three horses were already saddled and waiting, the men lining up, vampire-fast, as she watched.

  Quinn swung into her saddle, lifted her hand in farewell and took off, Kassius, Lukas, and twenty Sakamoto vampires close behind her.

  Zack hadn’t been attacked, yet. It would happen in the future. But he might have already left Neo’s. For all she knew, her race to stop him, to save him, might already be too late.

  Arturo would catch up to her soon, and Micah with his glamour, though the glamouring would have to wait until she reached Zack. She wasn’t stopping for anything.

  We are in Vamp City, cara mia, making our way to Sakamoto’s. But there is going to be a delay.

  He didn’t say more, but she felt it in the fluttering in her mind. Anger. Dismay. He and Micah were in danger, she was certain. Not only from the sunbeams that were breaking through more and more, but from something else. As far as she knew, that could only mean one of two things now that she’d aligned with both wolf packs. Either enemy soldiers.

  Or Rippers.

  Chapter 30

  Quinn called to Kassius as their horses galloped over the muddy ground. “Arturo says they’re going to be delayed. They’ve run into trouble, though I don’t know of what kind.” Cell phones would be so much easier than one-way telepathic communication, but she was glad they at least had that.

  She called to the head of the guards Sakamoto had sent with her. “I need you to send half your number to give aid to my companions, Arturo and Micah. They should be somewhere in a direct line between Sakamoto’s castle and the Boundary Circle. Hurry!”

  The male hesitated only a moment before nodding and giving the order. Ten men peeled off and raced back the way they’d come.

  Perspiration rolled down the back of her neck as Quinn turned her full concentration back to reaching Zack, driving her mount faster, frantic to reach Neo’s in time. If only she could communicate with Zack as Arturo did her. If only she had a way to tell him to stay put! But would he even listen to her?

  He’d been more of a kid than a man when they’d first arrived in Vamp City just a month ago, but that wasn’t true anymore. If he chose to go after Lily, there would be no stopping him short of convincing one of the vampires to enthrall him, and even that wouldn’t happen without a heck of a fight. And Zack would never forgive her.

  No, if he’d finally decided to go after Lily, her only hope was to reach him in time to go with him and, hopefully, keep him from getting killed. Except, she couldn’t. Not yet. Not until she renewed the magic and saved V.C. But she could certainly make sure a contingent of vampires accompanied him.

  What in the hell was he thinking, taking off with only Jason?

  But she knew. If he asked Neo or Rinaldo to go with him, they’d insist he wait for his sister. And he’d obviously decided he was through doing that.

  She’d never forgive herself if something happened to him. It was bad enough that she’d gotten him stuck in this place to begin with, bad enough that it was her magic that had somehow triggered V.C.’s demise, tangling him in the magic sickness that was trying to kill him. But if Cristoff got a hold of him, death would be the least of his worries.

  “We’ve reached the Crux, sorceress,” Kassius said.

  “Savin!” Quinn called.

  Before she could warn Sakamoto’s guards, nearly a dozen wolves appeared in the distance.

  She heard the metallic swish of the guards drawing their swords and lifted her hand. “Put your weapons away. They’re allies.”

  One of the wolves approached, shifting into a man who she recognized as one of Savin’s top lieutenants. He eyed Sakamoto’s soldiers with hostility. “Can we help you dispel them, sorceress?”

  “They’re friends escorting us home.”

  “If they enter the Crux, there will be war. I cannot prevent it.”

  Dammit, dammit, dammit. She didn’t have time for this! And she sure as hell didn’t have time to broker a truce between the two factions. Not today. But she was crossing dangerous ground without glamour.

  “If I send them away, can you and your pack escort me and my two companions home? It’s critically important.”

  He looked at her, then the samurai, then her again. Finally, he nodded. “But they must leave. Immediately.”

  “Fine.” She turned to the guards. “Send my thanks to Sakamoto, but I am no longer in need of your escort.”

  “Quinn,” Kassius said. “I’m not sure that’s wise.”

  “Sorceress…,” the head samurai said quietly. “They are wolves.”

  “They won’t hurt me. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for what they’ll do to you. I’ll work on that, but not today.” She kicked her horse into gear and headed straight into the Crux with a farewell wave to the soldiers. She didn’t have time for more.

  Within moments, Quinn, Kassius, and Lukas were surrounded by a wolf escort of two dozen running along on either side of them. It amazed her that the horses were as calm about the wolves as they were, but she supposed Vamp City horses were used to just about anything by now.

  Arturo, where are you? Are you okay? I wish you’d speak to me! He’d never been able to hear her thoughts, but maybe he’d feel the questions, feel her concern, and reply.

  Up ahead, she caught sight of the colorful, sparkling lights of the Focus and was swept with a feeling of terrible urgency to run to it and save this world, and Zack, before it was all too late. To renew the magic before Kassius died, and Sakamoto and the werecat twins, and most of the people she’d come to know and care about in this place.

  “Quinn?” Kassius asked, pulling up beside her.

  Without realizing it, she’d slowed her mount to a walk. “I need to renew the magic.” She turned to him. “Kass, I want you to ride ahead and keep Zack from leaving.”

  “No, sorceress. Neither Lukas nor I will leave your side until Ax and Micah catch up with us. Let us travel together to Neo’s, then we’ll accompany you back here.”

  Never had she been so torn, so desperate to do two things at once. Finally, she nodded, kicked her horse into a full gallop, and continued her race across the Crux. When they reached the edge, the wolves began to pull back, but Kassius called to them.

  “She is in need of your continued protection.”

  The wolf leader howled, giving his own order and the pack raced to catch up with them.

  “I’m not sure Neo’s going to be happy about us bringing a wolf pack home,” Quinn muttered.

  “You will be protected,” Kassius stated. “That’s all that matters.”

  Quinn nodded. As they continued at breakneck speed, her mind bounced between worry for Zack, and Arturo and Micah. If only Arturo would say something, just so that she knew he was all right. If only she’d feel another fluttering in her head, some clue to his emotions. Some reassurance that he was still alive. But she heard nothing, felt nothing, and his silence had a vibrating knot, the size of her fist, forming beneath her breastbone.

  Finally the familiar lights of Neo’s house became visible ahead and Quinn pulled up, turning to the wolves. “We’ll say goodbye here. Thank you!”

  As the wolves turned back, Quinn started forward again, riding up to the back door and dismounting. Leaving the horse for someone else to care for, she burst into the kitchen where Mukdalla was washing dishes, Amanda reading at the kitchen table.

  “Where’s Zack?” Quinn demanded.

  Mukdalla looked at her in surprise. “You should have ridden right past them. They were out by the barn watching the sky
lighten with sunrise.”

  “I think he’s left. I need to know.”

  Kassius strode into the kitchen behind her. “There’s no sign of them in the yard. Two horses are missing.”

  “Dammit!” Quinn cried. “Search the house, please?”

  As Kassius disappeared, Neo strode in. “What’s happened?”

  “I think Zack and Jason left to go after Lily.”

  Neo stared at her, his eyes widening slightly. “I told him to wait for you. They may still be here.”

  “Kassius checked outside. He’s looking downstairs, now.”

  “I’ll look up here.”

  “I hear Zack’s missing?” Rinaldo said, joining them.

  Quinn nodded. “Sakamoto’s seers saw Zack and Jason going after Lily and being attacked by vampires.”

  Amanda gasped.

  Mukdalla paled. “Where’s Arturo? And Micah?”

  “I’m not certain. It’s a long story. We got separated and they ran into trouble, but I don’t know of what kind. I can’t wait for them.” She whirled toward the back door, wishing she hadn’t let the wolves leave. They might have been able to track her brother.

  Neo and Kassius returned at almost the same moment.

  “I know where they’re headed,” Neo told her. “Lily escaped a Trader’s wagon in the Anacostia Forest three days ago. Word came just a short while ago. Zack overheard and demanded we head out immediately. I told him to wait for you.” His face fell. “I’m sorry, Quinn.”

  “It’s not your fault, Neo. He should know better. He has no business out there! He knows what this world is like.”

  “He is a man, Quinn,” Mukdalla said quietly.

  “He’s my brother.”

  “Yes, but he is a man, first.”

  Quinn looked at her, understanding. “I keep trying to protect him. He’s been getting tired of it.”

  “Yes. You love him. But he loves Lily.”

  Quinn sighed. “I know.” She turned to Kassius. “I can’t let him die. I have to go after him.”

  The tall vampire shook his head. “Wait for Arturo and Micah. Please? You have no glamour.”

  “I can’t wait, Kass. I don’t know how long they’ll be.” If they were dead, they wouldn’t be coming at all.

  The thought gut-punched her and her breath caught on a gasp. She started for the back door.

  Lukas was walking in as she crossed the kitchen. “I’ve saddled three fresh mounts.”

  Bless Lukas.

  “We’ll need a fourth,” Rinaldo said. “I’m coming as well.”

  Quinn stopped in her tracks and turned, shooting Mukdalla a worried look. But Mukdalla only slid her arm through her husband’s. “He is a fine warrior, my Rinaldo. He’s always made me proud. And I am most proud that he rides with the sorceress today, Quinn.”

  In her head, Quinn heard the echo of Mukdalla’s words about Zack. He is a man. And men, it seemed, did not take well to being coddled and protected. Dammit, she knew that—logically, at least—even if her heart cried out for the need to protect those they loved, at all costs.

  As she looked at Mukdalla and Rinaldo, she was filled with uneasiness. It was daytime, sunbeams breaking through right and left. And while Rinaldo might be a vampire, she’d gotten the impression that he wasn’t necessarily a warrior. But it moved her that he insisted on coming to protect her.

  She met his gaze. “Thank you, Rinaldo.” Then she turned and opened the back door. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 31

  “Rippers,” Jason said, his voice low and even.

  Zack felt a thrill of excitement go through him even as his body broke out in a cold sweat. He’d been building his strength like a mad man for days. Now it was finally time to see what he could do.

  They’d ridden the long way to the forest, avoiding the downtown buildings that Jason said were more likely to hide vampires and other things they’d rather avoid. If they went that way, they’d have to go on foot, and Zack figured riding around the town would be faster than walking through the middle of it. And safer.

  But there was nowhere safe in Vamp City, he ought to know that by now. A sentiment proved by the six vampires currently facing them on foot with glowing red eyes. Rippers. They were a different race of vampires than the Emoras. While Emoras supposedly kept their souls when they were changed, Rippers didn’t. They’d go after anything that moved, damn the consequences.

  Jason pulled a handful of wooden stakes out of his satchel and tossed Zack two. He’d searched Quinn’s room for her gun before they left, but she’d apparently taken it with her. Hopefully, he wouldn’t need much more than his fists.

  One of the vamps blurred, leaping vampire-fast. And suddenly Jason flew backwards off his horse.

  Zack’s heart seized. But before he could dismount to try to help his friend, he was hit by what felt like a battering ram and the next thing he knew he, too, was sailing through the air and landing hard on his back. The wind was knocked out of him, and as he struggled to breathe, his confidence collapsed, his mind exploding with a barrage of doubts and recriminations.

  Why the fuck had he thought he could take on vampires? God, he was such a moron. He was strong, now, sure. In a gym. Against weights, and humans, not fucking vampires! What the hell was I thinking? He was going to get himself killed out here, which maybe wasn’t such a bad thing. At least Quinn would stop sacrificing herself for him. But damn his sorry ass if he got Jason killed, too.

  As the vampire who’d knocked him off his horse grinned down at him with those glowing red eyes, and bared his teeth, revealing long, sharp fangs, Zack reacted with instinct, and anger. Grabbing the vamp’s head in both hands, Zack twisted hard, spinning the bloodsucker off him and following, until suddenly he was the one on top. Beside his knee lay one of the stakes that had fallen out of his hand when he hit the ground. Without thinking, he reached for it and shoved it deep into the Ripper’s chest.

  Red eyes opened wide with shock a moment before the red winked out.

  Holy fuck. He’d killed the bastard.

  Before he could fully relish the moment, another hit him from behind. But Zack was in the zone, now. He grabbed the head that was already lowering to bite him and flipped this vampire onto his back, too, staking him in one swift, clean move.

  The ease with which he was killing the suckers stunned him. He was a freaking vampire slayer!

  “Jase?” he called. He tried to see where Jason was, but suddenly the Rippers were coming at him from all directions and it took all of his concentration to focus. Whenever one got near, he slammed his fist into its face or his stake through its heart. Over and over, the bloodsuckers slammed him to the ground. But, over and over, he got up again, ignoring the cuts in his flesh from the fangs that caught on his hands, his arm, and once, his neck.

  Dammit, where was Jason? Don’t be dead, Jase. Don’t be dead.

  Finally, there were only two Rippers left, but they were a wily pair, circling him with grins on their faces. They didn’t seem to care that he’d killed their friends. But then he didn’t think Rippers cared about anything but the kill.

  Without warning, a wave of strength-stealing lethargy rushed through him. Oh, hell, no. Not now, not now.

  He stumbled. “Jase?”

  Both Rippers hit him at once. He tried to throw them off, and managed to keep them from attaching to his neck, but his muscles were fast turning to putty. He was out of time! If he collapsed like he had before, he’d be dead before he snapped out of it. Killed by Rippers.

  Two faces swam in front of his, both with glowing red eyes, both with sharp, lethal fangs. He tried to reach for them, to fight them, but his arms refused to cooperate.

  And suddenly, the two were flying backwards, as if someone had stopped the film and played it in reverse.

  Before Zack could figure out what happened, his legs gave way and he collapsed onto the ground, the gray sky spinning dizzily above his head. Shit, shit, shit. He didn’t pass all the way out this time,
at least, but pushing himself up took every ounce of strength he had. When his vision finally cleared, he saw that three more people had joined the fray. Two males—vampires, but the speed of them—who were even now killing the final two Rippers. And, on horseback behind them, a woman with a dark braid, a rifle strapped across her back.

  Zack struggled to sit up, needing to stand, to be ready to fight, because he had no idea if they were actually there to help him, or just to kill him themselves. But when they turned to him, their opponents dead, he realized that none of the three had the red eyes of Rippers. Which was a mark in their favor, as was the fact that none of them wore the black uniforms of Gonzaga guards. Both males wore jeans, one with long hair and a small hoop in one ear, the other a close-cropped beard. But they might still mean to kill him.

  “Who are you?” Zack demanded, pushing to his feet, relieved to feel his strength rushing back in. But even as he asked the question, the bearded one turned and strode away. Not away, Zack realized. Toward something lying in the dirt. A body. But…vampires disintegrated.

  Understanding hit him with the force of a sledgehammer. Jason.

  “Stay away from him!” Zack started running toward the vamp that was kneeling beside Jason’s prone form. God, there was blood everywhere, a huge pool of it. And then he saw why. His friend’s neck had been ripped wide open.

  Zack almost stumbled again, almost sank to his knees because this was his fault. He shouldn’t have snuck away from Neo’s like a teenager breaking curfew. He should have asked for the help of the vamps. But he’d been so certain they’d pat him on the head and tell him to let them handle it. And, God, he should have. He should have!

  The vamp barely gave him a glance. “He’s still alive, but barely.” His gaze turned to his companions. “He’s one of hers, too. We’ve got to get him to her. Fast.”

  “Go,” said the other male. “We’ll be right behind you.”

  A split second later, the bearded vamp and Jason were gone.


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