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Bittersweet Addiction

Page 7

by Q. B. Tyler

  Lauren nods her head, her demeanor changing as I know she’s feeling somewhat burned by Andrew’s words. “All I’m saying is, he’s here now, there’s really no point in me being here. You’ll just be tugged back and forth between us and that’s not fair, especially when he’s who you want to be with.”

  “That’s not true,” I say.

  And it’s not. Lauren was there for me when I needed her. She’s always there when I need her. And I can’t treat her like an afterthought now, even if I want to spend the next three days in bed with Will.

  “We are still going out tonight, right?” I ask her, knowing that the idea of partying would perk her up and put her back in better spirits.

  “I’m not really in the mood now.” She puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head to the side, her ponytail dusting the skin of her shoulder. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrow together as she shoots me her signature ‘I’m annoyed I’m not getting my way’ look.

  “Well get the fuck in the mood. We’re doing shots,” I say matter of factly as I wave the bartender over and order four shots of tequila.

  Lauren pouts, but I can see the smile hiding behind it at the idea of knocking this party into high gear with back to back shots of tequila. The bartender places them in front of us and I smack Will’s hand away when he reaches for one. “What are you doing?”

  “You ordered four?” he asks raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, two for her, two for me,” I shoot him a smile and I hear Andrew’s deep laugh. “You guys will come though, right?”

  “Like I want you parading around a club in this tiny ass dress and not be there to beat everyone off with a stick,” he whispers in my ear before nibbling gently. It all makes sense now. I’d sent Will a picture of me in the short black dress I’d donned for the evening, but then the text had gone unanswered much to my disappointment. He’d been on the plane to surprise me.

  I lick my lips as I stare at him before I brush my lips over his. “I’m glad you’re here,” I smile, hoping he didn’t take my conversation with Lauren to mean otherwise. He nods and gives me a knowing smile. This whole being in love with the voice of reason thing might be the best thing that ever happened to me.

  I turn to look at Lauren and shoot her a pointed glare. “You okay with them coming? I mean, you were going to be scamming on guys all night anyway Miss Three Guys Slid into my DMs today. I can have my boyfriend with me.”

  “Fine, but don’t scare the guys away,” Lauren says before taking her second shot and heading back to our table.

  I roll my eyes at her sassiness and look at the two men on the other side of me. Andrew is staring after her with a look of interest. He had watched her collect the salt from her hand with her tongue rather closely, and I would know that look anywhere. He looks at me with a smile. “Tonight’s going to be fun. I’m going to run upstairs to my room to get changed. When are we leaving?”

  “Maybe an hour?”

  “Perfect.” He motions after Lauren. “She single?”

  “Today.” I shrug as I think about my best friend’s dating habits.

  “Even better.” Drew rolls the sleeves of his white button down up to his elbows and runs a hand through his hair as he continues to stare after her.

  “Come down when you’re ready. We are in 706, we have a fully stocked bar.” I tell him, my mind already predicting with how the night is going to go between them.

  “Alright then, I’ll see you in a bit,” he says before he disappears with a swagger in his step that leads me to believe he has similar predictions.

  “Your brother is going to try and fuck my friend, isn’t he?”

  “Oh absolutely,” Will answers.

  I chuckle to myself because, if I know Lauren as well as I think I do, she won’t be putting up much of a fight.

  Will and I have been doing an erotic dance all night. My hand grazing his crotch, his lips brushing against my neck, his hand dancing over my thigh, me sitting in his lap, me rubbing his back. And those were just our hands. The second I held his gaze longer than five seconds I could feel him undressing me with his eyes. His eyes telling me everything I already knew.

  I can’t wait to fuck you so hard tonight.

  “Do you want to dance?” I ask, from over my drink.

  Lauren and Andrew have disappeared, leaving us alone at our table for us to shamelessly eye fuck each other. My tongue finds the rim of the glass, and his eyes follow it, as if he’s temporarily in a trance, watching me.

  “I have a better idea.” He pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me and he presses his lips to mine, just as he’s done a million times in the past hour. The taste of whiskey on his tongue successfully turning me on even more than I already was.

  My eyes flutter open, and I run my fingers over his lips, smearing the red stain that was coating them. “I love seeing my lipstick on you.” I look down, a mischievous grin finding my lips, “I love seeing it everywhere.”

  He glances towards the dance floor, assumedly looking for Andrew and Lauren before he turns back to me. “Let me touch you,” he whispers as his lips find my neck, his tongue darting out to lick the skin that has a thin sheen of sweat.

  “Now?” My pussy throbs with need in response to his words as my eyes look around at the glasses and shot glasses that litter the table.

  Who cares? Let. him. touch. you.

  “Right now.” His hands move between my legs, pushing them open and stroking me through the satin fabric.

  Our faces are so close, I can feel his breath on my face as he’s becoming aroused, touching my most intimate space. A space he knew better than I did. “But what if someone sees? What if Lauren and Andrew come back? Where are they anyway?”

  “They’re fine.” He tells me, his hand pressing harder on my clitoris and I dig my nails into his shoulder.

  “That feels…fuck. That feels good,” I moan as I begin to move my hips in time with his hand. “Put your hand inside my panties, Will. Touch me, there.” I suck my bottom lip between my teeth for good measure and suddenly, I feel his hand behind my neck, hauling me towards his lips. He attacks my mouth with an intensity that leaves me breathless but I couldn’t care less. I need this kiss more than air.

  “Fuck you are so wet.” He pulls away, growling in my ear as he slides his fingers between the lips of my sex.

  I don’t even have a chance to respond when I feel him rip my underwear on both sides, effectively removing them from my body.

  “Will! I’m in a dress!”

  “Don’t bend over too far then.” He grins. “Unless I’m behind you.” He presses my underwear to his face, inhaling my scent and he manages to smear some of the wetness across his lips. His mouth is glistening from the evidence of my arousal and I gasp at the kinkiness of it.

  “Touch me again.” My words are like a desperate plea, my body needy for him. For the orgasm I know was only moments away.

  “Part your legs, sweet girl.”

  He turns his back slightly, shielding me from the dance floor as he slides his hand up my leg and presses it against my sex, rubbing it through my slit, up and back several times. “Fuck.” I can feel my clit pulsing already as he slides two fingers inside of me, hooking his finger around my G spot. “Oh God, Will!” I moan as I grip his hand harder against my pussy.

  “Let go, baby. I know you can feel it.” A glass shatters somewhere in the distance and I flinch. “Don’t pay attention to any of that. Focus on me. I’ve got you. Focus on where I’m touching you,” he tells me, his voice calm and soothing but also incredibly seductive. My feet flex on their own accord as my body begins to embrace the sweet release of my orgasm. His thumb continues to swirl my clit, rubbing the slick bundle as he continues to pump his fingers in and out of me.

  He slips his fingers out of me as I come down from my high and I watch engrossed as he sucks my juices from his fingers, running his tongue over each one lasciviously.

  “Ready for that dance now?”

; I freeze, my hand halting from bringing my gin and tonic to my lips. “I’m not wearing underwear, Will.”

  He raises an eyebrow at me before turning to look at the mass of people in the center of the club. “Come,” he says and it’s as if the word has a direct line to the space between my legs. He stands and holds his hand out, pulling me to my feet.

  The second we make it to the dance floor, my ass finds his groin immediately and he pulls me hard against him, my back flush against his chest. I haven’t danced with a man like this in years but it was if it all came back to me instantly. And Will can move. We are barely through the first song when I feel his lips dragging along my bare shoulder and up my neck causing me to shiver in his arms despite how hot I am.

  The last song ends and I hear the DJ say something about ‘slowing it down for all the lovers out there.’ The first few notes of a familiar song waft through the speakers. Instinctively, I slow my movements to move in time with the sensual beat. His hands grip my hips hard as I circle them, grinding my ass more into him before moving myself down to the ground, bending almost completely over before I move back up, completely forgetting that I didn’t have underwear on at the moment.

  My eyes fly open as the air of the club hits my wet sex. That coupled with the sensation of Will’s stubble against my shoulder has me weak in the knees. I bite my bottom lip and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to quiet the roar between my legs. I am hyper-aware that he’s dragged his lips from my shoulder to my neck and I lean my head back against his shoulder.

  “You smell so good,” I hear him say, and it takes everything in me not to melt into a puddle of need right here on the dance floor. I feel his hand move from my hips downward, and his hand finds my thigh. He begins to stroke the skin softly and I clench instantly.

  “Will,” I whimper as I let my eyes flutter closed, the feeling of his fingertips stroking my skin causing my brain to completely shut off. The only thing I’m aware of is the sizzle moving through my body.

  Please don’t touch my pussy. My brain thinks.

  Please touch my pussy. My body responds.

  He spins me around to face him, and my eyes fly open, his hooded gaze finding mine, both of us breathing like we had just run a marathon. Our chests are heaving and my heart feels as if it could beat out of my chest. I bite down on my bottom lip, as I’m too overcome with lust to speak and his eyes flit to my mouth. His hand comes into view as he pulls my bottom lip from my teeth before running his thumb over it.

  “We have to go. Now.”

  I’m in a fit of giggles as Lauren and I walk hand in hand down the street, our two bodyguards behind us.

  Or at very least that’s what it’s felt like all night. He was within arm’s reach of me all night and anytime anyone hit on Lauren, Andrew was there successfully cockblocking him. At first, she was pissed, but then she figured out his game and she thought—two could play it.

  “Are you going to sleep with Andrew?” I ask as I try and keep my voice down, but I think it ended coming out louder than I intended when I hear snickers behind me.

  “Shhh, keep your voice down,” she says at equal volume. She turns around to look at him and then back at me. “He is cute.”

  “Mmmhmm,” I say. “So, you won’t mind if I go to Will’s room tonight?”

  She shakes her head. “No. And I’m sorry I got so snappy with you earlier. I was just feeling sensitive and maybe a little jealous. Are you mad at me?” Her voice slurs, and I wonder if maybe we shouldn’t have had those last fireball shots.

  “No, of course not. I understand. I would be kind of annoyed too. I mean I dragged you on this trip and then you thought I was just ditching you.”

  “Which you thought about…” she says raising an eyebrow at me before shooting me a smile.

  “I mean…Lauren,” I drawl. “But I’m not going to ditch you, we still have our spa appointments in the morning and then we’re going to go to brunch.”

  She hitches her thumb behind her to point at the two men following behind us. “Aren’t they coming too?”

  “Not if you don’t want them to?” I shrug.

  “We’ll talk in the morning.”

  I purse my lips and do my best to whisper my question. “So, if the sex is bad, no brunch?”

  A sly grin finds her lips. “Something like that,” she giggles and I shake my head.

  * * *

  THE ELEVATOR RIDE IS PERHAPS the most erotic experience of my life, both of us too worried to touch each other out of fear that we’d give the camera nestled in the ceiling quite the show. It doesn’t stop the air from crackling between us, from the arousal forming on the lips of my sex, threatening to trickle down my thighs as we ascend to the suite on the top floor. My fingers tingle with an itch to touch the man in the elevator and the sensation begins to overwhelm me with each passing second. I peek up at him through my eyelashes and my breath gets caught in my throat when I see his blue eyes have become dark sapphires staring straight at me.

  I don’t know how we make it down the hall and into the room. The heartbeat in my sex pounds with every step I take making me weak in the knees. The second we cross the threshold he pushes me hard against the wall. His hands make their way underneath my dress, squeezing my ass cheeks so hard I wonder if I’ll have marks from his possessive touch tomorrow.

  “Fuck I’ve missed you.” His nostrils flare and his lips part slightly allowing me a tiny glimpse into his sexy mouth that I know will be between my legs within the minute.

  Thank fuck.

  “I’ve missed you too,” I moan as he slides his hand between us and rubs it through my pussy that has been practically dripping with arousal for him all night.

  His other hand finds my breast, groping me through the chiffon fabric of my dress. It’s thin, making me hyper-aware of every brush over my nipple. He rubs his thumb back and forth over them, making them pucker and poke through the material.

  His thumb continues its torturous assault of stroking them back and forth. I curl my toes as I feel the orgasm brewing already. “I thought about you every second you were gone. I could barely focus at work.” He whispers in my ear as I begin to rock against his hand.

  My eyes flutter closed and I rest my head against the wall, “I’m always thinking about you.”

  His eyes dart up to mine, and a look crosses over his face that I can’t quite understand before he turns his attention back to my chest. “You have the most perfect breasts.” I look up to find him staring at my chest in fascination, watching as my nipples pebble. He traces the tops of my breasts, across the minor cleavage exposed and slowly lowers my dress and my bra below my breasts, forcing them upwards. He rolls one nipple between his fingers while he takes the other in his hot, wet mouth and I’m fairly certain for a brief moment I black out from pleasure overload.


  He lets me go with a pop, and his tongue darts out, making a long trail from one breast to the other. I watch in fascination as he licks his way along my flushed skin. My cheeks heat up watching this man make sure no inch of my skin has gone untouched.


  “Take my dress off.”

  His lips find my neck as he begins to nip and suck on the skin under my ear. Fuck this feels incredible. He pulls away and his hands reach behind me to unzip my dress and shove it to my feet. His eyes rake my naked body twice as if he’s not sure that I’m really in front of him before he reaches out a hand to touch me.

  “I’m always thinking about you too, baby,” he says, when I feel him lift me off my feet and carry me through the suite and towards the bedroom. My sex is bumping his hard torso every few steps, as my legs have wrapped around him. He lays me on the bed and takes his time slowly pulling his clothes off.

  I whimper, knowing he’s doing this on purpose. I sit up on my knees and pull him to me by his belt. I undo the buckle slowly, letting my hands trace the leather before pulling the strap out of the loops. Slowly unzipping his pants, I let them fall to the floor,
careful not to touch his penis. He kicks them off and I get off the bed and kneel before him. “Charley, I want to be inside of you.”

  “You will be,” I say with a wicked grin as I place a kiss on his penis that’s hardening by the second under my gaze. His gray briefs allow my saliva to show instantly as I begin to lick and suck him through his underwear. I wrap my lips completely around him and suck, tasting the cotton fabric but also the precum dripping out of him, and coating the insides of his briefs.

  “Take them off,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

  I slide them slow down his body and he steps out of them leaving him completely naked. I take one slow lick up his shaft before I wrap my lips around him and suck, hard. I had only ever done this to one other man and although he was much smaller and thereby easier to do, he didn’t taste half as good as the man in my mouth. Will was large, and I had to learn to really relax and open up my throat to get as much as I could in my mouth but he tasted like pure sex. And as kinky as it was, the times I loved sucking him the best was when I could taste myself on him. The times that our arousals mixed and coated his dick. He runs a hand through my hair and pulls causing me to look up into his eyes.

  “On the bed, Charlotte. Now.” I let him fall from my lips that are already swollen and red from his nibbling the skin. I lie back and before I have a chance to get comfortable I feel his dick, warm from being inside of my hot mouth, probing my sex, his thick member stretching me. Filling me.

  “Oh God!” I moan as he hits the spot that only he’s been able to find. “Right there,” I tell him, my nails dragging down his back. My lips find his shoulder and I bite down hard. He grunts, pushing himself harder inside of me as he slams his hand down next to me. “Don’t stop.”

  “I’ll never stop. God dammit, Charley. When you squeeze me like that, I can’t control myself. Do it again.”

  I do what he demands and his thrusts slowly become more rapid. “Don’t…want to come… so soon,” I manage to whimper between his aggressive thrusts when his hand finds my face and squeezes my jaw.


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