Bittersweet Addiction

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Bittersweet Addiction Page 29

by Q. B. Tyler

  “That’s fair,” he says holding his hands up in defeat.

  “But…thank you.”

  “Call me next week…we’ll play golf.”

  “Pass.” I laugh. “I’ve spent enough time with you the past week to last me through the New Year.”

  “I’m hurt!” he says, putting a hand over his heart jokingly. “Tell me I still get a wedding invite?”

  “To be determined.” I give him a smug grin and he slaps my back as we make our way through the lobby. I’m surprised I don’t see Charley inside, waiting for me, but maybe she isn’t here yet. “You told her what time, right?”

  “Yes, I called her personally.”

  “How did she sound?” I ask.

  “Anxious. She really misses you.”

  I grab my phone from the exit station as I make my way into the lobby. I unlock my phone and the wind is almost knocked out of me as I find dozens of texts and emails from Charley, Drew, and both of my parents. I open the most recent text from Charley sent a few moments ago.

  Charley: I’m outside! I was too worried I would cause a scene…I’ve yelled at a lot of people at this facility. I wasn’t sure if I was banned haha. And didn’t want a bunch of people watching our reunion!

  I chuckle reading her words, before I push through the double doors and make my way out into the November sunset. I spot her Audi immediately, and smile when I see her bouncing excitedly next to the car. I move down the steps and when her eyes finally find me, she takes off for me. I jog toward her, meeting her halfway when she stops suddenly looking me over as if she’s not sure that I’m really standing in front of her.

  The tears are flowing down her cheeks. “Hi,” she whispers.

  “Hi, baby,” I move towards her, closing the space between us.

  She bites her bottom lip and looks me over again. “You look…really good,” she says, the air leaving her lungs as she says it.

  “I did a lot of running in there.” She nods appreciatively and I feel a burst of pride the way she’s looking at me. I’ve lost a few pounds but I’ve gotten more toned, something I know Charley can see even with my jacket on given how well acquainted she is with my body.

  “I’m going to lose it the second I touch you,” she tells me as she wipes her nose with the sleeve of her sweater.

  “Same,” I tell her.

  She takes a step closer to me and I do the same. “I missed you…so much.”

  “I got your note,” I tell her, the emotions of seeing her again building in my throat. “I didn’t see it until Thursday and it was the turning point. You have no idea how much strength it gave me.”

  She puts her hand over her heart and smiles. “I’m so glad to hear that. I have a dozen more at home for you.” She giggles.

  “I wrote a bit while I was in there too…” I tell her. “My wedding vows are perfect.” I smile and before I know it she’s lunged for me, her arms and legs both wrapped completely around me and she’s sobbing so hard she begins to shake in my arms.

  “Oh my God,” she cries. “I called and called and they wouldn’t let me talk to you! They said I was a trigger and—I wasn’t helping. I’m sorry! I just wanted to help, and make sure you were okay and—I can’t ever do this again! Not talk to you or see you! Please, promise me!” She’s borderline hysterical as she sobs against me, her tears wetting my neck and sliding down my torso underneath my sweater and coat.

  I press my hand to the back of her head keeping her pressed to me protectively as I carry her to her car. “I know you tried to call. Baby, I tried to get them to let me talk to you. And you’re not a trigger, this is not your fault. Don’t apologize,” I reassure her as I stroke her back. “And nothing like this ever again, I promise,” I whisper into her ear. I’m fighting the tears myself hearing her plead with me to never have to be apart again. “Never again,” I repeat. I open the door to place her in the passenger seat when she clings to me even harder, not wanting to let me go. “Let’s just get in the car, okay?”

  She nods and lets me slide her into the car. I’ve barely shut the door on the driver’s side before she’s climbed across the console and into my lap straddling me. Let me get us off the premises at least if you’re going to try and mount me. I smile to myself.

  “I was so worried when I couldn’t get you on the phone. I thought they were doing something to you in there. Brainwashing you, telling you that I wasn’t good for you…that I did this to you.”

  “No one could convince me that you aren’t good for me.” I grab her face making her look at me. “No one. And you can’t blame yourself, alright?”

  She nods before she continues. “Then I thought maybe they weren’t telling you I was calling and you thought I didn’t care…that I stood you up on Family Day…Tuck said he would tell you I was calling. Did he tell you?”

  “Yes, baby. He told me. I knew you’d never forget me. I knew you cared from the beginning even before I realized they weren’t letting us talk.”

  Her shoulders sag as if a weight has been lifted and she begins to strokes my jaw slowly, her eyes boring into mine. “What?” I ask her.

  “I’m just…reacquainting myself with my favorite face. This is a little longer than usual.” She says rubbing my facial hair, her fingertip tracing my jaw.

  “They don’t allow a whole lot of sharp objects in there.”

  “I like it.” She smiles. “You are still the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on.” She smiles as she runs her fingers through my hair and brings her forehead to mine. “Once I kiss you I don’t know that I’ll be able to stop.” She bites her lip before letting them graze across my cheek, towards my chin and across the other cheek. They move across my nose and along my eyelids and land on my forehead having completely skipped over my mouth.

  My cock stirs in my pants feeling her lips on me and I move my face attempting to capture her lips with mine. “Charley,” I murmur and she pulls back to look at me, her eyes full of lust. “Kiss me, baby.”

  She lets her tongue dart out to wet her lips and tucks a hair behind her ear nervously as if she’d never kissed me before. God, she is so fucking sweet. She lowers her lips to mine and places a gentle kiss on my lips. She lets out a tiny whimper as her soft lips find mine, and she opens her mouth immediately allowing my tongue to snake into hers without hesitation. I move in time with hers, our mouths doing their familiar dance that we haven’t been able to do in seven days. I groan into her mouth as she pulls back slightly to nibble on my bottom lip. Her hands find the sides of my face and scratch gently as we continue to kiss like teenagers in a parking lot.

  I don’t know how long our lips are attached when we pull away, but hers are swollen and red and slightly glossy from my saliva, and the tears that leaked out of her eyes while we kissed. “I missed you so much,” I tell her as I cup her cheek. “I’m sorry I did this to us.”

  “You got better for me…and our baby. You have nothing to apologize for…” She trails off. “Unless…”

  I can hear her mind working overtime and I press a finger to her lips, silencing her, and hopefully her thoughts as well. “I’m better. The best I’ve ever felt. But we can talk about everything tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. I’m sorry for making you feel that I abandoned you. I never want you to feel like that again. I’ll help you with your baggage just like you’ve always helped with mine.”

  I’m unbelievably moved hearing her simple words.

  She’s in this with me, no matter what.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask, still cupping her cheek with one hand and rub her belly gently with the other.

  “Good.” She smiles. “I’ve made an appointment with an OBGYN for two weeks from now. You’ll come?”

  “I’d follow you anywhere, but right now, I just want to go home, take a hot bath and climb into bed with you until tomorrow afternoon.” The beds in the facility weren’t particularly comfortable and coupled with not having Charley beside me made for some pretty shitty sleep.
  “I think I like the sound of that.” She blushes before rubbing her nose against mine.

  I wrap my arms around her petite frame and bury my face in her neck. “I’m so happy to be home.”

  “Well, you’re not home yet.” She chuckles.

  “Yes, I am,” I whisper against her skin as I drag my lips up and lose myself in her kiss once more.

  * * *

  THE CAR RIDE HOME IS no easy feat, with Will’s hand permanently glued to some part of my body. I’m trying my best to keep my hands to myself as he needs to focus on the road, but the second his hand parted my thighs and began drawing lazy circles on the skin between them I figured all bets were off. I immediately unbuckle my seatbelt and lean over the console, taking his earlobe in my mouth, my breasts pressed against his shoulder. I trail my fingertips down his chest and find his crotch and grab him possessively, my fingers trying their best to make out the hard flesh underneath his jeans.

  The car is quiet, just the gentle hum of my Audi as we make our way home and the sounds of my lips moving against his skin.

  “Charlotte,” he says, and I can hear the lustful strain in his voice. He’s going to lose it. “Baby, I haven’t had you in almost three weeks…” His sentence is cut off when I apply more pressure against him as I begin to rub his cock through his jeans. He’s hard enough now for me to find him easily, and if I didn’t think dragging the zipper down his hard shaft would kill him, I would.

  “I wish you could feel how wet I am,” I moan in his ear. “How many times I’ve come thinking about you this week.” I know I’m goading him, but I want him to know how desperate I am for him, how much I need him. I want him to know I won’t last a second past getting over the threshold of his townhouse.

  He chances a glance at me and the wicked gleam in his eye does nothing but add to the moisture collecting in my panties. “You… touched yourself?”

  “You didn’t?” I ask as my lips trail down his neck. God, I want to kiss his lips. I’m somewhat cursing myself that I didn’t have Drew come with me. My guess is Drew nor Will would want that show though.

  “No, masturbation is something they want you to typically avoid when you’re in rehab.” His eyes find my wide ones. “Though I wanted to.”

  I drag my hand away from his crotch, somewhat stunned. In light of this new information, I’m led to believe he’s probably only holding on by a thread. This is probably tormenting him.

  “Well, that sucks.”

  He chuckles. “Don’t I know it.”

  “Well, I can fix that… now?” I tell him as I reach for his dick, knowing that my mouth around him may take the edge off a little.

  He grabs my jaw before I get too close and squeezes as he pulls my face back up. “No.” I lean back, my confused eyes narrowing and he continues, “I want to take my time with you. I haven’t had you in three weeks. I don’t want a blow job while I have to focus on not crashing the car. I want you naked in our bed, coated with a layer of sweat, coming hard around my cock when I finally come. I want to taste your orgasm as you ride my face all the while my dick is down your throat. When I come, Charlotte, you’re coming with me.”

  The wind is knocked out of me upon hearing his sinful description of what I assume to be the next twenty-four hours, and my hands find my thighs, the sexual frustration running through me as I dig my nails into them. “Well, can’t you drive any faster?” I whimper as we pull up to yet another red light.

  The tension between us crackles as we pull into his neighborhood. I’m trying my best not to make eye contact with him so that we don’t consummate his homecoming right here in the car, but I can feel his gaze on the side of my face when he puts the car in park.

  Don’t look at him, Charley. Do not look at him, I chant as he opens the car door for me.

  I’ve barely stepped two feet before I hear his bag hit the floor and I’m being pushed hard against the door in his garage, and his lips seal over mine. I open my mouth on instinct and his tongue finds mine. His hands have found their way to my face, his thumbs stroking my cheeks in time with his tongue moving with mine. This is the second time I’ve kissed him in a week and it’s taking everything out of me not to cry again.

  He’s home. He’s back. He’s not going anywhere.

  “Will,” I moan.

  “Mmm,” he moans into my mouth as his hands move down my body and underneath my long sweater to cup my ass through my leggings. “I can’t wait to run my lips over every inch of this,” he growls. He moves his hands to the front of me and slides one under the waistband of my leggings and underwear, running two fingers through my folds. “And this.”

  I convulse feeling the light pressure on what I know is my very stimulated clitoris, and I grab his shoulders to steady myself. “I want you naked within thirty seconds. And grab some water from the fridge. You’ll want to stay hydrated for what I have in store for you.”

  He places a final kiss on my lips before grabbing his bag. I nod, my eyes wide and my mouth suddenly dry. I wet my lips, and attempt to swallow some moisture down when I hear his keys letting us inside. The door has barely shut completely when I hear his bag hit the floor and I’m in his arms and pressed against the wall.

  “Change of plans,” he growls in my ear. “I want you naked now.” I’m hoisted into his arms, my legs around his back, his hard cock pressing against the fabric of his jeans and now pushing against my core. The delicious friction pulls a moan out of me so loud that I almost miss the faint sound of someone calling my fiancé’s name. Almost.

  He pulls away from my lips, having heard the same thing and narrows his eyes at me. “Did you hear something?”

  I nod, but he still doesn’t let me down until we hear it again. Louder. “Will, honey!” I hear, and I almost groan for a whole completely different reason.

  Oh, what the fuck?! The wicked witch of Atlanta flew in on her broom?

  “You invited my family?” Will asked, setting me on shaky legs as the sexual haze we were just in is still affecting every bone in my body.

  “Oh, yeah right.” I roll my eyes. “Of course, I didn’t. Oh…should I have?” My eyes widen as I remember that once upon a time I did have stellar manners. “Oh, that would have been appropriate…like a welcome home thing? Shit, baby, I’m sorry.” I blanche. “I should have baked a cake or something. I’ll make it up to you. See this is what happens, when a woman thinks with her vagina. All the years of good manners just—” I snap and point towards the wall, “out the window!”

  “Charley stop it. I didn’t want a welcome home party…I had a week-long stint in rehab. I didn’t go off to war.” He shakes his head. “And there’s nothing sweeter than what’s between your legs, baby.” He growls in my ear. “But what the hell is my mother doing here?”

  “I don’t know!” I whisper in an exasperated voice. “You gave her keys long before I came into the picture.”

  “Oh, there you are!” Diana appears before us looking as if she just stepped off the runway of a Chanel fashion show. If I didn’t hate her so much I might actually enjoy going shopping with her. The woman can dress. Her matching tweed jacket and skirt, paired with this season’s newest slingbacks suddenly make me feel inadequate as I look down at my sweater, leggings, and riding boots. I didn’t think it mattered what I wore given that Will would be ripping it off with his teeth the second we got home. Which was the plan after all.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  “Honey,” she says, linking her arm through his and away from me as they walk through the foyer with me trailing behind them, “you go to rehab for a week and you can’t be bothered to call your mother and tell her ahead of time that you’ll be unreachable? I was beside myself, until your brother came over for his weekly lunch on Tuesday and filled me in. How could you agree to go to rehab? You are fine, you are perfect!”

  “I thought your weekly lunch is on Thursday?” Will asks.

  “That’s lunch at the club, silly. We have lunch at home on Tue
sday. I know I’ve told you this. Lunches you know you have a standing invitation to.” Diana pulls out of his grasp and sashays towards the living room.

  “Yeah, as of late,” he says under his breath, and I don’t think he meant for me to hear that so I tuck that bit of information away for later. She has lunch with Drew twice a week? I wrack my brain for any small piece of information that would allude that Will also had lunch with his mother, but I come up empty. So, she has lunch with Drew but not Will? And judging by his comment I don’t think that’s by his choice. My hand finds his and I squeeze, letting him know that I’m still here and he gives me a small smile.

  We make it to the living room to find J.R., with his hands crossed and his expression hostile, as well as Drew who looks nervous.

  “Rehab Will, really?” J.R. asks, motioning for him to sit down between himself and Diana. I’m left standing by myself in the corner as I watch the scene unfold.

  “And Charlotte really, I mean were you planning to starve my son after he’s been eating God knows what for the past week? I mean look at him, he’s skin and bones,” Diana pinches Will’s arm and I sigh. “I see you didn’t have anything prepared. Drew darling, grab my purse, I suppose we can order something.”

  “Well, I—”

  “Mom,” Will snaps before he stands up and makes his way back over to me, “enough. What are you doing here?”

  “I haven’t talked to you…or seen you in a week!”

  “That’s not unheard of,” Will retorts immediately and you would think that someone just smacked her across the face with the look she gives him.

  “Well, maybe if you called your mother! Or returned my phone calls! But that is not the point. The point is you let someone convince you that there was a problem when there wasn’t. I see why you didn’t call us before you left; we would have talked you out of that pointless foolishness.”

  “It wasn’t pointless, Mother.”


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